OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I just got back from doctor's appointment. She gave me a list of exercises to try, a 5 day prednisone pack, and also stated that I need to have my big toe joint replaced. I also have a heel spur. Geez......the thought of another procedure makes me nauseous. I know that joint is bad, but it's causing things to be worse on that foot. I woke up in the middle of the night with pain, so I know I need to do something.

    Janet: Good advice.

    Need to get my feet iced. Will be back later.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, not sure exactly what procedure your doc wants to do, but my right big toe was de-jointed a dozen years ago. It looks stupid now but did help! When pain wakes you up, it's time to develop a plan. Hope the pain will lessen soon.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Janet: She wants to replace to the joint. I'm not wanting another surgery for cosmetic reasons as well as I've had so many surgeries. On that note, I'm willing to discuss it with her on my follow up appointment. She said the pain in my right foot is worse due to that joint. Another podiatrist wanted to fuse the bones in that joint many years ago of which I declined. The joint has bothered me for many years. I want to get the faciitis under control so I can walk better.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    I got my hair deep conditioned and colored today. It needed it. My foot was taped today too.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    My No Carb bagels came in yesterday that my clinic lady recommended. I also went yesterday and I am starting today on a new routine just to kick start something a little different, not much though. I’m having an egg white omelet in the morning or this bagel, then at lunch everyday I will use a meal replacement with one of their yummy soups I got s sample pack of yesterday. Tortilla soup, tomato basil and cheddar broccoli. Yum!! Just something to shake it up!!

    Bert- I won an auction on EBay for a pair of stylish Vionic Mary Janes. They have such a good arch support in them and feel great this morning. So sorry to hear of your impending surgery. None of us desire to face that, but sometimes it is necessary to move forward as Janet has stated. I have only had one surgery, and that was my hysterectomy in 1998. Knock on wood!!

    Janet- So glad you are having so many pleasant days.

    Diane- saw the pictures of you guys “roped” to hike those steep cliffs. Yikes!! Big grins on everyone’s faces. John is sure enjoying himself.

    We have found a wonderful campground outside of New Orleans that is Called Reunion Lake. Talk about awesome! Has a waterpark in the lake, a swim up Tiki bar, a lazy river, a dog park and double pools for family and adults. Tennis courts and basketball. Only two hours from my house too!!

    I better get going here. Looking forward to tomorrow off to get some project started for the holidays. I want to make pajama pants for the guys this year in their favorite team!

    Have a great on program day!!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All.
    Things are an adventure every - Jasper is in acupuncture to help him walk and we believe he will. He's such a sweetie.
    As Rick's appointment with the memory clinic draws closer he gets more anxious.
    Work is - indescribable - I'm under utilized and then expected to have all the answers to questions I haven't been asked yet.
    My eating is not good but I'm back to regular breakfast and lunches at work- so I guess that is a plus. The garden is blessing me with wonderful tomatoes and cucs so that I a positive.
    Book signing this weekend in PA. Another writer is going with me.
    Anyone who wants to come to Cincinnati in June- one condition you have to tell EVRYONE you see that I'm your favorite romance writer... lol
    Book 1 is completed and ready to roll except for covers, book 2 is on the second edit, book 3 is half written. I've lost my lunch hours at this point so not sure productive but still making progress.

    I need to run but thinking of each of you daily.
    Waving hello
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is my PT. I'm looking forward to learning new exercises. Last night I thought the pool hose was leaking (we had to put a new one on a couple of days ago due to a hole in the hose). I woke Mike up to have him go outside to fix it only to realize it was raining! That's what was making the noise! :D . I didn't know it was raining! Put that one in the books for a senior moment! ;)

    Karla: Did you order your bagels off their website or Amazon? I'm interested in trying something new. I have a pair of Vionic flip flops that I've been wearing. I also have a pair of Earth Shoes flip flops that I've been wearing too. I know that I need better support. When I'm in Chicago next week, I'm going to buy another pair of inserts and Roadrunners. They make them from a mold you make. It's been a couple of years for the ones I have, so I'm going to get new ones. I've had a neck and two back surgeries as well as hysterectomy and 2 C-sections. Not looking forward to another one, but I know it needs to be done at some point. Reunion Lake sounds like fun.

