OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good evening, been a day. Mom's eyes are not getting better but not worse, not that that is much of a consolation to her. She was pretty down today. Hope she was feeling a bit better by the time I left. I mostly worry about her not eating. Of course, I worry every minute of the day about her falling or getting injured. She has her LifeAlert and that is a small comfort. Will be stopping by in the morning to deliver her milk. Then I have some appointments in the afternoon before I go to work.

    Cindy, always love when you stopped by. Glad your weekend was such a success. What a nice compliment from your Ohio worker. Of course you are an angel and it's about time everybody knew it too. I pray Rick made his appointment.

    Diane, Elise is so cute. I know she loves her grandma. How goes the cabinet building business?
    How is your Mom doing? She is on my prayer list too.

    Bert, I know you must be so proud of Mike for the help he is giving. I can't imagine what those poor folks are going to do that lost it all. Hard to imagine your life changing on a dime due to a storm.

    Janet, I have to be really careful at Costco. I have a rule now, only take samples of things I have never tried before. It helps that I usually go on Wed after lunch with the girls, lol. The samples have steered me into buying some foods I otherwise would not have bought, some good and some decadent, lol.

    Karla, good news that the Wyndam has power and internet access. Hope you get workers to get your Dad's house fixed up. Do you think he will stay with you or go back when the house is safe to live in again?

    The dishes are refusing to wash themselves.......again. So guess that means I need to get on it.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm up early this morning as I fell asleep earlier last night. I'm going to clean out and reorganize a couple of my kitchen cabinets and junk drawer today. A furnace company representative is coming to give a quote on new furnaces/ac units. I'm hoping he will be lower than our first quote and might have a suggestion or two on how to make things better, efficiency wise.

    It rained a lot in Marianna where Mike is. The tent area is flooded. They were supposed to give the volunteers totes to put their belongings in, but that hasn't happened. Mike said he has to wear boots to walk to the showers. His bedding got soaked, so he got fresh ones. He put his belongings on an empty cot so at least it was above the ground. He loaded trucks yesterday and will be taking them to Panama City.

    Patti: So sorry about your mom, but at least they aren't getting worse. It's a good thing that she has the Life Alert, but I know it's a constant worry for you.

    Cindy: You're definitely an angel!

    Waving hi to Karla, Dianne, and Janet. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning friends.

    Bert- Bless Mike! Yes, there is much devastation all around there. My dad is blessed he had insurance. I must add he never carried insurance on the house all the years my mother was alive. It drove her crazy. I made him get some. He is glad now.

    Patti- I know your mom wants her independence, but would she consider moving in with you or your sister during this time? Or maybe stay at your sisters during the day and your house at night? Just until she gets some vision back? It would take the fear of her falling and hurting herself off your mind, not eating and her being less depressed and lonely. Plus, can she bathe?

    Back later

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, thanks for the suggestions but I do not have a bedroom on the first floor and Susie's
    place would never work. And, yes, she bathes on a regular basis. Just getting out the door is a major chore for her, so going back and forth would be totally impractical. Even if we had a room there are stairs to get into both of our houses. We are looking into independent living and she is now ready, or at least she was yesterday.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- Just feel like I know your Mom after what we all went through with you getting her to Ohio. Having said that, thank God she still isn’t in Texas. I hope you find her avplace soon.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Bad storms are hitting again where Mike is stationed. I hope today will be a better day for him. Today I'll be heading to the recyclers and then to the gym. I also will pick up Cole from school today. Jillian and Carrie are home with strep throat.

    Cole ran in the Color Run yesterday. He did an amazing job for only being in Kindergarten. He finished in the top 1/3 of the group. Both Greg and I were impressed. Greg said that he knew Jillian was sick yesterday when she said she didn't care if she missed the run.

    I had a furnace company come yesterday to give their estimate on new furnaces/acs .....not looking forward to having to do this at our age, but it's necessary. We will definitely have to adjust the budget once again (sigh).

    Yesterday's eating was pretty good. I'm staying within calories/points, but the scale is the same. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning all,

    Bert, poor Jillian and Carrie, hope the antibiotics do their job and get them feeling better quickly. How awesome for Cole. Bet he had a blast. Mike is a trooper, seems unfair to have storms when he is trying to help out. It certainly humbles me.

