OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Today is a beautiful day. I got in the pool this afternoon and did my floating/resting. Tonight is BLT night, I’ll have a BLT lettuce wrap to help with the carb intake. I’m so wanting to drop some more pounds.

    Janet: It did read badly to me; however, I think he didn’t mean anything by it. My eating hadn’t been the best for the past several days. I must get back in track. I do need to drink more water.

    Karla: I don’t expect appreciation. I just was surprised that he even said anything . I’m sure my brother didn’t mean anything by it. I probably read more into it than was actually there.

    Waving hi to Patti, Cindy, and Diane.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello everyone, it nice to be home again.

    The trip was great. Beautiful country filled with hills and curves. Very little in the way of commercialism. Have to go way out of your way to find a chain anything. So peaceful and restorative. Only used devices to watch the weather and get directions. Speaking of that, we had rain every day except today. But we just worked around it. Found diners and coffee shops to let the rain pass by. A big part of the time it kept us at the campsite and that was its own kind of fun. Listening to music, telling stories and lots of laughter. Can you tell my SIL decided not to come along, lol. We are lunches out and dinner was either pulled pork or peppered turkey on a bun with a bagged lettuce salad, no snacks until the campground host brought us a pan of brownies hot from the oven, couldn't resist. Lunches were big salads with chicken so feeling pretty good about my choices. The closest I came to cooking was warming the pork in the microwave of BILs camper. The campground was definitely not what the online info shows. Pit toilets and concrete block shower houses. Very basic and rustic but clean. The place itself was gorgeous with horse corrals at most sights. Sites all had water and electric and they allowed the two pop ups to share a site at no extra charge. There were no horses in the campground but there were some in the pen that bordered the campground, so they were up close and personal. The bike rides were spectacular with vistas that took our breaths away at the top and dappled sunshine on the verdant forest floors at the bottom. Because of the massive amounts of rain there were flash floods and some roads were closed due to high water. We went through a few very shallow streams across our roads and one very scary mud slick until we were forced to turn around. We figured when the 18 wheeler was backing up from it we needed to head to higher ground! Yesterday was just perfect. Did not have to dodge any rain and we found some more beautiful places. We hiked down to CedarFalls, I believe Diane posted pictures of them earlier. I was so bummed that we couldn't hook up with her John, but time just wasn't right. I am glad she liked Hocking Hills. I am already wanting to go back but will do a better job picking a campground. Everyone took it well and we had an indoor potty in my BILs camper. So we are airing out out little camper as then it needs camp dried, it had a bit of a leak but nothing horrible and nothing ruined.

    Lots to do, have read all but not able to do personals this time.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good evening all. This is the first time we have had cell service in the evening. We are parked in a Walmart parking lot in Goodland NE, just a few miles from the Colorado line. I get cell service while driving, but can’t type for all the bumping! Roads have been terrible - been on I70 much of the time with heavy truck traffic and roads in terrible condition.

    I saw Patti’s post - we have had rain every day but one so far on this trip too. Tonight w had gone into Walmart for a few groceries and had to wait out a terrible thunderstorm. There was a lull so we raced to the RV but didn’t make it before the storm lashed out again. Lightning stuck VERY near - in fact John was touching the RV step and got shocked.

    Pattie r commended a terrific place in Hocking Hills SP. if you are ever near Athens Ohio I highly recommend it. Patti, the SP campground was very nice. Sites were a little close together but nice modern restrooms, a swimming pool, and all very well kept. Electric only where we were, but the were some full hookup sites. Yes, too bad we couldn’t meet up.

    My eating has not been terribly good. Yesterday we visited with relatives in Missouri who plied us with food. Tonight was BLTs because that can easily be cooked inside. We did get some more fruit today. Breakfasts have been zero or 1 point, and I’ve been having my sandwiches for lunch on 1 pt wraps.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Dang, I did a long post with personals and hit the darn done button. Not going to recreat it now, but know I am thinking of each of you. I read everything but just can’t type while on the road, and we almost never have service in the evenings.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning. Good to see Patti and Diane post and update us on their trips.

    Glenn’s cousin and her husband got her from Orlando last evening and I had a nice meal ready for us. We stayed three nights with them last year while visiting Nebraska. They are super fun.

    Patti- So sorry for the wet vacation trip. Especially challenging when traveling on a motor cycle, but, I’m sure Edd and you are used to it. Yuck on the campsite. The area sounds beautiful though and who doesn’t love horses? A bonus the SIL didn’t attend and bestow her cuisine upon you.

