OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    I’m having trouble finding the group on my phone. Anyone else having trouble?
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Fine here. Haven’t tried via browser though. I use the app, hit dots at lower right, scroll and choose “Community,” then down our link is at the bottom. Good luck!

    Busy day here - Bella to vet, lunch with friends, a few errands. - and possible sever storms. Thawing a steak for tonight, will have asparagus and cucumber/tomato/onion salad.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    I'm still having trouble. Any suggestions? I found your reply, Janet, but can't bookmark.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    I have to search for it......Definitely love this group!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    edited July 2018
    Karla: Can you find out anything about this? I have to search for the group. It was always on my bookmark section, but now it's not.

    If anyone has ideas, please let me know!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning. I’ve been talking to our ole pal Paula after she saw I checked out a book at the library yesterday on the Keto plan. She is on it too and down 14 inches. She says to say hello to everyone. She uses a product drink called apricot Keto OS which is a carb blocker reducer that keeps you in ketosid. I will have to ask my clinic about this. She says you can eat a heavy carb meal and drink one of these drinks and within an hour you are back in ketosid. I’m not so sure about this. Lol. Supposed to be healthy though.

    Bert- hmmmm, I am not sure about this. Do you go to community and scroll down to my groups and see our group?

    Janet - I bought a beef and seafood package a couple weeks ago that had some wonderful steaks in it as well as shrimp, crab cakes and flounder. Yum.

    I’m working from home today as my back is still hurting.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, the format changed on my iPad as well as my phone. Once you hit community scroll to the bottom, don't hit the star like we used to, scroll all the way to the bottom until you see my groups. If you don't see our thread click on all my groups and that is where it is. A little more work but we are worth it , lol!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    It is a rainy, beautiful day in paradise. Time to relax and enjoy from my swing. Will go do my farm duties when it lets up or slows down. Was planning to tie up her tomato plants, she did a poor job and they are all on the ground, not doing it in mud, muck and rain. Will pick a few green ones for dinner though. I fixed the grilled cod again for the 6 of us with a salad and grilled new potatoes and leftover sautéed Brussels sprouts with apples and bacon, yum. Tonight's dinner is burgers and fried green tomatoes.

    Karla, so nice to hear from Paula again. I have been doing a lot of research on keto diets and supplements. Most supplements are meant for athletes or those that exercise heavily. Following a low carb diet automatically puts you in ketosis, but at a slow, steady and healthy pace. The supplements put you in ketosis in 30-60 minutes after taking so that you get an energy boost and burn more fat during your workouts. I don't think they are intended to be taken to override carb ingestion, even though they put you into ketosis despite eating too many carbs. My biggest concern is they have not been on the market long enough so we don't know the long term effects of using these products. People who are diabetic or pre diabetic can quickly go into diabetic keto acidosis and this can be dangerous, possibly life threatening. I am sure with her medical history that she is being followed closely by her Dr. I would be interested in what your clinic thinks.

    Janet, your dinner sounds good, minus the asparagus, lol. Hope Bella's visit goes well. Our love for our pets knows no limits.

    Cindy, praying for......everything in your life.m

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- I am concerned myself but her discussion today states this product prevents you from losing muscle along with the fat when you do Keto alone. It is not a supplement. She drinks two a day along with her meals and has lost 14 inches in two months. I agree with you about the limited medical history although I have not researched it yet. I’m sure Dr Shields will know all about it. I am suited for the natural way of doing the Keto plan. I do believe it is a healthy lifestyle. Judy recommended a book by Dr. Kristie Sullivan called Living Day to Day on the Keto Plan.

    Bert i have had no changes in my i-phone or Kindle.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Whatever happened to finding the group has been fixed. I can find this group of wonderful ladies easily. Last night's opening of Joseph was great! We only had 8 tickets left and everyone who reserved tickets showed up!

    I made a 1 point WW Lemon Chicken and Broccoli and ate it for lunch and dinner yesterday. I'll make it again as it was quite tasty. I was under points yesterday and got in 10K steps. Most steps were made by setting up tables and decorating them as well as cleaning up after the show. Whatever works! I did some stretching exercises in the morning as well.

    Patti: What is ketosis? I have a friend who is following the keto diet. He's lost 38 lbs since April. I'm still at a standstill, but am working more on a healthy balanced diet. I know that fruit has quite a bit of carbs in it; however, for me, I need fruit to help things stay "in check"! :o) Thanks for the tip to find the group. I'll remember that if it happens again.

