OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning. Pretty good food day yesterday - I had splurged on really good salmon filets, plus fresh asparagus and little red spuds. Made a dill sauce with fresh dill, light sour cream, a bit of light mayo, and a few spices. It was a yummy dinner. OK, had a bit of cherry pie too, but overall not terrible.

    Bert, you need a shirt that says "You should've seen the other guy." People never know whether to say anything, and if so, what. Interesting to watch indeed.

    Karla, congrats on your amazing losses.

    Patti, hope your mouth settles down to just being a vehicle for conversation and chewing SOON!

    Cindy and Diane, you're in my thoughts every day.

    Never got to Costco (well, I did get there but it was a zoo in the parking lot, so I bailed without going in - nothing urgently needed and I will go at opening some day soon. Not sure what today will bring but hoping it's fairly quiet. There's a lot I need to do around here if James goes golfing. So far I'm just dong morning computer stuff - time to check bank and credit cards (I'm obsessive about it, having had prior issues) and keep moving. Hugs to all.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning ladies, this week is just flying by. Mom and I had a wonderful day together. She even went out to lunch with me. TRX was a killer. Since we have all been going consistently for over a month she upped the time for each exercise. We do 1 set for 45 seconds then repeat for 35 seconds. Doesn't sound like much until you have to hold a suspended side plank for 45 seconds each side then repeat. I will admit that is one I cannot hold for the entire time. Lunch with the girls and then a Costco run before I go to work. Lots of stuff to do the next few days to get Edd ready for his trip to Utah. So excited for him and his buddy. They are going to Moab to "ride the rocks" for some sort of Jeep anniversary. On the flip side I am so looking forward to a week of me time. Since I am getting the house cleaned and ready for company I won't have to do any cleaning this weekend. I do need to go shopping for a dress to wear to my granddaughters wedding on the 20th.

    Bert, you wore me out just reading your list for the day. My jaw is fine, it really only hurt for about a day.
    I know the eye thing looks worse than it is. Funny how people will react. Glad it was nothing serious.

    Janet, looks looks like you have to wait a few more days before your fall weather gets here. At least you had a few chill days to tease you, lol.

    Karla, congrats

    Diane and Cindy, always have you in my heart and prayers
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Bert- Do you like DirectTv? I just left them after two years of disappointments. Very limited OnDemand and down a lot in my area. Dish is awesome and came and hooked up yesterday. All five remotes are voice activated, and the amount of streaming of movies is awesome. I got the Hopper where I can record 16 programs at one time if I so desire. Lol, plus a $300 gift card to come. I still have to call AT&T and cancel.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Quick check in. Doing great on tracking on Lose It! I love the My Day pie graft. It’s so easy to see in a glance if I am keeping my carbs down, in living color! We had a great dinner out with friends at Outback last evening.

    We bought the paint for the pool house last night, so progress continues. Glenn says it’s going to cost about $1800 for the wood look tile he want to lay in there. Another big ouch. Like Janet said, a mini mansion we are building!!

    Gotta run.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Thought I posted last night but it doesn’t look like it showed up, so maybe that darned “done” button got me again.

    We have been at my sisters’ house for most of the week. We spent Monday doing detailed planning and design, plus shopping for options. For the last three days we have been demolishing, plumbing, wiring and reconstructing. We are changing the floor plan of the kitchen, bathroom and laundry room to make them more functional. This trip we changed the wall between the kitchen and laundry room, and fixed quite a few plumbing and electric problems that you encounter in a hundred year old house that has been modified many times. We have a distinct plan for the kitchen and bathroom, and are heading home tomorrow to start on making the cabinets. There are just a few quick things to fix tomorrow before we head out. We will get home probably late on Saturday.

    Sorry no time for personals. I have read all but am exhausted and need to go to sleep.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today I have a visit, house cleaner is coming, and I'm picking up Jillian and Cole from school this afternoon. I so want to get in my flower beds and pull weeds; however, time and allergies are saying no. So, I'll work on them next week. Unfortunately, they will still be there. I still have 2 hummingbirds at my feeder. This is the latest they have ever stayed around. I'm thoroughtly enjoying them.

