OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - Sounds as if everyone had an eventful weekend. Hope Elise and Patti's sis are back to normal soon.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CINDY!!!!!!!!!!! Big hugs. That motorhome looks wonderful - May it and you see many great adventures to come, all of the good sort. Lucinda Race is a busy woman - impressive on so many fronts.

    Diane, you and John are a godsend to everyone - those rails are necessary for your sister. Elise is just so adorable - I know you'll miss her - do they put her on the phone so she can hear you?

    Karla, looks like you've found a great place to kick back and relax. Enjoy every second. Has your brother moved yet? It will be good for him to have his own place and for you to reclaim your sewing room, after providing loving care and nudges toward renewed independence for him. Love the pics of Izzy getting her mani/pedi. Pink glitter is good.

    Patti, have a blast. Hoping the heat will back off and that you'll have shade whenever you need it. Speaking of shade, throw as much as you want at your SIL - and avoid her "cooking" entirely if you can.

    Bert, how much fun to have so much family around. Have they figured out your brother's car issue yet? The my car AC went out on the way to SC and couldn't get fixed until after I was back, every mile seemed like five - only music and an audiobook saved my sanity.

    Fun weekend here. We went to Churchill Downs Saturday evening. They brought Justify out - what a gorgeous horse. We were on fourth floor, where there was AC, but you could go outside to watch races. Several racing luminaries even I could recognize were there - Jusitfy's trainer, Bob Baffert, was in our room for an hour - his white hair is unmistakable. There was a buffet that had several really tasty salads, so my eating was good that night and I switched from bourbon to Diet Coke early. Lost about $20 - but I bet small and stayed within my "lose no more than $20" plan. I want to go back sometime when it's cooler and get the cheap seats right by the track. We went down there before we left, and the vibrations and sound of the race, and getting to see the horses run right past (then walk back again as they cool off) is just cool. Gorgeous animals.

    Eating yesterday was good as well - we stayed in - too hot to do much of anything outdoors. It was so bad that we didn't put trash & recycling out last night, and I woke with a start at 7 this morning and did that chore. Not sure what lies in store today, but whatever comes will be good. Right?

    Big hugs to all.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    DUH. Sorry, Cindy - my pre-coffee brain thought it was the 19th. Happy birthday EVE!!!!!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Okay - quick check in here while Elise is asleep for the first time since 8 this morning (and it is now three) and I have to wake her up in a bit and feed her before we take her home.

    LOTS of challenges here eating over the weekend - a cookout/ retirement party for a friend on Saturday, Father's day dinner last night and I cooked the requested menu - steaks, grilled veggies, and to-die-for mac&cheese with prosciutto and caramelized onions, and four kinds of cheese. Plus a strawberry chocolate torte for dessert. The appetizers were hummus with either Pita chips or veggies, and at least I stuck to the veggies. But the wine flowed freely and I didn't restrain myself.

    Now tonight we are going out to a movie and dinner for our 35th anniversary/ Carrie's 26th birthday. Not sure where we are going - probably someplace downtown Annapolis, so at least they will have fish and seafood. But probably decadently prepared!

    I went to my WW meeting for a last WI and meeting today. Up very slightly (0.4) after a maintain last Thursday for the preceding two weeks. So basically not budging, but at least it isn't up (much!)

    Only one profound thought this week. Your thoughts control your feelings, and your feelings can control your eating. So work on your thoughts - you are worthy, nobody is perfect, and your body is something to accept, not to hate.

    Back later for personals, if I have time. Except for Cindy - I LOVE the RV. Such a great layout!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Walked down to the beach with Izzy and pup pup working on my steps this evening.

    This is so relaxing. My BFF is here and we are having a blast. Bought beautiful jewelry and art work today. We took my three grandkids that are here for ice cream and tonight we had some fresh shrimp. Yum.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning All-
    Janet- thank you for the birthday eve wishes - you made me smile...
    Sorry for oppressive heat we have it too and it is miserable. So I feel your pain. LOL
    Diane- we're really excited to get the new motorhome and hit the road.
    Patti- happy trails to you and Edd
    Bert- How was the celebration for your cousin? I'm sure it was lovely and heartfelt.
    Karla- I can smell the salt breeze in your pics and the shrimp must have been delish.
    Need to run- be back when I have a free moment.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning.

