OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Evening ladies.

    Three good days of tracking. Tonight we had the slaw crack. Yum. I’ve been doing the Prime Pantry with Amazon and love it. We will soon have an Amazon distribution center open up here and I hope they start having cold groceries. I haven’t gotten back to exercise this week but will try in the morning. I am trying not to be fanatical about it. Three times this week. Monday, Thursday and Saturday.

    Did anyone watch This Is Us? I cried, as usual, but specifically when Kate met with the fertility doctor. My heart breaks for her. We all relate to weight related sorrows. How personal it is. She has such an adoring husband too. It tore me up for them both. Such fabulous acting. There is a new show starting tonight I am interested in “ A million Little Pieces” that looks very promising for a new drama. I have it set to dvr. I hope not enough details for this to be a spoler😥🙏

    My brother came by and had bought a car full of beer lights and signs. Glenn bought two great lights for over the pool table ( yet to be purchased) for the pool house. Very nice. He stayed and had dinner with us.

    There is also that new medical show New Amsterdam on tonight. Finally, some new tv.

    Bert- Anxious to hear your gardening news.

    I’m off for my tv shows.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is a traveling day to visit my student. A 3 hour drive up and 3 hour drive back. Need to get ready. Have a great day.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. It is quite cool here in Albuquerque- 53 degreees! Yesterday I went to Santa Fe. I visited the Georgia O’Keefe museum. I’m not much of an art museum person, but I really enjoyed this one. They had a film about her life, interviews with her when she was in her 80s. I also decided I really appreciate her style of painting. Then I spent the rest of the day wandering around the shops and galleries. Luckily I found very little to spend money on! Today I am going to do enough grocery shopping to see us home on the road, and then I think go the the Albuquerque Balloon museum befor I pick John up at the airport.

    I am at least trying on my eating. For lunch yesterday I did NOT order a burrito and did not have any chips. I had a bowl of green chili stew (yum!) and a salad. I’m back to my yogurt and fruit for breakfast, and am working at portion control at dinners. Since my BIL is cooking, I don’t have much control on menu! I also managed to get my 10k steps wandering around Santa Fe yesterday, and will try to do the same today. The next three days will be road days, so I’m sure I won’t get much exercise then.

    Did those of you who are (at least loosely) following Weight Watchers see the article that they have changed to just WW and are now focused on Wellness rather than Weight? Not sure how I feel about that. Yes I know non scale victories are just as important, but I still think what I need them for is the focus on weight. Apparently the Freestyle points plan is NOT changing, at least for now. I plan to rejoin, with meetings, when we get back.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla, you sound like your are recommitting. Three good days of tracking is great! How is your foot feeling after a DVD and several days of strenuous cleaning on your feet at your dad’s house?

    Bert have a good visit today. That is a lot of driving! How far away do thes teachers student teach?

    Patti I’m sure you will have a terrific time with your yayas. It sounds like your contributions, at least, are good eating choices. Hope the others bring at least mostly healthy stuff for you all too. I’m so glad your mom has embraced having a cleaning person. It takes the load off you and allows you to have just fun time with her instead. My mom’s helpers are supposed to be doing light housekeeping too - at least dishes and laundry and vacuuming.

    Janet sounds like your trip was a success. Yup deserve a quiet day or two after all that driving! We have apparently been having non stop rain at home, sounds like your weather too.

    Cindy I keep you in my thoughts. Hugs.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hey Diane- Sometimes I feel like I’m recomitting all too much, I need to stay consistently on the path! Lol. Thanks for asking about my foot, it is doing well, I can’t wear flat shoes or it gets sore. Big sole tennis shoes like the Elite Schechers are my favorite. I have a sore big toe from smashing it at OWA theme park with the grands. I loved the trip last year through the States you have visited. We have two trips already booked for next year, but not one for just Glenn and I. He wants to do Canada and I want to see Niagra Falls from that view. Our pool house is almost ready for paint! I’ve picked out a gorgeous light Aqua for the large room and kitchen and lavender/violet for bathroom and bedroom. I’m going with white kitchen cabinets since which I think will be gorgeous with the aqua. The man is coming to do the swirl ceiling design Sunday, I didn’t want the popcorn type. Glenn and my nephew have really worked their butts off on it.

    I’m at Izzy’s school as tonight is Ballet and Tap lessons. I scored at a yard sale last weekend some beautiful leotards in her size. For ballet you have to wear pink tight with black leotard and black tutu. Found three black leotard in mint shape!

    Well best go for now. Day four looking good. It is only 73 degrees here today. Feels like winter. Lol.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, everyone. Feels like fall here - cloudy, drizzly on and off, and COOL. We've had the wettest September ever here, so have the sprinkler system turned off - nice money-saver. Thanks, Ma Nature!

