OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all. Both concerts yesterday were terrific, if very different. The symphony and Brian Wilson both took my mind and heart to lovely places. Brian is frail but game, and the band (including Al Jardine) was spectacular. Fun to see them in a crazy/beautiful old theater too. We danced in and around our seats and both had an excellent evening, which we ended by watching old movies and eating popcorn until about 3 AM. Fun, fun, fun indeed! And the lack of an actual meal meant my total calories for the day were reasonable. Not ideal nutrition, but I chose not to eat much after we got home and I'm glad I resisted.

    Patti, at least you have the phone wrestled - hope you can find an AT&T-compatible simple remote for your mom. So nice to hear that her spirits are higher now, and that your sister felt well enough to visit her safely.

    Bert, please give Mike our thanks - he must be one tired pup! Have fun with the kids and congrats on the concession profits. As for the fireplace, I've done stuff like that before, more than once. Nice that it didn't cost you, and how decent of you to want to compensate your friend for his time.

    Karla, glad you are safely home and in Izzy mode. That unicorn hat was adorable.

    Diane and Cindy, sending best thoughts your way too.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI all,
    I have to admit I've been lurking but no time to post- but at the moment I have a few to spare.
    Rick is out and about for the day- still no appointment but I hope his next med appointment the therapist will push the point for me.
    I had an endometrial biopsy of Friday- OMG it was worse than med free childbirth - now to wait for the results- please pray for normal cell. The Dr said hormones love "fatty tissue" if the cells are normal it may be a matter of watching the lining and losing weight for a few months to see if the lining goes back to normal thickness. I had a bit of spotting so went to the doctor. Sigh- did I tell you I'll be glad when 2018 is in the rearview mirror. Its been a tough year.
    Karla- so glad you're dad is coming around to all the repairs I'm sure the emotional trauma is still with him. your a good daughter.
    Diane- I'm so sorry about your mom but you seem to be thinking logically to help her.
    Bert- welcome home to Mike- your a lucky woman
    Patti- You're doing all you can for your mom too- doesn't att have an option for a different remote? I'd try customer service, they may know what brand is compatible.
    Janet- the concerts sound amazing, what is the plan for Thanksgiving?
    Back to my busy day,
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi one and all, work was busy and my feet are aching today so that means time for new shoes, should have thought to myself rider them last week but oh well. Going to my GFs before work at 2:30 to help her remove some knobs f on her kitchen cabinet. Tomorrow I will complete my shopping and go to Moms for a while when I deliver her groceries. Edd surprised me yesterday. He had scrubbed my kitchen and bathroom floors, including baseboards! In 32 years he has never cleaned a floor, could have knocked me over with a feather. The day before that he vacuumed. My new counter is installed and all my appliances have a new home. Now I don't have to haul them out of the pantry everytime I need to use them. Feeling very spoiled and loved right now. Will need to find a way to pay him back. My thanksgiving day is going to be so much more relaxed this year, for me anyway.

    Cindy, lurking is good. I always feel your presence here. Praying for negative biopsy results. I agree that this year will look far better in the rear view mirror. We have all had such challenges it seems but we are still standing strong for each other and with each other. I called AT&T about a remote and they were most unhelpful. Said they didn't carry anything but the standard and had no idea about any other brand working with their cable box. I tried to contact the maker of the big button remote and they don't even have a live person to talk to. I will be sending an email to them before I return the one I have. So disappointing for Mom but she is managing.

    Waving hi to the rest of the crew as I finish up some thing s before I head out for my GFs then work. Hoping it is not too busy since next week will be brutal!

    Love to all, Patti
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi ladies, I am just ecstatic, I just bought two recliners from a lady for $240 that are Lazy They are pristine!! They are caramel color. They have the lifetime guarantee from Lazy Boy and you just melt down into them. Not a spot or tear anywhere. Glenn really loves them for his Man Mansion. We picked them up just a little while ago. What a deal for $120 each. He finished the wood plank tiles today and they really, really look great on that floor.

