OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, what a delight for you and John to be so loved by Elise. BTW I have that same design on a sweatshirt that John is wearing. I am no longer with WW. I wasn't really following the plan or using the app so I cancelled. Will be interested to hear more about the new focus. I totally empathize with you about your mom. So glad to have you back.

    Cindy, when will you be in Columbus? That is just an hour from me. It will be so nice for you to have some time with Meg. Good news on Jaspers miraculous recovery. Love wins out again. Praying that Rick's diagnosis has a treatment that will give him relief of symptoms or improve his situation. Love the idea of being a virtual assistant. That sounds tailor made for you.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Patti: I’m getting my flu shot very soon. Also getting my second pneumonia shot, but not on the same day
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is downstairs carpet cleaning day. The patio door has been installed and looks great! Apparently the old door leaked and rotted the wood around and underneath the door. So glad it's done right this time. Have a great day.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good afternoon all. Yesterday with my mom was a bit of an eye opener. She is much stronger in some ways - her handwriting is legible again, and she was walking to the bathroom by herself (with a walker.) But her memory and thinking ability has definitely degraded. She kept being confused about what day it was, whether her helpers had done certain things or not, didn't understand that the 24/7 helpers we had for about 10 days weren't fully covered by her long term care insurance, that sort of thing. Yet she was adamant that her meds were correct and the list I had found was incorrect - and with further searching, I found the latest list from the doctor that proved her right. I did get her to go to the dining room for dinner, and I'm going back Friday when we have a date with one of her friends for dinner in the dining room again. So plusses and minuses.

    Today I went back to my WW meeting. I am up just a tiny bit according to their WI records, less than 1 lb. But according to my home scale I am up about 2 lbs. Not bad for eating whatever I felt like for the past month, at least, and not getting as much exercise. I am tracking everything again, just trying to keep myself honest. I went out to lunch with some friends today, and had a lower calorie salad that all I had to track in WW was the dressing and the crispy wonton strips. Dessert was free and everyone else at the table got one - I brought mine home and John ate it so it is GONE. I have been nibbly this afternoon but have stuck with ruit and one granola bar. I'm making Skinnytaste Chicken Enchiladas for dinner - 3 Pts per serving if I use the low carb wraps, and add black beans to the filling.

    The new WW program is basically an incentive program to develop healthy habits like tracking, exercising and attending meetings (now "workshops"). Point system for eating is the same Freestyle points program - no changes there. You can either get "stuff" with your win points, or you can get experiences, or you can donate to charity. If you track 3 meals a day and some exercise and attend a workshop weekly, it will take you about 8 weeks to get to the lowest tier of reward. I'm not sure it is going to incentivize me much if at all.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, praying your dad, brothers and you are safe from Michael. Let us know when you can that all is ok with everyone
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's raining today, so Jillian's and Cole's Color Run after school is cancelled as well as her make up soccer game tonight. Today is lunch with my retired teacher friends and then I have a doctor's appointment for my sinuses/allergies. I'm hoping to get some relief from the horrible headaches and constant coughing.

    Diane: I agree with your take on the new WW program. I don't need incentives to get "stuff". I don't purchase their snacks or much of their products and haven't for awhile. I do like the tracking system. Sorry to hear about your mom.

    Karla: Praying for your dad and brothers. My brother said that Charlotte is expecting more rain.....

    Waving hi to Janet, Patti, and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, everyone - have read all but no time for longer personals today.

    Cindy, thinking of you very often. Jasper is doing well - hang onto that. Your loving care and his dachshund determination are seeing him through. You'll fine new work that will work better with being LR - Just FEEL it. Any employer will be lucky to have you.

    Diane, we're with you and here for you. Hope your mom will level out soon, but it's not easy.

    Bert, good thing they cancelled early. I know lunch will be fun - nothing like old friends.

    Karla, sure hope your dad and brothers will make it through without big damage or disruption. Sending best thoughts their way.

    Patti, how was your mom time yesterday? Hard to remember when she was still in TX and you wanted her closer with all your heart.

    Eating was medium yesterday. It's a struggle but I am doing better than I was, less well than I need to be - and I WILL get there again!

    Errands this morning, theatre tonight. It's the first Broadway show of the season - "Aladdin," which is just what is needed - color, music, humor. The touring productions are really well done. I go alone - two season subscriptions are too expensive, but I don't mind. I just get lost in the show.

    Hugs to all - have a good day and stay dry if you can!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Darn, I typed up a long post with personals yesterday and did something wrong, since I don't see it.

