OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Christmas decorations are up! I need to replace some burned out bulbs on the tree, but that's it!

    Dan texts quite often during the holidays which I absolutely love. He's very sentimental and carries on some of the traditions that he grew up with. Last night he texted that he an Penny were watching Wizard of Oz and also sent a picture of his Christmas lights. I love hearing what they are all up to. We are going up in a couple of weeks to watch Penny perform in her Mary Poppins play. Fun times.

    Diane: I've offered many times to have them over here. However, her dad makes her feel guilty for not hosting which is inevitably Carrie's problem. Her house can handle the crowd; however, they hosted in their other house too and it was very crowded. I can't do anything about Carrie and her dad's insistance to have her host. Only be supportive. I know I don't enjoy the day, but feel we need to be there for Greg. It's only one day.

    Janet: I haven't had a manicure in a long time. I'd like to do that sometime. I definitely need to find a good hand cream to help moisturize my hands. I use Aveda products but they are pricey for everyday use.

    Breakfast, lunch, and snacks are tracked. I'm trying very hard to stick to plan as I want to lose the 5 lbs I put back on. I know holiday foods are so tempting, but I need to make good choices. I'm so hoping that I can get to a downward spiral. I'm also trying to lower my cholesterol naturally. Does anyone have suggestions?

    Have a great day, everyone! Love this group!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop, have tried to post every day but my iPad keeps shutting down mid post and then no time to redo. It has been a very emotional few days. Working, taking care of Mom, the death of our sweet friend and hosting Thanksgiving. The last being the one thing that has truly brought joy to my heart. Having the house filled with my kids, grandkids, greatgrandkids, cousins and more. I am truly blessed and thankful doesn't begin to cover my emotions. To top it all off work let me off early for the funeral that will be tonight. This is THE busiest day of the season and when I told them how sad I was about not going to the funeral the shift manager texted the store manager and it was a done deal. I go in at 11 and can leave whenever I need to. I burst into tears at their kindness. The other store would never have even considered it since she was not a relative. I will leave around 4. It is going to be an awful night. There will be a gathering at the Eagles after the funeral. Edd has spent every day with Justin, not sure he would have survived without him. Justin did start to get better when the 10 year old came home and she is what will get him thru.

    I have read all and wish I could post personals but I know you all understand. This group is at the top of list of things I am thankful for each and every day. Know that I care deeply for you and always appreciate your unflagging support in all things.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Yesterday was as bad as it gets and as good as it gets. To see so many come together with such love for my friend and those she left behind has left me with a renewed sense of what is good and right in this world. We all gathered at the Eagles after the services. About the time everyone got there, the place was packed and open to all, the power went out. So we celebrated her by candlelight for about an hour. We are all sure she made it happen, it would be so like her. Tomorrow he will go to the courthouse to obtain temporary guardianship of the daughter with the ultimate goal of adopting her. The birth father signed the birth certificate and that ended his involvement with her. By next fall I hope to have Justin working on some education for himself. He delivers pizzas and he will need a better job with better hours. We are surrogate parents for him as his parents are addicts. He was once and Stephanie brought him out of that dark place. He is so afraid of returning but he knows that her daughter needs him sober and straight. Edd has been his rock and has paid the price. Poor guy is in bed and sick!

    All for now
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The weather has certainly taken a turn. It's very windy this morning and is turning colder. Dan just texted and said that Annie is out of school today, and he's waiting to hear about Dylan's and Penny's schools. Schools hardly ever close up there, so it must be bad. I heard there are delays at O'Hare and Midway.

    Today I have a visit and then my BFF and I are going to Bloomington to shop. I saw some pretty tree picks at Pier 1 when I was in Chicago last weekend, so I'm hoping they will have some in Bloomington. If not, at least we will have fun together. I have a visit this morning, so we will go after that.

    Patti: You certainly have a lot on your plate. I hope Edd feels better today and that Justin gets the help he needs. Good luck in the adoption process. How old is the daugther?