    We also ordered a couch from Haverty's Fine Furniture we found yesterday. It also has recliners on each end with a console in the middle that pulls down. It is a smooth type of leather, pecan brown in color. The Omega series. It's all going to look really nice. We also shopped for TV's and he found one at Best Buy he likes and Costco. Get this, an 82 inch. Geez, huge, but it was nice and he does work hard, so I told him to go for it. Samsung of course, he wants it for the SEC play offs. We should have it and the couch by next Tuesday, week. LOL. Gosh we may want to live out there!! He has the plans drawn up on his draft paper for the kitchen now too. We are hoping to find a cabinet builder that can make them for us as we want smaller than normal cabinets since it is a kitchenette type kitchen and not full size. Then there's the refrigerator we looked at. It just keeps going. We are actually taking the one in the house kitchen and moving it out there and I'm getting one of those French door refrigerators for the kitchen inside. We found a four door one that you can make the two doors below both freezers. It's in stainless steel to make the stove. It is on sale at Lowe's. I'm going to order it tomorrow. Merry Christmas to us!! LOL. We are paying cash for everything we are buying and have for the Man Mansion too. We owe nothing on it.

    Janet - What a wonderful sounding evening James and you had. You sound like an old married couple to me. LOL. Does he even talk of going to California anymore?

    Cindy - Has Rick signed a Hipaa waiver for you to speak to his doctors alone? I know you said you got a weird look from either the doctor or therapist one time. Can you talk to them as to why he is may be delaying this appointment and whether that is healthy or not to do so? How are your girls doing and what are you plans for the holidays? I too, yearn for your upcoming book. I fall into your characters. Call me anytime you want to talk, vent or just chick talk. 251-802-5143.

    Patti - What a treasure Edd is for you!! He knows how busy you are with your mother and working and with the holidays upon us you will need all your appliances and your kitchen. How sweet. I'm sure you will find something he will enjoy to do or have to repay him. You are both very special people. I'm glad Susie was able to go sit with your Mom for a period. How is your daughter Susie doing? I think the holidays are difficult for her if I remember.

    I have done good on my eating today and am going to try and get it reigned in. I know it is the worst week to try. We have a potluck at work on Tuesday and a finger snack evening at the twins Aikido place that they got black belts in. A celebratory party. We are so proud of them. I'm making the cornbread dressing for our potluck for Tuesday tonight to go in the crockpot with the shredded chicken and cream of chicken soup. YUM. I'm also making chocolate chip pecan cookies. oops!!

    Bert - Have a safe trip to and from Chicago. I know Mike wishes you were home when he got there, but he will see you soon and you can catch up. Happy holidays to you.

    I have a facial scheduled for after work tomorrow, finally! I'm going on my lunch tomorrow and ordering that tv for Glenn. I love this man so much.

    I better get the eggs boiled for my dressing.


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All,
    As we approached the first holiday I wanted to say I'm thankful for each of you... You add depth to my life and this journey we are on. Happy Thanksgiving.
    Karla the mini Mitchell mansion sounds like its taking shape - enjoy! I don't have a signed form stating I can talk to his doctor. And he is very suspicious of so many things now that it is difficult to get things done. I called his primary to update the insurance info and you would have thought I turned him in for a captial offense. This is not a battle I can take on right now. I'm sure my new health issue is due in part to the enormus stress I'm dealing with. Its time to take care of me! As one example last night I made him pasta and sauce and I ate salad and grilled chicken. Taking control of my health is right now a priority. He is a grown man- he needs to step up too....

    Patti- Call some els at ATT- ask for a manager- that is BS that the person said they don't have one compatible. They must your mom is NOT the first person to have issues with vision. Personally I have found pushing sometimes is for the best that person who answered the phone was being freaking LAZY. Yes I got ticked off when I read that... can you tell.

