OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Another hot one is in store for today. My brother will be here sometime this afternoon. He's been traveling with no AC! Wow. Tomorrow's ball game we are all attending is to be played in 94 degree heat! I'm heading to the store this morning for a few things.....the house cleaner is coming this afternoon and will address the bathrooms and floors. I'll dust while she's cleaning.

    Diane: Elise is such a cutie! Congratulations on your weight loss.....I'm stuck at 9 pounds, but am happy I've lost at least that. I'm hoping for 11 more. My problem is I'm not patient when the scale doesn't move.....I need to learn to cope with that.

    Janet: My house cleaner isn't the best, but she does do the bathrooms and will do anything I ask her to do. Sometimes I "go over" what she does as her style of cleaning is much different than mine. At least she is willing to clean and I feel I'm helping her out financially. She doesn't charge much which is a plus!

    Waving hi to Karla, Cindy, and Patti. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Thanks for the birthday wishes. It was a spectacular day fill d with love and surprises. Mom had my sis pick up flowers and a cake. The cake was from Krogers and it was aweful, lol. The frosting tasted like Dream Whip, does anyone remember that stuff, whipped cream made from a powder....yuck! Mom and I had a big laugh about it. She did well getting out and enjoyed eating at Steak and Shake. She hasn't been in a restaurant in over 2 years. So that was a gift to her as well as me. Was so surprised to hear from my nephew in Cali and my brother (his dad) sang happy birthday on my voicemail. Edd has the bike running so we had a nice ride, dinner at locally owned restaurant that we haven't been to in many years and then cocktails at a bar owned by a good friend of ours. Just can't believe how blessed I am to have so many wonderful and caring people in my life. Today is a shopping day and hitting some garage sales if there is time. We are staying home this weekend to finish getting ready for our trip next week.

    Diane, that dress is so cute and Elise is even cuter. You are going to really miss her. How long will you be on this trip?

    Have a wonderful day everyone
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, sounds like a terrific day. So nice to see your mom's world opening up a bit, thanks to you.

    Bert, this heat is nuts. I feel for the kids and spectators at games this weekend - hydrate, hydrate, HYDRATE!

    Heck, sitting on my deck last night, I felt the oppressive humidity and when it made me start to sweat I headed indoors. Ran my errands starting at 7:45 this morning, made ten stops and was home at 11:20. Enjoying AC and doing light chores here. Mebbe a nap in a bit. We'll eat assorted leftovers tonight. TGIF!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    It is brutally hot out there. Had plans for lots more errands but just couldn't do anymore in this heat. Found Mom a chair, that is a story in itself, but the short version is computer issues put a big monkey wrench into a simple purchase. But it is done. Vietnam Vets will pick up her old chair next Thursday and her new chair will be delivered next Saturday. She was so surprised and happy. I pray she likes it. Offered to come get her to give it a try but she said "just handle it" and so I did.

    Janet, hate that you had to go out in this heat. Stay in and stay cool.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good evening all. Yet another busy day. I can’t wait to hit the road and have more chill time! Today I made chicken chili to take to mom’s this evening, cleaned upstairs and vacuumed downstairs, cleaned spots on the rug in the dining room since we will be using that room on Sunday, and did the last major grocery shopping. Then after lunch we went to my sister’s house to do some chores for her, then on to mom’s for dinner. She had me do some laundry and a few other chores there. Got home about 8:30.

    At my sister’s we put up hand rails that John had made and stained to match her others. This is my sister that had the stroke, and the house she just bought only had a rail on one side of the stairs. Her left side has never fully recovered, and she requested a hand rail for the other side of both the stairs going up and the ones to the basement. Hers are a non standard profile, so John had to make them from lumber and route to match, then stain and polyurethane. When we got over there, we needed a few things we hadn’t brought so had to go to the hardware store. She also asked us to hang the blinds she had gotten for her kitchen. We REALLY needed to get the rails up before we left - she fell down the stairs the other day coming down because she was just bracing on the wall that had no rail.

    Tomorrow is cleaning the rest of the house, then a party in the afternoon for some friends who are retiring. They live in the caretakers cottage on the Wetlands Sanctuary, so we want to go a little early and hike a bit. Sunday we are having Brad and Rossanne and her parents here for Father’s Day. So I will have some cooking to do that day too.

    But for now, bedtime!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Well, almost bedtime.

