OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    She has calmed down a lot.. lol
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    Here’s my new swing Glenn hung for me on the Man Cave porch. I got a rug to go in front of it too.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Dang. Must have hit the stupid done button again. Thought I posted earlier, and after typing while driving, which is especially difficult! We left Wisconsin today and will get home tomorrow. Stopping for the night soon in Richmond, IN.

    Bad news on the home front: my sister in Virginia slipped on the ice today and broke her ankle, quite badly. This is her weak side after her stroke. Broke both bones just above the ankle. No surgery required, but non weight bearing for at least six weeks. So I will probably spend some time helping her out.

    Sorry no personals. Too bouncy a road to type!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Oh Diane, your poor sister. Glad she doesn't need surgery and if she had to break one at least it was not the good one. I know you were looking forward to some down time, at least a wee bit, when you got home. I am still thinking about that lovely green in the kitchen and the creative tile work in the shower. Were the color choices and design yours? Safe travels and pray you don't have any bad weather.

    Three hours with Janet just flew by. Thank you for that my dear friend. We are such magpies and seem to cover a lot of ground in our conversations. I really needed this lunch! Life seems to keep slapping me in the face. Almost hate to answer the phone. My sister is in the hospital with pneumonia. Just had a brief voicemail from her husband earlier that said he took her in yesterday. Mom said he told her she passed out. Praying she will quit smoking now. My BFFs friend is critically ill, WBCs are 400, normal is 10. They found a large tumor in his abdomen. Bone marrow biopsy done today and results of many tests pending. Her daughte and grandkids have really stepped up. She will be going back and forth (a bit over and hour each way) every day. She is holding it together but I know she is falling apart inside.
    On a brighter note my decorations are done, finally and my house is back in order. Tomorrow mom gets another gown when I visit. The. Hope to sew and make some cards tomorrow night.

    Karla, I love a porch swing. Mike and Edd bought me the one on my porch at the cabin 25+ years ago. It has hummingbirds and morning glories carved into the top of the backrest. I don't have cup holders though. Yours will be a great place to relax when the kids are in the pool or to sip your tea in the morning.

    Bert, absolutely family first and I know your friend truly understands. I am sure the church ladies will welcome her with open arms. Enjoy watching the kids in their respective activities without guilt.

    Cindy, even in the best of situations having the house to yourself always seems like an indulgence. We earn that private time but seem loathe to luxuriate In our good fortune when it comes along. Glad you embraced the day! Do you have any soft dates for book release?

    Time to chill.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm heading to Chicago today without Mike. One of the plant managers is having heart trouble, so Mike will cover him while he's in the hospital. It's nice that the company has him to help them out; however, I wish he were going with me.

    I made the peanut butter fudge and mailed it to my brother yesterday. I'll mail Mike's sister's fudge today before I leave.

    Students are slowly but surely turning assignments in. I'm definitel cutting their grades for late submissions. I did talk with one of my students, and she told me she had 12 assignments that were due for other classes. Although I understand, I don't understand why they wait until the last minute. I spread out the due dates throughout the semester to try to avoid this. Oh well, it's not my problem, it's theirs.

    Have a good day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon. My decorations are doing little to cheer me today. Getting to the point where I don't want to check emails,,FB, texts or answer the phone. Mom has a cold that my sis probably gave her on her visit Saturday, but it is mild. She loved the new gown and then shooed me out of the house so I didn't get sick. My sis will be in the hospital for a few days. My GFs husband is still in critical condition and they had diagnosed him with chronic lymphocytic leukemia but then said it might not be what is wrong. The tumor is pressing on his lung and will be biopsied tomorrow, along with a bone marrow biopsy. My niece in TN has been placed in a mental health facility under suicide watch. I had to run to Walmart for some staples and got a few gifts taken care of also. So I am in for the rest of the day and plan to get some cards made to give as gifts and need to make a few more Christmas cards made to send. Also hope to get another gown sewed for mom and, if time permits, cut the last gown out. Hoping that by keeping my hands busy it will distract my mind.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, everyone. Patti and I really did have just the best time yesterday! Wish the rest of you had been there too.

