OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I certainly remember the morning of Sept. 11. I was driving to school when I heard on the radio that had happened. What a devastating day.

    The trip to the dermatologist was successful. I had no issues, and neither did Mike. The doctor did remove a dark spot on Mike's face. He said it was fine, but Mike would probably have problems with it when he shaves. So it was a good day. We didn't have our new Medicare cards with us yesterday, so I have to call them and give them the new numbers. I also want to have them laminated like our current ones.

    Patti: Glad you had a good first day. As Mike and I get older, we don't spend much time in the pool. He uses it more than I do, but we keep it for the grandkids. They used it quite a bit this summer though. This will definitely be our last one.

    I have errands to run today, plus I'm heading to the gym. I haven't been there for a few days. If my feet hold out, it would be a wonderful day for a walk in the neighborhood.

    Have a great day, everyone.


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    Waiting in line at the school to pick Izzy up.’I love my new schedule of being off two days a week. It is pouring rain.

    I am worried for my friend Lisa that lives near the coast in North Carolina!! I hope she gets out soon. This storm is huge!! Very dangerous. Prayers for all those in its path.

    Yes, I can’t believe it’s been 17 years since that sad day we were attacked.

    I’m taking out my fall decor and buying some new. I got the cutest throws pillows from Target last week for the couch, and today I purchased a mouse holding a pumpkin with long dangling legs to sit on the fireplace mantle. I love the oranges and reds.

    Hello to Janet and Diane.


  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all from NOT sunny California! It has been cloudy and overcast much of the time we have been here in Ventura near the shore. We got back here yesterday evening and spent today grocery shopping, washing both the car and Charly, doing repairs that we got parts for while at home, etc. tomorrow we are taking our backpacking gear on the ferry over to one of the Channel Islands, where we will hike, spend the night, and sea kayak in the sea caves on Thursday.

    We were able to get mom’s stay extended until Saturday but no longer. So I called the home health company that has been seeing her for just a few hours twice a week, and set up 24/7 care for the first few days, then tapering to just waking hours after that. I hope this works.

    I remember everything about 9/11. I was working just a half mile from the Pentagon, and had a meeting at the Pentagon that was originally scheduled for 9 am but had been rescheduled till noon. I was about to leave to take the shuttle over there to do a few errands before my meeting when the first tower was hit. My meeting was to be on the side of the building that was hit, behind where they hung the big flag. It took me almost four hours to get home (usually an hour drive), all the while the ONLY traffic going the other way was ambulances and fire trucks, and fighter jets and helicopters were flying overhead, with a plume of black smoke in my rear view mirror. John was in England, ON a plane, pushing back from the gate when they were taken back to the gate, and bused south of London. He didn’t get home for another 8 days. He was able to call me that night, and was crying with relief because he knew I was at the Pentagon almost daily then. The next day I was shedding tears of relief when several of my Navy colleagues came to our office looking for desk space since theirs in the Pentagon were destroyed, but all of them had gotten out. Incredibly, I knew NOBODY who was killed there. My sistr’s kids went to school with some kids who lost parents, and one man from her church was also killed.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    We are under threat of Hurricane Florence at home. We have coached Carrie on what to do. I hope it isn’t too bad there. Feeling. A little helpless.

    Karla, how is the tracking going? I know you said you were really trying to get back to that this week.

    Bert good news on the dermatologist front! Has your weather cooled off enough to enjoy that walking outside yet?

    Patti sounds like th new store will be a good fit for you. Were all th workers new? That seems a little odd. Hope it isn’t because the management is hard to work for! How is the new upholstery machine? How was mom today?

    Janet how was your weather ? Seems like you have had as much rain as Maryland has had all summer. What a drag.

    Waving to Cindy!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    It was a day that changed us all forever, in ways I think we are still discovering. We had the tv on at work, it was surreal and I will never forget how I felt. I just can't put it into words. The one lasting affect was that I cry anytime I hear or sing our national anthem. Each and every time, I see the whole thing play out in my mind. I just can't wrap my mind around such unadulterated evil.

