OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Another hot day is in store today. I'm watering my flowers early this morning. Greg, Carrie, and the kids will be back today. Tonight is the firework celebration in their neighborhood, so we will be going there this everning. Dinner last night with friends was a good evening. I did pretty well with my food choices, but succombed to their homemade desserts. Today is another day!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all. Just wanted to say hi before I get swallowed up obligations again. Leaving very early Monday for NC and SO looking forward to many needed hugs and the joy of watching a loving couple take their vows. I will be home Friday - will try to read the board while I am gone but may not have time to post.

    I am in dire need of the road, where I am able to exhale and have some blessed time to think, pray, unburden my mind in ways I can't at home. Eating has been spotty (still) but so much else in my life is needing my focus. James is installing a Ring doorbell for me. The neighborhood has seen some car break-ins and vandalism (probably kids) lately, and the house across the street was broken into about midnight last night. It's a generally calm and safe place. but being able to see who's at the door without having to answer it will be a good thing.

    Big hugs to everyone, along with wishes for a safe and festive Independence Day!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi Bert and Janet. I’m having a great time at my dads with him and my brother Keith. Just went to a new grocery store here called Lucky’s that is similar to Fresh Market.

    Janet- Sounds like you are very stressed. The road will be restorative and the hugs will cinch it for you. Enjoy and chill.

    Bert- It is very humid and hot down here in the panhandle. Especially when you get back in the car. Ouch. Enjoy your family.

    I’m heading home later this evening to my home emptied of my brother!! Yeaaa!! Can’t wait to get my rooms back in order and start sewing again.

    I better run, stay safe and have fun. I’m doing great on my eating and tracking.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm up very early this morning (5:30). It was a very short night as we went to Greg and Carrie's for fireworks. Couldn't get to sleep until midnight. A nap is in store for today.

    Janet: Enjoy your trip. I'm sure the wedding will be beautiful. That would be great to have a doorbell like that. How scary for you to have a break in next door.

    Karla: It is nice to be able to put your house back in order.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    good morning from paradise!
    we had a wonderful day yesterday. nice long boat ride with our son. then an excellent steak dinner with grilled new potatos and a gorgeous salad. our neighbor at the end of the road treated us to an awesome fireworks show and that was followed with everybody hanging out drinking and telling stories. Yep, a perfect day. Edd installed our mister on the porch. It is a small hose that has nozzles every 2 feet and it is 58 feet long. It takes almost no water and puts out a fine mist. It goes around the entire porch roof. it can drop the temp almost 20 degrees! perfect for these days with the heat index above 100.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    my DIL will be coming down soon with one of her sisters from California, she has six, this one I have not met yet. not sure what this day holds but I am sure fun will be a big part of it.

    Janet, I wish you safe and uneventful travels, filled with soul restoring music and musings. The wedding and time with friends will be fun.

    Bert, hope you are fetting some pool time in these hot temps. So fun to watch fireworks with kids isn't it.

    Diane, hope you're having a blast and that your knee is holding up. altitude takes some time to adjust to.

    Karla, I know you are enjoying every minute with your dad.

    Cindy, hope you are enjoying some LR time and some Cindy time. you are in my prayers daily
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning Bert. Yes, Glenn and I are both thrilled to be alone in our home, able to walk freely around in any choice of dress. LOL. We are both relaxing this morning after a healthy breakfast.

    Janet - Safe travels to you. I thought of you last evening as I was enjoying the different musical types as I made my way home. It was awesome and enjoyable.

    I just returned from a walk with Sophie. I am at 2633 steps already this morning and am at 40 ounces of water too. I'm on it!!

    My dad has already called and expressed how much he enjoyed our visit. We went to an Estate sale twice and he purchased a comfy old rocker with cushions on the final half off day. We actually went out for breakfast on Friday morning and my dad never goes out to eat. We really had a great visit. I picked up a rotisserie chicken and some potato logs, his favorite, and we had dinner, I didn't eat the logs, before I left last evening. I pulled back in to Mobile/Grand Bay, in the pouring rain at 10p last evening. My baby was so glad to see me. We had a lovely evening basking in the quietness of our home. I headed to Izzy's room to return it to it's glory this morning.

    TT: How is your journey progressing? Is summer a challenge for you or an easier part of the year?

    Quote: You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything that happens to you. When you change the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life, sometimes instantly. Just as positive words can make someone smile or a well-timed humorous quote can make someone laugh, our thoughts react to the world in real-time.