    Anyway- guess you can tell I'm a little fired up today.
    Waving to Diane, Bert and dear Janet.
    I'll be back
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, I can only imagine the stress you are dealing with at this time. Glad you are finding time to take care of your health. Stress does a number on our bodies. Focusing on the things you have the personal power to change is key. I count you among my blessings too.

    It is a very sad day here. A very dear friend of ours passed away unexpectedly yesterday. She was only 38 and has 3 kids, 10,12 and 20 and a 3 month old granddaughter. She was complaining of abdominal pain on Saturday but that was all. She talked to someone around 10am and her fiancé found her around 12:30pm already gone. It was not and overdose or suicide. Waiting on the autopsy for answers. She was one of the group of friends that come to the cabin for all the summer holidays and the pig roast. Just can't wrap my head around it, it makes no sense at all. Pray for her family. Her fiancé plans to raise her young daughter,me is the only father she has ever known. Her son lives with his father and her 20 year old is on her own with the baby. Her mother also lived with her and has some mental health issues. She doesn't seem to understand what is going on. Edd was especially close to her and is taking it very hard.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We are going back to church this afternoon to finish up rearranging lights and garland. The church looks great!

    I enjoyed the weekend with the Dylan and Penny. I watched them Saturday night as Dan and Annie went to a party. Penny is 7 going on 30! She definitely has her own agenda.

    Patti: So sorry to hear about your friend's passing. My goodness what a sad time, especially around the holidays.

    Mike is so happy I'm frying bacon this morning! It's the little things. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Dang my post from last night didn't go in.

    Patti - I'm so very sorry for the loss of your friend and the loss to her fiancé and her children. That is awful. I know Edd has suffered some serious losses with his friends these pass years. Please keep us posted.

    We are headed over to our twin grandsons celebratory get together for them earning their black belts in akido. It is quite chilly tonight.

    Bert - I can smell that bacon over here. I know Mike was so very glad to have you home.

    My father's neighbor, whom is a carpenter, is helping him with replacing the ceiling in the one bedroom that dropped down. I told him to be sure and have him spray the black mold repellent.

    My brother Keith is so depressed, he can't stand looking at all the destruction. Then to hear it is going to be another three weeks before the cable will be restored just annoyed him. He went for a drive across town to get away from his area. It's going to be a long while before all the debris will be hauled off. The small township are limited in their resources to haul it off.

    Well I better get ready to go with my darling. We are looking at a pool table while we are over in Mississippi tonight also. LOL.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Dear Patti I'm am beyond sad to hear about your friend. Life doesn't always seem to make any sense My heart goes out to everyone in the family. BIG HUGS
    Hi Bert- I'll be you were thrilled to have Mike home. Hope you enjoyed the bacon.
    Nothing new here just had a few minutes to check in.
    I'm off tomorrow- taking Jasper to PT, making some applesauce and trying to keep editing. I'm not going to sleep in but try and get up at the usual time.
    I'll check back when I can.
    Happy Thanksgiving to all.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Happy Thanksgiving Eve! We got our part done at church yesterday, so today I'll start on decorations at home. Yesterday I took my Honda down to have an air bag repaced due to a factory recall. I waited over 2 hours! Then will driving home yesterday afternoon, I heard a rattle. When I got home, I took everything out of the glove box and then drove around the block.....the rattle was still there, so I'm going down AGAIN today to have it looked at. I'm not happy about having to return, but they promised it would be in and out this morning....that better happen!

    Today I'll start putting up Christmas decorations at home and start baking the turkey for tomorrow. I might as well host the dinner as I'm providing turkey, dressing, noodles, rolls, and cranberries. However, I don't want to host Carrie's family! ;)

    I got results from my cholesterol, triglycerides, etc. My heart doctor wants to put me on cholesterol medicine, but I would rather try it naturally. I've been thinking of trying to do Keto; however, the nurse said that it would raise cholesterol. I'm waiting for a call from them to see what the doctor says. I just want movement on the scale, but don't want to affect my heart while doing it.

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving Eve - and Thanksgiving - to you and yours!