    I visited a very nice place for Mom. I think she may benefit from having a wheelchair just for me getting her to the dining room or out for appointments. I had a few apartments to choose from but ultimately chose the one the admission coordinator suggested because it has great neighbors. If Mom could make one friend I think it would change her outlook. There are several people living there that have macular degeneration and the admissions lady said she is planning to start a support group. They have onsite homecare and I am going to get an order for OT so someone can work with Mom to adjust to her decreased vision. I have tried but she doesn't always listen to me, lol. The facility is pristine. Each apartment in completely redone with new paint and carpet with every vacancy. This is independence with grace. Their motto is "Aging in place gracefully". Everything I saw supports that motto. The only downside is that there is not a washer/dryer hookup in the apartments but there is a free laundry room on every floor. I will plan on doing her laundry or she can have them do it for $8.50 a load. LifeAlert is included and they have staff onsite that responds to all alerts. Daily security check on each resident. They also have valet parking for residents and their guests. Just have to remember to drive a car bigger than my Mercedes, lol. The guy barely fit in it yesterday. I just hope Mom will not be too upset by the move but it is time.

    Sorry to go on and on, guess I am rehearsing what I am going to tell Mom today. We have a tentative move in date of Nov 26. Now to stress really begins as we make all the necessary arrangements. Her lease expires Dec 19th, so I have plenty of time to finish cleaning out her apartment after she moves into the new one.

    No other personals today, my brain is swimming with all that I need to say and do with Mom.
    My sis is being a real turd. Mom does not want her to know about the move until the last minute because she will come in and start claiming stuff out of the apartment.

    thanks for being here as my sounding board and support group. Tiny movement on the scale this week, I will take anything that is a negative number.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, that's terrific news! My dad really liked having people nearby when he moved to assisted living. If you (or they) get your mom into a dining or lounge area, I bet she'll make friends. It'll increase her health and your peace of mind. Sorry your sister is being such a turd.

    Bert, hope Jillian and Carrie feel vastly better soon.

    Karla, good thing your dad had insurance, and that the damage was from wind, not water - I hear they get really prickly about storm flooding being excluded. How is Kerry faring?

    Diane, hope your mom is stable and improving. Your heart just hurts when your parent is unwell

    Cindy, hope work continues to be manageable and that being Lucinda provides you an excellent diversion.

    My eating was mediocre yesterday but today's a fresh one. Much to do - will try to stop by later!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good evening all. We have been working 8-10 hours a day on cabinets, trying to beat the weather. We are so close! We assembled and sprayed all except one (the corner cabinet) of the lower cabinet boxes yesterday, and assembled all but one of the upper cabinet boxes today (we had a chip out, and the pieces are glued and drying until tomorrow). The uppers still need trim pieces that John hopes to get done tomorrow, and then they can be sprayed. We still have the solid back of the island to make, fit, sand and spray, and a few other minor pieces. However, today may have been our last warm day :(. We might hit 50 on Monday, so that might be our last best shot.

    In the meantime, mom is improving physically, but I don't see any improvement in her attitude or short term memory. I was really hoping that conquering the UTI would bring her memory back, but that doesn't appear to be happening. Still battling with the Home care providers to submit the right forms for her long term care insurance to pay up.

    I'm really trying to eat better. The last two weeks were horrible, but I went back to my WW meeting and am trying really hard to track and stay within my points. Going to meetings this time around really does seem to get me back on track for a few days at least, so it helps to go consistently. However, I am so tired tonight that it may be a pizza delivered night. I have chicken thawed but I don't have the energy to do anything with it. We've been eating a lot of crock pot meals because I can put them together early, and not at the end of a hard day.

    Patti, I am so glad you found a place your mom can move into so soon. I know that will be some worry off your mind. I hope she enjoys being around more people her age. Dining in the dining room is crucial to getting to know some people! I know I am so glad my mom is at least in a place like that.

    Bert, sorry your grands are sick. One of my kids got strep constantly, and finally had his tonsils out which did seem to reduce the frequency. It is awesome that Mike is down in Florida helping out. I know he is needed!

    Janet, you certainly find a lot to keep you busy! How did we ever find time to work?

    Karla, your dad is lucky he had that insurance! So happy he got a decent settlement. When are you going over to try to find a contractor? How swamped are they? And where is Kerry staying?