    Patti, way too much going on indeed - sending up prayers for everyone's health. Please find ways to unclench your mind when able.

    Diane, your poor sister has been through so much - at least she doesn't need surgery, but yikes. Seeing Elise, your mom and your sister will ground you, but do cut yourself some slack after travel and all that amazing work.

    Bert, they're lucky to have Mike, but I know he'd rather see the kids with you. Enjoy every minute with them, and stay safe on the road.

    Cindy, having some YOU time had to be a blessing. When does Meg come in for Christmas? I picture you, Meg, and Em gabbing over cocoa or wine with lots of laughter.

    Karla, that swing is just gorgeous.

    MUCH to do here. There's still a bit of shopping to finish, decorating and wrapping to do, and cards as well. It'll get done. I've been fully into Christmas music mode and now it's time for holiday DVD-thon to begin in earnest.

    Very tired and have a few online things to do before I crash. Hugs to you all; know that prayers for you and your loved ones will be going up from KY.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good evening all. We are Home after two long days of driving. My biggest surprise upon walking in the door is that Carrie decorated. She got out all the mantle decorations, did the stair rail and the dining room. I was so happy to walk into a home with some Christmas cheer about it. Our tradition for the last 25 years has been to buy and decorate our tree on my birthday and we missed that today. So we will do that tomorrow, and get a few outside lights up.

    Patti I am so sorry for all the trials and tribulations that life is handing you right now. Virtual hugs coming your way. I hope your sister gets better, your mom fights it off, your friend’s husband gets a better prognosis and your niece gets the help
    she needs.

    Bert, my DIL is a teacher and did her masters while working. There is no real excuse for your students turning their assignments in late, and you are right to grade them appropriately.

    Karla I love the porch swing! I am going to show it to John and see if he can make me something like that. We had a hammock swing on our deck that disintegrated and we still have the hangers for it.

    Cindy, I’m glad to hear that you are thinking of your future.

    Janet did you get hit by that storm? I saw pictures from Kentucky that looked really bad.

    Thursday inwillmgetbtonspend rhe day with Elise! My timeline on FB showed me memories of her a year ago. Wow has she changed so much!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good early morning my dear friends.

    Diane - Happy Birthday again! How sweet of Carrie to take care of that decoration task and therefore providing a welcoming vision for you! How beautiful! I am still in awe of the kitchen remodel you and John and the other helpers performed. Green is my favorite color!!

    Patti- I’m so sorry for all the family and friends devastation and illnesses you are enduring. I get the afraid to answer the phone comment. I know Edd and you will be happy to have this year over. I pray for a much better 2019 for you.

    Bert- Please be careful on the roads being alone. I hate driving in rainy or foggy weather myself. Of course we don’t get sleet or snow here except on a rare basis, and then we are all afraid to drive! Lol. Phooey on your lazy students not being on time. I agree, grade them accordingly.

    I’m making the chicken salad for my sweet ladies coming to cook today. We will chill in Glenn’s Man Cave.

    We went to Lowe’s last night and had them do us a design on our cabinet drawing for out kitchen. They came up with $11,590.00!! That was $4k more than the custom cabinet maker’s quote that Ii received yesterday too. Now I was surprised that the cabinets were solid wood and 100% lifetime guaranteed at Lowe’s.

    I better get in the kitchen, please know my jaws will be aching today.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Penny's play was fun to watch. She was a honeybee and messenger in Mary Poppins.

    Patti: You have a lot on your plate. Praying for you, your mom, your niece, and your friend.

    Diane: What a great surprise for you....It looks great. Carrie did a fantastic job. I agree with your opinion on late assignments. I was married, had two small children, taught, and also got my elementary degree and then my masters in music and elementary education. The problems is that some of the younger generation don't have the work ethics. It drives me nuts.

    Karla: Good luck with your cabinets.

