OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, friends. It's chilly here but I'm the nut who loves it. Had a long visit with rheumatologist yesterday and she could tell before even touching my hands that it's time to add another med - so here we go. Hope it helps. Ran a few errands, then came home for some quiet time.

    Karla, we know you're really busy, but please update us when able. I sure hope the situation where your guys are isn't as bad as some of the photos we've seen. As long as they are warm, dry and fed, I know you will make it better. Was Jason able to go with you to help?

    Diane, after so much great weather on your trip, it had to be a bit of a bummer to come home and get the remnants of Michael. Prayers for your mom are happening here often. The up-&-down nature of things is wearing but you are all doing what you can.

    Bert, $1600 is definitely too much. I go with perennials because of a missing gardening instinct and very creaky joints. I have one bed that needs to be replanted but we'll tackle that next year. It's just so nice to see flowers from my deck, and the current scheme has never worked well.

    Cindy, hope Jasper continues to improve and that you are able to take deep breaths when you need to.

    Eating was mediocre yesterday but netted out OK. Trying to put emphasis on lean protein and fiber. I'm good about water and other noncaloric liquids but am pushing at least 26 oz. first thing each morning. The cats get me up anyway (Bella is doing reasonably well at the moment - hope it holds. She is SO tiny now but seems happy and eats and snuggles.)

    Have a good weekend, everyone.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Just got home a bit ago and am now watching my Broncos not win, lol.
    What a wonderful weekend. There are now words for how much these ladies mean to me. We ran into Portamouth, Ohio to go to craft store, go figure, lol. Took them to see the murals on the flood wall and they were appropriately impressed. If you are interested look up Robert Dafford. He has also done murals in Vicksburg. We had such a relaxing time. And I did excellent on my eating. Being in charge of food helps, I had a few slips but no gorging or large portions, this is hug for me. Just a small servings of chips ONCE and 4 bites of chocolate. Edd is on his way home from Utah, should be here tomorrow.
    Tomorrow Janet and I meet for lunch, so another great day in store.

    Have read all but admit I am wiped out.

    Karla, sorry beyond words for the devastation in your home town but relieved to hear your family is safe and with you.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi friends for I’m a devastated girl here. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. It was so heart wrenching to see my family home in shambles and Home town like a cyclone went through. My nerves are shot. Glenn was the man of the hour on top of four roofs doing spot repairs until adjusters could get there. We took our generator and got electricity going right away.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited October 2018
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is the funeral of our friend who passed away suddenly with a massive heart attack. Things like this remind us of how precious life is and that it's so important to maintain relationships and be there for one another.

    Penny lost a tooth yesterday.....Both Dan and Annie sent pictures....she looks so cute.

    Karla: So sorry to see the devastation of your family's homes. Hurricane Michael has definitely left it's mark.

    Patti: So glad you had a wonderful weekend.

    Janet: I'm definitely going to tackle the flower garden on my own. I just don't have the money right now to have someone else do it.......I'll just pull the weeds whenever it gets warm again that have taken over and address it in the spring. I'm to the point of spraying them and let everything calm down. I think I'll cover it with plastic after I spray and put mulch on top. That's what was suggested at the local nursery.

    Waving hi to Cindy and Diane. Have a great day, everyone!


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Penny and her first tooth loss. <3
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning.

    Bert, what an adorable picture of your sweet Penny. The grow so fast ... Sorry for the loss of your friend, and a valid reminder that we must honor each other at all times.

    Karla, what a shock to everyone's system. Hope the adjusters do their work quickly - can't even fathom the disruption a storm like this brings to entire communities.

    Patti, what a fun lunch yesterday! Three hours went by in a flash!

    Cindy, bet it's gorgeously autumnal in your corner of the world. Enjoy.

    Diane, how is your mom, and is Carrie now fully healed from her accident? Hug Elise for all of us.

    Freshly home from the endocrinologist here - bloodwork looks fine and thyroid meds stay the same. Nice to have that down to two visits a year - next time will be before my 2019 oncologist visit, so both docs will have up-to-date bloodwork.