    Diane- ouch, scary on the lightning and John feeling the shock. The rain is really a pain on the road. Your campsite sounds divine. I’ve never been to Ohio. I hope we can meet one day, we had that chance when you were in Mobile before, maybe we will run across each other again along the way. I bet John would really like Glenn with all his skills.

    Bert- I hope your brother’s post wasn’t intentional but since you were together and he wasn’t eating it took you by surprise. It’s crazy about his Ac not being repaired this time a year. He’s a grown man and can feed and hydrate himself for sure.

    I worked on my plants and flowerbeds yesterday for several hours. Boy does it look good out back. This evening we are going over to our eldest son’s house in Mississippi with our guests for a bbq and pontoon boat ride. It will be nice.

    I have to work today and the receptionist has already called in. Geez! Employees!! Luckily the smart supervisor I am I have the back office girl trained on the front.

    Have a great day in whatever you choose. It’s the time of year for fruits and salads and raspberry tea!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's cloudy this morning. After breakfast, I will plan to work in my flower gardens again. I need to trim back plants/vines, etc. as well as finish up in the gardens around the house.

    Patti: It sounds like you had a great trip. I'm glad you got some time away and got to bike and camp.

    Diane: I 70 is so full of trucks. It runs through Terre Haute, but I try to travel US 40 as much as possible when traveling to Indy. It is much more relaxing. Oh my, the lightning strike was too close for comfort! What wraps do you get that are only 1 point? I do well for breakfast and lunch......dinner is my challenge. I want to find some recipes that can help in that department.

    Karla: It definitely took me by surprise. I'm over it know, though. He's the one who made those decisions.

    Waving hi to Janet and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, not exactly sure how my day will go but wanted to start here. I talked to my sister last night. She got out of the hospital on Friday. Is on oxygen and has to do breathing treatments several times per day. They also found some spots on her lungs that will need follow up. She is in good spirits and doing a little something every day like dishes or cleaning up after a meal. The big news is that Mom's chair got delivered and the old one taken away by Habitat for Humanity. She called me in a panic when the Vietnam vets told her they couldn't pick up anything over 40 pounds. It would have been nice to know that when I scheduled he pickup. Habitat was fabulous. I set up the pick up online but the earliest date I could arrange was next Saturday! I called and a very nice lady helped me out and arranged the pickup for this past Saturday. I will definitely use them again. The bad news is Moms cable went out on Friday and they won't be out until Wednesday! Her only entertainment is the tv. She even looked into going to a hotel until it was fixed but couldn't find any place that would allow her to smoke. My BIL hooked up her DVD player so at least there is something she can watch. I have not called her yet, but that is next. I am going to hook up an antenna so she can get local channels. I don't think my BIL knows how to do that. My sister said mom was losing her mind over this. She also said mom wants me to take her to my sisters today. It will be a challenge to get her up and down the steps but at least there are only 4 and there's a handrail. Looks like I won't be staying at the cabin for 3 weeks like I planned. Will go for the 4th week and then come home for a few days. Edd can stay and I will travel back and forth as needed. We have to be there from the 14-24th to care for our friend's critters while they are on vacation.

    Karla, how wonderful for your brother. I bet he feels like a man again. The wonderful thing about our trip was that nothing deterred our good time. We found the humor in the situation and making do is its own adventure. The best thing is that everybody enjoyed the down time. Something most of us never have it seems. My son and DIL have been working nonstop for 2 months to get one of their rentals for sale. It paid off in spades. They listed the house and sold it for the asking price in one day with a nice $20K profit!

    Diane, I will definitely be checking out the state parks for our next trip there, whenever that might be. Nice that it is only 2 hours from here and we do plan to go back. The lightening strike was way too close for comfort. We hate I 70 and normally travel on 36. 4 lanes, better roads, less traffic and it parallels 70. Runs from Indy to Denver. If you are traveling back that way you might want to check it out.

    Cindy, do you have your new camper yet? When is the shakedown cruise, I think I might have missed that info.

    Bert, you brother surely did not intend to hurt you. It is easier to not take responsibility for ones own actions and act the victim. Glad you are over it. Glad you have moved on. Enjoy your yard work.

    Janet, what new and exciting things do you have planned for you and James to take on?