    Breakfast is tracked......Greek Yogurt and EAS Protein Shake. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Monday morning dear friends. It was a busy weekend over at my Dad's. Glenn is certainly the son he never had. He worked on tacking down the blue tarp again on the roof, put the chain link fence back up on the right side of the yard, and installed the new bathroom vanity sink we brought with us. I'm really ashamed of my brothers. They are not stepping up and helping my father hardly at all. My dad told me Saturday night he wished he had sons like Glenn and more daughters like me. It's sad. My brother Kevin has not been over there at all since he storm. I vacuumed and mopped the floors and ran back and forth to the Ace Hardware store too. We did watch the Iron Bowl with my dad on Saturday night. Roll Tide.

    Patti - I agree with you. Your friend had a hand in the power outage and how wonderful to celebrate her life under candlelight.

    Bert - I love Pier 1 for their Christmas Décor. I also love the Kirkland's store too. I went there for Black Friday and purchased some adorable reindeer spikes and some more elves. My living room is sitting full of boxes and a naked tree. I have to work today, but I will be back to get it all going tonight.

    Cindy- I saw your lovely picture and notice of your author advertisement on Facebook. I posted it to my board and raved over you. Happy Holidays to you and yours for the best it can possibly be. Love you lady.

    Janet - have you gotten your tree and lovely glass ornaments out yet? You have such lovely items.

    Diane - I hope you arrived to your sister's house safely and were able to work on the cabinets. i'm sure she was overjoyed. I'm going to call a cabinet maker near our home today to see about get our custom made for the Man Mansion.

    We stopped and purchased a fantastic pool table and some very expensive pool sticks very near our home last evening. It has red felt and is pristine. It wasn't cheap, but after all Glenn has done for my father he certainly deserves it. It was over $700 in pool cues alone. He is so very excited about it. He and Kirk will go pick it up this afternoon. Tomorrow is the big delivery day. Best Buy is delivering the TV, Haverty's is delivering the couch and coffee table and Lowe's is delivering the refrigerator. LOL.

    I better get my hair dried and get off to work. Happy Holidays to all of you. I hope you enjoy your life in any fashion you desire.

    Take care,

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Yes we arrived safely. We drove four hours Friday afternoon to get past the ice storm that was hitting western Maryland Saturday morning, then drove the rest of the way (14 hours) on Saturday to avoid the snow storm coming through the Midwest and Chicago on Sunday!

    Sunday was packing up the cabinets and taking them down (the uppers that were still left) and shopping for things we forgot to bring. Today we demolished the wall between the kitchen and bath, uncovering two more doors and about six layers of wallpaper in the process. Also fixed most of the nightmare of supply plumbing in the basement and more of the nightmare of electric. Tomorrow we need to rebuild the floors as we found lots of rot under the wall and under the old tub. We will also start on rebuilding the wall, and on fixing the drain plumbing. They were only without water for about 8 hours so that was good.

    Sorry no personals but I have read all.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited November 2018
    Diane - Good to hear from you. Sounds like what we are finding in my father’s house. Glenn put in the new sink and had to put in all new hoses and drains. The toilet is leaking and that is next. We are having Mr Rooter break out the old bathtub and install the walkin shower. Dad is really looking forward to that. I go back over there next Monday and meet with a new contractor for the kitchen and hallway ceilings removal and black mold removal. I have a cabinet maker hired. It’s a lot of back and forth but like I said, my brothers are not really stepping up. Glenn is off two week from work starting the 23rd and he’s going to rewire the house too. It ridiculous what you run into in the older homes.

    Patti- How is Edd feeling and how is your Mom’s eye?

    I’m decorating my tree tonight..

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The trip to Pier 1 was successful. I only bought 4 tree picks, so I ordered more when I got home after I realized I could have used more. At least it was free shipping!

    Today I have a vist, a session with my PT, and a meeting at St. Mary's to discuss one of my students who is not doing well. I always dread these meetings, but she's not holding up her end of the bargain. Hopefully things will work out.

    Karla: It's sad your brothers aren't helping out. I can't imagine not helping my parents if they needed me. I certainly hope our boys would step up.

    Diane: Glad you arrived safely. Rennovations can be a pain.