    Karla: I'm not thrilled with Direct TV, but as the technician says, they have software issues. I don't use On Demand much, so that part doesn't bother me. Hopefully, they will get issues fixed. I don't want another dish on our property, so I'm holding out for a while.

    Patti: Planks are killers! Hope you find a fabulous dress for the wedding.

    Diane: You guys are very talented! I'd love to see pictures of the before, during, and after remodel.

    Janet: Quiet days are the best. It's amazing what you can get done on those type of days.

    Waving hi to Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, my iPad keeps shutting down while I am posting, usually when I am near the end of a long post and don't have time to retype. House is cleaned top to bottom and now Edd's friend isn't going to stay here. Oh well the work needed done and now I am free to do what I want this weekend. Starting in November I will be working Friday, Saturday and Sunday in addition to Wednesday. Will be helping grandson paint tomorrow and then I am going to work in my craft room for the rest of the weekend. YaYa weekend is coming together. Everyone has their food list and I will be using up all the freezer food leftover from the summer. Bring on the Jammie's and Disney movies! I attempted a new move in TRX last night, the suspended incline press. Google it, I could only do 5 on each leg and I leave one leg on the ground
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, seems so weird to still have weeds and blooms this late in the year. I am so ready for fall but afraid we are not going to have a beautiful color change this year. Your day is packed, enjoy every minute.

    Diane, you guys really got a lot done in a week. Bet you are ready for a few days rest as you motor home. I live a 100 year old house so totally understand what you are dealing with. As we have torn walls down and removed others we are amazed at the shoddy work done by the previous owners.
    I bet Carrie and your Mom will be happy to have you home again.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Glad I have been posting in bits as my iPad just shut down again while I was trying to write another blurb.

    Cindy, I can only imagine the tension in your world as results day looms. Hope you are not overwhelmed with work and that you are coping by finding LR time. My heart is with you

    Janet, you are probably not enjoying this endless summer but I bet James is, lol. Anything fun happening this weekend?

    Going to Pilates in a bit. I am going to come up with an eating plan I can live with. So not in love with WW new focus. I think they have been hurting since Oprah took over their branding. Just my thoughts but I feel like they are moving away from what they do best. Not sure they will increase their membership by changing their focus to Working on Wellness instead of weight reduction. I get it, just don't think they should change their name.

    Have a glorious weekend
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello, welcome back everyone!!

    Diane - Wow, you guys are a demolition team!! You have certainly had a busy first year of retirement! Fun and work. LOL. It is very fulfilling helping others.

    Janet - I has been very hot down here. In the 90's all of September, the third hottest in history and in the 90's in October so far too! Yuck. We are still in sandals, tank tops and shorts! lol.

    Patti - I hate I am still trying to get this darn weight off. Glenn has dropped 35 pounds being so active and sweating his butt off working in that pool house. It is looking gorgeous though, and so is he!!

    Bert - I know how you feel about the flowerbeds. It is too hot to work on mine unless very early or very late. How is the eye?

    Cindy - Thinking of you. Praying for the best of all outcomes on all your stressors right now.

    Checking off my to-do items, one by one. Repairman come and gone, housekeeper here now, paid the newspaper bill, did my billing onling, now going to call and deal with At&t. Then it's on to the Alarm people and getting bids from other companies. Fun times!!

    Looking forward to going downtown this evening with my BFF and her hubs to listen to the sounds of Wet Willie and other bands, having some fresh grilled shrimp and great company.

    Have a fun time in what all you do.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is Seminar at the college. We are evaluating videos that students were required to submit and then will meetings throughout the day. Breakfast is tracked. 2 eggs, Jimmy Dean Turkey Sausage, and EAS AdvantEDGE shake. 40 proteins.

    My eye is doing ok; however, it is still red. The eye doctor said it could last 2-3 weeks. So far, it's been 1.