    Diane, I can't imagine the terror you must have felt or how John held it together until he heard from you.

    I think we all love a little better, hug a little longer and stay in contact with those we love a little more often. They did not break us, they made us stronger.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening all.

    Diane- yes, still tracking. Yesterday was great, left me very hungry today, so I let myself eat more today. Tomorrow I will eat less. I find when I am not at work I eat more. Lol. I’m going to track everyday no matter what. I need to be aware. Same with the scale.

    I really enjoyed the Bible study. We are on the Book of John. We stop and dissect and discuss.?there were just four of us, very nice ladies. One lady, Salonie, is going to get certified in Christian yoga again and we are going to start doing that in class too! So excited.

    Glenn and I have reached a new level in our realm of happiness. We seem to have deepened our love yet again. I know I am incredibly happy right now. I said to myself on the way to class this mornin how I loved my life, my home, my family. I’m very blessed and grateful for it too.

    There are some incredible movies on this Haklnark Movies Now Channel. I’m so glad I subscribed to it. Famous actors on it too. I’m watching a thriller right now from a a Sandra Brown novel. One of my favorite authors.

    Thank you for being a part of my life also.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Oh, I wanted to report that my foot is much better! I’m going to start back with some exercise if the podiatrist says it’s ok. My mother always said Karla has to beat her weight off. Lol.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's supposed to be another gorgeous day. I'm having lunch today with my retired teachers' group. It's always a fun time. I'll try to make a healthy choice for lunch.

    Diane: Your vacation sounds amazing. I hope the care for your mom works out. Your 9/11 story sent chills up my spine. It was a horrific day. Yes, the weather has cooled off a bit. I'm talking a walk in the neighborhood this morning before my lunch.

    Patti: You're right. It's unfortunate though that castastrophes help us realize what we should do everyday.

    Karla: You are definitely blessed with a great husband and family. I'm tracking, too, hoping to make a difference on the scale and how my clothes fit. Glad your feet are better.

    Waving hi to Janet and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!


  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    One thing I realized on this latest trip home: I did not meet my 10k step goal on a single one of those days. Now, for two of them I was flying cross country, and on three other days I drove an hour each way to visit mom and then sat with her in her room for several hours. But clearly I need to figure out how to get my steps in when I am not off hiking on a daily basis. And I dont like walking outside when it is either too hot or too cold.

    I read an article recently that said walking was just a beneficial for your health as running, you just have to do it for twice as long.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All,
    A quick stop in- everything is status quo here with tomorrow the day for the dr and Rick.
    He finally has admitted he is worried its not a medication issue. Last week he was upset when I said I was preparing for the worse news.
    Which I totally understand but we have very different personality- he's like the ostrich- I'm eyes wide open.
    The book event will be in Cincinnati June 7-8 Its call RAGT2019 hosted by Lori Foster.
    If you want to come to the event there are tickets but otherwise we'll figure out how to see each other- with whoever wants to come.
    I'll still bein WV November 3rd this year too.
    I'm submitting the book Old and New to a new to me publisher- maybe later this week. Then I wait for 8-12 weeks before I hear something.
    Patti- have fun with the new machine- love Edd's ulterior motives
    Diane- I hope Carrie is safe in the storm and your Mom too
    Karla- you are truly blessed
    Janet- what's new in your world- I'm sure your finding amazing buys when you're out poking around.
    Bert- Glad the dermatologist was uneventful.
    Off again
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited September 2018
    Good morning. Another good day of eating and tracking behind me. The Podiatrist told me I’d had to be careful and wear the boot brace every other day or it would come back. Bummer. Today is grandparents day at Izzy’s school so I am only going into the office for a couple hours befor I go to have lunch with her as her lunch is at 10:40! Lol.

    Cindy- My heart breaks for you and Rick and I am anxious for your results. It is a very difficult dealing with a disturbed husband. My son still deals with my ex husband and his early signs of dementia, we think, as his mother had it at this age. He has never remarried or even dates since our divorce 20 years ago now. Thank you for the dates. I will discuss with Glenn and check on our Nebraska family reunion around that time too.