    I survived a fill-in grocery run to Walmart. I'll make dressing this afternoon and am roasting a turkey breast tomorrow. It'll make for good leftovers for the weekend. I've been middling on food choices, to be honest, but I'm working on it day by day.

    Cindy, how is Jasper progressing?

    Bert, good luck with cholesterol. I was on a statin for several years - not a huge deal, but if you can manage without, a better thing.

    Karla, poor Keith - can't imagine what things must be like for him. I'm sure your ear is a safe haven for his worries.

    Patti, thinking of you as you mourn your young friend and take care of your mom as her eye clears.

    Diane, I smile thinking of Elise toddling around the dinner table tomorrow.

    May the sun shine on your holiday weekend - I'm giving thanks for many things tomorrow, and you are all high on the list.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello friends. Ditto on what Janet said! Happy Thanksgiving Eve and Day!

    I’m sitting here having a Starbucks sandwich and Chai tea while my Avalon is being detailed and washed. I was filthy after my last trip home .

    I’m picking my Izzy bug up after this and we will prep the food and the house. She is going with us to Panama City in Friday and I am sure she will be shocked to see it all ripped up. We will go out to Ouer Park where my brothers granddaughters are running in a fun run. It’s nice out there.

    My dads neighbor is a master carpenter and he is working on the back bedroom and he is going to do the kitchen too. It’s all coming together.

    Patti- still praying for your friend.

    Janet- nice to see you post. You sound so happy.

    Cindy- Have you tried the dieters tea? It keeps you regular. Have a great holiday.

    Diane - I know you must be busy.

    Bert- I’m glad to see you post most everyday on the Facebook board too.

    I hope they hurry up here.

    You are all precious to me. Have a great day tomorrow!!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Happy Thanksgiving! I'm so thankful for my family and friends. I enjoy this discussion group so much and look forward to everyone's posts. The turkey is roasted and sliced (I did it last night) and the outside lights are up. It was sunny and in the 50's yesterday, so it was perfect. Today is to be a carbon copy. The tree is going up this morning!

    Dressing and noodles will be made this morning. I've tracked and know it's a carby day, but will get back on track tomorrow.

    Janet: I feel the same way you do.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving! The dressing and green bean casserole are ready to go into the oven and the turkey breast will go in around 4 (James went golfing so I am cooking a bit later than originally planned. I baked two apple pies this morning but am cheating with remade mashed potatoes. I'll make gravy later and heat the rolls. We'll use the good stuff and eat at the dining room table, just because.

    There's SO much to be thankful for today, no matter what kind of year we're having. Sending you all love and peace today and beyond.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, ladies. I'm up very early this morning as I went to sleep very early last night. So, here I am before the break of dawn and NOT going Black Friday shopping! I will finish putting up the Christmas tree. When I started to put it up, only a few lights came on. So Mike and I worked on them and used our LightKeeper Pro. It worked! (at least yesterday) I haven't turned it on this morning. Hoping it will work.

    Thanksgiving Dinner was very carby, so I'm back on track this morning. We go to Greg and Carrie's to support Greg as it's all Carrie's family that attends. I was very happy that one of her aunt's didn't come as there is tension there. Carrie's grandfather passed away recently, and that particular aunt inherited most of the farm property, house, etc. and left Carrie's dad and other Aunt, practically nothing. I really was dreading attending, but everything worked out. Honestly, I would not go if it weren't for Greg. We want to be there for him. Carrie told me yesterday that she wished she wouldn't host and volunteer in a shelter on Thanksgiving. She despises the drama. I feel sorry for her. Ok enough of that!

    Dan and Annie went to Ditka's restaurant yesterday and had dinner and watched 1/2 of the Bears game. What a fun way to celebrate!

    I'll start shopping online this weekend for a few things for the kids. I got suggestions yesterday.

    Have a great day, everyone! Breakfast is tracked.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all. Bert, I know Greg and Carrie both appreciated having you there. Family junk is just about the most uncomfortable kind of junk, and we can all relate. Hope the turkey effect kept things relatively calm. I had never heard of a LightKeeper, but I just put one into my Amazon cart - useful gadget. Thanks for the tip!