    Bert, Patti and Janet, your heat wave is supposed to hit here tomorrow. You could have kept it! We closed the house for 5he day today but have opened it back up for the night. It is 67 out right now.

    Bert and Patti, I have not had any luck with finding a cleaning person. I had one when the kids were little that was pretty good, but she retired. I tried 5 or 6 different ones after that, and they were unreliable, didn’t clean to my standards, and I just couldn’t justify the cost for the poor job they did. The last one stole stuff from us, and I decided never again.

    Patti at least the chair is DONE. Hope mom likes it. Too funny about the birthday cake, but at least you didn’t have to pretend to like it. The gesture was certainly nice. And so happy that she enjoyed her meal out. Maybe she will consider going out every once in a while.

    Bert do you have some shade to take along to the game?

    Waving to Cindy and Karla.s

    Now REALLY of to bed!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. My brother made it. We are taking his car to a mechanic to see if they can diagnose the AC problem. Hopefully it will be a small fix so he can have air returning to NC. He said he would travel at night going back.....I know I'll worry more until he gets home if he decides to do that. Getting older can sometimes be a pain.

    I bought cooling towels yesterday and will also take a cooler to the games. I'm not looking forward to sitting out in the heat, but want to support Ginny and her family as well as be there for Dan, Annie, and the kids.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Time for a break and this is the best place for it.

    Diane, you have certainly earned your next road trip! I don't know how you get it all done, my head is spinning just thinking about it. Enjoy your time with family between your chores. The road will give you the rest you will need. When I was working I wanted a housekeeper but Edd hates strangers touching his stuff, lol. His daughter cleaned every other week for us to pay us back an emergency loan we gave them. She was reliable but and did a fairly good job. She actually decided to open her own cleaning business. She did that for about 2 years but truly hated it so she went back back to college. The only cleaning I get paid for is on the rentals and they are just awful usually. I wonder if it wouldn't be cheaper to pay for a monthly housekeeper and avoid the big "shovel out" when they move out

    Bert, stay as cool as you can. Those towels are a great help too. Enjoy your family, especially your brother. Hopefully he just needs some freon to fix the a/c.

    Doing a major housecleaning here too. Plus laundry and will do a bit of cooking later. I have Roma tomatoes in the airfryer dehydrating. I made candied bacon last night, not proud of it, in the airfryer and it was delicious. Luckily I didn't do much and Edd ate a good amount. The other good news is that it is such a chore, super messy and not worth the effort, so I will not be making any more. I am ,icing this new gadget.
    My grandson, his wife and baby Leo are coming around 3. So excited to see them.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Please send up a few prayers for my Sis. She is in the hospital with pneumonia.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Happy Father's Day to the men in your lives. Although yesterday was very hot, we had a great time. My cousin's Dylan was so happy we were there, and I know that Ginny and Jason appreciated it. Our Dylan loved watching the game and was very impressed with their level of play.

    We are going to Greg and Carrie's this afternoon for a Father's Day cookout. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    St the beach house having a blast making memories. Crabbing right off our back deck and have our own personal crane. Lol. Making memories.

    Jason and I went fishing for a bit this morning. Very hot!!

    More pics to follow. We played the 10,000!dice game until 1:30am.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Four bedrooms and nice kitchen. We are having a big family bbq under the house. Glenn’s oldest son is coming and their three kids. Plus my brother and Kelli and Nate.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    It's a very good morning here. My sis just called and she sounds great. Not at all what I was expecting to hear today. They have taken the cpap off and just has an oxygen mask now. Hopefully she won't have to stay much longer. The faster you get out of the hospital the better. Thanks for the prayers.

    Edd is off doing some work then we will be getting the pop up ready to go. Cookout at 2pm. Missing my Dad today. He was such a gentle, funny, smart and loving man. Can't believe he has been gone over 8 years now. But I know he is smiling down on me and he visits me at the cabin in the form of a cardinal accompanied by my nephew.

    Bert, your time in the heat was well spent I would say. Did you hear anything on your brothers car yet? Stay cool and enjoy your Father's Day cookout.

    Karla, looks like you guys have made it a home there already. Glenn looks so relaxed, lol. Have fun.

    Janet, once I dry these tomatoes, what should I do with them, lol? How do I store them? Guess I should have had a plan before I took on the task.

    Waving hi to Diane and Cindy.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Patti so glad your sister is getting better. Prayers still for continued recovery and a rapid release. Does she have someone to help take care of her once she gets home?

