OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The AC success was short lived! Another service call is scheduled for this morning......hopefully it's not something major! Question: Do you leave your furnace fan on all the time during AC or do you have it on auto? I've always left it on auto, but they are suggesting to leave the fan on all the time. Mike is working today, so I'm going to do some housework and then shop this afternoon for closet organizers.

    I'm trying to schedule flights to visit my brother. I didn't know it would be so complicated as I only want to go one way. We are traveling to Augusta to visit Lindsey and Justin. They have bought a new house and I'm going to paint a few rooms. He lives 3 hours from Augusta, so either Mike or Lindsey will have to drive to pick me up, or Mike will drive me to Charlotte and then head home. Mike and Greg say that I'm the one making it complicated. I don't want to have to change planes, but that's probably going to be the best option .

    Eating has been ok. I've had a sweet tooth lately.....what do all of you do when this hits you?

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Getting ready to take Mom the eye Dr for her maintenance shot. I know they are helping her but seem to take so much out of her that I feel guilty when I leave her. I need to get to the grocery and then have work. TRX last night was awesome. I am up to 70 pounds for bar squats and deadlifts. Had to back down to two 15 pound hand weights for overhead press because I am having trouble with my shoulder and will not risk injury. My assisted pull-ups are getting better but still difficult. Push-ups are just out of my reach on the floor. I think it is mental as I can do them from any angle but not on the floor. I keep trying though. Edd nearly has the truck fixed and probably has a full week of work putting the bike back together. Our bike trip is the 20th, yikes that is cutting it close!

    Bert, I will have to ask my HVAC guy about the fan thing. I do not have an answer other than try fruit and a glass of water first, then allow yourself an ounce of really good chocolate. Or try dipping your fruit in some melted chocolate to make it go further and last longer. I am not a fan of artificially sweetened treats. If that doesn't work....I got nothing, lol. Luckily as long as I don't take that first bite I am ok.

    Time to hit the bricks, later

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    A drizzle of good quality melted chocolate over berries is a good way to stasify the sweet tooth.
    Motorhome is purchased- pick up scheduled for late next week- started to clean out the cottage on wheels last night. Rick is happy and not wanting to think about the upcoming appointment which I get. Its one day at a time for me with his swings. But yesterday was pretty good. Other than his usual anxiety of getting everything done in time. He has this thing where he thinks we won't have enough time even when pointing things out on the calendar. Not sure why but I got through to him.
    I've taking control of eating carbs- limiting them to breakfast only. I'm waking up feeling hungry but not limiting protein, veggies or fruit at this point. I can only handle the avoidance of bread, pasta, and rice lol baby steps
    Big hugs to all
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Best visit ever to the eye Dr. Now that she is on maintenance, *kitten* every 10 weeks, they don't have to dilate her eyes and that makes it so much easier on her. She even walked to the car instead of waiting at the door for pick up. Next week we are going to the DMV as my license expires and she needs to just get a picture ID. My sister broke Moms handicapped sticker in half and instead of taping it back together she threw it away. She put one of hers in Moms car but it expires the end of this month. Now I have to figure out how to a replacement for Moms car until she gives it to my sister. Looks like that might be a while since they can't seem to come up with the money for tags and insurance. Oh well. Mom is buying me the BIG air fryer for my birthday. I can't wait. I like the one I have but it is way too small. New one will be here next week. My little one will be perfect for the pop up.

    Cindy, what kind/size of motorhome did you buy? Our first motorhome was a Toyota Dolphin, wish we had it back. It was just too small for two adults and 2 Great Danes. We had two more, slightly bigger but never liked them as much. We have a 32ft 5th wheel that hasn't left the driveway in 3 years. Just too costly to take and we much prefer the bike and pop up.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Geez - answered the door and lost a post ... grrr.

    Cindy, bet the smaller motorhome will allow you to get away more often. Hoping they figure out Rick's situation soon - and that's it's fixable with med tweaks.

    Bert, hope the AC is permanently fixed before the big heat returns. I recently read an article that said you should keep the fan on Auto. Can't remember where though. One-way flights are easier on Southwest, but you may face a bit of extra questioning at security.

