OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Another cold and dreary day with snow expected this afternoon. Was supposed to go to the movies with my gf but she had to cancel. So now I don't have to leave the house, yippee! Mom loved her gown and was truly surprised. It is a gorgeous navy floral on white, reminds me of a Dresden plate. She said she was going to live in it because it was so soft. I am going to give her the other one next week. I have one more piece of fabric, it is the Luxe flannel and it feels like mink! The pattern is a lovely lavender floral on the softest gray background. I am saving this one for Christmas. Edd said he would help me decorate later today. His job will be to stand by the ladder and take everything I hand him and put it on the dining room table. Plus he can help me bring the tubs up from the basement with all the decorations. Since I decorate in mostly snowmen I don't have to undecorate until February, lol. I really miss having a tree but just doing the shelves and every horizontal surface takes all day.

    Have a lovely day my dear friends
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. So nice to read all the updates. So glad I am not up there in the winter snow. We are only get temps in the low 50's and that is enough for me. LOL.

    I met with the cabinet man today. I am so excited on how pretty the little kitchen will be. I am stopping by his shop on my way out shortly. He really liked our ideas. Glenn and I came up with a way to have a small mini bar with two small stools where we can eat or the grandkids can have cereal. The cabinets will be white, have glasses on the ones on either side of the sink and have a shelf at the end of the top cabinets coming towards the living room. I'm so excited.

    Patti - I'm so glad you are decorating this year.

    Diane - How did the pipes do?

    Cindy - Hang in there my friend.

    Janet - Did you get your trees up?

    Bert - Did you cancel the dentist after all?

    Next Wednesday is our girls baking day to prepare for our annual Christmas party. We have so much much. Six or seven of my girlfriends come over and we laugh until our jaws ache. They call me Ramsay as I am so particular on how my cookies come out and are baked. LOL. We will make the Christmas crack, the crockpot candy, pecan pie muffins, some cheese balls, some dips and will just have a ball. I'm sure we will find ourselves in the Man Mansion for lunch that I will have prepared for us all. Like Patti, I am very blessed with some very special lady friends. I have bought them all a little surprise present for helping me.

    I better run, I'm going to the cabinet place to pick out the type of cabinet style I want. We didn't talk price but I know they are cheap!!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. I can’t get to sleep so I thought I would check in. Today we did the floor in the kitchen and it looks terrific. We are trying to get out of here on Monday now. I hope we make it. Still a lot to do but the end is in sight. It is VERY cold here, but we are having a tropical vacation. A friend of my sister has a barn they use for making natural veterinarian supplements, and Charly4 fits inside! They heat it to about 50 degrees. It is the warmest we have been in two weeks.

    Patti, yes we put an incandescent work light in the compartment with the pipes, and last night we ran an extra extension cord and put one of our two space heaters down there too. Glad your mom liked the nightgowns. I have some sewing to do for Rossanne’s Christmas present when I get home.

    Karla it sounds like you have a great plan for your cookie party. What fun to have a totally separate entertaining space!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Bert, did you make it out of the house today? Although it has been cold here, we have been lucky that there has been little precipitation.

    Waving to Cindy and Janet.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Friday morning. Thank goodness it is Friday!! I am meeting an old friend after my hair appointment this afternoon, whom just lost her mother. She is such a sweetheart. Her mother suffered terribly from Alzheimer’s the last ten years and they lived together. She wants to unload what a dirty deed her sister did on her. Some relatives never cease to amaze me.

    I meant to say that kitchen cabinets are “not” cheap. The shop was so nice and boy do they make some beautiful cabinets of all types, colors and sizes. He walked me through the shop and I saw all the phases of the operation. Very nice quality. He will draw out our design and come back with a picture of what it will look like and a qoute, but it will be after the first of the year before he can get started. He had a large staff.

    Diane- I viewed your wonderful work on Facebook on your sister’s home! Such fine workmanship. The floors, the paint and awesome cabinets! It is indeed beautiful. I know your sister must be in tears of joy. I also saw that cute pic of Elise. Can I say adorable?

    I’m so glad for this weekend. This has been a tiring week with two days in Panama City and the deep cleaning I did on my dad’s home. Then I’ve worked the last two days and will today also, too much for this old girl. It is 90% chance of rain tomorrow and all the Christmas parades have been rescheduled for next weekend. So, Home I will be staying!

    I wish you all a nice and mellow weekend.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning and TGIF, all.