    Happy late birthday Cindy. I loved the motor home. Great deal for $61k. You will be traveling in style.

    I’m in town today stopping by my office for a bit and my home. I have purchased a beautiful queen four poster bedroom suite for my new poolside condo and Glenn is going to pick it up this afternoon.

    Have a great day.

    Living the dream.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, cousin's Celebration of Life was very nice. I shared a couple of stories with everyone. I'm also happy Ginny used the photos I downloaded for the video presentation along with some they found and used. Although I didn't know very many people, I did get to see some long time friends of the family. My brother is heading home today. I'm glad he was healthy enough and felt strong enough to drive up.

    Patti: The AC problem is that whoever fixed his AC the previous time didn't put the caps back on and therefore the AC wasn't getting anything from the engine. They said they were afraid to hook it up to fix it as the pipes were corroded and they were afraid they would break it and definitely not get it fixed before today.

    I'm busy putting things away today and washing bedding. I won't do laundry until this evening so I can keep the garage door down. Our washer and dryer are in the garage. Sure wish I had a laundry room, but oh well.

    Waving hi to Cindy, Janet, Karla, and Diane. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Stopping by as I pack up for the trip. I love that we will be spending this time with Mike and Pam and Edd's brother Jack. His brother is much like Edd but not as laid back and for some reason he likes me so I always have fun when he is around as long as his wife is not there. So riding will be fun and time at the campsite......TBD! She does not tolerate the heat so am guessing she will be inside the trailer and we will not.

    Happy birthday Cindy. Your new motorhome is sweet. Totally drivable and those slides make all the difference. We never had them until we got the 5th wheel. Hard to imagine us now traveling in our little Toyota with 2 Great Danes, lol. Hope you are planning a fun weekend away in it.

    Bert, I would trade you my basement laundry room for your garage, lol. Glad you had the time with your brother and celebrated your cousin with so much love. Never an easy thing.

    Waving hi to everyone, need to get this dog and pony show headed down the road
    Doubt I will check in until we get back.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good afternoon all. We are on the road! Left about 9:30 this morning. Don’t know how far we are driving today. We have plans in St. Louis Friday afternoon but nothing major planned before that.

    Other than not sleeping, Elise was pretty good yesterday. She has just a cold, not an ear infection, so they justwanted her to have one extra day to get more rest. Too bad SHEdidnt think sleeping was a good idea!

    We saw Solo yesterday. Kind of a disappointment. It felt very forced. I hope the rumor that they are going to make two more with that storyline are not true. Then dinner out at a new to us restaurant in downtown Annapolis. I had a crab cake sandwich with no bun, but made up for that with lots of French fries. My last scale hop this am was same as yesterday, so that is the baseline for the trip. I will try to eat mindfully.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Patti have a great time and don’t let your SIL get you down. Here’s hoping your eating out choices are smarter than mine lol!

    Cindy I guess I was confused and thought you already had the RV. Where will your first trip be? I put pictures of our first RV on the Facebook blog. It was 18 feet, had no slides, and the previous owner had converted the fresh water to pressurized so it only carried 15 gallons! But we had so much fun.

    Bert at least you don’t have stairs to your garage W/D. I am so glad I don’t have to carry my laundry up and down. I think a celebration of life should be all about the stories and memories.

    Janet your weekend trip to Churchill downs sounded like so much fun! Those horses are absolutely gorgeous, aren’t they. And clearly they love to run. I think that is a sporting event I would enjoy going to.

    Karla your condo sounds like it will be a fancy getaway!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I did a quick WI yesterday; staying the same which is good. I'm still wanting to lose 15 pounds, but am happy with what I saw yesterday. Summertime eating is easier to eat healthy for me. I'm fixing shrimp tonight.....does anyone have a shrimp recipe they like?

