OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Getting ready to go to Mom's. Yesterday was a big shopping trip, since I have not done a "stock the shelves" trip in a while. There were lots of BOGO deals too. I snagged a queen sized quilt with 2 shams for $15 on clearance. Now wishing I would have bought the other one that was on clearance. I am going to check the other store tomorrow to see if they have any. Work was brutal and reaffirmed my need to change stores. The regional managers and all the managers from our district are meeting at the store today. That meant the stores had to be totally recovered, including sweeping the entire place! The store is about 5 times the size of a Trader Joes. We got out at midnight and had no extra staff to get it done. The super lazy manager that I have issues with was one of the workers and the only cashier had to be gone by 10 because her day job starts at 4:30am. We did our best but I am sure it wasn't good enough. My feet were screaming at me by the time I got home. This morning they hurt a bit but thankfully these shoes have made it better than it would have been.

    Eating was weird but not bad. Frozen lean meal for lunch, P3 for dinner at work (not nearly enough food) then another frozen lean meal for late night snack at 12:30am cuz I was seriously starving.

    My BFF is having back surgery on Thursday. Praying it goes as planned and she will be staying overnight only. She should be up and walking by dinner and home by breakfast the next day.

    Time to go. Have a fabulous day
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Carrie's surgery was succesful. She had some melanoma removed from her arm. They had to do the procedure two times, but they now think they got it all. She had the same procedure done in the same spot 4 years ago. I'm certainly glad she's ok.

    Boy, was I tired last night. I didn't sleep well at their house. I got the kids to school and then picked them up. Greg and Carrie got home around 7:30. It was a long day for everyone! I went to sleep around 9:30.

    I took Molly for nail trim and bath yesterday. She's gained a pound, so I need to reduce her "treats" throughout the day. I also haven't been walking her as much recently as it has been so hot, and she gets overheated. She slept in this morning (5:45 am) due to all the excitement yesterday, I'm sure.

    All meals are tracked! I'm trying to plan them out in hopes of being more successful with my eating choices. I'm within my daily calorie alottment, so I'm feeling good about that.

    Patti: Are you still wearing Kuru's? Work did sound brutal. I can't imagine working until midnight! I would definitely eat a snack, too, as I would also be very hungry!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all. Had a medium food day, oh well. Mammogram started the day. My very first one landed me in surgery a zillion years ago (the mass was benign) but no issues since. Ran several errands, had a fun lunch with a friend, more errands, then home. Several more unexciting but necessary stops on tap for today.

    Diane, your photos are making us all happy. Soak it in for us!

    Bert, hope you are in the pool when you can be during this dagblasted heat wave.

    Karla, what did the doc say? Dry eyes are no fun (Sjogten’s does that to me too). I know you and the girls made it a fun trip.

    Patti, is the river calling you for the long weekend?

    Cindy, saw in your blog that Jasper continued bird to improve. Yay! How is Griffin reacting to his buddy being in rehab mode?

    Time to get moving here. Hugs to all. Let’s all do our best to THINK and to be kind to ourselves.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, we cross-posted. Good news on Carrie. My sister-in-law has had melanoma on her arm as well - thank goodness for modern medicine!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning folks!

    Had a wonderful trip with my girls and a good report from my doctor. She actually said my eyes weren’t as dry as last time. She said that studies are now showing that plant based Omega 3 supplements are better for the eye than the fish based. I did have a slight difference in my non shingles right eye that new glasses will help me with. We have the VSP insurance again with Glenn’s new company, so new glasses here I come!

    Bert- You are on the road a lot and will get busier with your students. What do you have planned for this weekend?

    Janet- you sound peaceful.

    Have a great day.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Very low key day. Worked in my craft room today. Nothing creative, just getting ready to stamp. Needed to give my legs and feet a rest before work tonight. Big sale set tonight. I have some gourmet chicken salad in a low carb wrap for dinner. Have to be at the hospital by 6:30am tomorrow. All thoughts and prayers for friend are appreciated.

    Bert, good news on Carrie's surgery. Hope you get a better night's rest tonight. I do still wear the Kurus and plan to order another pair soon.

    Janet, I know you hate this weather and I wish you didn't have to leave your a/c until fall! The river is definitely calling and we will go. Have the holiday off but will likely come home Monday night so I can go to Mom's on Tuesday.

    Cindy, miss you but understand that your life is calling and you have lots on your plate.

    Diane, thanks again for your birdseye view of the west.

