OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hey, gang - Greetings from sunny Kentucky.

    Diane, what a big girl! Elise's smile could melt a stone. Glad she rolled with it on a travel day that can exasperate anyone. So happy you get time with them on the road.

    Bert, how on earth can you mess up tablecloths? Every organization seems to have THAT person. You did the right thing to walk - if your making an effort to help isn't appreciated, why bother?

    Karla, sounds like you can use some daddy time. Go for it! You know Izzy will love the trip, and your dad and Kerry will love seeing her. Your craft room must be huge to hold those machines. Sounds like the new-to-you workhorse was a smart buy.

    Cindy, hope Jasper is improving by the day.

    Patti, hope your weather was as nice as it is down here.

    We decided on a drive yesterday because the weather was so great, so we headed south to Bowling Green, KY and the National Corvette Museum. (James is a car guy.) It was interesting, especially the old, old cars and the stuff about the sinkhole. (In 2014, a sinkhole opened during the night IN the museum and swallowed more than half a dozen cars. A few were restoreable, including the one millionth Corvette, but several were not - those are displayed as they were when pulled out. The outline of the sinkhole is painted on the floor and there's a window in the floor to look more than 30' down. We drove by the Corvette plant too, just because. Nice day, good company, fun outing.

    Hoping for a quieter week here. Car gets serviced Wednesday morning and I have a manicure Friday. Focusing this week on hydration and my PAUSE button.

    Hugs to everyone.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    Janet- Sounds like a lovely day out. Guys do love cars! No, my room is quite small but I have it quite organized and continue to revamp it. I can’t believe that this older machine came with its original manual in pristine condition and two boxes of custom attachments. I have made an L-shaped work station this morning with my three machines. I have a double tower to the left of my table with eight drawers in various sizes. 😁

    I also have my 42” tv mounted on the wall so it doesn’t take up large cherry desk is on the opposite wall. I’m going to be breaking down one of my big shelf units I used for my business as I am not self employed anymore! Last month was my last service for my internal medicine group as he sold the practice. I anticipated this happening and at the first of this year I had the Podiatrist start taking out taxes on me. Smart business lady here!

    Anyway, back to my sewing..

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello everybody,

    Just got home from a very good weekend, despite some ups and downs. The guy who lives in the next cabin, Edd has known him since 1969, lost his dog of 13 years when she got hit by a car. He thinks she was chasing a rabbit. So sad for him, she was his constant companion. Hard to watch a 75 year old friend cry. The only food I prepared all weekend was a turkey sandwich for us today. Mexican fiesta Saturday night at my son's, brunch from the neighbor's Saturday and dinner out on Friday with our friend. It was a work weekend. I recovered the seats in the golf cart, defrosted the deep freeze and cleaned. Edd worked on the boat because it would not start. He worked all day Saturday and couldn't find what was wrong. We were to the point that we thought we were going to have to take it to the only place that works on this motor and that is in Panama City. Luckily it turned out to be an ignition switch problem and was fixed with a zip tie! Next weekend we are going to KY to stay with our nephew and his fiancé. Saturday I will be doing the 127 yard sale with her, my niece and my ex Sil. The guys will find something to keep them busy. These are the same ones that sat up until the wee hours on my porch singing. Bonus, they love Frankie so she gets to go too. It will be a weekend filled with lots of fun stuff.

    Janet, what a fun way to spend the day. We have been by the museum many times but have never stopped, not sure why. Edd's brother has a fully restored, nearly original, 1957 'vette. It is a beauty but a very rough ride. Those things had no suspension. So glad we have had some weather you could enjoy.

    Bert, you are a saint to put up with such nonsense. I think you handled it quite well. Some people just love being in charge and seem to feel the need to bully everyone around them. So annoying,lol. You are a gem and I bet she angered more than just you. On the bright side, it sounds like the production was a huge success. Hope you have some fun time planned for this week.

    Diane, Elise is such a sweetie. Love that face and I know she makes your heart swell with pride. How fun to have her share what you love. Are the parents into the outdoors like you, John and Carrie?

    Karla, wow that is definitely a vintage machine. Mine is probably less than 15 years old but it is a heavy duty machine. It is gear driven, which is necessary to sew thru leather, marine vinyl and many layers of denim or other thick materials. FYI if you find this one is not sewing well check the belt. They can dry out or stretch over time and that can cause the machine to slip or skip stitches. Have fun in your revamped craft room with all your machines.

    Cindy, thinking of you often and home some part of your life is not filled with stress this week.

    Mom has a dr appointment tomorrow, unless it is raining, the. She will cancel and I will call for refills on her scripts for another month. She is terrified of slipping and falling in the rain and I don't blame her.

    Time to chill
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Not much time for personals today. We will be leaving in about an hour. Have a great day everyone!