    Making eggs and bacon this morning. I'm using half the alottment (according to MFP) of cholesterol in one egg. I'm really trying to watch what I eat, especially foods high in cholesterol.

    Hoping all is well with everyone. Have a great day!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    Here’s Glenn’s baby. He loves it. His tv was just delivered a few minutes ago.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Taking a short break to catch up. I was a total slug on Sunday but it was much needed. Yesterday I went out in the snow flurries to get mom's groceries and a few things from Hobby Lobby for some craft ideas I hope to do soon. I have been trying to find a nightgown pattern and was amazed that there were none in the current catalogues that fit the bill. There was precious little to choose from. Finally settled on one that is super easy but not the style I wanted. I think I need to search on line for the next one, just wanted to see today not when the pattern finally gets here, lol
    Edd is mostly better. He worked outside yesterday for a bit and was none the worse. I think he was having a severe sinus reaction to all the smoke he has been around the last week.
    I think mom is seeing a tiny bit better. Able to read large print, think old yellow school paper with the dotted line in the middle big. She gets another shot Thursday and it worries me because the shot really messes with her vision for a day. I don't want her to think it is a set back. I can tell she is really getting frustrated and a bit depressed.
    I have the nightgown all cut out and I am heading to my sewing room to put it together.

    Diane, you and John are certainly a force. Hope there is a day of rest for you soon. The task seems daunting.

    Karla, the table looks great. Hope Glenn has many happy hours there. So sad that the boys are MIA when your dad needs them most.

    Bert, sorry you have to meet to discuss a students shortcomings. Always difficult to say negative things when you want them to do well.

    Cindy, do you have a date for the next book yet? Kudos on the public recognition, so well deserved.

    Janet, how are things in your cozy world?

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Here is my BIL in the tub we took out. Got the floor fixed today and made some progress on plumbing, and finished the demolition. We are already about a day behind where we hoped to be! But the floor is repaired and tomorrow we start building walls. do6ak4ph7uaj.jpeg
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The meeting yesterday was enlightening to my student's advisor; however, things needed to be said. She contacted my student yesterday and they are meeting Thursday. My session with my PT was good. I'm sore this morning which is a good sign that I had a good workout. I got my second pneumonia shot yesterday. The nurse said they had no shingles vaccine and that I should get on a waiting list at my local pharmacy. So, I'm going today to do just that. Today is grandparents day with Jillian....Cole's is tomorrow. Then this afternoon, we are meeting with our local bank to discuss financing the HVAC purchases. I'm not happy about going into more debt, but it's necessary I guess. I don't think we will ever be debt free.

    Karla: I'm sure Glenn is happy with the pool table and tv.

    Diane: You guys are working so hard. It's so nice that you can do this.

    Patti: Prayers are going out for Edd and your mom. I hope the shot will help her. I think Mike gets regular sinus infections from smoking. I wish he would quit, but it has to be his decision. He attributes them to other conditions of course.

    Waving hi to Janet and Cindy. Have a great day everyone! Breakfast is tracked.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Geez just lost a long post!!

    Good morning ladies. Brrrr, it’s cold down here. 32 this morning. We are having a potato bar today at work. I have the potato cooked in the crock pot overnight. Yum! All the ladies and doctor are bringing the toppings and drinks. It’s good for comradeship and morale.

    Diane- What a job! I am having a similar remodel done on my dad’s bathroom but not as extensive, but he’s paying a plumber to pull the tub and install the walk in shower we are buying in Mobile. It’s a nasty job. I go back Monday to meet with a new contractor on the kitchen remodel and the ceiling in the rest of the house.

    Patti- The patterns are definitely not what they used to be. I noticed that when I was looking for one a while back. Are you making the nightgown for you or your Mom? My dad doesn’t have any setback on the day of his injection. He has another one on December 19th. He used to though. Maybe this time will be easier on her. I will pray so.

    Bert - Sorry about your lazy student. We don’t want one of those teaching our young ones! Good luck.

    I better get dressed before I wake my Izzy bug. My ankles are really bad again and now it is both of them. I’ve got to go to an Orthopedic doctor.

