OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning sweet ladies,
    yesterday was good in many ways, including my food choices. Passed on the puzza appetizers and bread at lunch. Stuck with my drunken goat salad and was proud of myself. Every change, however small, matters. Every no when you want to say yes and every pause to consider your next choice add up and will eventually show up as success on the scale.
    My BIL was released last night. relieved to know he is alright. Pretty much nothing left of their car. sis was able to get all their stuff out of it and luckily they have Mom's car to replace it.
    Going to the dentist soon. So not looking forward to what needs done and the cost!

    Bert, you have every right to be proud of Mike. Volunteering is so honorable. awesome A1c results. you must be doing something right. I have researched and considered keto but not sure it is for me.

    Janet, yeah you! I need to do better at going a bit hungry. I can honestly say I don't do that often enough.

    Diane, loving all the FB pics. That kayak trip looked fabulous. I am not a desert lover but those saguaros are intriguing.
    Hope you post some from Sedona, I love that place. Hope you didn't get too pressured by the timeshare folks. Not sure I could go up in a helicopter, hate planes, lol.

    Cindy, how are things in your world? praying Florence didn't affect you. You already have enough on your plate.

    time to face the dental music
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Having great fun with family and meeting up with one of my high school mates tonight or tomorrow that’s also in town. Dad’s mattress just got delivered from Amazon we all chipped in and got him. The cake came out smelling and looking good. His favorite. He’s gone to pick up a gun he ordered. 90 and wheeling and dealing and driving. Kerry and I are listening to old country tunes on his boom box. Keith and I went to dinner last night. My niece will be over shortly.

    Bert- Congrats on good lab results.

    Janet- I’m one that has gotten over on the timeshare people and benefit from it. Very few do. You really have to travel a lot and buy in at a great deal, buying those large points at a song saved us $70k!!!

    I’ve got two pork tenderloins cooking in the crockpot for pulled pork for this evening and a big pot of pinto beans I soaked overnight on the stove. Keith is making deviled eggs.

    I cleaned the house yesterday and it sorely needed dusting as I didn’t do it last time. I bought new kitchen mats, a new table cloth and a entrance rug and it looks tidy!

    My card was perfect I got him, it said “ At what age does a Daughter stop needing her Dad?” On the insidevit responded, “ I’ll let you know when I get there.” Lol. I’m sixty. Lol.

    Have a great day.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Dentist was not good news, but then it never is! One crown needs replaced as there is a small cavity starting, the tooth in front of it is the real problem. It has a large filling and now there is a fracture down the side where it meets the other crown because of a cavity under the filling. So it will have a new crown too. Luckily my portion is less than I anticipated.

    Going to spend time in my craft room as a way to soothe myself, lol
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, bummer about the crowns. Some stuff you just have to do.

    Bert, how sweet that Mike was on TV. Hope your visit goes well.

    Karla, I know your dad and Kerry are thrilled to have you there to take care of them. Enjoy the party!

    Ran a ton of errands today and was very happy to feel the AC when I walked into the house. Had a good food day yesterday and am trying to hang in there today. Not even that hungry at the moment - later is when it tends to hit.

    Need to make a packing list so I can pul stuff together for my quick OH trip. HS reunion Saturday night, home Sunday after breakfast with a few friends who will be there. Not particularly looking that forward to the event itself but will steel myself and go out of curiosity - a few people I like and feel safe with will be there. The drive will be therapeutic too.

    Two different friends posted this article this morning. I haven't read it thoroughly yet because just skimming the first half had me vibrating with intense emotions. So it's not exactly a recommendation but it might be an interesting read:
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Thank you Janet. What a powerful article. I have said forever that under my protective layer of fat there is a healthy body. My labs are perfect even if my weight isn't. I am stronger than most of the skinny people I know. And I am certainly healthier than most everyone I know at any age. So what is my incentive to lose weight? Vanity with a small side of health benefits, lol.. I do hope everyone takes a moment to read this.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Quick drive by- its a vacation at home as Japser couldn't travel but he is taken drunken sailor steps so he is improving,
    Well in 48 hours- just 2 working days, they let go 6 people from the office. I know now for sure I'm on the list. I was asked if I would relocate to Columbus but with what I'm facing with Rick its not an option. I have some time as I said I'd consider it- while waiting for the results. But Ive been doing my research and really paying close attention to him- holy SH** he is worse than I thought.
    So after I string them along for a bit and I can tell them _NO due to family hardship for elderly parents- as I can't say its Rick since he can still work- all his stuff he's been doing for YEARS- so its routine. But unless they throw a TON of money at me- I just won't be able to take it. I did learn people got a one year severance- so when its my turn I can only hope I get the same. The job they offered MUST be done at head quarters.
    Anyway- Rick has returned. Don't want him to see what I'm working on- it upsets him so when I talk about any of this stuff
    Hugs to all = I'll catch up with personals but read everything
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Quiet on the board today! We are in Arizona still, having spent the last few days enjoying the Grand Canyon. Now we are at Canyon de Chelly. I am trying very hard to rein in my eating, since we are not doing as much hiking in some of these places. After this we head to Albuquerque for a few days with John’s brother, then to my sister in WI, then home. So really done with the outdoors part of our trip and starting the long slog home.