    Diane, I continue to be wowed by the work you're doing up there - it's looking spectacular and the after photos will amaze and astonish. The pic of Elise with her animal binkie and stuffed toy is priceless.

    Patti, I smiled reading about your mom's reaction to her beautiful new flannel. There's something about comfy new nightclothes or things to hang out around the house in. And her frame of mind sounds so much better than a few weeks ago.

    Karla your cookie party will be great fun. Will your annual party be held in the house, the mini-mansion, or both? Nice that they were able to postpone the parades with that forecast.

    Cindy, how does Jasper do with the cold and his mobility issues" Those short legs are at a disadvantage when it snows, but out doxies always loved to course like little sea serpents, bounding through the snow.

    Bert, sounds like you got much heavier weather up there. How's your pain doing?

    Not much new here - been doing some Christmas shopping, etc. I've been wrangling with my iPod a bit, trying to get as much of my music on it as I can, but it's full and I need to go through and remove some from it so I can get the rest of the essentials on.

    Eating has been spotty again lately - not feeling the focus again yet. I will make it happen, but going full-tilt at it right now would be an exercise in futility, so am practicing my Pause and No skills the best I can right now. It may be Tree Day here - need to finish coffee and get more alert before I plan the day. We watched "Kiss Me, Kate" last night - SO much fun.

    Have a good day, ladies!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Janet and Diane - we will be using both houses and out and around our pool, both porches and the gazebo for our guests. I’m expecting close to 35 - 40 people and the Man Cave can’t hold that many. Lol.

    I’m hoping to get my cypress five foot swing for the porch of the man mansion this weekend. I found a craftsman that makes them. Beautiful! Even has a cup holder on each end.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Yesterday was a busy day. We went to Jillian's and Cole's Christmas programs and then went to Greg's game. His team won by 40 points! He did a great job coaching the girls. The varsity girls won, too. Today I'm getting my pretzel salads ready for tomorrow's choir lunch. I also have evaluations to work on as well.

    Karla: Baking with your friends sounds like so much fun.

    Diane: Yes, I made it out of the house. It was snowing but not sticking. I got my dental appointment in and also picked up the kids from school in the afternoon.

    Janet: My eating has been spotty, too. I'll try to make the best of it and move on.

    Waving hi to Patti and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Lots to do this weekend to get my “Compound” ready for my Christmas gathering. Lol. I picked up the cedar swing last night and it is very nice I enjoyed my time with my friend whom just lost her mother. She really needed to unload about her sister. She is coming over early and helping me setup for my party next Saturday. She literally has not been out of the house, except work, for over two years. Such a wonderful lady. We have been friend for 20 years.

    Bert- Spotty is the key word for most of us in regards to eating I believe. I’ve got to quit! My face has filled out like it always does when I gain. Jeez, such a viscous cycle we weave. lol.

    Glenn and I slept in the Man Cave last night. It’s a Friday tradition. So fun. Millie and Sophie stay out there with us too. I’m making us both a list of things to do.

    I wish you all could just “appear” at my party.! What a blessing that would be.

    It is a weather event today, 100% rain, flash floods. Perfect for me to stay home and get the things done I need to do here:

    1. Finish Christmas decorations in both houses.
    2. Rearrange Izzy bedroom with moving the furniture and putting away the items that were in the China cabinets that were moved to the little house.
    3. Straighten the office room and move Izzy’s toys back in her room.
    4. Print the recipes we will be preparing for Wednesday and review and make a list of groceries needed.
    5. Bring the antique floor lamp from my bedroom to the bedroom in little house.
    6. Look on JC for curtains for the little house (new name, lol)
    7. Wrap presents!!

    Sunday will be a whole new list to go retrieve things with better weather.

    Have a wonderful day in whatever you choose.
    I’m blessed to have you all in my life. Thank you for being my friend.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, guess I forgot to post yesterday. I am 2/3rds done with my decorating. Hope to finish it off after work today if I am able to stand, lol. My feet have been killing me despite new shoes. So I am going back and forth between old and and new to see if I can get some relief. All my decorations have to be put up with a ladder so it takes a bit longer. Edd helped me get all the stuff off my shelves, then I washed it all and the shelves. Put up all new lights. Have everything up from the basement and sorted and have 1 long shelf 27 ft) done just have another 27ft shelf and a 17ft one to go. Then need to put all the furniture back in place, haul the tubs to the basement and it will be done. But right now it looks like a war zone, lol. I still have some cards to make and another nightgown to sew for Mom. So just a short list. My daughter and I have been texting daily and she is doing well. She suffers from depression and this time of year is always the worst because it was her parents anniversary and birthdays.

