OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all. Had a weird night so am getting a late start. Had my protein shake and a small banana when I was tempted by the possibility of toast. Going to get stuff done here today. I promise!

    Diane, my heart hurts for you. Hope they diagnose and treat your mom today. Sending many prayers. It's nice that you can harvest some plants from your church - benefits everyone.

    Patti, that change of store has been great for you - smart move. Hope everything goes well tomorrow - your granddaughter is blessed to have you as her sympathies ear. Keeping fingers crossed for the weather to hold.

    Karla, hope you're coping with having such a houseful.

    Cindy and Bert, hello.

    Still walking the line on eating with mixed success. It's going to get soon though, I hope. Bought lots of lovely veggies yesterday and just need to keep a finger on the pause button. Much to do here! Big hugs and wishes for a good weekend for everyone.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. This morning I'm taking some stuffed pepper soup to one of our church friends to fell last week. She's almost 90, but has a lot of spunk! Tonight we are having dinner with friends.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    thank you for your concern- we don't have a diagnosis. We've been referred to a neurologist. The memory clinic said its not Alzheimers but they know there is something wrong with his brain but not sure what it is.
    His anxiety is running very high- my stress is right there too.
    I've done my research and can't find anything to explain it that isn't just as scary- so we wait for the referral I'm sure have a CT Scan and go from there.
    I miss talking to you all but I'm staying up to date as I'm a lurker. I feel like such a downer so I'm being a turtle.
    Keep us in your prayers please.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, do not hold back from us. we have all had our rough times and have vented here. You will not drag us down but maybe we can lift you up. Prayers will continue either way.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning here.

    Cindy - Ditto on what Patti said. Look at the crap I am going through now with my family. We all have issues. As we all are.

    Here is what happened in my case. I went through a battery of tests with my first husband, a year of counseling, medications, psychiatrist, neurologists, brain scans, all resulting in negative results. I felt so guilty leaving him but my counselor said I was too young to stay in the relationship with him after she had him in her therapy for 1 year. I'm praying for you both. I was much younger than you having to deal with it though, I was only 39 when I got divorced. He has never remarried, but lives in our old home and has done well, though in and out of depression he is in a good place right now and our son is a rock of Gibraltar for him. There is hope, and there is a future for you. Is Rick's son or other family involved at all?

    This morning at the B&B I made smoked sausage and chocolae chip pancakes for the crew. My brother Keith, whom is spazzing out, left for New Orleans yesterday. His nerves are frazzeled and he was getting snappy with the girls. My BFF and I are meeting and taking the kids to a huge Lawn Party by the Sisters of the Poor. I mean HUGE. Inflatibles, pony rides, food, live music, bake sale, carnival rides, etc.

    My dad is doing well. He misses his home and wants to go back when the electricity is on. I am going back Wednesday to meet with the adjuster. No telling what Kerry has drug in from the roadside as you all know what a hoarder he is..LOL

    I dread seeing the ruins all again. I am going to start baking this afternoon and make some of my prize cookies and banana bread to take to my friends. No one has had any oven to bake or stores to buy from and I think they will enjoy these.

    Take care my friends.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Cindy, glad you dropped in. Sending hugs and prayers always.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    My izzy
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Yesterday was a dream come true for my granddaughter. It was everything she wanted and she was radiant through it all. No bridezilla there. There is a lot to be said for an intimate affair. It was super cold and windy but no rain. My son cried his eyes out several times as did many more of us. Waterproof mascara to the rescue. Took over 2000 pictures, next to edit and make a few scrapbooks.
    Been watching movies on Prime and just chilling today.
    Taking my sister to see A Star is Born Tomorrow. Then groceries and work, yeah.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's a beautiful sunny day today. I have a visit this afternoon and am picking up Jillian and Cole from school. Greg and Carrie are attending Parent/Teacher Conference after school.

    Karla: I can't imagine having to see the ruins.

    Cindy: I agree with Patti and Karla. We are all here to help each other, and we all have issues and have vented many times. You are not being a downer; we can't help each other if we don't know the problems. Praying for you to find answers.

    Patti: So glad your granddaughter got the wedding of her dreams. Glad the rain held off. What movies are you watching on Prime? I tend to forget Prime and watch Netflix. I'm wanting to see A Star is Born as well. Hopefully next week will slow down so I can see it. I have visits everyday this week.