    Karla: I'm over the problem. She knew I was aggravated. I stand up to her where many people don't.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Patti- it must have been some mine else. Maybe Diane that said they had their machine for many years, just like Judy has always said. Their are no problems with it and sorry you think their might be, I’m quite proud of it as it is smooth as ice and you can see how well it has been taken care of. I don’t do upholstery or leathers but this will do thicker than my plastic Brother.

    Bert - I’m glad you are over if just wish you and other weren’t subject to her.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, sorry that you took my advice as criticism of your machine. I was was just sharing what I have learned from a lifetime of sewing and troubleshooting all makes, models and years of machines. Did not intend to insult your choice of machines.

    Time for work
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    I’m quite proud of it and the pristine condition of the manual and extensive attachments, the cabinet and it started right up. Made much better than the machines of today. To boot I got it for $20!! You hurt my feelings quite often, I don’t know why I subject myself to it really.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - hope everyone's week is off to a good start.

    Bert, glad you made it through the run of "Dreamcoat" and hope your departure was uncomplicated. Any idea what the next musical will be?

    Patti, so sorry about your friend's dog. The pet/human bond is so strong - we can all relate.

    Diane, how fun that Elise is getting words. Can't wait to hear how she is on the road.

    Cindy, how's Jasper doing?

    Karla, I'm sure Patti meant no harm in her "if it doesn't work right" advice. It's clear the machine is in spectacular condition - impressive that all the original materials were with it. Talk about a bargain! I can't imagine any of us would deliberately hurt another's feelings. Use it in good health.

    Quiet day here, just what was needed. I watched the final season of "UnREAL" on Hulu - a nice escape. Will be reading the manual for my new air fryer tonight - got one on Amazon Prime Day. Several friends swear by theirs, so it will be fun to experiment with.

    Wishing everyone a peaceful evening and a good Tuesday.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Spending time with my family but wanted to check in and post a few pictures.

    Karla, yes it was me who said I have a 35 year old machine. It gets a LOT of use. I have it cleaned and tuned regularly to keep it in tip top condition. I imagine that if your machine is that pristine, it either was rarely used or used a LOT and kept intop condition by its previous owner. Can’t believe you scored it for $20, someone must not have known the gem they had-maybe an estate sale kind of thing?

    Bert, safe travels! You deserve a break in routine after this last show!

    Cindy, thinking about you frequently.

    Patti you sound like you had a productive weekend. I’m sure Edd was frustrated at how hard it was to diagnose the boat engine problem. The fan (main compartment vent on Charly broke and John is going nuts diagnosing it. We think the electronic control board fratxed itself. He had to disconnect it because just pulling the fuse caused other things to be off line.

    Janet what a fun sounding outing you had! I remember reading about that sink hole and the cars disappearing into it.

    We have spent the last few days enjoying our time with family. Yesterday we hiked the Highline trail, which is shown in the first few pictures. You really are walking on the edge of a cliff, but the views can’t be beat. Today we hiked an easier trail to a waterfall then had lunch at the historic Many Glacier lodge.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Diane- Such great pics! The two sons that loaded the machine said their mother sewed many things on that machine and would be glad to know someone got it that would enjoy it. You can tell she really used it because the only place it shows wear is on the turn wheel where the paint coating has been rubbed off from so many bobbin threadings! Thank you for your kind words. I’m so glad John and you are enjoying your retirement!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Great photos, Diane. The walking on a narrow path at the edge of a mountain thing would have me cowering in Charly - strong fear of unenclosed heights. Elise's smile lights up the world - she's an adventure baby, like my Caeb and Cady. Love it.

    Karla, congrats on simplifying your professional life. With Glenn retiring, it mades sense and will give you the freedom you've earned.

    Had a sleepless night - awake from 12:15-6, then got one more hour. Heavy rain most of the night. Having coffee now, will run a few errands. No idea what the day will bring, which is a good thing.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, those views are breathtaking but too scary for me. Elise is going to be an adventurer for sure with this early start at hiking. I feel for John, electrical issues can drive you nuts.

    Janet, hope you get a nap today. Cuddle up to your sweet fur babies and drift away. I don't think we got the storms you did, just some rain.

    Cindy, thinking of you and your crew. Hope you can stop by when you have a chance.

    Bert, enjoy your trip, RELAX!

    Need to get to the grocery but waiting for the rain to let up. TRX tonight and will have a big salad with chicken ready for when I get home. That is something I never tire of, just wish someone would come in and chop all the veggies and fruit for me. Hoping to find time to make a batch of jalapeño jelly. I have a bag full of fresh peppers from my friend at the cabin and I think they are pretty hot. Will start with a small batch to see how hot it is.