    Waving hi to Janet and Cindy.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Diane, Carrie's work was amazing - but she learned from the best. Enjoy Elise today. Hope your sister and mom are both doing better. We didn't get any of that storm.

    Bert, I can picture Penny as a bee - too cute.

    Karla, I bet Izzy had a terrific birthday - she deserves it!

    Cindy, there's nothing like Christmas in New England. Enjoy for me.

    Patti, has your mom's cold backed off?

    Staying busy here - house is getting cleaned and I', buzzing around getting small stuff done. Eating has been medium here but I am working on choices, portion size, etc. You know - the usual.

    Sending hugs and best thoughts to you all, both today and every day.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Afternoon, Ladies. I finally made it home. I had a good time, but am glad to be home. I had one scare on the road. A service repair van pulled out in front of my on a four lane highway. I thought he was going to turn into the left lane (he was turning left), but instead crossed both lanes. I'm glad there wasn't anyone in the left lane, so I moved over and passed. Geez....

    Penny's play was ok. I think she had stage fright as she was one of the youngest in the theater group. Most kids were 10 and 11. She didn't sing any of the songs, she did do some dance movements. We were proud anyway. Dylan's concert was good. It was worth going to as when he came on stage, he looked at me and waved. Melted my heart.

    Our friend who had the heart attack a year and a half ago passed away on Tuesday. Her funeral is Saturday. Our church is providing sides and salads, but the dinner is at another church (the grand daughter's church). Our committee chairman said she could use help in the kitchen. I don't understand as our friend was a faithful member of our church, but we are providing food at another facility. Oh well, it's the family's decision, not mine. We will provide food and clean up too out of respect for her.

    Tonight is our financial advisor's Christmas party. Mike and I will go before choir practice tonight.

    Have a good evening, everyone!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. A good day here with Elise, not so much on the eating. I'm trying to get back to healthier eating but that darned unhealthy stuff keeps calling my name!

    We went to the local garden center where they always have fantastic displays, and a huge train garden. Elise loved looking at everything, and walking around the flower tables. Here is my favorite picture I took today. The wonder in her eyes as she saw our tree and all the decorations is so fun to see!

    I need to get busy - I haven't even opened the mound of boxes that came while we were away as a result of trying to do Christmas shopping on line. I'm not sure what all I did and didn't order yet! Need to lay it all out and figure it out. Carrie is gone this weekend, so it will be a good time to finish up. Tomorrow I am going to spend the afternoon with mom.


    Will try to get back for personals later. I'm starting to bake also, so will have some time while each batch is in the oven.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Well, i got another batch of cookies baked, but didn't have time to come back between oven runs.

    Karla, I am sure you had a fantastic day with all your friends making cookies.

    Bert, I am so sorry about your friend. It is tough to see our friends pass away - gives you a feeling of mortality, doesn't it? Glad you made it there and back safely.

    Janet, at least the storm missed you! I like a little snow, and I know you enjoy the colder months, but nobody wants a foot of snow!

    Patti, virtual hugs to you again today. Such a string of things on top of one another would wear anyone down.

    Cindy, when will Meg arrive? I'm sure you both need some time together.

    I heard from my sister this evening. Her followup was today, and now her bones are no longer non-displaced. I was afraid that would happen as the swelling started to subside. So now she will have surgery to get plates and screws put in, next Thursday. Poor thing. I just hope the swelling goes down enough that she CAN get the surgery next week! Her two boys are supposed to be coming for the holidays at the end of next week. I feel like my two sisters, who are the least able to deal with adversity of all four of us siblings, have been hit just so hard in the last year or two.

    Eating was horrible today. I'll try to reset tomorrow.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Diane, the pic of Elise melted my heart! So sorry your sisters have had such a year - hope they prove more resilient than you fear. Perhaps having surgery will make the leg more stable in the long run. Still, never fun and an extra nuisance at such a busy time of year.

    Bert, defensive driving is a necessity - glad you were alert.

    Patti, prayers continue. Hope your mom has a good outcome from the shot.