    Cindy: Hope Jasper gets relief. Don't be hard on yourself. We alll have days where our eating is not good. Please let me know Cincinnati dates. I'll see what I can do to get there; however, I'm thinking late April or Early May for my joint replacement as it will be an 8 week recovery. That's when I won't have any students and will have time to recover.

    Waving hi to Janet, Patti, and Diane. Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    quick drive thru, heading out to go do some painting at my gfs. Need to stop by Home Depot to buy a new cut in brush. No idea where mine went but I can't paint without my favorite brush, lol.

    Cindy, good to hear from you. No problem on telling all you are my fave, cuz you are! I can only imagine what Rick and you must be going through with the sppointment looming so near. Big hugs for you both and little gentle ones for your sweet Jasper.

    Bert, bummer on the impending surgery but if it will give you pain relief it will be worth it in theclong run. My best advice is to ditch the flip flops. Even the ones with arch support, you still use your toes to grip when you walk and that causes pain in the toes and top of your foot.

    waving hi to all
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. On the ferry on the Way back from Victoria BC and they have WIFI! We just went over for the day and walked the city. We are not city tourists but had an okay day.

    Bad news on the home front. Mom fell in her kitchen on Saturday and needed stitches in her forehead and inner and outer lip. Then yesterday a neighbor found her almost comatose in her apartment. She spent the night in the ICU ( my brother stayed with her) and has now been transferred to a regular room but will stay at least one more nights for. Severe UTI that somehow impacted her breathing. She probably now needs assisted living. We’ve been putting off that discussion but I think it is time. She will hate it.

    My sister from WI is going to go for a week. Not sure what I will do. We have hard-won reservations in Yosemite in about a ten days and are flying home after that for about a week.

    Bert I agree with Patti about losing the flip flops.

    Karla nice new ‘do. I hope you get to enjoy your glamping trip with fri nds lol.

    Cindy you are still strong. It may not seem that way from your side, but it does from this direction.

    Patti laughing about the brush. John has to have his favorite drill, I have about six pairs of sewing scissors but only ever use one. Creatures of habit we are!

    Janet what is de jointing of the toe? I’ve never heard of it. Are you still in PT for your foot or are you done with that?

    Back at some point

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, everyone. Home with freshly done nails (my nails crumble but keeping them manicured helps a little) and fresh haircut/color. Needed the morale boost. We got over 2" of rain last night so didn't get to sleep until after 3 AM. But I can take the evening easy.

    Bert, more surgery isn't fun to look forward to, but less pain in the long run is an admirable goal.

    Diane, the joint in the middle of my right big toe was removed. There'a a ragged fusion and the toe is oddly short, but it was a serious mess before they procedure. Sending prayers for your mom. Moving a parent to assisted living is a stressor for everyone, but it sounds as if she will benefit from closer monitoring and will get meds and meals. It was rough when Dad needed to move up a level of care (and closer to my brother).

    Karla, you sure find the good campgrounds! Sounds like a blast. Getting away is a good thing - you've been so busy with grandkids and the pool and building the auxiliary manse.

    Patti, enjoy painting - I know it's therapeutic for you, and a change of pace from the fine motor work of preserving summer's bounty.

    Cindy, sending calm and hugs to you and Jasper. We're always around for you (and for LR too). Hope the weekend will bring you some downtime. Work sounds like a nightmare I've experienced - simultaneously having nothing to do but also being expected to know everything Right Now.

    Gotta run - have a good evening, all. I'm going to check out those bagels - working on getting more fiber here too.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is Jillian's 8th birthday. I can't believe she's 8. It seems like yesterday that she was born. I'm picking her and Cole up from school today and also will have a cake for her.

    It rained throughout the night; that will definitely help our lawn. Yesterday was not a good pool day though. I swept the bottom and floated for a while. Everything was fine except at dinner time, the hose blew off. We didn't lose too much water, but still lost what I had replaced from sweeping. Then the hose had moved away from the pool and water was deposited on the ground instead of in the pool for a while! I left the pump off last night and will check all hose clamps again before turning it back on. The rain helped raise the water level a little bit though.

    Eating was good yesterday. Breakfast is tracked this morning.

    Janet: Having your nails done definitely helps the morale. Hope it helped you.

    Diane: Sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she's doing better.

    Patti: I do love to paint. I like seeing the transformation and the progress made with every stroke.