    Wishing you all a day filled with joy and unexpected pleasures
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We made it to Lindsey and Justin's yesterday around noon. I got one room primed yesterday and will be painting today. It was a dark red room, so priming it was a must. I want to get that room done today so I can paint their bedroom tomorrow. Mike will be doing yard work.

    Patti: Painting is relaxing to me; however, the step stool is a challenge. :o)

    Diane: I love your pictures. The path is quite narrow! Lovely scenery to look at.

    Janet: Hope you got a nap in. It's a pain not being able to sleep. That happens to me from time to time and it makes for a long day.

    Waving hi to Karla and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, you and I are a strange breed, lol, we like to paint! my grandson just bought a new house so I will be getting my fix. He is so smart for only being 27. He bought the worst house in the best neighborhood and he just got his MPA.

    lunch with my gf and a bit of retail therspy. Now headed for work. sure hope there is someone actually working with me tonight.

    My Mom is the sweetest lady. She gave me $40 to spend on the yard sales this weekend. I hope I find something for her.

    see you all later
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Happy hunting, Patti! Your mom is a gem - bet you find her something she will treasure.

    Bert, glad you arrived safely. Hope the painting is fun and not too hard on your knee.

    Waving hello to Karla, Diane and Cindy.

    Had an efficient and pleasant day so far. Got car serviced (front brake pads need replacing but James says he can do it, and we can have a nice dinner on the money I'll save on labor). Then I did a grocery staples stock-up run, grabbed some sale stuff at Target and CVS and went to the bank. Rain started shortly after I got home.

    Not sure what dinner will be - still itching to try my air fryer and just ordered a couple of accessories for it. But not tonight - aiming for something low-effort.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm starting on Lindsey and Justin's bedroom today. The other room needs another coat, but Justin will need to buy another gallon. I don't know if it's the paint or the roller that's using so much paint. I used a whole gallon in the room for the first coat. I'm not fond of how it's going on the wall., but it looks good which is all that matters. Mike has been working in the yard between rain showers.

    Lindsey made dinner last night. She made meat loaf, broccoli, and salad. It was very good. She's turning into a good cook. We are having a great visit, and I'm glad we are able to help them out.

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. On the road today switching campgrounds. Actually right now we are waiting for the fresh water tank to slowly refill. We sent Brad and Rossanne on ahead with the car to secure a site. With the RV we have to go the lake no way around because we can’t go through the park on Going to the Sun road. Hope they get us a site! We decided to move be there the west side of the park to make Friday’s drive shorter and see the other side.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, have some peppers thawing so I can make the jelly today. Laundry in progress and then will need to hit the grocery for more peppers as my niece asked me to bring stuffed jalapeños for dinner Friday night. So looking forward to a fun packed weekend with them. Dinner Friday will include my BIL and his henious wife plus his ex wife, whom I dearly love. It is always an interesting dynamic.
    No matter what we will have a great time. Saturday, after we finish the yard sales, my nephew will have a smoke rib dinner for us.

    I spoke with the store manager last night about the manager I worked with on Monday who was basically MIA the entire shift and did next to nothing when she was around. That same manager was working last night and the store manager had a meeting with. Nothing was said to me but she kept her distance and was sweet as pie in any interactions with me. It was a very pleasant but busy night.

    Janet, I got the accessories for the one I gave to Pam, loved the racks. Brake repair seems to be the item of the month!

    Bert, it is so irritating when the paint goes on wonky. So many variables it seems no two paints go on the same. I always love when my son or DIL cook for me, they are both improving with time too.

    Waving hi to Cindy, Diane and Karla
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I got Lindsey and Justin's bedroom done; however, the second gallon Justin bought didn't match up with the previous gallon! So, I'm trimming (for the third time) in hopes it will match up. Aggravating. At least we have today to wrap things up. We've had a nice visit.

    Justin made chicken last night. He was going to grill, but the weather wasn't cooperating. We had a nice dinner and had a great visit during dinner. I showed Lindsey my Ancestry research. She enjoyed seeing what I have done so far.

    Have a great day, everyone! I haven't weighed myself since we arrived, so I don't know if I'm up or down. Eating has been pretty good.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning and TGIF. I made it back home through rainy weather,, but safely. So glad to be back with my sweet Glenn.

    Bert - I know you are helping make your son's home very beautiful and your hubs is grooming the yard nicely. It is so rewarding to look at when you are finished!

    Janet - So sweet of James to do the car maintenance. Great to have a handyman around for sure. It is a year he has been there soon, isn't it?

    Diane - Did you get the slot you wanted at the new RV park? Sounds like you all are having a great family vacation. We are heading over to Johnny's RV park tomorrow to meet some friends with three of our grandkids as they have a small waterpark with a lazy river in the rear of the park. Three of our supper club couples are staying there and we will be grilling and let the kids play. Fun times.

    I better get to work, I have not been there since Tuesday morning.

    Have a great day. My eating has been good this week.