    I me to call mom. I have lots to do but it can all wait.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I got a lot of yard work done yesterday. We have Trumpet Vines that run wild throughout the back flower garden. Every time I think I have taken care of it, it grows back and "strangles" what's out there. Mike and I sat on the porch last night and watched a mother rabbit and her two babies eat and romp around. The mother apparently felt comfortable around us as she didn't move while eating. It was fun to watch. I'm glad Molly wasn't outside with us. She wouln't have allowed them to have their dinner in our front yard! Today I'm having someone come to give us an estimate on a new patio door. Ours is in need of being replaced. I think it was damaged from last years horrible storm. I think the frame is damaged, but the insurance company said it was fine when I had them out last summer. The door is 20 years old and needs to be replaced with a more energy efficient model. I really want one that is easier to open and close as this one is so heavy.

    Eating has been ok. I just don't make good dinner choices. What do you guys make for dinners?

    Patti: You have a full plate! We have used Habitat several times. One problem is that most of the guys to move things out, at least here, are retired. We have been lucky that Mike and our workers were here to help them load the truck when they do come. Good luck with your mom. I'm sure her change in schedule is stressing her out. She's lucky to have you. Congratulations on your son and DIL's success for selling their house.

    Have a great day everyone!


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all.
    e Quantity Monster
    Bert, what joy to watch the mama bunny and her babies. Takes you fully into the present and feeds your soul. Those vibes are so pretty, yet so insidious. Good luck.

    Patti, you are such a balm to your mom's soul - and vice versa.

    Karla, your vacation sounded wonderful. Has Izzy gotten all the sand out of her toes?

    Cindy, hope the week is going well for you.

    Diane, you're almost certainly in CO now - just a heavenly place. People tend to think of it in the winter, but summers are green and lush and gorgeous too.

    Rainy day yesterday, so went to see "Solo." Fun, but not a lot of substance. Good brain candy on a gloomy day though. My eating is up and down. Making better choices but the snack monster and quantity monsters sometimes snag me. I'm really not in the frame of mind to devote myself wholly to re-losing, so trying to limit damage until I pull the mojo back to the front.

    Looking forward to my trip to the NC beach next week for a July 4 morning beach wedding. I'm very close to the whole family and it'll be good to see my friends' extended family too. Sunscreen and hats ...

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. We are sitting here enjoying a quiet morning in camp. It is so nice not to be driving somewhere today! We are in Golden Gate Canyon SP near Golden CO. Tomorrow we head for EstesPark and Rocky Mountain NP. Yesterday afternoon and this afternoon are hiking, but for now just sitting and relaxing. Yesterday we hiked about 4 miles and will probably do about the same today. My knee with arthritis is giving me fits. The steroid shot wore off after just two weeks.

    I am trying to make decent eating choices. Last night was Taco salad, and tonight will be that Chicken with sun dried tomatoes recipe, along with cucumber salad. The relatives we visited in Missouri gave me some garden cucumbers. The dressing has sugar in it since I don’t travel with Stevia or anything like that. But even so it will be a low point dinner. John doesn’t care for the creamy dressing on it, so I always make a vinegar and sugar dressing. But this morning we splurged on pancakes and sausage for breakfast - the first cooked breakfast of the trip.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Bert dinners aren’t my usual problem. It’s snacking that gets to me!i try to make sure there is a zero point vegetable or medley with every dinner, I don’t usual fix a starch or carb, and have some lean protein. My WW leader says she rarely eats chicken and is much more likely to have a lean cut of beef, or pork tenderloin, or fish than chicken. I like chicken and find so many low point ways to fix it. Even the cucumber salad tonight could have been 1 pt if I did the creamy dressing with non fat yogurt instead of the sweet and sour dressing.

    Janet I had the same impression about Solo. A fun mindless sort of film. They could have done so much more with it, but it was an enjoyable break. Enjoy your trip! I know the beach isn’t your favorite, but the company will make it fun.

    Cindy has Rick gotten in for his appointment yet?

    Patti, is your sister’s health and your mom the reason you are not staying at the cabin the whole time? I feel guilty sometimes for going off and leaving mom to the care of my sister and brother who just don’t get it. I call her more frequently from the road than they do from home. Frustrating. But my other sister from Wisconsin is visiting her next week so that should help.

    Karla you are a gardening machine! (And Bert too!). Too bad about the office staff. I do miss th people I worked with sometimes, but not the supervision responsibilities at all!