    It's supposed to get up to 88 today and 87 tomorrow (which will make it a hot day for soccer) and is supposed to stay hot all week until Friday. I'm already looking forward to Friday with a high of 66. ISU Homecoming is next weekend as well as the opening of the Parke County Covered Bridge Festival.

    I picked the kids up from school yesterday. Greg took the day off and played in a golf tournament of which he won!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Found these at Kroger. 6 net carb, 10 protein for 24 tasty, crispy chips. They also come in wasabi ginger and buffalo
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    long day of painting at my grandson's yesterday. I think I did 20 doors, both sides on 15 of them since they are the 60's model plain, hollow core they were not hard but the varnish requires they be primed with an oil based paint first, then 2 coats of latex. spending time with my grandson and his family made it seem less like work. Sweet Leo is so huggable and he loves it.
    on a roll for today. chicken stock simmering, laundry tumbling, grocery trip accomplished, weekly trash to the curb. Now just need to put the clean linens on the waterbed. It is a backbreaker but we both love our bed and will keep it as long as I can change the sheets, lol.Football on for company.

    Bert, hope yesterday was at least interesting.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Back home again, for a few weeks! We spent the week in Wisconsin doing phase one of my sister's house project. Now home for John to build their new kitchen cabinets, then we will go back for phase 2, which will be more extensive. My sister tagged me in some pictures on Facebook.

    We went over to see Brad and Rossanne and Elise for dinner tonight. Elise was so precious! When she woke up from her nap and she saw me, she reached out and almost jumped into my arms. Then she snuggled in close for a good long while. She is not much of a snuggler, so that was really special. She did the same for John just a little later. Such a sweetie pie!

    Tomorrow I am going over to see mom. She was confused again, called while we were still on the road and thought I was coming today. This is not a good sign. She also told me that the long term care people are not coming every day, when they are. I'm really worried about what is going on.

    Tomorrow I also face the scale! I've been really lax the last week, but I am ready to hop back on the bandwagon. I need to rejoin WW, and see how I like the new program. According to Lyndsie (my WW group leader), the eating plan and tracking isn't changing, just some of the focus, and they are introducing an incentive program for healthy behaviors. We shall see. Like Patti, I am skeptical that their turn away from the Weight in WW is a positive move.

    Patti, my iPad also does not do well in the MFP app. That is one reason I rarely post from the road. I know how much you enjoy painting. I'm sure doing it around Leo was just the icing on the cake. This crisps look interesting - are you still doing WW at all and if so, have you looked them up on there?

    Bert, your eye will clear up too fast for it to be part of your Halloween effect! It is hot here too - 84 today. We were running the heat in Wisconsin.

    Karla, you are a busy bee. Your pool house sounds like quite the mansion!

    Janet, I hate shopping with a crowd, and have been known to leave without entering if a store is too zoo-like. How is Bella doing?

    Cindy, we are here when you get those results - a safe place to vent whatever you need to. I think the day is coming up soon.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Rossanne took a picture of me with Elise but I don't have it yet. Here is John with her.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today they are installing our new patio door. I'm happy this is finally getting done. The one we have currently has definitely seen better days. It doesn't close right, and is so hard to open and close. The new door has a lifetime warranty, too. So looking forward to it.

    No quotes yet for flower garden. Hopefully we will get it today.

    Jillian and Cole played awesome yesterday at soccer, especially Jillian. She was everywhere and stole the ball several times. Greg wants to move her up and put her on a travel team, but Carrie is holding back. I don't think she's interested in it, but Greg, Mike, and I think Jillian is ready. It's Greg and Carrie's decision though. We will go wherever.

    Diane: It's difficult to see parents failing. Good luck with making the cabinets.

    Patti: You sure got a workout painting the doors. What section at Krogers are the protein crisps?

    Karla: I'm very disappointed with Direct TV currently. The repairman was here on Wednesday and said the problems were software. If they don't get it fixed soon, I'm going to look for another company or possibly look into streaming. I've had it with their issues. He said ever since ATT bought Direct TV, they've had problems.