    Shower is calling me and I MUST go, lol
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Yesterday's eating was good. I tracked everything and was with calorie alottment and WW points. I went to the gym and also pulled weeds in our vegetable garden.

    Today I'm working in a flower bed that needs some TLC. This is the bed that I seen when sitting in the family room. I'm going to investigate the cost to have someone taking it out and landscaping it with either nothing or low maintenance perennials. The older I get, the more I'm thinking of gardening from flower parts. Then this afternoon is the Field Student Seminar. I'll meet my students and give them their assignment charts and go over my expectations.

    Patti: I'm thinking of ordering a pair of Kurus. My tennis shoes are supportive, and I also have some Clark's for the fall and winter. I need something for spring and summer.

    Janet: Hope you got all your errands run. Carrie is sore, but went to work yesterday. She has a 10 lb limit that she can pick up. Pretty standard for surgery.

    Waving hi to Karla, Diane, and Cindy. Have a great day everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and glad this is my Friday! Lots to do before my nephew and family come on Saturday. OWA is putting on a fireworks show and free T-shirt’s crafts for the kids too. Going to be fun.

    Bert- My flowerbeds need attention too and I’m going to tweak them some in the morning. Melanoma is a scary skin condition, I’m glad they got it all.

    Janet- You stay inside my friend. We are facing your Louisville team this Saturday for our first Roll Tide game. I have a football shirt on today. We are going to start the Sheetrock next week and have parties in our pool house soon. Glenn is outting a huge projection tv system out there.

    Patti- Have you tried one of those towels you put in the freezer you can put around your neck to keep cool at work? It might help. So sorry about your feet. I can sure relate now.

    I dropped Sophie and Millie off at Lola Bells for grooming this morning. They were two shagging dogs. Lol.

    Diane- When skill you start your trek home? I know you are enjoying that beautiful scenery.

    Cindy - Thinking if you.

    Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend filled with no Labor. Lol.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Long, long day already. Up at 5am with 4 hours sleep under my belt. My friend did great. She awoke from anesthesia with ZERO hip pain. She had nerve impingement of lower back and has been living with severe pain in her hip for 2 years. She had vowed no more surgery after the two shoulder surgeries but when her leg started giving out on her and she fell a couple of times she changed her mind. More because she was afraid she would fall and tear up her shoulder. She was in tears when she said "I have absolutely no pain, I can't believe it". We were all crying tears of joy for her.
    Hope to get out of town early tomorrow and get the boat in and go for a nice long ride.
    Eating has been going well the last few days. Have not tracked but will restart that very soon.

    Bert, my chef friend who stands 10-14 hours a day and has severe ligament damage as a result swears by Mozo shoes. She is 6 feet tall and weighs around 250 and says they have been a life saver. I am going to give them a try. They are also under $100

    Too brain tired for any more
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Another flower bed is calling my name this morning. I plan to work outside for a while and then get things done inside. We also need to organize our recycling totes in the garage once again as our curbside recycling program is not going to do it anymore. At least our local college is continuing to recycle. I've expressed my concern, but our trash removal company stated that it wasn't economically feasible for them to continue the service.

    Eating has been pretty good this week.

    Patti: I'll check into Mozo.

    Karla: Enjoy your weekend. It sounds like fun.

    Waving hi to Janet, Diane, and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning. My foot is turning the corner! Feeling no pain from it. Now not to overdo it.

    Beet- My flowerbeds are calling your name. Lol

    Got to run.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Not too much to report this morning. Breakfast is tracked. I'm working in another flower bed this morning, and then I'm not sure what is in store for the rest of the day. I'm definitely getting in some floating time as the temps are supposed to be quite warm. I also want to do some research on Ancestry as I haven't been consistent with that for a while.

    My semester is off an running. I have 6 Field Students. They are at different levels, so I'm going to have to keep on my toes to remember who is supposed to do what. I have a chart for each student which will help.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    Izzy and her cousins at OWA
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Cute pic, Karla looks like everyone’s having a great time - what is OWA?

    Bert, you are going to be very busy - but in a good way.

    Having a decent weekend here and eating has been good today. No nighttime snacking is my mantra.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Happy Labor Day! Yesterday was not a good eating day as I went to lunch with our church group after church and then went to a spaghetti dinner at the Little Italy Festival. I'll have to be super strict today with my choices. Breakfast is tracked. I'm making burgers on the grill today, but they are 90/10 burgers. I'm going to grill vegetables, too, so hopefully, it will be a healthier day.