    Back to my book for a while. We are going to take a picnic somewhere for lunch, then hike this afternoon. We are in mountain time zone now.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon, it has been a busy 2 days. Mom did well getting up and down the steps at my sister's house. Was glad she could do it. My sister was in good spirits and chatty as always. She is on oxygen and most likely will have to stay on it. Her husband looks worn out but hopefully not having to go to the hospital will give him time to rest. Mom is now talking about finding an assisted or independent living apartment to move into before winter. It would make it easier on my peace of minds if she was in a building where she could get meals and help if needed. I will be coming back and forth from the cabin so Mom doesn't have to go too long without someone checking in. My sister is planning to go to her apartment on Saturday for a picnic, fireworks and cake. I hope it all goes well and that my sister is able to handle it.
    I have been to the peach truck and now just have to wait impatiently until they are ripe enough to eat. They were picked in Georgia yesterday! So to get in the spirit I made a milkshake from last year's peaches that are still in the freezer. Just added some dried, ff milk powder and a little sweetener (last year's peaches were not as sweet) and had a sweet treat that was healthy too..

    Diane, I love Colorado. Our friend that we usually visit in Florida has rental property in Estes park and her daughter has a cabin on Grand Lake, at the entrance to Rocky Mountain NP. Wish I could be there with you. The Rockies have my heart and great memories from when I lived there. Enjoy every minute. Sorry the shot didn't work, have you asked about Synvisk? It is a cartilage builder and, for some, but you more time with your knee and decrease your pain.

    Janet, so fun to attend a wedding on the beach in such a beautiful local. I know you will protect yourself from the sun in every way possible and look stunning to boot. Guess James is staying home on kitten duty.

    Bert, I think my garden knows I am not a natural born gardener. I have done everything everyone else has done and my plants look pitiful in comparison, I do have 2 tiny jalapeños. My gf bought her plants and mine at the same time and she has already harvested a bucket of peppers. I also have one small San marzano tomato and one regular tomato. So a a sad showing so far. Wish I would have inherited mom's green thumb. She could make anything grow.

    Hi to Karla and Cindy
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm heading to the gym this morning. I haven't been in several days as I've been working in the yard. I need to do exercises to help strengthen the muscles around my joints. Then I'll head to church to reserve tickets for cast members. If anyone has good ideas for healthy dinners, please share. I'm at a stand still with my eating and my weight.

    Mike suprised me yesterday and installed the final ceiling upstairs fan yesterday. I've had them for over a year. :) Justin helped him this past Christmas to install the one on the guest bedroom. I was going to wait until they came for Christmas again to get the last one done as I could tell Mike didnt want to do it. No need now!

    Saturday is the neighborhood fireworks in Greg's neighborhood. I'm looking forward to it as it is always a nice evening.

    Janet: Enjoy your trip to NC. I'm sure a beach wedding will be beautiful.

    Diane: I'm having trouble with my knees too (as well as many other joints). I have found that the shots are only bandaids. I had several shots in my back trying to avoid surgery, but the pain just came back. I'm having trouble with a a bunion/bone spurs in my big toe joint. I'm calling the podiatrist today to see what it actually is. It is affecting the way I walk which, in turn, affects my knees and back. Enjoy your trip. I'd love to go somewhere this summer. What is your WW leader's reasoning for not eating chicken? I'm definitely looking for dinner options.

    Patti: Your peach shake sounds delicious. My peaches are about gone. I thoroughly enjoyed them. Our tomato, green pepper, and eggplant plants are doing well. My flowers look pretty good, too, if I do say so myself. I enjoy gardening; however, getting up and down on my knees is taking its toll.

    Waving hi to Karla and Cindy. Have a good day everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello friends, I made it to TRX last night and it was super tough but made it through, everyone was whining and groaning as we had to do every move for 40 seconds and then repeat. Doesn't seem like much but it had all my muscles screaming. Mom got her cable fixed this morning and is a happy camper. I will be having lunch with the girls, then some grocery shopping before I go to work. Then I am off until July 24th.
    Made the decision to drop my WW subscription since I have not been following it or using the app very much. I found it very labor intensive and hard to navigate. I am going to try the low carb thing for a while and see if I can shake things up. It worked so well for Karla and my workout buddy has lost 30 pounds since March. Need to find something I will stick with and maybe if I just focus on cutting carbs I will stick with it. I know I need to track but I think for now I am going to carry a little notebook and write everything down without figuring the NI on each item. It's a start. I just have to do something!