    Have a great day.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    here is the nightgowfws1506rsusk.jpg
    nightgown I made for Mom yesterday. not in love with the style but it is super soft and has pockets, pretty much all she wants in a gown. I have 2 more pieces of flannel to make into gowns but am looking for a different pattern. this one was easy but lacks style.
    starting to panic a bit because I am way behind on shopping. I see gift cards and small personal items being the staple this year. the babies will be easy. At least my cards are made.

    Time for lunch with the girls. There are now 5 of us most weeks. we are going to a Mexican buffet at a locally famous restaurant. The restaurant opened in the 50s as a bar and mexican grill that was a local stop for railroad workers. There are now 5 locations in town and still the best food around.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, everyone! Have read all ...

    Karla, that table looks beautiful - I know Glenn will love it, especially with the TV in place - bet you'll find him out there often. Too bad your brothers aren't doing what they could - thank heaven for Glenn!

    Patti, your mom will love the nightgown - looks so comfy (and professionally made). Sending best wishes with you for your mom's injection, and I know you'll keep her spirits up.You'll get Christmas sorted out - having Thanksgiving so early this year is a good spur for all of us. Glad Edd is bouncing back from yet another emotional whammy. I know lunch with the girls is a great tonic.

    Bert, conversations about and with underperforming students are uncomfortable for everyone. If anyone can get through to her, you and her advisor are the people. Didn't know Mike smoked - James does too. He also makes noises about quitting, but that can only happen when they are ready (I smoked a bit but quit 29 years ago, after a couple of failed attempts. We all have our coping mechanisms. Hope the PT worked and you're less uncomfortable.

    Diane, I'm yet again amazed by your construction knowledge and skills - the photos say a lot! The bathtub one is particularly fun. Please share the "after" pics too! Stay warm and safe while you're working.

    Cindy, how bad has the weather been there? I've been seeing friends' posts - winter sure hit us early this year! Will Meg get home for Christmas? And how is your dad doing? Sending calming thoughts of the season your way.

    Been very busy here, trying to ramp up for Christmas. Am hoping to get trees and such up this weekend - need to devote a day to decorating. I've been buying assorted gifts online and boxes are arriving - time to see what I have and what I need. Still waiting for inspiration to strike for a few people but have made a dent in my gift list anyway.

    My eating hasn't been exemplary but also hasn't been awful. Am finding it easier to resist a grab-&-go snack when I'm out, so that's progress. Hit the seafood market yesterday for something to eat tonight.

    Have a terrific evening, everyone!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is grandparents day for Cole. I had a weird night last night. I went to lay down and had chills. Then during the night I developed a fever. I don't have one now, but think I'm coming down with a respiratory infection. I'm wondering if it's a side affect of the pneumonia shot I got on Tuesday. I'll take it easy today after we get home.

    Janet: I'm with you. I'm probably aiding in stores closing in our mall; however, I prefer to buy online. 3 of the 4 department stores have closed in our mall, and JC Penney is the only one left.

    Patti: Love the nightgown!

    Karla: My student is meeting with her advisor this evening. I will know more after the meeting. She sent me an email last night and started it out with Dear Professor and didn't call me by my name. Such is life.

    Waving to Diane and Cindy. Need to get ready for grandparents day.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all from snowy Wisconsin! We got a dusting last night. It is supposed to be warmer this afternoon so it should melt. However it will make running the saw out on the deck this morning challenging! We are making progress. We got the walls for the kitchen rebuilt yesterday. We are still waiting on the shower pan to be delivered before we can finish framing the shower walls. Today will be a little drywall in the kitchen, plumbing and electric work in the kitchen and bath. Again, can’t finish the plumbing until the shower pan arrives. Such a nuisance!

    My eating has been pretty bad. A friend helping brought donuts one morning and coffee cake another morning. Our meals have been brought by friends so no real choice. And of course they bring dessert! I’m not tracking at all - just too busy and too hard when I don’t know the recipe for what was brought. Last night was a bit lighter - tomato soup, salad and bread, but candy my BIL brought out for dessert. And of course I didn’t resist.