    We are planning a trip to Cape Cod, afterall, if we can get some reasonable airline tickets. It will be our 13th Wedding anniversary trip. Our friends Diane and her husband own a 12 bedroom home there and have invited our same crew from the beach vacation. I can't wait.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, ladies. It's cloudy right now of which I'm delighted. It has been so hot. I'll clean the pool this morning and then water flowers. Then I'm heading to showrooms to see samples of the patio doors. Then Mike and I will make a decision on what to do. I really want an entry door too as ours is the original and not energy efficient. The problem is paying for it! :smile:

    Dan, Annie, Dylan, and Penny are coming next week. They will spend a few days with us and then are heading to spending time with his high school buddies and their families. It's great that they still keep in touch and get together every year.

    TT: My journey is once at a standstill. I crave sweets horribly; however, it is much easier for me in the fruit department. Fruits tasted so much better in the summer. Summer is easier for me as we grill out more and eat fresh veggies too.

    Patti: The hose sounds like a great idea! Glad you are having a great time with friends and family.

    Karla: Wow! A 12 bedroom house! Sounds like fun.

    Diane: Your trip looks fun, too. Glad you are spending time doing the things you enjoy.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    quick stop. have been having the most enjoyable time. Stupid hot here every day with some fierce storms around dinner time to cool things down for the evening festivities. last night was spaghetti dinner with the neighbors followed by catching lightening bugs with a 3 and 5 year old. We caught about 20 and when it got really dark we let them go so they could light up our yard. the evening rounded off with dance party on the deck. Again the 3 and 5 y/o stole the show. took a boat ride to the island, where my cousin fell getting off the boat. she broke 2 small bones in her ankle or foot. She has MS and her balance is terrible. She usually waits for me to help her but today she just misjudged her steps. I packed up all their stuff, fixed them some yummy grilled sandwiches to go, fluffed her up with pillows and they headed home. so now it is just me and Edd and we are not expecting any other guests this week or weekend. a big change for us.
    enjoy your celebrations to honor our great nation. be safe
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening for anyone reading, lurking and stopping by.

    I lost 5 pounds even this week!! Yes, from Wednesday to Tuesday with being out of town and all. I am back in the 180's at 189.4. I will be back in the 170's before you know it. I printed my food journal from MFP and met with Kelli, the Nutritionist, she wants me to eat an apple a day and increase my carbs up in the 50's everyday. I bought some granny smith ones today. I'm trying to get more exercise in too.

    Patti - So sorry to hear of your poor cousin's fall and broken ankle. OUCH. Sounds like you and Edd will have some quiet down time. Glenn and I love that and are past due and a "just us" time together.

    Bert - You should have gotten an friend request from a Charlene Urban. She is the admin for our Facebook group I spoke of. If you will accept she will then add you to the group. I will take some time, but you will love these ladies. We have a pharmacist in Boston, a teacher in NC, a Property Mgmt Mgr in NYC, retired sub teacher in California, an Media Entertainment Mgr in Nashville and an Graphics designer in one of the other northern States, plus a few others that pop in and out. I've know these ladies since 2011.

    Diane - I have seen your photos on FB. Looks like you and Carrie and your friend are having a blast on the hiking. Something I have never really been into, but I bet is quite lovely.

    I picked Izzy up after work today as I am off tomorrow, as well as Glenn. My home is so beautifully clean as my housekeepers came today and both my bedrooms, Izzy's rooms as well as my sewing room/office are back to normal!! halleulah!!

    Quote: You can decide what you are going to think in any given situation. Your thoughts and feelings determine your actions and determine the results you get. It all starts with your thoughts – and I have found that inspirational words are a quick way to retune your thinking.

    Have a wonderful 4th in whatever you do or wherever you are and whomever you are with.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Happy 4th of July. Yesterday, I used my gift certificate that Mike got me for Christmas and received a massage and pedicure. It was a great day.

    Patti: Sorry to hear about your cousin.

    Karla: Congratulations! That's an accomplishment to lose 5 lb in a week. Yes I received a request from her, but didn't know who she was.....thanks for clearing that up.

    Waving hi to Janet, Cindy, and Diane. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Bert - Glad you made it on my Facebook WW page. As you can see the ladies are very welcoming and glad to have you.