    I have Elise for a Grandma day today. Trying to get her settled for a nap now, but if she doesn't stop fussing in a few minutes I'll have to get her back up.

    Karla, prayers for your dad and brother and all others in the path of this hurricane. Rossanne's mom and granny were out of their home for a month after Florence. Not a lot of damage, but no power for a few weeks and then some cleanup to do before granny could live there again.

    Janet, Aladdin sounds like just the thing! it has been so grey and rainy here since we got home.

    got to go. elise isnt settling
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, continued prayers for Karla's family. My brother just signed papers, but has not closed, on a house in Pensacola, just 10 minutes from Perdido Key. My brother's name is Michael! I think he is still there but his wife is back in Birmingham.

    Diane, I think we all can understand what you are going thru with your Mom. Hope your time with her helps her memory. Nice to know that she is doing better physically and is going to the dining room with you and her friend. Thanks for sharing what you learned at the meeting. 1 pound is cause for celebration.

    Janet, what fun for you to enjoy what you dearly love. Wish I could be there to share it with you. You are making changes in your eating and aware of what you are doing, that is a huge step back to where you want to be. I am right there with you. We will make it happen.

    Bert, enjoy your friends. I know not losing touch with friends after we retire is so important. Sorry the kids activities are cancelled. Hope the Dr has some answers for your sinus/allergy issues.

    I just got the new Skinnytaste cookbook, One and Done. It is all recipes for air fryer, pressure cooker, crockpot, sheet pan, skillet and Dutch oven. Will be perusing it this weekend. I am really working on mindful eating and will get back to tracking after this weekend. My bags are packed, now I need to hit the grocery for a chicken and some veggies. So looking forward to this weekend with my girls. No drama, no stress and no pressure. Just good old fashioned laughing, giggling, movie watching and some eating, lol.

    Will probably not check in until Sunday.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Sorry for not getting back sooner. Elise would NOT take a nap this afternoon!

    Patti, I know you will have a great time this weekend with your friends. Giggles and movies sounds perfect. I love Skinnytaste recipes - I think I have only tried one that was a fail, and all the rest are terrific.

    Bert, how was your lunch? I enjoyed mine yesterday with a group of church ladies. And I need to call and see if my former workmates want to meet for lunch sometime in the next two weeks.

    Cindy, that work-at-home job sounds quite intriguing! I'm not a good candidate for teleworking, but I know other people who love it.

    Eating was good today up until about an hour ago - -I got starving and John wasn't home yet. All is tracked and I'll do better tomorrow.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Its been awful going through this hurricane off site with my family. We have still not made contact with my brother Keith and his street is not passable. My dad and other brother have survived with minimal damage to the house but the rest of the neighborhood I grew up in is devastated. My dad went looking for my brother Keith and got turned back and a rogue cop made my dad get out of his car and walk!! Can you believe that?? a 90yo man made to get out of his car at night? I was so frantic as he was missing for over two hours. He and his neighbor are going back to Keith's street at daylight and see if they can get to his house. His street is under water. Glenn and I are going over there tomorrow with our generator, sterno stove and other supplies. The plan is to convince my dad and deaf brother to come hack to my house and leave Chris, my nephew and maybe Jason, my son, over there to clean up my dad's house and yard. Dad has roof damage and yard damage from trees and his big shed was shredded. I am so worried about my brother and what has happened to him and his home. He also owned a condo in St Andrews that is probably gone too.

    Prayers to continue please.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Oh Karla I am so relieved that your brother and dad are okay. The house can be repaired and stuff can be replaced. Praying still for your other brother.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It will be in the 50's today and the rest of the week! I'm looking forward to the cool down and give the AC time to relax, and I'm holding out on turning on the furnace! I hope the house stays warm this week without it. I went to the doctor yesterday, and as I suspected, it was a sinus infection. So I got some antibiotics and am hoping it will clear up soon.

    Karla: So sorry to hear about your family. Will continue to pray. Please keep us posted.

    Diane: My lunch was great! We even got to witness Good Samaritans in action. Someone tried to enter the parking lot from the busy road in front of the restaurant and overshot the entrance. Her car was caught on the embankment. The husband got out and tried to push the car; however, it was pouring down rain, and he was on a cane. Several people from the restaurant went out and helped move the car.

    Waving hi to Janet, Patti, and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, praying all is well with Keith and that you can get your dad and Kerry to come with you. I know you must be out of your mind with worry. With cell towers and power out it must be near impossible for him to contact you.