    Bert- Good news for our friend Lisa that hurricane Florence has dropped to a Cat 2 this morning. We are in the 90’s and humid here.

    Diane- You are back on the trail again. So fun.

    Janet- Where are you my friend?

    I better go.

    Have a great day.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, everyone - Keeping bus over here and minimizing computer time because the weather has been decent for humans to be out in the world. James's birthday is tomorrow so I have been busy buying him dumb things (golf balls, socks, a face wash he likes) and also got him a golf watch that tells him distance to the hole on pretty much any course. Hope I chose an OK one.

    Cindy, no good bargains for me but haven't been looking to spend on myself right now. Am going to OH next weekend to see my best friend and people from HS - need to nail all that down.

    Bert, good news from the dermatologist for you both. I need to do that too but am just procrastinating out of body shame.

    Diane, keeping everything crossed for you and everyone in the path of Florence. I have friends in Wilmington, NC who are in Alaska right now - good thing they have lots of friends to look out for their dog and their home.

    Patti, bet the shorter commute and smaller store are a blessing - not to mention the fact that it sounds like you're working with good people.

    Karla, you are firing on all cylinders these days! Izzy's dance, your Bible study, your fabulous relationship with Glenn - all good news. Makes me smile.

    I really do come alive when the weather cools down - the heat is coming back this weekend, though, but just having a taste of decent weather was a spirit-lifter. Have a wonderful day, everyone!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm taking my car in today to have it checked out. It's making a popping noise when I release the brake after stopping. Just want to make sure things are ok. My brother lives in Charlotte, NC. He's staying put as he said the storm would only produce rain in his area and not much wind. I haven't heard from him in a couple of days (that's normal for him, plus I'm the one who initiates contact), so I'm hoping he's safe.

    Janet: I was a sun worshipper when I was younger, and growing up, sunscreen wasn't mentioned. Now that I'm older, I like to have a little color, but definitely use sunscreen. I go each year basically for piece of mind to know that I've been checked out and there aren't any suspicious spots. I've had several spots removed over the years, but they have all been ok. Don't procrastinate too much.

    Patti: Hope you're liking your new store.

    Cindy: Mike is like that too. I'm the planner and realist; he goes with the flow and doesn't worry about anything. (except how high the grass is, whether or not he should mow, and how much concrete is being sold each day! :D )

    Karla: My feet are better, but still give me trouble. They constantly tingle and my heels hurt (more at night). I'm doing my foot exercises and have an appointment in Oct. to discuss more options. They feel better when I'm wearing shoes. I have to watch how I'm exercising at the gym so I don't aggravate them too much.

    Diane: I heard that walking is just as beneficial too. Some days I struggle to get my steps in, too, but I'm getting in activity, so that's good.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, lunch with the girls, a stop at the old store to give my extra sewing machine to one of the girls there, grocery shopping and the gym are on tap for today. Last night was my second shift at the new store. Everyone was working hard, all seemed to be friendly and good with customers and the manager was very helpful as I learn the rules and practices of this store. They do things very much the same but with a few twists. The store is certainly less busy. Looks like we will be staying home this weekend. Our friend from KY is rescheduling for better weather, better water, so it may be next year, lol. If the weather is nice Edd and I are going on a Poker Run for the Eagles. They are raising money for children's charities.
    My upholstery machine came yesterday and all I can say is "where has this been all my life?" It sews thru 4 layers of marine vinyl with ease. Now I need to see if Edd can make a stand for it as it is very top heavy and tends to rock on it's feet.

    Janet, happy birthday to James. I know he will love all the thought you put into your gifts. I, too, have enjoyed this cooler weather and am looking forward to fall but not winter, lol.

    Bert, good to hear your feet are some better with exercise and shoes. Sounds like we are all the planners in our families. I worry far too much and Edd is as laid back as they come. If there is a type A Edd is a type Z!