    Need to eat something, call Mom and then head to work.
    Sorry no personals today but have read all and you are all in my thoughts and prayers every day.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hello All,
    All is status quo here- Jasper is snuggled next to me on the sofa and Griffin is on the back- ah, puppy love.
    I've drafted a new Christmas story and I think I may get it drafted before I jump into Jack and Peyton's story. They're characters I introduced from Ready to Soar.
    My cold I down to an occasional cough so that is good news.
    Bert- you asked if Rick remembers his nasty comments- the answer is yes. Things are still in the deep freeze here and I'm just biding my time. When its right we will discuss what he said and why it broke my heart. The chips will fall where they do.
    Karla- I've been keeping track of the pics on FB of Glenn's haven- just lovely.
    Patti- Your Mom is so lucky you're a wonderful seamstress. Enjoy the days you get to stay indoors and do what you want.... I'm jealous. LOL
    Diane- Elise is SO adorable but sorry she got the flu- hope she's back to her little self again.
    Bert- I have to say I am SO over peoples intolerance of things like saying Merry Christmas, children creating nativity scenes and the like. When did political correctness hurt people?
    When left my meeting today I said, Merry Christmas- not just happy holidays, if I wasn't sure if the person was what affiliation I did say Happy Holidays.- Rant over.
    Janet- I can't wait to see Jasper in the pool. he is doing so well, and pulls himself up nicely when we're outside. He is definitely getting stronger and we're seeing good muscle tone in his hind legs. So blessed he has such a great spirit. Love the pups
    He does so love the snow too. Puts his nose in and snorts- so cut. Are you going anywhere for the holidays or hanging with James?
    Well I'm off again- will stop back soon,
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, ladies. I'm up early this morning as it is the choir lunch today after second service. My BFF is sick, so I'm helping her with the details. She was in charge of the lunch, so we will all pitch in and make it work. That's what friends do. This afternoon I'll make peanut butter fudge for my brother and Mike's sister and get them in the mail for their Christmas presents. It's my mom's recipe, so I know my brother will appreciate it. I know Mike's sister will, too.

    Last night I looked in our living room and only the bottom third of our tree was lit! Thank goodness it was just a loose connection! They are all on now! Whew!

    Cindy: I can't believe Rick continues to say such nasty things to you. You certainly don't deserve to be treated that way.

    Must go and get myself ready for church. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, I am up early too, for me. Have to work 10-3 today. Ended up staying until 6 yesterday. It was a mad house. I am amazed every day at how disrespectful and messy customers are. Fabric was laying all over the floors and on top of every surface. The bulk of it was pulled off the shelf and set on the floor in front of where it was pulled out. How hard could it have been to just put it back? luckily most of the customers are nice so there is that. And when I get the chance to truly help someone it makes my whole day. So guess I should quit complaining about how messy everyone is, lol.
    Mom fell yesterday on her knees in her bedroom. Said if she hadn't been hold her slippers she would have probably put her hands out to break her fall and broken her wrists. She said they hurt to touch but not when she was sitting still. My sis was going over and I told mom to have make an ice pack to put on them. I did not hear from either of them and it was too late to call by the time I got home. I will be checking in shortly. I was too tired to finish my decorations so that is on tonight's list. If not I will definitely get it done after lunch with Janet tomorrow. I cherish these lunches!

    Cindy, I love the phrase "you are stronger than you think you are". I do believe it applies to you. I am glad you are taking a stand for yourself. Nobody, and especially not you, deserves to be treated "less than" for any reason. If he is not willing to face and fix what is wrong both physically and mentally that does not give him license to say and do whatever he wants. You deserve peace and happiness!

    Bert, you and your group are the best of this world. We should all strive for your type of generosity and giving spirit. I know your BFF is thanking her lucky stars for everyone stepping up in her stead. So glad the light situation was easily fixed.

    Diane, praying you were able to get your projects completed and be able to head out in the morning. Is the storm going to hinder your return?

    Karla, sounds like it is all coming together at your compound. The party will be grand. Enjoy cookie making with the girls. It is such a fun, bonding time.

    Janet, see you tomorrow, get ready for lots of hugs and gabs! Hope you and James enjoy decorating the tree and the house together.

    Until later
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello friends. I finally finished the front dining area and we cleaned out and rearranged Izzy’s room yesterday. My vision of the ourge of furniture and look of the main house has truly come true. I love it. We have a big bag for Goodwill of toys too young for Izzy and clothes for next door. Her room is awesome now and more of a youn lady and guest room. I’ve included pics of both.