    Janet: Hope your dinner was good. I like cucumbers, but they don't like me! I used to make cucumber/onion salad. My mom made it all the time, and I grew up eating it. It's funny how your digestive system changes.

    Waving hi to Karla, Diane, and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Today is my ladies day by the pool and I have six ladies coming and bringing various summer salads. It will be so fun. My pool water has been staying so cool this year. I am making a Keto Zuchinni cake this morning. The ingredients sure are EXPENSIVE. So I hope it is tasty. Coconut flour and Monkfruit sugar, ground walnuts and coconut oil and cream cheese frosting.

    Judy is really enjoying the Keto life and posted a yummy Mexican dish she made on Facebook. I'm surprised how many people have adapted to this way of life.

    Back to preparing for my party.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    raining again but since we are packing up its ok. we took the boat out yesterday. Mike lost brakes on his truck, so that is on the list for the guys. plus there is an issue with our dock that has to be fixed. will be returning the dog and my duties are done there as they got home late last night.

    Bert, ketosis is the result of burning fat and not carbs. once you cut carbs you will burn fat. One of the main things to be concerned about, for nondiabetics (type 1 should not do this plan) is loss of electrolytes, potassium, magnesium and sodium specifically. It is imperative that you stay hydrated as ketosis will cause huge fluid loss, especially in the beginning. the best sources of electrolytes are fruits and leafy greens. Since fruits are limited on the ketogenic plan it is a delicate balance. Magnesium is the hardest to replace, OTC supplements are poorly absorbed by the body so are not worth taking. I am going to do more research on how to replace electrolytes naturally before I try this plan. I already struggle to keep my potassium up and I take a prescribed supplement. What I have read about the keto drinks, including the one Paula is on, is that they are not supposed to be meal replacements. They are intended to be used before a heavy or intense workout. I am going to try a low carb diet but not sure about going keto, which is basically the same as the first version of the Adkins diet from the 70s that was revamped because it was too extreme.
    anyway, that is what I know so far from the medical side of things.

    waving hi to all. Time to get back to work. Hoping for a break in the rain for my drive home. Hate driving in the rain, especially in my little car.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hello, everyone - let's all start the coming week with positivity and a promise that we will be kind to ourselves as well as to others.

    Cindy, just read your blog post. Please give Jasper a hug from me. Poor little guy - he is lucky to have people who are making his recovery as cushy as possible.

    Patti, thanks for the info. I respect what the keto plan does for many but also know it's not a viable option for me. We each have what works and what doesn't, what balances we need to make individually. I'm doing a bit better on a more consistent basis these days and am feeling more confident that I will be able to get seriously back on track again.

    Bert, sound like "Dreamcoat" is working wonderfully - really enjoyed the clips on Facebook.

    Diane, so happy you were able to read the dog's tag and had service to call his person. How gratifying to witness the reunion!

    Karla, I can just hear the sounds of laughter as you and yo0ur gfs float in the pool.

    We've had quite a bit of rain the last few days and I've rather enjoyed it. Doing household chores here, taking a break to check in. Tomorrow morning Bella goes to the vet for an abdominal ultrasound. Her kidney function has declined but we'll see what we can do.

    Time to finish unloading the dishwasher, run the vacuum and get the trash & recycling out. Party!!!!!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Dang. Lost a long post it took me 30 minutes to write up. Hit the stupid done button again! Too late to recreate. Maybe tomorrow if I have service. Know that I have read all and am keeping up as much as I can.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. One weekend of Joseph is in the books. We had great attendance! I certainly was dragging yesterday, but was able to relax last night. Eating wasn't the best on Saturday. I did well until we started preparing dessert plates. :( Today will be spent running errands and going to the store for a few things. I'm make a nice dinner. I'm hoping to grill out but the weather will determine that.

    Patti: Thanks for sharing the medical side. I really appreciate learning about all the aspects. I'm not sure I could do Keto as, like I said before, I need fruits to keep things in "check" :D

    Janet: Dan and Annie's puppies got out last Friday. They were gone for over an hour. Annie notified the mom's facebook group, Dan called the police. Someone found them in their yard, and thanks to their tags, she was able to call them. So happy they were found.