    Indy, you can come here and vent or scream anytime you want. So sorry to hear about the job. I hope you find something else soon. Or if you get a year’s severance, maybe that is the time you need to focus on writing. Or on Rick and what the next step will be.

    Janet and Patti I had a couple of friends post that article too. I will have to make time to read it.

    Janet I hope you had fun at your reunion. I never even heard anything about men (40 this year) so I don’t know if there was one or not.

    Karla I hope you had fun with your dad and brother!

    And Bert I think you are traveling this weekend too! What a busy crowd.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The temperatures have changed and it's very comfortable! Today's soccer games are at 1 and 2:30. I might have to wear a jacket! It's a far cry from last weekend, but I'm loving it.

    I pulled weeds yesterday for a while until my hands, back, and knees gave up. Getting older is not for sissies! :o)

    Cindy: So sorry for what you are going through both personally and professionally.

    Diane: I enjoy seeing pictures of your trip. I envy you and your family seeing the sights, but couldn't hike like you all do. I'd love to see the Grand Canyon and also the northwest part of the US. I'd like to return to Vegas at some point and take the side trips to Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon. I'm sure you are having a great time! Keep sending pictures! They are beautiful!

    Waving hi to Patti, Janet, and Karla.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning from the cool and beautiful Ohio Valley. Thought I had posted yesterday, hmmm. Great day yesterday making cards and lunch with the girls. Then came home and spent the rest of the day/evening in my craft room. Playing with new tools and stamps and organizing a bit. This afternoon I will be taking photos of my granddaughter and her fiancé. Was hoping for a cloudy day as you get the best outdoor photos that way but looks like the sun will be shining. I have some sweet ideas for poses and she said she had some ideas too. We plan to go to the park where they will be married and scope it out too. Can't believe my baby girl is getting married in 4 weeks. I can still picture her playing in "her kitchen" that was set up in the corner of my kitchen. How could that be 20 years ago
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, prayers for you continue. So much stress for one person. Keep venting here. Maybe a year off is exactly what you need for your sanity and to fully become LR. We are here.

    Diane, thanks again for sharing your photos on FB. So much beauty in our country. It always amazed me how many foreigners come here, but they have nothing to compare with our beautiful canyonlands. Continued safe travels and you wind down on your final leg. Hope your sister is doing ok. Florence has dominated the news so very little has been seen or talked about from their area.

    Bert, enjoy the weather for the games. You reaffirm why I don't have flower beds. I just don't have the temperament to tend to them properly. My garden was a huge disappointment but have learned a few things and will try again next year. If the yield is no better I will mark gardening off my list of things to do, lol.

    Janet, I know you will be wrung out by the time you get home. A whirlwind trip for sure. Guess one of the perks of having to drop out of high school and go to night school (they did not allow you to attend school if you were pregnant, my how times have changed) is that I don't have any class reunions and can honestly say I don't mind in the least. Edd's take on them "I didn't like them when I went to school with them, why in the world would I want to go party with them every 5 years now". He makes a valid point. A stress I do not need is having people, who do not know me, judge me!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to another week.

    Cindy- so sorry about your impending employment change. I’m sure you will make the best decision for you. I also had this type change right after I was single and bought my first home. I was terrified, but a position opened up at a hospital that hadn’t been available in 15 years and I got it. I’m sure something positive will open up for you too.

    Janet- I had lunch with three of my high school classmates and we laughed our butts off til we were crying. No judging here! I hope your select friends welcomed you for the sweet lady you are.

    Bert- I love the beauty of flowers as you do and do not like the weeding either, but it goes with it unfortunately. I put Four O’clocks with mine that hide the weeds. Lol. How were the games?

    I had a good eating day yesterday and I believe my foot is well enough to do a Leslie Sansone dvd exercise today! My mom always said Karla has to “beat” her weight off, I’m going to start with just one mile this morning and work myself up this week.

    Have a great and positive day taking care of you! We only have one body! One temple!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm heading to the gym this morning. I haven't been there in a few days, so I'm looking forward to going. It's cloudy this morning after a very early morning rain. The soccer games were fun to watch; however, Greg is frustrated with his coaching for Jillian's team. They are attending a practice tonight with Greg's friend and coach of the more advanced skill levels hoping to get a few pointers as soccer isn't his forte. However, he's a great coach and needs to remember they are only 8 years old. He wants to develop Jillian's skills to make her a better player. Cole's team did well. (Greg coaches them, too)

    Eating has not been good the past few days. Today I'll be more focused!

    Patti: I'm to the point of getting rid of all my flower beds and perhaps do flower pots only. This might be the best way to keep color and help my knees and hands.

    Karla: I've called a couple of landscapers to help give ideas. They haven't returned my calls, so I'm still in limbo. I'm going to keep after them as I need solutions.

    Waving hi to Janet, Cindy, and Diane. Have a great day!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon. Boy am I pooped! Glad I’m off tomorrow.
    Bible study and then to my friend Carla’s to brush up on the purl stitch!