    Having a nice day. I took the pups to the groomers and then did some shopping before returning home. By the time I unloaded the groceries and fed Izzy they were calling that the pups were ready. So off Izzy and I went via the fireworks store to pick them up. Now I am making deviled eggs, carb friendly, and loaded potato salad, for Glenn, not diet or carb friendly, lol and then we will grill chicken and hotdogs. Glenn has been working all afternoon in the poolside Condo running the pipes for the plumbing. He has a plumber and permission from the planning commission to do the work himself and get signed off on it. We are waiting on a quote from a company now on the electrical and we will be on our way. I stopped at Hobby Lobby also and picked up some baby material for a shower I am going to later this month. Life is good.

    Izzy informed me she is not going home. LOL.

    Have a great and wonderful evening.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today will be another hot one. I'm heading to Chicago tomorrow for a quick trip to watch Dylan play ball. He has a game tonight, but I'll wait to see him play on Saturday. I'll straighten up the house today and prepare for their arrival on Sunday evening. They will be here until Thursday evening, so we will have fun family time while they are here.

    Breakfast is tracked: 4 WW points. I'm trying to stay within points, but sometimes it's challenging. Proteins and carbs are in check.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to Thursday. My son and his family came over late last evening and ate the rest of our dinner and we did fireworks in the front yard. My neighborhood was ablaze with them all over. It was a lot of fun. My home is in the County so we are allowed. My son's house is within city limits. He did something with his neck and shoulder and had to go to urgent care for treatment. He is all stiffed up.

    Bert - I guess it is just you and I mostly around this week with the holiday. I know you will have fun with your family next week. My home is starting to look back to normal now. I want to sew some tomorrow and this weekend to make some baby blankets and new throw pillows for the living room.

    Quote of the day: “My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four. Unless there are three other people.” – Orson Welles

    I just realized I never posted this this morning. So here you go.


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello from the Grandkid Haven. lol. Izzy had a sleepover last night and this afternoon Jakob, our 8yo grandson joined us. At 6p I have to babysit my great-nephew for a few hours, he is 15 months and walking all over. Fun times.

    Patti and Janet - Judy sent me a messenger message as she saw that I had shared a Keto recipe. She said she has been on the plan a couple weeks and loves it. She asked about you both.

    I'm doing great and tracking and watching my carbs and protein. Kelli advised me to eat an apple a day to keep my carbs up in the 50's so I did that today. I bought a bag of Granny Smith apples yesterday. Yum. There is 22 carbs in one apple. LOL.

    My eating today so far:

    B - My usual egg white omelet of Butterball Smoked turkey, 2 ounces, 1/2 c of egg whites, 2 tbsp. of green peppers and 2 tbsp. of sweet onions and 1 triangle of laughing cow cheese.

    L - An Ole' Spinach low carb wrap, net 5 carbs, with 3 oz of Ham, Sargento thin cheddars slices, sliced onions and Dijon mustard.

    s - Granny Smith Apple.

    Dinner is pending. I'm making mac and cheese, oven chicken nuggets and corndogs for the kids. Not for me. I'll probably make another wrap. I could use some of the chicken for a chicken wrap.

    I am missing everyone and hope to see some familiar faces back.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good morning, Ladies. My drive on Thursday was the “drive from hell”. It started raining about an hour into my drive. And simply poured in some areas. I’m pretty sure that I saw a funnel cloud to the right of me. There was a truck accident on the Chicago interstate and traffic was creeping and the rain was making it hard to see. However, I did get to see Dylan’s game Thursday night. They won!

    Yesterday was a gorgeous day. We went to a nature center and had lots of fun. This morning is Dylan’s game and then I’ll head home. At least it’s sunny and pleasant today.

    Eating hasn’t been the greatest but I’ll be back on schedule today. Have a great day everyone.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies, whomever shows up or is reading and has no time to post.

    Janet - I hope you returned safely. I had thought I remembered you were coming back Saturday, but maybe you extended your stay or are recuperating. Either way, I hope you had a wonderful restorative time.

    Bert - So scary in regards to your drive on Thursday!

    I am taking Jakob to church with Izzy and I this morning. It is movie month and it is very neat for both adults and kids. I watched it online last Sunday as I had gotten in so late from my father's Saturday night. Having said that, I bet get myself dressed and work on getting both get both kids up and going. Looks like a glorious day out there today too.

    Today's quote:“Eat responsibly. You don’t have to be a saint with your food, but you can’t eat like every day is thanksgiving either” – Brad Pilon

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I’ll be heading to Sam’s after church to get meat for the week. Dan, Annie, Dylan, and Penny will be here this evening and will stay until Thursday. So I’ll need burgers, etc for grilling. Wil also get salmon for Annie.

    Have a great day!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member