    Waving hi to Janet and Diane. Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, here are some I enjoyed on Prime. Ladies in Lavenderwith Maggie Smith, The Last Word with Shirley McClain. Two series I loved: The Marvelous Mrs Maisel (superb writing and the costumes and sets are perfect in their nostalgia for the 50s); Home Fires, a wonderful series about women in England during WWII. The Dressmaker, The Grand, Dr Thorne....hope that gives you some things to watch. have fun with the kids.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning Ladies. It's another gorgeous day here today. I have a 12:30 visit and then will pick up the kids after school. We have a church council meeting this evening, but I plan to get outside and walk in the neighborhood in about an hour. Jillian and Cole got their report cards yesterday. The both are doing great! Jillian is stronger in Language Arts and Reading and Cole is better in math. That makes for a proud grammie! Dan texted last night and said that Penny got in trouble at school yesterday for hiding toys in her pants and then bringing them into the classroom! :D

    Patti: Thanks for the show titles. I'll check them out.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, hope to see the rest of you all check in soon. I am doing better with my food choices and starting a see a little movement on the scale. Will start picking up more hours next week and through the rest of the winter so hoping that will help too. A Star is Born was awesome but my favorite will always be the Barbara and Chris version. Up next, Mom time.

    Wishing you all the best of everything.

    Bert, love the Penny story, put a big ole smile on my face.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Go, Patti!

    Bert, I love Penny's audaciousness. Nice try, kid.

    Karla, cute pic of Izzy. How are the FL girls doing?

    Diane, been thinking of your mom. Fingers crossed for things to level out.

    Cindy, hope you are finding some corners of peace. Deep breaths.

    Not much new here - spectacular weather so I will gladly run a flock of errands. Eating is up and down but trending better than a couple of months ago. Just getting over some small bug that had me feeling very blah for a few days.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Some very busy days here. I spent both Saturday and Sunday nights at mom’s. My sister from Wisconsin came in this week to help with mom for a few days. So I drove home from mom’s, picked her up at the airport and took her over, had dinner with them and got home late last night. Lots of driving (about an hour each way each time, if there is no traffic). Sister said she tried to get mom standing and walking again with no luck. If she can’t stand and walk, our only choice will be assisted living and giving up her apartment. I’ve tried to impress that on her but I think she has given up.

    Today the weather was gorgeous. Luckily John had all the drawer boxes ready so we sprayed them today. Next few days will be making the cabinet doors and drawer fronts. He has the upper and lower corner cabinets made but we have the rest of them to make. Hoping for warm weather a few days next week so we can spray all of that. This is a huge project!

    Bert, I love your stories of your grandkids.

    Cindy, never feel bad for coming here and lamenting your problems. We’ve all done it. There are times when we just need support or a sympathetic ear, and don’t have the mental or emotional energy to support the rest of the group. It’s okay.

    Karla, how is the full house? Are some of them living in the pool house?

    Patti, glad your food choices are paying off! Mine are too. While I am still stress eating, I am trying to fill myself up with good stuff before I succumb to the bad stuff. At least I don’t gorge on the bad stuff if I do that! My scale is staying the same, which I guess is a small victory in itself.

    Janet sorry to hear you have been feeling blah. Hoping the weather perks you up.

    I actually went back to a WW meeting today. I never made one last week. I had to go get some parts in town so stopped in to weigh and stayed for 20 minutes. I do really like this leader.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello all. My brother and two granddaughters left yesterday, so just my dad here now. He has finally calmed down and used to my house. I taught him the microwave today as today will be his first day by himself.

    We all will be going back to Callaway to start stage two of cleanup. My nephew from Troy will be coming with his back hoe to help clear the big tree and trashed big shed to the road. I’m going to start on the room with the caved in ceiling.

    I have to get my Straight A student Izzy off to school!


    Of course she made all A’s all of last year too.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I've been ambitious this morning. After opening up the front door to let in the gorgeous sunlight, all of Molly's hair showed up as well as dirt/dust on the kitchen chairs. So, I've swept the floors and cleaned up some of the table legs. It's frightening to see what is actually on the floor! :open_mouth: I have a visit today at noon and then will pick up Cole from school as it's early dismissal today.

    My visit just got cancelled due to student absence. I'm to observe a lesson taught to that particular student, will need to reschedule.

    Diane: So sorry to hear about your mom. It's difficult when they give up. My mom gave up, too. It was hard to watch as she was pretty active when she felt well. So impressed with your talents making cabinets! My scale is staying the same, too. I would like to see it move downward though.

    Karla: Good luck with clean up. I'm sure it's devastating there. Congratulations to Izzy!

    Patti: Congratulations on your weight loss!

    Janet: Hope you're feeling better.

    Waving hi to Cindy.

    Have a great day everyone! I'll go to the gym instead of my visit. It's a win-win!


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, gang. Sunny and cool here, sitting with hot coffee and thinking of you all.

    Diane, my heart breaks for you and your family. Wrestling with care decisions is so difficult, but I know you will navigate the waters as well - and compassionately - as anyone can. Glad your WI sister has come in to help - having lived far from my family, I know that getting back to Toledo to see my folks was really important for everyone.

    Karla, good to know your dad is adapting. How long will you stay when you go back? Of course Izzy Bright-Eyes is an A student - winning hearts with her smarts. She really is adorable.

    Patti, trying to ride on the coattails of your momentum here. Yesterday was a bit of a hash in terms of food, but the only thing I grabbed while out was a protein bar. Day by day - lots of lovely, fresh veggies in the fridge so perhaps I will do something nice with them today.