    I did the one mile dvd. It feel good!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all.

    Cindy, sending good thoughts your way. Fingers crossed for a year of severance - extremely generous, but the disruption is real. You will be fine and know how to ride the storm into calmer waters.

    Patti, sounds like an excellent weekend - how was your mom today?

    Bert, a flower-pot garden could be really pretty, and easier on your back and knees. I need perennial ideas for a bed that needs to be redone. I know I want some typos - would like to have color from spring through fall. Ideas welcome! (It's an oval bed about six feet wide and five feet deep).

    Karla, nice to know your foot is better. That's no fun.

    Diane, thinking of you every time I see an RV!

    Had a lovely weekend (we won't talk about the yummy food part). Drove to Toledo Saturday morning and had lunch and a great visit with my best friend, whom I haven't seen since March. She has a new hip and is waiting to get knee surgery this winter. We always have a terrific time. Then it was on to my hotel, then class reunion. BOY, that was not my kind of event! But that's quite all right, because I hung out with two friends (one of whom brought her super-nice husband). Still trying to figure out who all those OLD people were. Ran into a few people I was happy to see and a few who clearly avoided me (whew!). Met my friend from PA and her husband for breakfast on Sunday, then made my way home.

    Rainy day yesterday, so James and I went to see "Crazy Rich Asians," which was just lots of fun, then grabbed an early dinner at Bonefish Grill (my treat, for his birthday). A good day. He's golfing today so I get some quiet. Going to shower and do laundry, maybe have a little nap. More rain is on the way and it's the time of year when I can back off on lawn-watering frequency (yay for lower bills!).

    Have a great day, everyone.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello folks.

    Janet- Sounds like an overall great trip.

    Nice day with two good ladies, just one at bible study and I and then over at Carla with a C for knitting lessons. We had to get the wine out! Lol. Now I’m at Izzy’s school for dance pickup.

    Eating was good yesterday and with the 20 minute dvd workout it was an excellent day. Working on day 2.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good day with Mom. She is so delightful, funny and articulate. Work was nearly boring last night as we had almost no customers. I just spent a lot of my time straightening the fabric, not that it will stay that way. Gym is up next and then the return of date night. I don't like that they moved Bull to Monday.

    Janet, what a nice if short trip. Glad you have some decompression time with the rain. I am happy to hear the movie was fun. Sorry, no help on the floral thing, lol.

    Bert, I think container gardening would give your body a break for sure and still give you the joy of the blooms.

    Time to get my sweat on

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Molly is at the "spa" today. She's always excited to go somewhere and is always happy when she goes to the vet. Can't ask for more than that. Today I'm taking pictures of my flower beds and then will discuss them with the landscape artist and our local nursery. This way her ideas are free compared to $30 to come visit and $50 an hour to plan what to do. Who knows what they would charge to do the project. I'm actually embarrassed the way it looks, and it's what I see while looking out our patio door. I'm ready to get it done!

    Janet: Glad you had a good trip and visit with your friend. I've decided that I won't be attending any more high school reunions. Most of the people I hung out with have either moved away or passed away! Since I moved away after graduation, I don't have much in common with them. They are nice people, but my life is where I live now. I love Bonefish Grill!

    Patti: When work is not busy, it seems to drag on. I always straightened the shelves when we weren't busy at my dad's pharmacy. At least it passed the time, but time definitely drug on.

    Karla: Glad your foot is feeling better.

    Waving hi to Diane and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Morning ladies, happy to report I am down 1.2 pounds since Monday. Yeaaa!

    Bert - All of my plumerias are in pots. They have to be since they have to be put in the greenhouse in the winter months. But I have other flowers beds to weed but not too bad. JJ helps me with them. I bet you will get some great advise. I have some beautiful pots with bright vinca in them.

    My father is the joy of my life at 90. He is wanting to buy me a beautiful aqua cabinet the neighbor made. He is a master carpenter. We all went in on my dad a new memory mattress and he says it is like floating on a cloud! I cleaned his house from head to toe while I was there and it is sparkling.

    Patti- Did your mom ever find a housekeeper? My dad refuses to hire one.

    I better get back to work.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon all, lunch was great with the girls. We planned our meals for YaYa weekend. My contribution will be a Big pot of chicken enchilada soup and pork tenderloin that we will put in the crockpot for pulled pork, pork nachos and anything else we think of. I have 8 packages in the freezer. I buy them every time they have a BOGO. The rest of the food will be divided among the other girls. Then I ran to Costco and forgot the one item I went for, pills for Frankie's hips! So mad at myself. We will have to stop on the way to the cabin Friday. It is out of the way but she is so worth the effort. Got mom a chicken, compared to Krogers they are humongous. She will get plenty of meals out of it. She has more energy to prepare meals now that she has the housekeepers coming every other week. The girls do a great job and are super sweet to mom. Work tonight will not be boring, we have another huge sale starting tomorrow. So it will be a tough night. Tomorrow I have to have 2 crowns done, so not looking forward to the pain in my mouth and pocketbook, lol.

    Time to get ready for work.