    Cindy, thought about you often yesterday. Hope things weren't too awful; also hope Jasper is continuing his progress.

    Karla, sounds like a busy but great trip for your dad's birthday - the mattress is a terrific gift. How cool to have the pool house coming along so quickly.

    Bert, was traffic cooperative? How about your student?

    Diane, the O'Keefe museum is amazing = went years ago. You are doing so well on this trip.

    Patti, hope you'll leave the dentist without pain and be able to relax. It'll be interesting to see how your store is during a big sale.

    Keeping it low-profile today. Was out most of yesterday and got a few things done here today. Tonight there will be football and maybe soup.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, have to hit the grocery and then off to the river. Pig roast cancelled as the ground is saturated and the mosquitos are awful. We still have folks coming so I will do ribs and all the fixins and will call it mini pig roast, lol. Have lots of end of summer stuff to do there too. So it will be a busy and fun weekend. The dentist was worse than I had anticipated but not horrible. They had trouble getting the old crown off the back tooth so my jaw was really sore and my gums were too painful to wear my partial. I don't leave the house without all my teeth so I skipped the gym last night, lol.

    Bert, hope your student was worth 6 hours f driving. Do you listen to music or books when you have long trips?

    Diane, I appreciate Georgia O'Keefes painting style, have never been to the museum though. Will you be working at your sisters or just getting plans drawn up for what needs done? She is lucky you guys are so good at construction. We do the same thing but Edd is not the carpenter John is, sure wish he was. Continued safe travels. If you have time when you are in Madison I highly recommend the Rock House and the Frank Lloyd Wright museum.

    Cindy, prayers continue for you and your whole family, including fur babies.

    Janet, this will be a great weekend, hope you and James have something fun planned to be out in this gorgeous weather. I would love to come to Louisville for that pumpkin light show at the park (can't remember what it is called, lol)

    Better get a move on
    Have a fab weekend ladies
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm just checking in as I have a busy day. We are hosting Euchre Club tonight, so I have to get the house ready. I also need to get the church service done on Power Point. Have a great day, everyone! Weight is at a standstill. Eating is not the best.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning. Down 2.2 pounds this week. Wish it was more, but didn't exercise like I should have. Just too hard with two nights with staying out til after six with Izzy's dance school. Well, that's my excuse anyway. I need to get back in the groove of doing it in the morning like I always did before. Routine!!

    Bert - Eating not the best equals weight at a stand still. Be glad it's at a stand still and not gaining I would say. You are a busy bee my friend. That was a long trip for six hours to see one student.

    Izzy and I are having a good day. I have made some quacamole and deviled eggs and now I am looking at some Keto Fat bombs. I determined to lose some of this weight. Glenn has lost over 30 pounds!!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning slow board. Making it through the weekend on the Keto plan. Making some Keto dark chocolate chip cookies this morning with almond flour. Got to keep focused. I have my exercise clothes on.

    I watched a couple YouTube videos on a lady named Ally that lost 150 pounds that followed the Keto plan but not as fanatical as some. I liked her.

    The ceilings are being blown this morning in the smoother stucco swirl look. Nice!

    I went back to Lowe’s for more paint swatches. I’m looking and settling on a light aqua and cool green coming. Big room and kitchen in the light aqua, and the bedroom and bathroom in the green. Picture to follow. Going to look great.

    Janet the picture of your two great nice and nephew was precious! How is your niece that was getting or got divorced?

    Izzy has Gabby over playing in her room this morning and I am baking and have the Hallmark Channel on. I watched the first episode of Maniac on Netflix with Emma Stone and Jonah Hill this morning too. Life is good and special down here in the Deep South.

    TT: What plan, if any, are you trying to follow? Are you tracking your food?

    My answer: this Ally used Lose It and I had it on my phone already and she like it for various reasons so I’m going to track in it for awhile. She also measures her food in grams instead of ounces. Interesting. I ordered a new digital food scale this morning. Just something new to keep me focused, not bored, and consistent.


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    These are the two colors and look I am after. The blue for the big room and kitchen, and the green for the bedroom and bathroom.

    Going to be soothing and from the coastal cool collection with Sherwin Williams.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    Not bad, but the almond flour is kind of grainy, but the big chips make up for it. I think I will try sifting it next time.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    edited October 2018
    Good Morning, Ladies. Yesterday was a gorgeous day, and today looks about the same. After church we went to Jillian's and Cole's soccer games. Both kids played well. While Cole was playing, during one of the plays, he ran to the sidelines and gave me the biggest definitely melted my heart! It was definitely worth having my allergies flared up. There is so much dust in the air along with whatever they put on the fields for fertilizer, but I don't care.....we are there to support our kids and grandkids!