    Diane, prayers for your entire family during this awful storm. Glad you were able to arrange 24 hour care for your Mom. I am sure that eases your mind a bit. Hope Carrie is doing ok with her preps for the storm.

    Cindy, sending loads of prayers for Rick and for you. Wish you both didn't have to deal with this but we are here for you. So looking forward to meeting you in November and have the June dates on my calendar as well.

    Time to check the menu for lunch so I can make my healthy choices. I am doing better, but need to start tracking. Have not stepped on the scale but will have to face it Monday as I have a Drs appointment and it will be truth time.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I made my first visit today. It was a "get acquainted" visit to meet the teacher and visit with my student. I've had this student several times, and she's wonderful. I'm off to run errands and finish Sunday's service on Power Point. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Happy Friday all. Yesterday was a great day. Lunch was not very good but the company was the best. Ran into one of my friends from my Friday morning Pilates (that I have not been too since May) and we had a nice long catch up chat. I committed to her to come back to class today.....and I did. So nice to have people so happy to have you come back to class. Had a bonus visit with Mom. She is sort of on the outs with my sister right now. She vented a lot, we had a nice lunch and we both were laughing as usual when I left.

    Bert, yeah on a good first visit.

    Time to go play with my sewing machine. Wish I had the other seats here to work on.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Well the testing is behind us. Rick is more concerned now than he was. He was freaked about all the stuff he had trouble with and finally confessed he's had these issues, and hiding them for over 3 years. So needless to say its gotten worse with neglect.
    I too am more concerned now than ever after I discovered I too had a huge questionnaire to fill out. When I met with the man testing Rick he was warm and friendly. When he and Rick came out of the room- he met my gaze and looked very very different. I think that said more to me than anything. He seemed very concerned. I guess the bad news of me always observing people if I can see things the casual observer would otherwise over look.
    we now have to wait until Oct 17 for the results and path forward.
    He is extremely down- and I can understand. But I guess the terrible thoughts he had 3 years ago now have an explanation.
    At this point I can't have a hissy fit- but I need to remain calm until I get all the facts.
    Then I may have one.
    Patti- if you're thinking of Rebels and Readers in November check out the FB page- lots of information for attendees on it. My friend Suzanne, who is also a writer is making the trip with me. She's a hoot.
    Sorry for now personals- my head is spinning right now.
    Thanks for listening.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. What do you ladies eat for breakfast? I'm getting tired of eggs and am looking for something which has protein. I do drink EAS protein shakes. Tonight we are going to the Blues festival downtown. We've gone the last few years. Proceeds go towards providing children with guitars, so it's a fabulous fundraiser. It will be hot as it's supposed to be in the high 80's.

    Cindy: So sorry to hear about what you're going through.

    Patti: How did Pilates go?

    Janet: Hope you're staying cool.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    quick stop before we mount up for our poker run.

    cindy, my heart aches for you and Rick. praying modern medicine has some treatment that will at least help him. Can't even begin to imagine all that you are feeling. Sending hugs and continued prayers and hope you know I am here, seriously for anything!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning.

    Cindy, sending love and strength and endless support.

    Patti, the new store must seem cushy!

    Bert - nice start to your supervising. Hope you have no problem students this time. Wish I had breakfast suggestions other than yogurt or EAS.

    Karla, love the pics of you and Izzy.

    Diane, this trip really is a dream come true. Loving every pic.

    Went golfing with James and a buddy yesterday for his birthday, then we had a drink on the deck when we got home. The heat +empty stomach got to me and I almost passed out. Had James spot me while I came inside and sat. He couldn’t have been sweeter - brought me an ice pack for the back of my neck, kept bringing me water, and let me have a few of his mini candies because I felt like my blood sugar was cratering. Fall cannot come quickly enough. No dinner for me but I revived and rallied.

    Tonight we will go to dinner (probably Bonefish Grill) and then to the orchestra Pops concert (music of John Williams). Until then, football.