    Bert, how are your student teachers faring this fall?

    Cindy, thinking of you. Hope work stuff isn't too stressful.

    My car battery died at Walmart yesterday but they sent someone over with a portable charger, and I parked in the driveway. Checked with the dealer this morning - my battery was replaced in early 2015 and there will be some prorated discount on a replacement. Will probably go ahead and get that done soon, before cold weather adds another layer, even though it started right up this morning. At least I have time to wait for a sale, and I have AAA, just in case.

    Oddly, I've been really lucky at battery death times. The time before this, I was parked inside, at the dealership! Was listening to the radio for maybe 15 minutes while I waited for the service advisor to come over, and it wouldn't start. So I was right there - AND there was a battery sale going on. Talk about the best possible case ... The time before that, I was at an outlet mall with a good friend, on a sunny day. We called AAA and did a bit more shopping and had a Diet Coke while we waited. So no complaints.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    It's lunch with GFs today. Drunken Goat salad yummmmmm, half for lunch and half for dinner tonight at work. Mom is having some problems with her eye so we have an urgent visit to the retinal specialist on Friday. She is so upset that she is taking up so much of my time. I just can't convince her that there is no amount of time that is too much time with her. Tomorrow I have dental appointment for cleaning and to get my 2 permanent crowns put on. Will be nice to chew on both sides of my mout again.
    I have not started tracking but have made some changes. Cutting out snacking after dinner, my worst habit, is my focus at the moment. Drinking my cup of water in the morning, decreasing carbs and keeping portions small are my building blocks. I would like to add some aerobic exercise but just don't seem to get it done. That will be something to add in when I get the eating part down. It's not a perfect plan but it is a plan

    Diane, my heart is breaking for you and your mom. I have seen my mom fading in many ways and then there are super good days. I am so grateful my Mom moved so close to me. You and John are such a good team of construction partners and I bet your sister will be over the moon with her new kitchen. Hope the weather holds so you can get them done this weekend.

    Bert, love that you chose to go to the gym with your "found" time. Sorry your student was a no show, is this a pattern or did she have a good excuse?

    Janet, what luck to be in places where you can get help when your battery dies. I have one of those battery boosters to carry in the car. They cost about $50 and are very easy to use, can also be used to charge cellphones and other devices. They are the size of a paperback and super easy to use. If you use it one time it pays for itself.

    Karla, your home will be pretty quiet with just Izzy and your Dad there but I bet the relative calm will be welcomed by all of you. Sounds like you have a lot of work to do on your dad's place.

    Cindy, always in my prayers!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The Hunter's Moon was absolutely gorgeous last night. It lit up the whole sky! So happy there were no clouds last night so we could enjoy the beauty. Today I have a visit and then my monthly workout session with my PT. Then I'll come home and work on creating the Christmas Cantata on PowerPoint. Mike says he will be going to either Florida or South Carolina with the Red Cross in a week. I'll believe it when he actually goes as they tell him that frequently and it doesn't materialize. I'm proud of him for wanting to volunteer.

    Eating has been so so. Nothing great, nothing horrible. No movement on the scale either way, so I need to get focused once again. I'm focusing on more water intake as a mini goal this week.

    Patti: It was the student who my student was to teach that was absent. Since she's doing a project with that particular student, it would not have been a good idea to go. She rescheduled for Halloween. I asked if she really wanted to teach on Halloween and she said yes, so she'll get experience trying to reach a student on a sugary holiday!

    Janet: You've been very lucky with your battery issues. So glad you have AAA.

    Waving hi to Karla, Cindy, and Diane. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello everybody, I hemmed two pairs of pants for my dad last night trying to update his wardrobe. He is so thankful for everything that is being done. He wasn’t bathing or changing clothes on a regular basis I am embarrassed to say. He is 90 years old and he told me he just forgets. He said he never felt so clean! Lol. He even bought a Bama Roll Tide shirt at Academy sports store. I think part of it is getting in and out of the tub safely. He loves my walk in shower.

    Patti- Prayers for your mother’s eye exam tomorrow. I know she only has the one good eye like my father.

    Janet- Thanks for your kind words and appreciation on Izzy’s achievement. I’ve got to take her to Build A Bear.

    Diane- So very sorry on the decline on your mother. I pray a spark hits her and she comes back. Yea on going back and liking your leader. When will you go back to your sisters to install the cabinets? She is so lucky.

    Bert- How was the gym?

    I’m at the Chevy place today getting my oil change and was at the Toyota place yesterday getting that maintenance. Lol.

    My work is being very understanding about my shortened schedule, although I have made it in more this week.

    We are having a rainy day today.

    My Millie is doing much better. I am taking to my Vet next week for a recheck. If she get overly excited with barking, the croaking noise does start back.

    Cindy- when is the neurologist appointment? My heart is with you. Call or email me anytime. I care for you lady.

    I’ll keep in touch but the internet and phone is still scratchy in Panama City.

    Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers.