    My brother made it to Knoxville yesterday. He decided to travel late afternoon/early evening since they couldn't fix his air conditioner by the time he needed to leave.

    Today will be spent working on the musical program book. We had a meeting tonight to explain our church's financial woes (which happens at every meeting). Our program director got very nervous as he thought we were going to cut staff. Our church attendance has dwindled over the years, and several people have passed away. This time of year is when I get burned out and think about not attending church at all. I know other churches have financial worries, but ours is constant.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    H, all. We just had a brief but calming drenching. Good day to be indoors, reading and doing laundry. Eating has been better the last couple of days and I am trying hard to limit portions, cut way back on snacks and work at relosing. Dinner last night was a big salad with a bit of leftover salmon. James said he loved it. His intestinal woes would be well served by more veggies so doing my best to rev up healthful options.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi ladies,xthapcu25cm7.jpeg
    My plumerias are doing well and starting to bloom again.

    Bert- Your church does a lot for the community and it’s sad the community isn’t supporting it adequately. But like you said, it is the case in most churches. People just don’t tithe like they used to.

    Janet- Does James still have his girlfriend? You haven’t mentioned her lately.

    Diane- Have a great time.

    I am having a relaxing day. Glenn should be here soon. I want us to slip off for a walk on the beach tonight.

    Life is sweet. The bedroom set is awesome we picked up last night. I can’t wait to get it all set up.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's supposed to rain today. I have my monthly workout with my trainer today. I'm looking forward to learning new exercises and pushing myself at the gym. My BFF mother-in-law is having hip surgery today. She fell and broke her hip. The sad thing is she has Alzheimer's. I'm sure the anesthetic will speed up the Alzheimer's as it did my cousin. So sad.

    My brother made it home. He sees his oncologist today and is hoping to get off his monthly chemo pill as his numbers are extremely low. I'm praying for a good result.

    My ex has a tear in his Achilles tendon, so he won't be traveling to Florida this week to have a vacation with the boys and grandkids; however, they are still going. The condo is paid for and Dan has already purchased their plane tickets......interesting. A vacation with dad/Linda without dad/Linda. :D

    Eating has been pretty good except for the homemade peach cobbler from the peaches my brother brought with him. It's almost gone which is a good thing. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Another day in paradise. Last night Izzy and I pulled out the freezer made ice cream maker and have the cylinder in the freezer overnight. Today we will go get the cream, strawberries and vanilla flavoring to make it. Glenn is picking Audrey up on the say home from work and he is off tomorrow. Tonight is the movie on the beach of Paddingon Bear 2, and tomorrow night is Trolls. It will be fun for the girls. We are going to the Sea Lab museum tomorrow too.

    Bert - You are such a sweet and caring person. You are also consistent with your gym training. Vacations must go on no matter what happens prior to the date. They have to be planned in advance, it's the chance we all take. I'm glad the boys and family are going. Too bad you didn't know ahead of time so you could have went!! Is it Destin?

    My brother is finally moving out next week!! He has been approved for a very nice 2 bedroom 2 bath apartment in a fancy complex that has many amenities. Including a gym, game room, tanning beds, a movie theatre and a Oasis resort style pool. It is not far from my home in West Mobile. Finally, mission accomplished!

    It is quiet and pretty here on the island. We went down on the beach in late afternoon after Glenn got here. It was awesome. Jason was fishing last night off the back deck of the house and caught a huge speckled trout. He is in his element here. I'm so glad he has enjoyed himself so much. He so deserved this as he has gone through a tough time.

    I'm going to get some office work done while it is quiet. I have a great little wicker desk in my bedroom w ith a window that overlooks the water. So tranquil.

    Have a great day in whatever you choose.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited June 2018
    Good Friday morning everyone or anyone that has time to stop by, i! Downstairs in the deck catching some rays. Glenn is upstairs with the girls.