    Janet: Hope your shopping gets less crowded. I stopped at Sams after soccer yesterday, and it was definitely busy. Thank goodness I didn't have to buy much.

    Waving hi to Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Every day has become a new adventure it what do I do next? The results are the 17th and Rick is talking more about what he is seeing in himself- scares the hell out of me that it is worse than I realized-
    Jaspers walking is getting better- he is standing on his own more and more when he wanders around the living room and kitchen - he has to be on carpet so I have extra area rugs around so he's back feet have more grip. He is light years from what he was and the doctors who said he wouldn't walk at all can eat their words.
    I'm still keeping a close handle on things at work- I've been invited to Columbus for two days this month and I'm going- I can also see Megan.
    I'm really keeping my eyes open for options and I was reading an article last night in my Romance Writers magazine. There is a huge demand for Virtual Assistants and they can make anywhere from 40-100 per hour. I'm going to reach out to the ladies who wrote the article and see if they have advice to get started. Maybe I just walk out of here on my own steam....
    I'm preparing for West Virginia in just a few weeks. I'm going into the tee shirt biz too. I've been hearing there is a huge demand for tee's from authors so I thought I'd give it a try.
    Check the LR facebook page and see what I'm up to. I'm definitely leaning towards the first design.

    Diane- welcome home! Elise is getting so big, she's just beautiful.
    Karla- sounds like the mini mansion is almost done- congrats on being a consistent loser too. ;)
    Patti- Sorry about the dentist stuff- you and I are both SO not fans... I hope the slow store will pick up soon. I know you like to stay busy.
    Bert- let us know how the consult on flowers go- how is your food plan working are you still on WW?
    Janet- the days are turning cool here too- so excited for you to be able to get out of the house and enjoy it.

    Need to run but really needed to check in with you all.
    Big hugs
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning friends! Off today and two of my bffs and I are taking our grandkids to the Lynn Meadows Discovery Center in Gulfport. A 15,000 square foot facility that is out of this world for kids! I’ve never seen anything like it, even in Orlando!! Amazing setups of all kinds in a two story building and even has an outside huge treehouse to climb.

    Bert- Change to Dish Network. I am sooooo living it. The amount of tv in demand is amazing, the voice remotes make everything so easy, you can go straight to NetFlix in the package and their customer service is superb. You won’t regret it.

    Cindy- Those sound like some really fantastic option for your work. I love working from home! Relaxing, productive and more and more companies believe in it. Yea for Jasper proving the doctors wrong!! Prayers for you and Rick’s prognosis. Does he have family of his own to turn to? Parents or siblings? I saw my ex husband Saturday at Jason’s House. Hard to believe we have been divorced 20 years. He finally seems happy again. Just bought him a new SUV. I’m glad.

    Diane- Welcome home. Elise is such a cutie and of course she missed and was thrilled to see John and you! I am wondering if the focus of WW is to keep people that do not need to lose weight but maintain weight. I wonder if they have done away with the life time free membership? So sorry to read of your mother’s memory issues. I’m afraid my mother was heading down that road had she not passed suddenly of a cardiopulmonary attack.

    Janet- We are facing another hurricane coming near us, but closer to my father for my worries. After this we are supposed to have some Fall weather finally.

    Patti- I know Leo is the cutest.

    Glenn had a longtime friend over in town from California yesterday to watch football and Kevin came over too. It was nice. Everyone is in awe of the pool house and how nice it has and is coming out. Going to pick up the tile this week and the AC people will come hook up that system. I need to pick out the kitchen cabinets too.

    I better get Izzy some breakfast and get myself dressed. I had to wear the boot yesterday as my ankle flared up. Uggh.

    Have a wonderful day.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon, getting a late start today. Long talk with Mom, followed by long talk with my SIL. Then a few chores and now I am ready to hit my craft room until time for work. Mom and I will get our flu shots tomorrow and then catch up on Poldark and a few others.

    Bert, the crisps were in the deli area. Sounds like things are coming together at your house while the weather is nic