    Karla: I'm sure you had a great time with the ladies. That is one nice thing about working for the musicals. I do spend quite a bit of time with my friends which makes it fun.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Happy birthday to my sweet hubby. Making grilled pork tenderloin and green beans for dinner. Then we are going to the Eagles for drinks and birthday wishes from friends. I have been a mega shopper today. Rural King, a local department store that is closing, Meijers, Aldis, Kroger and finally a gas stop. Also did 3 loads of towels and sheets, 2 to go.

    Bert, so happy all went well and that you enjoyed the show and all your friends. I am glad you didn't mind my mini tutorial on keto. I am stocked up with lots of meat and veggies and a few fruits. It was bogo week for ribs, tenderloins and chuck roast as Meijers and krogers so I stocked up.

    Need to get dinner on. Edd wants to be out the door by 6:30. I did not eat today until I got to krogers which was my last stop. Had a few slices of peppered turkey breast to hold me over and then a few bites of watermelon when I cut it up.

    More tomorrow
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Okay, I’m going to try this again. Hopefully I will remember to hide the keyboard and hit post reply rather than the done button!

    We are along the Snake River in Idaho tonight, going jet boating in Hell’s Canyon tomorrow. That will be a first for us - usually we raft whitewater, but didn’t want to do a multi day trip. We have to be in Spokane a Thursday evening because Brad, Rossanne and Else arrive Friday am! Can’t wait. But Friday will be a hellish day for them - they selected a 5:30 am departure from Baltimore, change planes in Denver and land in Spokane at 10:30 PDT, then we have a seven hour drive! Poor Elise will be miserable in her seat for so long, and jet lagged too. They will be with us for a week, then going back we will do the drive one day and they will fly the next, so not as bad. We will spend the week in Glacier NP.

    I updated the FB blog last night so won’t repeat myself here. The visit to the internment camp was horrifying given what is happening to immigrants today.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Going to do this in short bits so I don’t lose everything again!

    Patti, I want to thank you for the keto information also. I’m not likely to try it, but limiting carbs (not eliminating them) is certainly a tool in the toolbox. I’ve been limiting them (except for fruit) to one meal a day usually. Dinner is now usually lean protein and veggies, where it always used to be this plus a starch, or primarily carbs (pasta and bread). I eat more carbs on a serious hiking day for sure.

    I had a friend whose daughter had infantile spasms, to the point where the doctors told her to just take the baby home and enjoy the time they had with her. My friend refused to take that advice, did a lot of research, and found a doctor across the country who was experimenting with ketosis to control infantile spasms. Today that baby is a lovely 28 year old young woman.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Dang it my finger brushed the done key! I had personals all done! Short version:

    Janet thanks for the focus on positivity. So easy to dwell on our mistakes and not our successes.

    Patti tell Edd happy birthday! Can’t believe you shopped all day with nothing to eat. Going to the grocery hungry is a big no-no for me because I buy all the snacks that call my name!

    Karla your backyard entertaining space looks so inviting! I’m sure your float party was a big hit.

    Cindy how is your sweet pup.

    Does anyone ever hear from Suzi?
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Another beautiful day in paradise down here on the Gulf. My Girls day by the Pool was awesome. I have some wonderful and loving friends down here. We do such fun events together. We have found a park to explore for our group camping trip next year. Linda and Kirk and Glenn and I are going camping in their RV in a couple weeks to check in out. It is the Paul B Johnson State Park near Hattiesburg. My pool water has been staying really cool this year and there was an awesome breeze all afternoon.

    Diane - Sounds like you are really enjoying your retirement. I'm glad your son and his family are joining you for a week although the travel time does sound grueling for Elise. You do love your hiking. We are taking Kayaks to the State Park we are going to do the group camping trip to so I will be doing the hiking and kayaking thing myself!!

    Patti - Happy Birthday to Edd.

    Janet - Aren't we always kind?

    Cindy- Loving vibes to you and your furbaby.

    Bert - You are very devoted to your friends and church and that is what life is all about, having joy with family and friends. We are not promised another day.

    I better run. I can't tell you all how very pleased I am with the podiatry office now. It is like night and day with the office now with the front office lady gone that was going through the divorce. I don't have to do the audits anymore and I instead of taking me 3 hours to do the charges each day I am done in less than 2!! These girls are happy and appreciative of their jobs. Yeaaaa!!

    Have a great day,