    Much to do today - the sun is out and it's cool outside, so I'll probably get out for a bit as well. Have a lovely day, my lovely friends.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello all, sorry so sketchy here. Still trying to get a grip on things here. Dad is loving it at my home and has made the decision to stay moved in with me. Lol. Izzy has been staying with us too with my great nieces there so I have avregulst B&B going on. Glenn and I went out and purchased the wood look tile and thin set and grout and it came to $3500!! Ouch. Quite beautiful and we got the skid resistant. I’ll attach a picture.

    Bert- Penny is adorable. Do you see? You can make the cutest tooth fairy pillows very easily. Even by hand.

    Still mentally drained and waiting on adjusters to call.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    The tile
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    Izzy, Taylor and Kaitlin.. hurricane relief.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop before I head to the grocery and then to Mom's. We are going to have leftover chicken enchilada soup. Had a lovely and entertaining 3 hour lunch with Janet yesterday. Time just flew as we chatted about everything.

    Bert, so sad about your friend. You are spot on about treasuring your friends and family in the now. We have all had loved ones leave us far too soon. Prayers for the family. Penny is so cute with her first tooth gone.

    Karla, how are your Dad and brother adjusting? The destruction of their home must really be hard on them both. Since Jason has that big house is anyone staying with him or are you able to use the pool mansion?

    Waving to the rest.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all - sorry to be MIA even now I am home, but it has been a whirlwind! Working on getting the wood, planing the wood, cutting to rough dimension and sanding for the kitchen cabinets. Its a huge project and trying to get it done in three weeks is stressful.

    Mom is not doing well. I thought she was on the upswing after I spent yesterday with her (third day since we got home just over a week ago), but this morning she called me at 6:45 feeling really bad. Unfortunately, Elise is sick too and I had her today so could not go over. My brother was too busy at work and my sister is out of town. So my nephew went over for a bit until her caregiver arrived (an hour later than scheduled!) I'm going over after dinner to spend the night, my brother did go for a while after work today. I just don't know what to do.

    I've been eating my stress - I know I shouldn't but I just can't seem to stop.

    Karla, so sorry about your dad/brother's house. What a mess. This hurricane seemed to come on so suddenly with very little warning, and got SOO strong so quickly.

    Janet and Patti, what a treat to meet for lunch! I would love to stop through one time when we are on our way to/from Wisconsin, but don't know if we can quite swing it.

    Bert, that Penny is sure a cutie patootie! love the toothless grin stage. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend.

    got to get moving.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, prayers for your Mom in exchange for prayers for mine. So hard to not be able to do anything to make them young and well again. My mom is having Tia's and they are scaring the heck out of me. All we can do is love them and spend time with them.

    If you can stop anywhere near here I would jump at the chance to meet up but understand you have a lot on your plate.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls,
    Asking for prayers today. I'm having a really hard time and Rick is insisting I don't go to his dr appointment- of course I'm going even if we drive in separate cars and I told him I'll wait in the waiting room- which means I'll get to go in anyway. Yes I'm being a PITA but this is my life too.
    I know this will become medical and not due to his meds- but he isn't handling it well at all.
    Heck neither am I-
    I just don't have personals in me- but I've read all and see we are all in one way or another under emotional stress.
    Hugs to all.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all. Had a decent eating day yesterday - it's still more work than it should be, but it takes exercise on the pause-button and "no" muscles to make it intuitive again.

    Patti, how was your mom yesterday. Your time together makes me so happy, and we can all relate to the bittersweet balance of joy and worry as our parents age.

    Diane, count me in if you're ever nearby - still wish I'd had time to at least have coffee with you when I was east this spring!

    Karla, hope your visitors are getting decompressed. Wondering what's happening with the girls' school - can they get assignments online or are they just having an extended fall break due to the storm? Of course the teachers and school staff were affected as well.

    Cindy, how is Jasper doing? Getting a doxie to walk again is a big deal. How is Griffin coping with his brother needing to be quiet-ish?