    I directed the choir yesterday as our director took the day off to be with his family in Chicago. They did a great job. I'm going to the eye doctor after my visit this morning as somehow a blood vessel broke in my right eye. I want them to look at it as it looks pretty nasty. I want to make sure it's not anything serious, and perhaps they can give advice on how to help it heal quickly.

    Today is the big day for my Chicago Cubs. They play Milwaukee Brewers for the Division championship. They were up almost 5 games and now they are tied. That's the Cubs for you!

    TT: I'm focusing on my portions today. I need to do something as I'm at a standstill.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, hope you get good news at the eye doc. Where eyes are concerned, you can't be too careful. Sounds like a very good weekend for you.

    Karla, I know you'll enjoy the fruits of your labors as the pool house is finished.

    Patti, next year's pig roast will be one for the ages after this year's weather disruption.

    Diane and Cindy, thinking of you.

    Good weekend here, with great weather. Went golfing (well, cart-driving and a tiny bit of putting) with James on Friday. Saturday night I went to the symphony with a girlfriend (all-Bernstein program, just fabulous) and yesterday was football-watching. Many errands lie ahead here, so I'd better get cracking!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello ladies. What a weekend. Drama by a guest that ruined Saturday and she will never be invited back. First and last time for drunk and disorderly conduct. Got lots done around the cabin yesterday and got home around 9 last night. Lots to do here this week with cleaning and getting ready for one of Edd's buddies that is going to be here Friday. Then the two of them are heading to Utah for a week. Looking forward to having the house to myself next week. Been a very long time and I need it.
    Eating was not that bad. Portion control is what I need to work on. I also need to get back to tracking. Working on reinstating healthy habits. First one is to drink a glass of water first thing every morning. Will add a new one every week.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. As I suspected, it is a broken blood vessel in my eye. He said it could be caused from coughing, sneezing, lifting something heavy, and sometimes blood pressure. It could stay red for a couple of weeks. I'm hoping it will not take that long.

    The Cubs lost, so they play tonight for a Wild Card slot. I have a visit this morning and hair cut this afternoon. Then at 3:00 our lawn guy is coming to give an estimate and suggestions for the flower bed.

    I did well eating yesterday.

    Janet: Glad you had a good weekend.

    Patti: Sorry about the weekend drama. It's nice to have the house to yourself at times.

    Karla: What is Maniac about on Netflix? Your paint colors are pretty.

    Waving hi to Diane and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning board! A good morning it is. The scale is being kind. I am down 2.6 now, slowly but surely. I really am getting motivation from this Ally I am watching everyday. Whatever it takes, you know?

    Bert- So sorry about the eye. My shingle eye has been really dry, Red and sore the past week. What I like about flower pot gardens is you can change them out so easily for the seasons. Soon I will change my Vinca out for Mums if various colors for the fall. I usually put Poinsettias out in front of the pool near December.

    Patti- we have one lady that talks really sexual when she gets tipsy, but it’s not rude or ugly. You do have to be careful with alcohol at any party.

    Janet - Your favorite time of year is here! Sweaters, soups and football. I guess James has decided he loves Kentucky for good. How nice for you both. How is Bella?

    Today we are switching over to Dish Network from Direct Tv. I sure hope they come early and get finished before 2p. It’s dance day!

    I’m going to get my exercise and then work until they get here as my internet may or may not be affected?

    TT: Have you heard of the turn weight watchers has made?

    Have a great day.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all. Eating was OK, not great, yesterday. One day at a time.

    Karla, great to see you back in the groove.

    Patti, human behavior is so odd sometimes - that woman was clearly not very self-aware, especially as a first-time guest. How rude!

    Bert, your grandkids will marvel at your eye - hope it clears up soon.

    Time to head to Costco for exciting things like napkins and dishwasher tabs. Whee!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Quick check in as I have to get Izzy to school this morning.

    Drum roll please - down another 1.2 pounds!! Yeaaaa.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's been a busy morning already. I set my alarm for 7 this morning (I'm usually up way earlier than that) as I haven't been resting too well due to an allergy flare up. Lots of coughing and drainage. By 7:45, the Direct TV technician arrived, and by 8:00 the lawn company came to measure and prepare an estimate for the flower bed. Then the carpet cleaner will be here in a few minutes to clean the upstairs. Tomorrow is the downstairs. Whew! I'm worn out while I'm typing this!

    Karla: Congratulations on your loss!

    Janet: My eye looks a little better this morning, but is still very red on the one side. It's funny to see how people I don't know very well react to it while they are talking to me. I'm sure they are wondering what happened and are afraid to ask. Hope you got your exciting things at Costco! ;)

    Patti: Sorry about your dental problems. One of my good friends is a dentist and every time I go to his office, he laughs when I tell him I'd rather be somewhere else than here. Hope your jaw feels better today.

    Waving hi to Diane and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!