    Cindy thinking of you frequently - hoping Rick has made that appointment and tells you about it!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    I had Elise one day this week while John was off on a work trip. She is my little cutie pie! Just started walking last week, and now she is walking everywhere. She starts at a different daycare next week.l769pjacfart.jpg
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, Elise is adorable! Love this picture. Be kind to yourself while eating your pizza, you earned it and you didn't eat one every day. I know how exhausted you must be. Amazed that you have done any cooking at all. gotta love the crockpot.

    My mom decided that she does not want to move after all. Not surprised, she was way too enthusiastic when we talked about it on Tuesday. I know she is terrified of trying to learn a new place with her poor vision. She knows every nook and cranny of her home and feels safe there. I can't take that away from her even if it means it breaks my heart and makes me worry double time. I will honor her the only way I know and that is by not fighting with her. She really does remarkably well, except for the cooking. I plan to keep going at least every other day to set up food for her to heat and eat. Just ordered her a large button remote for the tv and cable plus a large button phone that has 9 even larger buttons that can be programmed. I will be button number 1, lol. I think there has been a slight improvement in her vision and will just pray that it keeps getting better. Next shot Nov 29th.

    I am going to my craft room and veg out. I feel a little bad that I skipped the gym but I just couldn't face it today. usually they really cheer me but I can't put on a happy face and give it my best in my current state of mind. I will get better, just need a little decompression therapy and that can be found in my room
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning all. Glad to see this busy week coming to an end!!

    Patti - That place sounds very nice and I had high hopes your mother would blossom there, and then saw you last post where your Mom does not want to go. They usually don't, I don't know how you convince them. Maybe Janet or Diane can have advice how they convinced their parent to move into them. Evidently your Mom feels safe enough to stay alone. I'm so sorry for what you are going through. I know it all wears so heavy on your heart. My dad also has one of those eye injections on Wednesday morning. Their office in town is still demolished, so we have to go o their beach location. He is going to spend the night we me at the Wyndham Tuesday night. We also have a hearing Aid appointment Tuesday afternoon to get his expensive hearing aids back working. He has been using the AS SEEN ON TV ones and they are no where as good, but better than nothing. LOL.

    Janet - You ask about Kerry. He has been staying in the family home with the next door neighbor checking on him daily and Keith stopping by daily also. He refused to come to my house the three times we have been here. He has been in great spirits and has flourished during this whole tragedy strange enough. Thank you for being concerned about him. I have a hilarious story about him and Keith going into a convenience store right after the hurricane buying some cigarettes with Kerry with his speech impediment talking with a Pakistan clerk. LOL. I'll call you sometime and tell you. It's a hoot.

    Diane - Great to hear from you. What an adorable picture of you cutie pie! She is growing up so fast. I have so many friends in Panama City and my BFF's niece works at a contractor's office and she got me an appointment with her contractor for next Tuesday to review my dad's damages. They can do just the rough, or all the damages. Lucky!! They said they could start right away on the roof. Progress!! Dad said he didn't know what he would do without me. I told him that goes both ways!! I have enjoyed him being here so much. But he does miss his neighbors and friends.

    Dad and I are going to a couple Estate sales after we drop Izzy off at school. Fun times together I treasure.

    Janet - Did I tell you I purchased a Dooney and Burke purse at an Estate Sale last Friday? It is gorgeous. It was $145 the first day and I went back for half price day and got it then. Mint condition without a speck on it. Yippeee.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's raining this morning. I have a visit this afternoon and then am returning home and will organize a closet and try to tidy up the garage. Tomorrow is the Christmas Bazaar at church during the day, and then I'll attend Greg's home game.

    Patti: The weather has not been cooperative for Mike. I feel sorry for him and the other volunteers. He says they are trying to shut down the warehouse where he is stationed and will move it to Panama City. He's not sure whether or not he will move down there or be sent home early. I'm praying for the latter as I know he's worn out. I hope you can get your mom in to the apartments where others have macular degeneration. Having people around and having a support group there can help your mom. It's a difficult decision to make. My parents both passed away young. My dad was only 64 and my mom was 72, so my brother and I didn't have to make the decision you are having to make. Good luck with your sister, too. I just read your second post, and sorry to hear your mom doesn't want to move.

    Diane: My mom had UTI's all the time. Some were horrible. It's really difficult to watch your parents decline no matter what the situation. What a darling picture you posted of Elise!