    Leaving for the cabin but will check it to get updates.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Finally talked to Keith!!! War zone over there!!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, please keep us posted. There's been so much disruption that my hope is he's fine but unable to get a line out to call you. How they made your dad leave had to be frightening for him and Kerry. Prayers continue from all of us. They're all lucky to have you as a refuge.

    Diane, Eloise probably didn't want to nap and miss time with you! What a cutie pie. Good to hear your mom is physically more stable but the mental acuity issues are tough. We're here for you - anything we can do to help?

    Patti, enjoy the cabin - I know you always do.

    Bert, isn't this weather a gift?

    Aladdin was lots of fun, especially the genie. Sets, costumes and choreography were terrific. The kids in the audience were adorable - you could feel their attention wandering during the talky parts

    Fall fell overnight and I am in heaven. Might need to hit the furnace tonight - seems to have gone straight from high AC use to needing heat. Eating here was OK yesterday - consistency is elusive, but oh well. I have a manicure this afternoon and will probably get my flu shot beforehand. Exciting day, huh?
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Trying to keep my eating healthier today. I realized after tracking everything yesterday that I was doing well at my meals but NOT on my snacks - I used 3/4 of my points on snacks! So trying to balance much better today, and focus on low point snacks. So far I've had a cheese stick (3 Pts), an apple, and celery with PB2 (1 pt). And I used 3 points on breakfast, 6 points on lunch, and 5 points planned for dinner. I know not everyone is doing WW anymore, but I think this "balance" between meals and snacks is an important part of any healthy eating plan.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Yesterday was a day in itself. One of our church ladies/and great friend fell in the parking lot at the voter registration building. She had to have stitches in her head and broke her knee cap. They aren't doing surgery due to her age, so she is in a device to keep her knee straight. Then we heard news that one of our friends passed away from a massive heart attack. He and Mike went to grade school together. His wife is also one of Mike's classmates. They went to our church for many years.

    This weekend in homecoming at Indiana State University. Friends are staying with us this weekend, so I need to make sure things are ready for their visit.

    Parke County Covered Bridge Festival starts today. I'll drive the back roads to get into town as there are so many flea markets along the main road.

    We got our estimate for the flower garden......they want $1,600! So, I guess we will attempt to do it ourselves. Their plan was to plant lots of perennials which I don't want. I just want everything out, a clean look, and put large flower pots in. We don't have $1,600 floating around especially for a flower garden! Why is everything so expensive? Ok, enough of that!

    Janet: Yes, this weather is definitely a gift. The AC is off and so is the furnace! We did turn on our electric fireplace to take the chill off in the family room. I'm going to work outside today, so it will be a nice break.

    Karla: Good luck traveling to your dad's and Keith's houses today. I've been watching the news, and it looks bad there.

    Diane: I'm still doing WW. I track on it as well as MFP. Eating is ok, but I also have trouble with too many points for snacks. Breakfast is tracked today and I'll have a salad for lunch.

    Waving hi to Patti and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. I haven't been able to sleep very well the last few days. No need but I have been waking around 6 am and not been able to get back to sleep.

    The last two days were not good eating wise. I think some stress about my mom is creeping in, and I just need to learn to deal with it without heading for the pantry. Four days into my week and I am down to 5 weeklies left to use, and I'm sure there were snacks I forgot to track. I need to get my mind in the right place!

    Bert, landscapers always want to go overboard, and they don't listen well. Why don't you want perennials? At least those you wouldn't have to plant every year! If you don't put something in your existing beds, or turn them back to grass or hardscaping, you'll still have weeds even if your flower pots are on top of them.

    Janet, fall has hit here too, but it has been raining and grey almost daily since we got home. I'm liking the cooler temps, but not the rain! And we don't want it to get too cold for John to spray (lacquer) on the cabinets in the next three weeks! Has to be above 60.

    Karla, how are your dad and brothers? Have you gotten the whole story yet? The pictures you have been posting are devastating!

    Patti, regardless of the weather I know you are having fun with your yayas.

    Cindy when is your trip to Ohio?
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm fixing breakfast (bacon and eggs) for our guests. They are still sleeping!

    Diane: I'm an early riser. (1) due to Molly needing to go out and (2) my back and joints won't let me sleep. I"m better moving. I'm not against perennials. That's what I have everywhere in my other beds. I just want to tone things down and make the bed smaller. That's what they didn't listen too. I can't afford $1,600, so I guess it will be up to us to do it.

    Need to go. Have a great day, everyone!