    Patti, it makes me smile to know your mom was comfortable getting out with you. Great news on her eye too. Next, a chair!

    Diane, hoping your mom gets released today. Having you stay with her a night or two will be a blessing for you both.

    Karla, sounds like Izzy loves dance. Is Bentley still in the same class? The recital will be priceless, I'm sure. Nice that she is in only one show - two just seems a lot for the little ones.

    My eating has been spotty = the snack monster has been on me. No excuses, just trying to care consistently again. You all help me to keep trying!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Mom did indeed get released today. I got her home and comfy and am now at the pharmacy awaiting her prescriptions. The hospital doctor apparently really screwed them up. Sent them for mail order when I told her I would pick up, didn’t change the steroid script so they can’t fill it without a change order, and I don’t know what else. I thought this would be quick but I guess not.

    She is supposed to go for a follow up with her primary care early next week. I asked my brother and sister and OF COURE they can’t take off to take her. I am signed up for a county-funded canoe guide certification course Monday and Tuesday so I really can’t cancel it. I will drive over Tuesday evening to take her on Wednesday if I can get an appointment for that day. I hope I can. We have an appointment with Carrie’s lawyer Wednesday afternoon s I hope I can make the Dr appointment Wednesday morning.

    Sorry. Just venting about my siblings who went to see h r once each while she was in the hospital for five days.

    Eating not great but not terrible. There is little to snack on at mom’s at least. I’m not going to get to a meeting to weigh in this week or possibly next.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Patti you should be able to get a replacement handicap tag at the DMV. Just tell them what your clueless sister did. They should have a record of it. And your mother m should have one even when she doesn’t have her own car, that she can keep in her purse for when people drive her places.

    Cindy can’t wait to hear about your new motor home. And I think your carb limit plan is a great plan for you right now.

    Bert we leave our fan n auto. I see no reason to run it if I’m not trying to move air. If you have a moisture problem or otherwise have a need to circulate the air that would be different.

    Karla is Izzy’s recital and Bert now or was that just the dress rehearsal?

    Janet th snack monster has gotten to me too.

    Bert I forgot to address your question. I’m like Patti- once I start I can’t stop. I cannot keep candy or cookies or other sweets in the house because I have no control at all.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. My lunch yesterday with my girlfriends from my supper club was divine at the Ruby Slipper. We all had fun in downtown Mobile.

    Diane - That was Izzy's dance rehearsal on Tuesday, her Recital is this Sunday. She did so very good. I was so proud of her. Both her songs were long and the routines were awesome. Her advanced tumbling class had the big mats and props out and she did wonderful at her cartwheels and flips. I have her a trophy I ordered for her from a local trophy shop as she hasn't gotten to the level to get one at the studio yet, but she will next year.

    Cindy - Congrats on the new motorhome!! Nice!! You are a trooper for hanging in there with Rick through all the ups and downs. I hope an affirmative diagnosis will be forthcoming.

    Bert - Our dance studio goes for 9.5 hours to cover all the classes. This studio is one of the best in our city and has been for over 30 years. It is so important to keep young people in positive activities.

    I better get going. More employee issues at the Podiatry office. Can women not get along? My 51 year old has more drama and problems than the 20 year olds!!

    Have a great day,

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Thanks for your input on the AC. I've always put my furnace fan on auto, but it was suggested to leave in on. The repairman advised to keep it on auto. So that's what I'm doing.

    Diane: I hear you about family members/siblings. In my family (brother, cousin's daughter) the road only goes on way. It has always been me to maintain the correspondence. They simply "don't have time" to contact me, I guess. It's very annoying as I want to keep the relationship going. My brother never communicates when he is feeling "good".

    Patti: Hope you got the Handicap sign solved.

    Janet: I'll check into Southwest to see what they have to offer. United has a flight that I will have to change planes in Chicago. As long as the gates are close, I'm ok with that. I just don't want to have to change terminals by myself in unfamiliar territory.