    Karla: So glad your dad is beginning to get his house repaired. He's lucky to have you.

    Waving hi to Janet and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, it is cold and crisp here, just the way Janet likes it. Edd is off 4 wheeling with his buddies and I am home babysitting my son's 2 dogs while he and Pam are in TN with friends camping out I think, not sure of the details. Just got the prints from the wedding and am very pleased with my work and the work of Snapfish, lol. My granddaughter will be picking them up on her way to her MILs this afternoon. I will be at work, bummed that I won't get to see her reaction to them but happy she has them to look at and share. I planned to make a digital album for her but have not been in the right mood for putting it together. She will hold on to the pictures until I need them in Feb for my weekend scrapbook retreat when I plan to get her scrapbook album done.
    I worked 2-7 yesterday and will do the same today. I like not having to close but found out I will be closing Black Friday and I am assuming Saturday too. Not looking forward to that at all but it must be done by someone.

    Bert, I hope Mike gets a respite and can come home for a while. Maybe return later after he has rested a bit, if it works that way. I know you miss him but are so very proud of what he is doing.

    Diane, hope the weather held out long enough to get the rest of the spraying done. It is an amazing amount of work you have accomplished in such a short time. I am so sorry to hear that your Mom's memory is doing so poorly. My mom keeps saying hers is going but I think it is because she can't write things down for reference, a practice she has done for many years. She can't see the calendar so has difficulty remembering what day or day of the week it is. The things we take for granted when we can see are the things she is struggling with the most. Like putting toothpaste on her brush or pouring a cup of coffee without overflowing the cup.

    Karla, glad to hear that Kerry has done so well on his own with people checking on him. Bet that is a big relief and surprise to all. I am sure you all worried about him but I well understand not being able to force him to leave his home. He probably fared better there than if he had come to your house just because it is familiar, even with the damage and loss of power and phone. I bet he is proud of himself and I am sure the praise he is receiving for managing during this difficult time pump him up even more. Blessings come in strange ways.

    Janet, hope you are enjoying this weather with James at your side while you watch your sports. I have a picture of you doing just that in my mind. So nice you have such a wonderful friend who shares your enthusiasm. I watch a little football with Edd and that is about it. He has gotten into college ball, but I think that is just an excuse to be in front of the tv instead of working on Saturdays, lol.

    Cindy, always on my mind and in my heart and prayers. Will Rick tell you when he makes an appointment? What is next on the agenda for LR? Any more book events? Did you ever hear back from Hallmark? Your books seemed so perfect for them. My one regret about getting rid of the satellite is that I can no longer get the Hallmark Channel. It has to be paired with a provider to see it on the Firestick. Oh well, I have precious little tv time these days and with the holidays upon us I will have even less. Speaking of that, is Meg coming home for Thanksgiving and/or Christmas? Is she still liking it here in Ohio? Hope she has made some friends thru work.

    Peaceful wishes to you all

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Mike has finally been moved to a hotel. They are expecting 6-9" of rain. The tents have flooded so many times, he said that grass was growing through the "floor" and that the tent smelled like mildew. He said that a couple of people had gotten sick, so the rest of the crew (5 guys) are in a hotel. He said that he was so thankful to have a bed and a porcelain toilet! Yesterday they loaded trucks and went to Panama City and Mexico City again to deliver supplies. They are trying to get everything out of the warehouse and then close down that sight and move to Panama City. I'm sure he got a good night's sleep last night.

    Today my BFF's are taking me out for my birthday lunch. We've tried to get together for 2 weeks. It will be a fun time.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, so happy to hear Mike is in better accommodations now. The work they are doing is so needed and I am sure so appreciated. Enjoy celebrating your birthday with your BFFs. Nothing quite beats time with them.

    I am going to Moms in a few. I have her new phone to program and hope to get the tv controller this week as well. She sounded very cheery yesterday. Seems like no matter what she and I can always find something to laugh about. she answered her phone "House of stupidity"! Will set up some meals for the next few days. My sister has a cold so hasn't been able to help out and I don't expect her any time soon as her colds usually last for weeks. I just can't go more than 2 days without setting eyes on her.
    Got my schedule for Thanksgiving week. It is fairly ugly and I am hosting the meal here. I also have to carry in food on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. I have to close on Wednesday and Friday, 6 hours of grueling labor. Then I have to work an 8 hour shift on Saturday 11-7:30, so at least I am not closing. I did tell the manager that I would love to repeat this weekends schedule once we get thru the Black Friday weekend and he said no problem. We shall see how that goes.
    I do think I will only have about 15 for dinner on Thursday and plan to keep it fairly simple. Will be asking my DIL and cousin to bring a side.