    Karla: You do find the best places to visit. Enjoy the campgrounds/water parks.

    Cindy: Good luck at your book signing. I'm sure work and Rick's upcoming appointment is stressful for you.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Happy birthday to Jillian!
    I had a very productive day yesterday. got my gfs hall and long wall in thr dining room painted. next will be her bedroom and theb the kitchen redo is set for this winter. Then I cleaned and froze 5 doz ears of corn. Compared to the 1/2 a pickup truck load I did last year this was a breeze. Ended up with 22 cups. I think I need to get more since the corn is super sweet this year. I got my dils outdoor cushions finished too. I have a bit of shopping to do and then off to the cabin. Going to pick up some fish for the grill and some fresh veggies

    Diane, prayers for your Mom. Glad your Sis and brother are there now to help. I no longer seem to have any backup. I hope she will transition to the next level of care without too much upset. I do hope you get to Yosemite for your reservation.

    cindy, have a great time with your fellow novelist at the book signing.

    Janet, happy you spruced up for our lunch Monday, lol

    Bert, pools are nice but so much work. The river takes care of itself, lol,

    happy weekend
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning. I’ve been caring for this bum foot. Geez, can’t stand to be tied down, but love staying home at the same time. Watched a good Netflix Original this morning Like Father with Kelsey Grammer and Kirsten Bell. Makes me ready to go on another cruise! So funny, dramatic and a gorgeous ship!

    The bagel was great this morning! I had cream cheese and raspberry jalapeño jelly slightly on it and it was divine!! Scale shows me down two pounds! I loved that soup yesterday and will be doing the tomato basil today with the cheese whisps. I had Greek yogurt and almonds for my snack just now. It’s not like we can’t have good food and lose weight, yanno? We just have to stick to it.

    Bert- Have a great birthday party!! Give Jillian a big hug for me.

    Patti- My pool is no work hardly at all. The salt water system and a pool sweep takes care of everything. It’s crystal clear year round. The most Glenn does is puts the salt in and empties the bag from the pool sweep.

    Diane- So sorry about your mother! Very pleased your brother stepped up. You guys are having too much fun! I can’t wait to check out that Reunion Lake campground in Ponchachoula, Louisiana. There’s also a nice one in Gulf Shores.

    Cindy- I would love to meet you in Cincinnati!! What are the exact dates? I believe Wyndham has some lovely resorts there. It may work out around our others trips next year.

    I am finishing up some office work before I head to my facial. I haven’t had one in a while and pay for it every month on my membership.

    Have a great weekend,

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    I bought just the crusts this time to make my own pizza this weekend. I had the tomato basil soup by New Direction and yummy too. I’m on a roll. Just got to keep trying.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Jillian had a great birthday; however, Cole was not very well behaved. I think he was jealous of the attention she was getting. Greg said he was tired as well, so that could have attributed to it. I ordered her a cake with puppy faces and pawprints. Carrie said she would love that design, and she was right. Our local grocery store makes great cakes.

    The Blue Angels Air Show is in town this weekend. Mike and I will probably drive over to Greg and Carrie's and sit in their driveway to watch them fly over. Greg and Carrie are attending with their neighbors. We drove through the airport last night. Cole was so excited to see the planes. Clydesdale horses are here too.

    Tomorrow I'm headed to Chicago to watch Dylan and Penny for a few days. Annie starts school on Monday and they don't start until Thursday.

    My feet are doing better. I need to do my exercises this morning and ice them for a while. I'm wearing my Brooks tennis shoes and Skechers mostly and not wearing flip flops. I'm thinking of getting some Birkenstock sandals. Does anyone have a pair of them? Thoughts?

    Karla: I've had the cauliflower crusted pizza, but will look for just the crust too. That's a great idea. Where do you get the New Direction soup?

    Patti: I agree. Pools are a lot of work especially in this climate. Ours is an above ground pool; therefore, the hoses and pump are out in the open. I do enjoy the pool, but won't have another one when something happens with this one as we only can have it open for a few months. If we lived in a warmer climate, I'd definitely have one.

    Cindy: I'd love to travel to Cincinnati to meet you. Where in Cincinnati will you be?

    Janet: Hope your weekend is a good one. What do you have in store for today and tomorrow?

    Waving hi to Diane. Have a great day, everyone!