    Karla: I agree with keeping children in positive activities. Jillian takes tumbling, dance, and also plays soccer. Cole plays Tee Ball. Greg wants them to play basketball, too. My boys were busy with activities when they were young, and it was the best part of our lives. I'm glad I'm getting to watch the grandkids too. We are headed to Chicago on Saturday to watch Dylan play baseball and Penny dance. Fun times.

    Cindy: Glad you got a motor home. Have fun.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning ladies, I slept in for the first time in months it seems and it was glorious! The little pleasures of life.. I have an unplanned day until I go to TRX. Maybe some time in my craft room. Sewing or cards.....hmmmmm. Work was actually pretty fun last night. Not too busy and working with people I truly like. My granddaughter and DIL stopped in to pick up the invites and both were gaga over them. Found out yesterday that our friend from Florida is bringing her son and daughter and the grandkids on Saturday. They are jut coming for a couple of hours so just need to plan lunch for us all.

    Diane, great news on your mom getting to go home. It would be so nice if she were closer or your siblings could help out but we both know that isn't going to happen. I am the caregiver and communicator in my family too. I hope you are able to do you get to your certification. When do you leave for your next trip?

    Karla, positive activities of any kind are what builds better kids. So many families cannot afford to put their kids in organized activities outside of what is provided in the schools. The gym I go to is run by the Salvation Army and provides these opportunities for our inner city kids, where poverty is the norm. It makes me proud to be a part of such a giving and caring place.

    Big hugs for Janet, Bert and Cindy

    I think I will go be creative now
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Mom is napping. I have done th laundry, cleaned the bathrooms, planted geraniums, vacuumed the screen porch and scrubbed the deck furniture. She can’t get out on her porch much anymore but sees it from her recliner, and it looked awful. I made her follow up appointment for a day I can take her. Patti you are right, I just can’t count on my local sister and brother to take the time to do anything for her.

    I will have a busy week next week. Sunday Brad and Rossanne are having a “beginning of summer” party since they didn’t have their usual Christmas party. Monday and Tuesday my certification course 8-4 both days, Tuesday night drive over here so I can get mom to her early Wednesday appointment, then back home for a 1:00 meeting with Carrie’s lawyer. We are ready to start the civil suit since she is about done with her medical stuff and PT from the accident. Thursday haircut and maybe fit in a WW weighin. We are planning on leaving on our trip around June 19 which is less than two weeks away. Sometime befor then I promised I would help Carrie with her sign up for affordable health care act coverage since she turns 26 this month and can no longer be on our insurance. I was going to do that tomorrow but now I will be with mom most of the day.

    Eating fair. I got a candy bar at the grocery store yesterday, but there aren’t many snacks here!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla no I don’t think women can get along in an office setting! Most of my career I worked primarily with men, and the few women were almost always the troublesome ones. The men got along much better in a work environment.

    Patti I hope your creative juices are rolling. You certainly do some lovely work. Do you have another card Saturday coming up?

    Waving to everyone else.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is my cousin's birthday, and it's a bittersweet day. Her daughter, Ginny, sent a message yesterday that they are now giving her morphine and another medicine as she is experiencing muscle spasms due to her brain deterioration. I feel so bad for her husband, Ginny, and Ginny's family. My cousin was such an independent person and I know she would be miserable if she knew what was going on.

    I finally got the tickets done yesterday! So, that's behind me now. All that needs to be done in that department is to sell them!

    Eating has been ok, not great, but ok.

    Diane: It's sad that your siblings won't help. Sometimes friends are more reliable than family. Your mom is lucky she has you to help her. Good luck with Carrie's civil suit and also finding health care coverage.

    Patti: Sleeping in would be wonderful! 7:30 is sleeping in for me! I had a rough night last night; kept waking up throughout the night. Unplanned days are the best! It helps keep us relaxed.

    Waving hi to Karla, Janet, and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop as we are leaving for the cabin shortly. I got two cute dresses done and took a little time just to color afterwards. I will try to post the pics.

    Diane, you are definitely earning your next trip. Hope it all works out with your Mom and Carrie.