    Hope you had a day that will live in memory for only good reasons; it was a very nice Thanksgiving here. It warmed up (low 50s) and James enjoyed his golf game. He ended up playing several holes with a guy who said he was a retired Secret Service agent who served on President Carter's security detail - pretty cool.

    Dinner worked out fine. The frozen turkey breasts are so easy and pretty much foolproof, and the Bob Evans premed mashed taters were better than I expected. My dressing, green bean casserole, pie, and especially the cranberry sauce turned out just fine. It was nice to eat at the dining room table for a change. It was a pleasant, if heavy, meal but was all I ate yesterday, and I took no seconds, so ...

    It's been several years since I had cooked the full feast and it felt good to have a dear friend to cook for. He really appreciated it too. Lots of happy and funny memories of Thanksgivings past ran through my head while I made the meal too. I missed my not-related-but-very-much-family crowd in New England, but I'll go next year, if circumstances permit.

    Today I have a manicure at noon (my nails are a mess and all the cooking stuff spurred three of them to split. My body just will not cooperate with my mind's conception of decent nails! Ah, well - the most minor of problems. Time to get dressed and head out!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Sorry for my absence lately - just trying to keep up and get things done.

    We had a lovely Thanksgiving - 22 for a sit-down dinner with the good china. Al family and friends who are like family. I ended up going to mom's one day this week so lost a day of prep time, and had to do more cooking and decorating on the day of than usual, but it all came together. I cook the turkey, stuffing, gravy, potatoes and desserts, and everyone else brings the veggies and the appetizers. Brad came over and smoked the second turkey over here, so was here all day. Rossanne and Elise came early so she could get her second nap here, and Rossanne helped with setup too. John still hadn't had time to dress when people started arriving! Then Brad and Rossanne and Carrie and my cousin all helped clean up after everyone else left - we got all the dishes done and put away, the linens washed, and the tables and chairs that we borrow from the church all returned last night.

    That is because we are now trying to get on the road TODAY instead of tomorrow morning. It looks like snow may be moving into Wisconsin on Sunday, so we want to get as far as we can before that. Probably won't make it all the way - it is about 18 hours of drive time, I don't drive at all, and John can only manage 9 hours or so before he is too tired to drive any further.

    I already did my little bit of Black Friday shopping and made turkey chili from the leftovers. Now last load of laundry, packing clothes and food for the road. John and Brad are packing the cabinets into the U-Haul trailer, and when that is done we need to make one last Home Depot run and then we hit the road.

    Sorry no time for personals. I will try from my iPad on the road but that is not always successful.

    Oh, and at my WW meeting on Tuesday I had lost the 1.5 I gained the last two weeks, so I was happy. I had one plate of small helpings of everything yesterday, and did not go back for seconds on anything, and will not be eating any more of the desserts. We will have leftovers for dinner tonight, then turkey chili for Saturday night,

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Back to try personals on the iPad. Bear with me for typos etc.

    Bert it sounds like a stressful time though not as bad is it has been in the past. You should offer to Carrie that if she really wants to break the tradition that you will invite them and not her family over since you do so much of the cooking anyway. I felt more stressed yesterday than usual because I hadn’t done as much ahead.

    Janet it sounds like you had a lovely and elegant meal. What color did you choose for your manicure? I used to have mine done all the time when I was working, but haven’t done them much recently.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla I think I remember that you are on your way back to your dad’s today. Hope you accomplish all you have planned.

    Patti, I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. You are right we should cherish our loved ones every day.

    Cindy nice to see you stopping in. I had the same test you had and thought it was worse than labor, especially since they hadn’t warned me to expect it! Praying for good outcome for you.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    We didn’t manage to get on the road til 4 so won’t make it halfway tonight. Will be thinking of you all but may not have much time (or energy !) to post after we get to my sisters house.