    Bert, I wish I had some good ideas for you for dinners but that seems to be difficult for me too. I tend to just go for well seasoned proteins that are grilled or baked and a side of veggies. I eat tons of salad with chicken. Chicken enchiladas with low carb tortillas is a staple. I plan to start eating lettuce wraps, I love butter or Boston lettuce for these. We are big fish and shrimp eaters and that cooks up so quick and easy on the grill or in a grill pan on the stove. I usually fix potatoes or rice but I am going to double up on veggies. I know I am a carboholic and hope I can do this low carb thing, lol.

    Time to head out the door. Have a beautiful day wherever you are and whatever you are doing.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good day everyone.

    I met with my nutritionist Kelli today. We decided to keep calories at 1200 And carbs at 45-55 daily and protein at 80-85. My blood work was excellent.

    Patti- it’s so difficult when you travel and on vacation. I’ve gained a bit back with five vacations under my belt for this year, but I am ready to focus on me now. You can do it!

    Bert- We have another contractor coming today and tomorrow to continue our work. Glenn does a lot, but at standstill.

    I better run.

    TT: do you scan most of your food in the tracker for accuracy?

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All-
    Rick finally has his appt in September- 13th he doesn't want to go now due to fear but we will go.
    Janet- Working on three books actually helps me make sure of consistency. All 3 are in various stages- challenging but in a good way. It helps me focus on something i can control. The thought of this looming diagnosis is tough and often find my self getting teary- if that makes any sense to be trying to plan around even before it is confirmed. Like what happens when he can't work, can he stay home alone? that kind of stuff.
    I only stopped by to let you all know about the appointment. Progress.
    But anyway- until later
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's going to be hot one today. I'm heading to the store at some point today as there aren't many good food choices left in the house. We are having another estimate for a new patio door today and then we can make a decision.

    Patti: I understand your opinion of WW; however, for me, I need to visualize on a chart what I'm eating. When I cleaned out the closet to organize it better, I found several notebooks where I had tracked on paper. I need to utilize the website better and search for recipes and really stay focused. I like the website to track rather than the app. I wish there were multi-ad options on WW as it is in MFP. My problem is searching for healthy snacks.....I tend to grab something fast and most of it is many points on WW. Good luck with your tracking. You'll be successful!

    Karla: I'm counting carbs, too and trying to up the protein. My conflict is fruit is 0 points on WW and has many carbs in it. For me, the fruit is a better choice especially to keep things "working"! :smile: So, I tend to go over in carbs.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. A good first day back on track for me and I feel good about it. My meals are below:

    B- Premier Protein Shake and Babybel Lite (had early appt.)
    L- Shrimp stir-fry left over, Asiago Cheese Whisps
    D- Grilled Pork Chops, green beans, yellow squash and corn.
    S- 3 slices of thin Sargento Cheese slices

    Protein:87 Carbs 48
    my calories were not high enough but will be better today as I had my egg white omelet already this morning. I have leftover porkchops and veggies too.

    I am leaving for Panama City after my dental appointment today. I am excited. Just he and I hanging out!! I missed him for Father's Day!

    Bert - I have a problem keeping my carbs up sometimes and was told to add an apple a day to help with that. LOL. I would love you to join our Facebook group and learn from the ladies there that are seasoned WW users and love the new program. I can send you a link if you are interested. They all try and use as many zero points foods as they can so they don't track much and are enjoying it. We just discussed snacks the other day on it. I've known these ladies for seven years.

    Cindy - It is a scary thought watching a loved one deteriate. I hope and pray for the best for you. This may be a explanation for many of his passt behanviors, but not all. Go to the library or online bookstore and find a self=help book about living with someone with dementia or alzhemier's that will help you cope and prepare you.

    I better get going here, have a great day.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Karla: I’d be interested in the link
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's going to be hot one today. I'm going to attend to the pool and flowers early this morning. I also need to get church done today as we are having company this weekend. Eating was good yesterday. It has been tracked. We are eating out this evening. I'll order salmon, salad, and green beans. Hopefully it won't be too many points. The salad dressing is what is high in points.....hope they have a vinaigrette of some kind.

    Bible School is history for another year. I enjoyed doing the name tags and registration. We've had 3 estimates for our patio door, so now we will need to decide which one to go with and how to pay for it. It has to be done, so we will have to figure it out.

    Have a great day, everyone!