    Eating has been spotty but not horrible. I need to walk more as I'm not getting very much steps.

    The movie was really neat outside last night a new adventure for us all.

    To!!sorrow we head back and Sunday we have Glenn's cousins from Nebraska coming for two nights! we stayed with them four nights while up there last August. My brother is staying with my son for a couple days.

    We are going to pack up and go to the beach now. Izzy hates the sand, lol

    Have a great weekend!!


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is the Block Party at church. This isn't one of my favorite events. I'm only helping as a favor to our Day Care Director who volunteered to be in charge. She works very hard and I want to support her, not the Block Party.

    I'm going to vent a little. Sometimes my brother just ticks me off royally. He posted that when he went to his oncologist, reported that the doctor told him is was dehydrated and has lost a few pounds. He attributed it to not having the AC in his car for his trip here and not eating at regular intervals. Although he didn't tell me, he posts it for all to see. Mike and I tried to get him to travel with a cooler and offered many bottles of water. I bought him a cooling towel as well as he didn't want to run the risk of not having his car AC fixed in time to leave this past Tuesday. (We found a mechanic on Saturday to have him diagnose the problem; they couldn't guarantee it would be done in time). Mike also found a small portable AC for $80 at Kohl's and he wasn't interested in pursuing that either. His AC stopped working a month ago, but he hadn't got it fixed. My cousin's death obviously wasn't planned, but he could have had it looked at a month ago. There was also a concession stand at the ball game on Saturday of which he could have eaten something there if he needed to eat before we went out for dinner. Perhaps he didn't mean anything by his post and I could have taken it the wrong way. Ok, I'm done venting.

    I got a lot of weeding done yesterday. The ground was soft from the rain storm the previous night and it was cooler as well. My flower gardens look pretty good!

    Eating has been pretty good.

    Karla: It sounds like you are having a wonderful time.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all - first weekend of summer. It was in the 90s but weather's giving us much more comfortable temps today.

    Bert, I can't believe your brother posted that stuff. He probably didn't mean anything by it, but it certainly reads badly. We all know you well enough to know that it's his fault if he didn't eat. Hope the Block Party gives you at least one good people-watching while you support your friend.

    Karla, hope Izzy isn't too freaked out by the sand. It is annoying when it gets into everything and is hard to remove entirely from feet in particular. Sorry you've had to work at all but at least doing it remotely from the shore is an improvement in working conditions. Congratulations on getting another family member healed up and ready to re-face the world on his own.

    Diane, hope the road is treating you well.

    Cindy, how confusing is it to work on three books at once, especially a series? That's an impressive juggling feat.

    Patti, hope the SIL isn't cooking for you.

    Eating has been all over the map this week but I am definitely more conscious of my choices. Now if I can get consistent with making the right conscious choices!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning friends. I’ve up and at em this morning. Kitchen deep cleaned, bed linens washed, dried and ready to put in guest bedroom, aka Izzy’s room, aka Kevin’s old room. lol . I’ve been outside watering and fertilizing and now a light drizzle has really cooled things off. I’m sure is will only be temporary! My flowers look awesome around the pool! Kelli really cared for them while I was gone. She is Kevin’s girlfriend.

    Bert- I can’t tell you the ungrateful remarks I have endured from relatives I have helped. Don’t take it personal, it is not about you, it’s all about them and most people can recognize that. I’ve learned not to expect appreciation for helping others, but to do it for the rights reasons in my heart.

    Janet - It has been scorching down here. This light drizzle is already over but without the sun out it feels much cooler. Have you planned your mini vacation yet? Your life is much fuller with James around. Soon be a year he has been with you. How is your niece?

    Cindy- You are an extroidinary person and nothing will hold you back. How is Rick’s demeanor? I pray for you daily.

    I better finish up out here so I can work on getting my two room back in order. I am so happy to get my house back. Kevin thanked Glenn and I for helping him and said he was proud he qualified for the apartment on his own.

    Have a great day.