    House got cleaned yesterday and that felt good. I stayed busy with any number of small things. Eating wasn't awful either (small victories).

    Wanted to share this priceless photo - destined to be a gift that will keep on giving. Caleb loves Santa but Cady is not a fan and is a slitherer when she's unhappy, and Santa was a bit much for her this year.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop as I get ready to go to Mom's. I got another gown made yesterday but it will wait until Christmas. I hemmed the first one I gave her (she tripped on the hem and knocked over her lamp, breaking the globe) and put side pockets in while I was at it. I gave her the salmon colored one on Tuesday and she mentioned how much she liked the pockets it had. I got her a new lamp to replace the one she broke and will need to put it together today. We are going to lunch and then the eye Dr. My GFs husband is hanging in but it doesn't look good. Started high dose steroids to shrink the tumor. Not sure of biopsy results yet. Then last night he quit making urine. Waiting to hear today what is happening with that.

    Diane, prayers for your sister as she faces surgery. Hopefully Carrie will be her role model for recovery. I feared up when I read and saw the decorations that Carrie had done before you returned. Such a loving thing. The picture of Elise is so heartwarming. The spirit of Christmas all wrapped up in one little girl. Hope you have a good day with your mom. Sounds like coming home has not included any time to rest!

    Janet, I love that pic! Seems like everyone who has 2 kids has posted similar pics this year. So cute. Take those small victories, they add up in a big way.

    Cindy, so happy to hear that Jasper is continuing its to make progress under your loving care. I know you can't wait for Meg to come home. What a love fest that will be.

    Karla, I am sure your cooking day and Izzy's birthday were filled with love and laughter and lots of sugar!

    Bert, that was a close call. I am sick of the irresponsible drivers out there. Amazing how so many think that they can do whatever they want and everyone else just needs to get out of their way!

    For a short post I sure got chatty, lol.
    Have a great Friday.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls,
    Meg will be home a week from Saturday- can't wait to see her. She got a new job with the corporate office I work for- a touch of nepotism but I'll take it- she needs a positive change,
    I have to say 2018 has been a tough year for us all- I'm looking forward 2019. Things have got to get better...
    Jasper is doing a touch better every week. Of course Griffin is a sweetie with his big brother.
    I have a few breads to bake this weekend. And I think I'm done after that with baking.
    I pray we all have a bit of less stress in our lives- we all seem to be dealing with "stuff"

    On a good note- I walked today and ran into a friend I knew 24 years ago and she lives literally two streets from me. We exchanged numbers- just what I needed. Can't believe we los touch.
    Anyway I need to eat some lunch.
    Take care
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited December 2018
    Hello everyone from a very busy Karla.

    It looks like I’m going to have 30 plus people here tomorrow as everyone is confirming!!

    Tomorrow is Izzy’s birthday party at 11:45, yep, day of my party too. But it will be okay, mine doesn’t start until 6:30.

    We are getting things done and I made two more batches and now ironing the curtains for the mini kitchen window. We meet with the cabinet maker again on Monday. The first time for Glenn.

    I better run, bought new deep pocket Queen sheets today for outside bedroom, washed and ready to go on.

    Have a great weekend. We are getting closer to the big day.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is a busy day. We have cantata practice this morning, the funeral for our friend, funeral dinner for her, and tonight we work in the concession stand at church for the Home School Group Christmas program. Tomorrow is our cantata.

    No time this morning. I need to make my pretzel salad for the funeral dinner. Cantata practice is at 9:00. Have a great day, everyone!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Another cantata is in the books. It sounded great and we had many positive comments about it. Greg, Carrie, Jillian, and Cole came to surprise me. Mike had invited them and wanted to surprise me. So I got an early Christmas present.

    Today will be finishing up the kids' Christmas presents and organizing them under the tree. My brother sent us Harry and David pears which I love. I'm trying to eat low carb today, so I've already had 25 carbs from the pear. It tasted divine though.

    I hope all are doing well. Have a great day, everyone!