    Patti I like the gown! You were obviously very careful in placing the pieces on the fabric for a well balanced look. That is hard to do sometimes. How is Edd doing?

    Karla, yes all the stuff you are searching for contractors for is what we are doing ourselves here. It is quite a job to do in two weeks!

    Bert, hopefully your student will realize that this is serious and will buckle down after this intervention.

    Janet, how many trees do you put up? We do just one, and have to pick and choose between what makes it on the tree every year. I have a friend who does six, including one totally Elvis tree and one totally flamingo tree!

    Cindy, I hope you didn’t get hit too hard in the snowstorm that came through!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I’m home today as I had a bad cough and Glenn met me with the syrup and grounded me to stay home. It did not take too much arm twisting as I am still in the mist of decorating.

    Can I say I am in LOVE with my new refrigerator?? Lol. It is the LG knock knock one you can see through the door, the French Door type with the freezer on the bottom. We moved the black Magtag out to Glenn’s Man Mansion and this was my Christmas gift.

    Bert- Why is it people cannot take responsibility for their own action and blame their professor or supervisor? I have dealt with this my whole career. We are returning to our normal weather, low 70’s, thank goodness.

    Patti- I think the gown was lovely and I am sure your Mom will adore it because it was made by you with love. Is today her eye injection?

    Janet - Thinking if you as I have Bing Crosby’s White Christmas movie on and decorating my tree. I don’t know why, just thought you would like this scenario. Wish you were here to sit and sip hot chocolate or coffee and enjoy a nice chat.

    Diane- I hope the expected piece comes in so you can move forward. You have really tore the house apart! It will be so beautiful when you are completed with it. Your sister is really blessed to have you and your expertise. Don’t worry about your eating right now when you have no control, I’m sure you are working most of it off anyway!

    I better get back at it, I will post a video of my rotating tree once I finish with it. Take care my dear friends..

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, it is cold and sleeting here so we cancelled Mom's eye appointment and rescheduled for next Thursday. I cannot risk her falling, plus she refuses to go out anyway, lol. This is a good news/bad news deal. Bad news is we have to see the same Dr we saw last time and didn't like, good news is I have the beginnings in of a cold (sore throat and sniffles, nothing horrid) and really didn't want to expose Mom to it. I am staying in today and may just get my decorations out. I did not put up any last year and had the hardest time getting into the holiday spirit. Have vowed I will not do that again. I really wish I had the nightgown pattern I ordered on line.

    Diane, i know how much work you are doing. We have totally gutted our house and redone it but not in the timeframe you have set for yourself. Loved the bathtub picture. When we remodeled the upstairs bath we had a huge window in the bathroom we removed,so we just pushed the old cast iron tub thru it out into the yard. It made a huge crater in the ground, lol. Once you are back home you can get back to tracking and being a WW. Thanks for noticing that I took care with the fabric pattern. Only another sewer would notice that detail usually. The pattern I ordered is a little more feminine. I bought some Luxe flannel and am amazed at how much softer it is than the regular flannel, which is pretty darn soft.

    Bert, I hope the student is open to improving. We don't need a teacher that is lazy or not fully engaged. I love that you meet with your PT on a regular basis. After the holidays I think I need to kick up my routine. I don't think I am getting enough cardio.

    Better post before this gets eaten

    Waving hi to the rest
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good evening all. Today’s progress was ...frustrating. We ran into some issues, probably to be expected in an old house, but frustrating nonetheless. We only got half as far as we had hoped today, and we worked from 8 this morning until 7:45 tonight.

    I will say that I haven’t left the house in the last three days, and have hit my 10k steps and 15 flights goal every day. And eating was a bit better today...more veggies and fewer carbs and no dessert.

    Patti, good not to take chances with Mom falling. I will put up Christmas decor when I get back.

    Karla, feel better! Hope it is not the flu.

    Speaking of which, I talked to Brad today. He is home with Elise because she has the flu. Poor baby. I am sorry I am not there to help. They did get her to the doctor soon enough to confirm it as flu and get her on the Tamiflu.

    All for now. Have a Good Friday everyone!