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti and Janet - I wish I could join you for lunch. How fun it must be. Have a great gab. Plus hugs! So sorry about for your mom’s fall, did she not use her alert button? My dad won’t wear one but has a cell phone now.

    Cindy - I ultimately had to come to a decision for my sanity after four years of trying with my emotionally disturbed husband. He made a cutting remark that was the beginning of the end for me. It really cut me to the core. Patti put it so well, you are a very strong women and do not deserve to be treated disrespectfully. Deep down I believe Rick is very jealous of your drive, confidence and success. Just my observations.

    I better get going. I have a list of a few sundries for each room and a facial at 1:30. Glenn is outside cleaning around the pool and will be putting up the Christmas lights. Plus, he has my new cedar swing to hang. Oh I can’t express how I have always wanted a long swing like this on a porch to sit with a friend, a boyfriend, a husband or with a book to read! Glenn is making all my dreams come true.

    Have a great day!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    Other side of dining room
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Thank you girls for your unwavering support- it does mean the world to me. I'm making my plans and will be strong each day until this is in my rearview mirror.
    Patti- I do hope your Mom is okay- please let us know.
    Janet and Patti- hope you had a blast together
    Bert- you are the best kind of friend anyone would love to have in their life...
    Karla- the house is lovely and Izzy is a very lucky girl to have you as a Nana.

    I've baked whole wheat bread to try- My plan for January to give up sugar and white flour things, Making bread was a blast, really easy and would be on this new plan. I also made peanut butter and sugar cookies-the festive stuff has begun.
    Jasper is curled up tight to me snoring away and Grif is keeping watch over us both- they are so cute. Rick is out and about today, left very early so I've had the house to myself. It is such a blessing to just be me :)
    Have a wonderful rest of your day.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Talked to Mom this morning. Her knees only hurt if she touches them, no pain or swelling with walking. She does have a life alert but didn't need to call because she wasn't hurt. She hates wearing its but does it because I asked her to. I bought more flannel to make her another gown. It is a pale blue with little bluebirds. My feet hurt too bad to finish my decorations, so will do tomorrow after lunch and groceries.
    Asking for prayers please. My BFF, the one who keeps mom in soup, took her husband to the ER today because he was very weak and short of breath. They told her he has acute leukemia and they transported him to ASU medical center for evaluation and treatment. He is 83, diabetic and has early renal failure. Not sure what they will do if it is truly leukemia. He has not been feeling well for some time. I am praying they are wrong. She has has such an awful year.

    Exhausted in every way so signing off
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The choir lunch was a success. We made $575 which will be used for orchestra and other musical expenses. We had a good crew who helped out in both preparation and clean up. I made a batch of peanut butter fudge for my brother yesterday. This morning I'll make another batch for Mike's sister.

    We are heading to Chicago tomorrow to attend Penny's play and will also attend Dylan's concert on Wednesday night. I feel bad about not going to our ladies' group Christmas dinner on Wednesday night; however, family comes first. Annie said that Dylan is ok with us not being there, but I don't feel that way. The only thing I feel bad about is I asked my friend to go who just lost her husband. She used to go to our church, so she knows all of the ladies. I told her about my dilemma and everything is fine. My friend will pick her up, so everything is good.

    Patti: So sorry to hear about your friend's husband. Prayers for them.

    Cindy: Prayers are going out for you. I'm glad you had the house to yourself for a while. Mike is working today, so I'll have the house to myself.

    Karla: Things look great for your new mancave.

    Diane: Safe travels. You've worked very hard and things looked great.

    Janet: Hope all is well with you. I'm waiting on my students' assignments. My evaluations are due on the 14th. So, it might not take to long to complete them!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Patti- So sorry for your friend’s husband. When our friends hurt, we hurt. Please hug Janet for me.

    Diane- I hope you made it home safely. John and you need your own HgTV show! That kitchen was awsome! What a transformation and would have cost quite a good bit from a contractor.

    Cindy- I’m so glad you have plans for a happy future for yourself. One filled with a peaceful home life. I smile when you describe Jasper and his swimming exercises. Too cute. I am loving my sweet Sophie.

    Janet - safe travels on the road. Did you get the trees up and your glass decor out?

    I better get going and decor my last little tree in the back bay window area.

    I’ll attach a pic of Sophie. She’s precious.