    Our upstairs AC went out again on Saturday. Of course the AC company we use was closed. I was ready to have to pay extra to have it fixed, but the guy said it was the same part that was replaced in June, so it should be covered with no cost to us. That made me happy. However, we will call the owner for a an estimate to replace the units. They are 20 years old and need to be replaced as they are beginning to need frequent repairs. We don't want to go in debt if possible, but this is something that needs to be replaced.....definitely need more efficient AC/HC.

    Cole hurt his foot yesterday and was complaining about it hurting. Greg will take him to the doctor today if it is any worse. Dylan had 3 friends over for a sleepover. Dan has plenty of beer, so all is good! :o)

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Late check In before I think about sleeping. It was a weird weekend. So very hot and humid, shot thru with pop up storms that looked and felt terrible but we're super brief, like 10 or less minutes. So I got some sewing done. The captains chair came out pretty well. Then I recovered the short bench in the back that has two separate cushions. Realized I have no where near enough vinyl to do the benches and back deck. Luckily Joanns came thru with another 60% off coupon so I got another 8 yards that I have to pick up on Wed. Eating was pretty good this weekend, no company and too hot to eat much. Lots of water went down nicely. Next weekend will be a huge challenge with our annual pig roast. we have 20-25 people coming. It is going to be a clean out the freezer kind of weekend. Have burgers, hot dogs and sausages of all sorts. We did get some boating and laying in the water time, just not enough of it. made some killer ribs Saturday night with leftovers plus a yummy salad on Sunday
    My gf did fabulous with her surgery I am still tearing up knowing she is finally out of pain! All she is on now is Robaxin to take care of swelling and spasms. So if you sent her prayers, they worked.

    Too tired for more but have read all. Tomorrow is a Mom day and definitely need to make it to TRX.

    Until tomorrow dear friends, you are never far from my thoughts

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm determined to have a good eating day today. Yesterday wasn't bad. I went over on calories, but the carbs were better than normal. I'm going to try to increase my water intake today as well. I'm waiting to see if I'll be heading to Greg's to watch Cole. Cole hurt his foot over the weekend, and Greg wants to have it checked out by his own doctor. They went to the ER which said it wasn't broken. Greg needs to see if he can get an appointment today. If not, he will go to school and I'll watch Cole.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm watching Cole today as the doctor thought he should stay home today and try to walk on his foot at home. Will be back later.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning and yes I'm still kicking around....
    Jasper is doing well and he is starting to stand on his back legs- his has no pain and very happy so that's a good thing.
    Working hard on the trilogy which is a great way to escape. Editing book two as it has come back from the editor- polish, polish, polish.
    Rick's apt is 9/13 with the results Oct 17. Obviously he's very anxious about it and there have been times I've totally lost my patience. It is very hard, the waiting and not knowing. I could rant for hours... but I won't :)
    My eating is not that great and I'm really struggling to get back in some sort of groove. I need a light bulb moment. I had to go buy work clothes as we're moving back to biz professional- ugh couple hundred bucks later I have blouses to wear, need to find a good black all purpose blazer, closed toe shoes and another pair of black pants. I'm annoyed I have to buy them in my old size. I wish I had kept everything... oh well.

    I have to tell you all, one thing that keeps me going is knowing you are all sending me strength. it means a great deal to me. I think of each of you often and you hold a very special place in my life. Thank you.. for everything you do.
    I'll be back again- soon
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Waiting at LAX to fly home for Elise’s first birthday! Can’t wait to see both her and mom. Mom is still in the acute care facility, working on PT and getting stronger but very slowly. I will be spending much of our time at home over with her. Let my sister and brother have a few days off.

    We have decided to cut our trip a bit short and get home in early October. We volunteered to build new kitchen cabinets for my sister and we want to get them made, delivered to Wisconsin and be home before Thanksgiving. We will hopefully be able to leave by the end of October and stay about two weeks to finish not only the kitchen but a number of other projects. Their laundry/ utility room had to be gutted as well, and it was built very poorly to begin with. (Wallboard glued directly to the outer wall, no studs and no insulation. Floor rough concrete with poorly applied leveling compound that has cracked. ) so we will raise the floor, stud out the walls, replumb and rewire that too.

    My eating has not been good, but I certainly have been walking and working the calories off! We generally have just two meals and a snack each day. If we eat a big lunch it is a snack for dinner, or sometimes the snack is the hiking lunch. Trail mix, apple and cheese stick. My clothes are looser so I’ll be interested to see what the scale says. I haven’t been near one in 2 1/2 months!