    Bert, prayers for your cousin and her family, including you. Such a sad situation and difficult to watch.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - Have been keeping way busy with a bunch of little stuff here.

    Diane, bless you for stepping up. Seems like every family has a stepper-upper and it's sad for your siblings that they are choosing to miss time with their mom. Wishing Carrie good luck in getting some justice.

    Karla, I have worked with many wonderful women who remain friends from every job, but there have been a few clunkers. I don't think it's just a female thing, though with women it can get more intense - men have those deals but handle it differently maybe because they are generally in power.

    Patti, hooray for some free time! Do what YOU want.

    Bert, glad your AC is back as the Big Heat returns. Can't imaging how people coped a century ago, not only without AC, but in corsets and layers galore. Yikes!

    Cindy, hope you're getting through the week in style.

    Not much to report here - heading out soon for a few grocery items and maybe a quick run to outlet mall. Made a nice dinner of salmon, green beans and mushrooms, with a summer favorite tomato/cucumber/onion salad. James also made himself a baked potato. We are trying to figure out a fun thing to do this weekend - but first, we'll be cheering on our Warriors tonight. Hoping they win the championship tonight, but that also means the NBA season will be over, and it has become my favorite pro sport. At least we have French Open tennis and golf we can watch. And more movies, please!

    Hugs to all - have a great weekend.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hello Everyone-
    Things are pretty calm here but I get to spend the next two days with Megan, she leaves on Sunday already... Headed home now but wanted to say HI.
    Patti- the sundresses are adorable.
    Diane- I'm so glad you Mom has you to lean on....
    Bert- I'm so sorry about your cousin...
    Janet- dinner sounds delish. Isn't there another horse race this weekend. Or do you just love the Derby?
    Karla- some women just can't work together or men too- its really about respect in the most basic sense. And 20 somethings have tons of drama but they might hide it from you better :)
    OK- I'll check i again.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Darn, started a post and lost it. I am back from mom's and went and got a steroid shot in my knee this afternoon. The osteoarthritis is getting worse - I am hoping the shot will make hiking more do-able for the next few months.

    Eating - meals have been fine but snacks are out of control! Did well at mom's but not this afternoon. I need to see what the scale says in the morning. It was good to me before I left on Wednesday. I still need to call and switch WW to on-line only for the time we are gone - or maybe drop it all together and rejoin when I get back.

    I found out a young friend had her baby today. So I need to add making another of those car seat blankets and maybe some bibs to the weekend agenda. (and shopping for the fabric - probably more time consuming than the sewing!)

    Patti those dresses are adorable! What pattern? I might add a few of those for Elise to the weekend sewing too. I probably have some fabric that would work. I missed the big sale but probably still have some coupons.

    Cindy, enjoy the weekend with Meg. So is she planning on staying out in Ohio (?I think?) indefinitely?

    Janet, I don't watch much sports, but I did watch the last few minutes of the Hockey final last night. I know a lot of people were rooting for the Vegas Golden Knights as the Cinderella story, but I was rooting for the local Caps. DC sports teams have such an abysmal record that it is nice to have a hometown team actually win a championship. (First championship for any Washington team in 26 years, first one for the Capitals in their 44 year history!)

    Bert, so sorry about your cousin. For the sake of her and her family, I hope her passing comes peacefully, and soon. I've gone through that with my MIL, and the last few weeks were torture for all of us. I feel like my mom is one illness away from that stage as well.

    Have a good weekend all!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Patti one more question - where did you leave the opening for turning? I know you said the pattern was to have bias binding on all the edges and you decided reversible would be much easier and I agree.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    diane, the pattern is Mc Calls 6303. this one is not reversible but completely lined. I did velcro on the shoulder closures instead of buttons and buttonholes. i think it could be made reversible though. takes 1/2 to 3/4 yard of each color. took less than an hour from cut to done. you turn it at the side seam. i want to make the hat to match if I can find the time. The beach coverup has the binding, so it will be made like the sundtesses
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, we cross-posted the dresses are precious.