    Bert, I'm with you on garden plans. My back bed was to have been redone this year but I didn't do enough research to make suggestions, so it will need to wait until next spring. Thinking of you as you lay your friend to rest - these are wrenching passages, but the many happy memories and doing what we can to be there for their loved ones means so much.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm finally going to the gym today. I've been battling sinus and respiratory and didn't feel like exercising, especially in the gym. I know I wouldn't appreciate someone coughing and hacking around equipment that I'm using. I picked up the kids yesterday and then took Jillian to dance. She had to do her math homework before we left and was pouting about doing it. :D It was on writing numbers in word form and in expanded form. I don't think she understood what we were doing, plus she wanted a snack rather than do homework. Their rule is homework before snack, so I was enforcing their rules. While traveling from dance to home, I explained what expanded form was and she practiced. Now she understands!

    Diane: I'd love to get together with you as well when you are traveling to Wisconsin. Where in Wisconsin do you go? I live in Western Indiana and have met Patti and Janet in Shelbyville, IN. It would be awesome to get together; however, I know how busy you are right now.

    Janet: I'm definitely working on my flower garden myself. I just can't look at it anymore. I'm hoping to get started today and help it look better.

    Patti: Sorry to hear about your mom, too. It's difficult to see your parents age. My mom was 72 when she passed away. I miss her everyday, but also feel her presence with me.

    Cindy: Good luck with the doctor's appointment. I know it's stressful.

    Karla: The devastation in Panama City is horrible. Hang in there.

    Have a good day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick drive by. Doing mounds of laundry today and other needed chores. Heading to the gym shortly.

    Bert, glad your sinus issues have resolved enough for you to return to the gym yourself. I hate when people hack and sneeze all over the equipment. Your consideration is appreciated.

    Janet, I know you are thoroughly enjoying the weather. Me...not so much, lol!

    Cindy, can't stop thinking about you and Rick and praying for a treatable outcome from your Dr visit. Hope you are able to talk to us soon.

    Diane, continued prayers for your mom. I wish Edd was 1/2 the carpenter John is.

    Karla, are you getting any rest at all with your full house. I bet you are loving having your Dad there. Hope all are adjusting.

    It's that time
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Came over to have dinner with mom, and she is so bad I ended up staying the night again. She can’t walk as far as the bathroom, (a change from two days ago) and has been running a slight fever since Tuesday. I’m going to call her doctor tomorrow. Don’t know what we do next. We can not afford her helpers around the clock. And much as I love her, I cannot live here and spend every night up helping her.

    Yesterday eating still not good. This stress eating is horrible.

    Patti, definitely prayers for your mom also. How is work at the new store going?

    Bert we are to have our first frost overnight. So no more worries about tender plants, at least. Our church is having all new landscaping done and are planning on ripping out all the plants. So I spent Wednesday digging up some periwinkle and planting it in our side yard. Good ground cover where we can’t get grass to grow. There are some day lilies I would like to go get as well. We’ll see if I have any time.

    Cindy, thoughts and prayers for you. Let us know what you can when you can.

    Karla are your great nieces really going to be out of school for a month? Any chance of getting them into your local school while they are living with you?

    Janet, glad to hear Bella is hanging in there. I think you wrote that a few days ago.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, I wonder if your Mom has a UTI, they are so debilitating in the elderly and come on quickly with all the symptoms you described. I am sure that will be the first thing they check. Prayers continue.
    The new store is just the change I needed. I get off at a reasonable hour, not thoroughly exhausted because the store is smaller and I am home in less than 15 minutes. Best thing is I rarely wake with foot pain.

    Pilates is up next. Then I need to iron the wedding finery. Rehearsal is at 6pm and hopefully won't take long. My granddaughter wants me with her all day tomorrow, starting at 9am! her wedding is at 4pm and will be outside with a 60% chance of rain. She has been having mini meltdowns over this very small and intimate affair. I pray the rain holds off but not looking good at this moment. I will have to take my clothes with me and going to ask my granddaughter to do my makeup, she is an expert and may be able to make me look beautiful.

    Waving to all, special prayers for Cindy.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Patti a severe UTI and kidney infection is what put her in the hospital for three days and acute rehab for three weeks. She’s only been home for a month.