    Time to head out, waving hi to all
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I'm still trying to convince Rick to make the doctor appointment. I'm changing tactics and asking for him to do it for me. At least this morning it seemed to make a dent as I said, maybe its something with nutrition. He was really struggling at work with the new computer system.
    I've submitted to Carina, which is a division of Harlequin- Hallmark said no- but to keep working on my craft, I just wasn't "there" yet. But I'm working with a new editor and big changes in my writing. Progress. If Carina passes on the trilogy I'll get ready to publish the trilogy in early 2019- can't wait to share them with everyone.
    Book 2, Borrowed has two rough paragraphs, so I'm tweaking them with my critique partner
    I'm still editing book 3, Blue, and this morning before work I outlined the first book in the Crystal Lake Series, Jack and Peyton's story. My goal is to outline one book per day this week. It only takes about 15 minutes- super rough, its like the first pass when constructing a new road. You know where it starts and ends the rest is just dug up stuff and eventually it all falls into place and gets paved with lots of editing.

    Big news! I walked 2300 steps yesterday of purposeful exercise. A first in a very long time.
    I have to have an endrometial bioposy and it was strongly suggested i lose some weight. I guess hormornes love chubby ladies. So another motiation.

    Diane- that baby is so adorable- you're very blessed.
    Janet- enjoying the cooler temps? How's James doing?
    Bert- you must be so proud of Mike....
    Karla- is your Dad still with you? Congrats on the D/B bag- a bargain for sure
    Patti- so sorry about your mom's vision- but you're doing all you can. You're a wonderful daughter she's lucky to have you.
    Need to run- see you again soon
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, so good to hear from you and that you are becoming LR more and more it seems. Can't wait for the next trilogy. Sorry that Hallmark turned you down but at least they were encouraging. Every submission and rejection is just a learning opportunity. I am sure that it is rare for a first time writer to make it to Hallmark on their first try but you certainly are the stuff Hallmark is made of. Praying Rick will do it for you.

    Well the phone was bust. There is no phone jack near her chair and that is where she needs the phone. The only one is on the wall in the kitchen and there is no safe way to run a line to her chair without pulling up the carpet and we really can't do that in a rental. So that one goes back, minus $8 for shipping. Ordered a cordless large button that will be here Thursday. I put her toothpaste in a little container so she can just dip her toothbrush into it and then used little containers to preportion her salad dressing. She has meals for the next 3 nights and I will be there Friday and set up more meals for her. She puts on a happy face and we always find stuff to laugh about but I never stop worrying.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm up very early this morning. I went to sleep too early last night, and then Molly woke me up. I couldn't go back to sleep. My throat is a little scratchy this morning, too. Hope to keep that down to a dull roar! Oh well.

    I have a visit today and my BFF is traveling with me. It will be a nice day.

    Patti: Glad to hear your mom is sounding cheery and is doing ok. I can relate to the worrying. My mom just wanted to give up her fight with liver problems and diabetes. I tried to help her have a better outlook, but she wasn't interested, I guess. I still worried.

    Cindy: So glad to hear from you. I certainly hope Rick makes the appointment for both your sakes. Good luck with your books.

    Have a good day everyone! Waving hi to Janet, Diane, and Karla.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Can I say this traffic coming off the beach is awful? Geez!!! I was warned though.

    My sweet Cindy- So wonderful to see you post. Weight affects us in so many ways. I have been stress eating and it shows. Good for you on the steps! You keep your writing going. It will keep you alive.

    Patti- You are taking such great care of your mom. Prayers her sight returns.

    Bert- I had hoped to see some improvement over here but if anything it looks worst. My dads debri is still piled in front of his house, but someone did get his old fridge we put out there. Lol. Bless Mike for his service.

    I have appointments around the clock the next three days and some medical appointments for my dad. I stopped by Target and picked up a couple cute Fall blousesvand a jacket as I didn’t pack well. They had some die for booties too, but not in my size! Boo!