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Happy Saturday. Extremely humid here, rain due later, so a good day to stay in, get all the laundry done, vacuum, etc. And maybe have a nap and/or read a book or watch a movie. Not even hungry - had a lovely tomato salad and mushrooms last night with a piece of toast and am oddly still feeling very full, which is a good thing.

    Bert, glad your feet feel a bit better - you'll have fun helping to get Dylan and Penny ready for school to start. I'm sure there will be a fun "field trip" or two.

    Cindy, loved your pic at the author event. Hope it's great fun.

    Karla, I haven't tried the cauliflower crust yet - thanks for the reminder. I think Trader Joe's has some.

    Patti, you've been so productive - hope you can put your feet up at the cabin. How's your mom feeling?

    Diane, your photos are really taking us along with you - keep 'em coming!

    Off to change laundry. Later!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We went to Greg and Carrie's to watch the Blue Angels. They flew right over their house. It was amazing. Apparently the parking was terrible at the airport as it rained most of the week and the parking areas were closed. I70 was congested and many roads were at a standstill with traffic. Not much planning happened to accomodate people. Many people waited in line for 2 hours to get on a bus to take them to their cars. The loved the air show, but parking was a pain. I'm happy where we were. We've been to the air show before.

    I pulled weeds yesterday morning. It was very humid outside, but I got the weeds pulled around the pool and trimmed a bush that has grown into our neighbor's property. Definitely got AP for that endeavor!

    I need to get ready for my trip to Chicago. Breakfast is tracked and eaten. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello ladies, it has been hot, humid and rainy here. started to put the boat in yesterday but the battery was dead. just as well since it saved ua from being on the water during the storm. It will go in today for a while since its supposed to be hot and sunny. The neighbors made deconstructed shish kabobs for dinner. Veggies were good. steak and shrimp were overcooked but tasty. we had what I call hillbilly peach bellinis. 1 bottle of Winking Owl moscato ($4 at Aldis) in a blender with 1 quart bag of frozen peaches. I made 4 of those and there were no leftovers, lol. Pam loved her new seat covers o. her dining room chairs and the outdoor ushions too. I also reupholstered one of the panels in the boat that covers the motor. I picked another 4 dozen ears of corn that I need to clean and freeze. plus another neighbor on the road grew peppers for me so I think I will make some candied jalapenos for Edd.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    I spoke with the store manager at the smaller, closer to home store and he seemed happy that I wanted to transfer to his store. He emailed my current manager immediately. I do wish he would have waited until I told her I was thinking about transferring. I did mention to about 3 people that I was checking into the other store. Rumor mills being what they are I am sure she had an opportunity inkling. I just don't want her to think I am doing this because of the trouble I have had with the one manager. The new manager seemed ok with the hours I want and was excited that I knew how to do sale set, recovery and stocking. Will need to be retrained on the register though, only downside that I can see but I can do it. Along with being much closer to home, 15 minutes versus 40, there is no highway driving and all my favorite shops are in the same shopping center! Win/win/win!

    Bert, enjoy all you kid time. hear exercise, ice and footwear are making a difference. Not sure on the Birkenstocks, I would ask Dr. I don't know if they have enough arch support.

    Janet, looking forward to lunch tomorrow. Hope you stayed in and cool yesterday. Mom is doing great, whatever made her nauseous the first of the week was short lived, thank goodness and thanks for asking. How is Bella?

    Better get on the corn so I will be ready for my boat ride later.

    love to all
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited August 2018
    Hi ladies. I am just so impressed with the New Direction products. The Fiber in them is very worth it. My bathroom trips have been much better and I suffer from the other! Sorry. giggle. This morning I had the lemon pudding for my dessert, which also has fiber in it and it was yummy too.

    Bert - I searched Terre Haute area for a weight loss clinic that sold the products and didn't come up with anything. I believe you have to be a member of the clinic anyway. I did read on a site from a clinic in Chicago that the New Direction line is 30 years old and backed with extensive educational research, which I already knew, but glad to see affirmation.

    I have done well to my plan since Wednesday, and all through the weekend. Just shaking it up with these products has given me a new focus that I evidently needed.

    Glenn is back out in the Pool House working on the electrical installation. It won't be long now before the insulation company will come and blow that in and then sheetrock.

    Have a restful and restorative Sunday.