    Bert, I’m sure your family was a great comfort to your cousin’s family. Enjoy your cookout this afternoon.

    Karla, looks like everyone is having fun. That’s what it’s all about, right?

    Janet I know this day is tough for you - you and your dad were so close.

    We had a change of plans for today. Instead of having everyone here we are taking dinner to Brad and Rossanne’s. Elise is not feeling well, and they want to be able to put her to bed at bedtime and not have to get her up to drive home. So I’ve had to make sure everything is ready ahead of time. I still have veggies to chop (for grilling) and need to make sure I remember everything I need. I made a luscious and decadent chocolate strawberry tart for dessert. Yummy, but NOT low cal. Luckily there is only enough for a small slice each.

    I’ve also scurried around trying to get everything done today that I had planned to do tomorrow, in case they need me to keep Elise. They took her to a walk in clinic this morning fearing an ear infection. I didn’t hear the result. We are leaving Tuesday morning. We had plans to go to a movie and dinner on Monday to celebrate our anniversary and Carrie’s birthday. I hope we get to do that.

    Have a great Sunday, and a happy Father’s Day to those in your lives who are fathers OR provide fatherly care to those around them.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, so sorry to hear that Elise is ill. Nice that you can be flexible. Enjoy your Father's Day, anniversary and Carrie's birthday.

    Cookout at the Eagles was very tasty, if not WW friendly. Hand patties burgers, ramen noodle salad, pasta salad and one small chocolate filled cream puff! There was more but I stopped. Was hoping it was going to cool down this evening but that is not to be. Will have to set up and load the camper in the heat. Will have Tuesday Eve at the cabin to recover a bit and then on the road Wednsday morning. We will have electric fans and battery fans and manual fans, lol. Our camper is basically a tent on wheels. Best and possibly worst part, eating out most meals. My Sil is going and will not be riding so am very afraid she will be cooking......not good. Will do everything we can to get around it. Edd will barely speak to her and vowed to never eat anything she cooked. She was absolutely heinous to my mil and has caused so much trouble in the family. All done with a deep southern accent and a smile to try and mask her true self and purpose. Anyway, we will be out riding all day and she goes to bed early, if she comes out of the camper at all. She is on oxygen and this heat might be too much for her. Hate leaving Mom when my Sis is not well but we are only 2-3 hours away.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. I am waiting for Elise to wake up. I went over to their house at 6:15 so they could let her sleep in, and at almost 8 she is still snoozing! Poor thing slept most of yesterday too. She definitely couldn’t have slept this long or this well at daycare. Hopefully this is just what she needs.

    I unfortunately did not sleep well at all last night and will need a nap myself later. I guess it was because I had too much to eat for dinner yesterday. Tummy and digestion definitely off kilter today.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is the Celebration of Life service for my cousin. We will be heading to Indy this afternoon.

    Patti: Hope your sister is doing better. I can sympathise with someone in your family causing so much trouble. My brother's second wife was exactly that. She almost destroyed my relationship with my aunt (my cousin's mom); however, when I realized she was telling my aunt everything I said, I stopped talking to her. That was many years ago.....I was so glad when my brother divorced her.

    Diane: Hope Elise is better.

    Karla: Sounds like you're having a great time.

    Waving to Janet and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning All-
    Busy weekend. I've started writing book 3, editing book 2 and received book 1 back from the editor. In addition drove to Vermont to see my Dad. He was really struggling with his breathing, not using his O2 as much as he should. I'm concerned but nothing I can do, he's very stubborn.
    Diane- where are you and John headed? Have a great time and I hope the baby is better.
    Patti- have fun on the road again and don't let the southern witch, get you down. Just smile and have fun in spite of her. Congrats on the chair.
    Bert- I'm sure the celebration of life will be tough, but remember all the special moments you had with your cousin.
    Karla- the cottage looks lovely and yes, Glenn looks very comfy and relaxed. Have a blast
    Janet- the heat has hit MA. Today 91 but per the weather channel sever storms tonight and back into the 70's so who knows for sure.
    Eating was tough over the weekend with the road trip. But I survived. I must start exercising but I just don't have it in me to take the first step. So much weighing on me. I'm hoping something "clicks" soon.
    This is the new camper. Jayco Redhawk 26 XD.

    have a wonderful day and stay hydrated.