OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome Alberto, the tropical depression/ storm heading our way.

    Cindy- Our first marriages parallel yet again. My first husband has been showing signs of early dementia for a couple years. His mother had it in her 50’s and struggled mentally with it into her 70’s. My ex husband is four years older than I, born in 1954. My son is an only child and keeps a close eye on him. His brother only lives les than two hours away and has told Jason that when it progresses severely he will help him. I’m hoping this is a reaction to the meds and the way he has gone off and on them. Thoughts and prayers for you continually.

    Bert- Yes, family time trumps everything, doesn’t it? I enjoy my grandkids immensely.

    The Cottage, the Pool House, Glenn’s Man Cave, whatever we call it, is coming out very nicely and classy. He’s trying to get the outside completed so he can start on the plumbing and electricity. The inspector commission came last week and we passed on the siding of one wall done. His buddies will come next weekend, when it’s dry, and finish the other three sides. We both love it.

    I get my JJ on Monday, have not seen him in three weeks and I miss him.

    I am working from home more now and trying to wean the new receptionist off me. She is going through a divorce now and has reverted in her training. Ugghhhh.

    Have a great weekend and celebrate Memorial Day in honoring those that gave all.

    I highly recommend that any of you that can get to that W W2 Museum in New Orleans, put it on your bucket list. It is out of this universe in the way they tell this courageous story. One line I will leave with you that I chuckled about was the fact that the American soldier were paid four times more than the British and they were in the UK being trained for D Day:

    “the Yanks are overpaid, over-sexed and over there!” Lol


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    My flower bed under my Bay window..
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    My best friends Monica and I in New Orleans, pals for over 30 years and counting.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    And they're off! 3 Generations! I'm not sure who is more excited; Dylan, Dan, or Mike!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, I'll be thinking of those three smiles as I watch.

    Lovely day yesterday - we took a long country drive - back roads through horse country, roamed around Lexington. Picked up Arby's but I chose sorta well. Not used to fast food so it sorta sat there. Live & learn.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all - FINALLY feeling improved today (and some of yesterday, though I still didn't leave the house!) I've been washing windows - ugh. It is very hot and humid, which makes it even more of a chore, but it has to be done. I've finished all of upstairs and all of the screens. It will probably take me until tomorrow to get all the downstairs ones done. I just don't have all my energy back, but I am tired of sitting around doing nothing.

    I actually ate dinner last night - first honest meal I've had in three days. It is showing on the scale! I am ALMOST down to onederland again! Now if I can just keep eating sensibly and not let the snack monster take control...I have good meals planned for the weekend, and not much else in the house in the way of groceries including snacks, so I shouldn't have much temptation in my way.

    Bert, I'm sure the guys will have a blast, just having guy time together. What a great generational tradition.

    Karla you are looking terrific! We did not make it to the WWII museum when we were in NOLA - may be a reason to go back.

    Janet, I'm with you on the fast food. I think our digestive systems can't handle a lot of that - high carbs, fat and grease. I am only tempted by Chick Fil A, and when I do give in I tend to regret it later. I haven't had a fast food burger in years.


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon friends.

    Looks like we may get a reprieve from Alberto, but, now looks like my father is going to get it in Panama City.

    Diane- Thank you for the compliment. I was watching a show last night called World War 2 Heros.. it had actual footage, just like the museum, of the bombing in Hawaii and Hitler’s regime. Fascinating.

    Janet- I don’t care for Arby’s.

    I went to church with Izzy today and Monica’s daughter and family. It was a very nice service and Izzy loves their children program service. I’ve registered her for vacation bible school next month. It’s a great feeling.

    I have a skate birthday party to take Izzy to a 5:30 from a dance school mate. She is quite the social bird.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Me and my sweet Glenn in New Orleans.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member

    Three Generations: Greg, Dan, Mike, and Dylan.

    Good Morning, Ladies. Dan and Dylan have left for home. We had a great visit. The guys survived the race. Dylan didn't talk about it much yesterday, but he did talk about it this morning. I'm so happy the boys were all together. The kids played in the pool Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evening.

    I'm taking it easy today as it's too hot to do anything.

    Diane: Glad you're feeling better. You're more energetic than me. I, too, need to wash windows, but it's simply too hot for me to do much of anything.

    Janet: Do you live near Lexington?

    Karla: Jillian is quite a social bird, too!

    Waving hi to Patti and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and Happy Memorial Day. Blessed are those that gave their lives for our freedom.

    Today I officially return to tracking all my food, not just breakfast and lunch, lol, and tomorrow is when I actually return to the clinic. The podiatrist called a group luncheon meeting last week when I originally planned on returning. I’m anxious to see what plan I will choose from their choices. I need the accountability of going to weigh in someplace more than anything to keep me on program.

    Bert- What a wonderful picture. My grandsons and Glenn’s sons and Glenn all went to a golf tournament and I got a great picture. Great memories.

    Izzy and I are home together again today as the podiatry office is closed. She mixed up her own pancakes this morning and I had my egg white omelet. I lost my Garmin tracker yesterday. Boo! I think I will switch to a fit bit this time as my teacher friend in North Carolina has one and we can link together. We have made a commitment to lose weight together this summer together.

    Have a great on program week in whatever you choose.

    Cindy- prayers continuing for you and Rick.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member

    Good Morning, Ladies. Things are quiet here this morning. Dan and Dylan left yesterday, and Mike is filling in this week for a manager on vacation. I'll spend the morning doing laundry, tidying up the house, and then will head to the gym. It's too hot to do any work outside. Eating was pretty good over the weekend, not the best, but was ok.

    Tonight is the first night of auditions for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. I always help creating the contact information chart for our program director.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all.

    Karla, hope Tropical Storm Alberto hasn't been horrible for you - did it affect construction? Sounds like you have an excellent plan for the summer too. You go girl!

    Bert, great pics. Dylan must've been overwhelmed and will take time to process it all. What a blessing to have the guys all together. Cole will be added to the posse soon.

    Diane, how are you feeling? Hope the worst has passed and you were able to get rested up a bit over the long weekend.

    Cindy, how did you spend the long weekend? Hoping LR was a big part of it.

    Not much new here. Eating here wasn't perfect but was tolerable for a holiday weekend. We took a gorgeous country drive on Sunday while the new greens of spring are still fresh. Last night we watched our beloved Warriors win their way into the NBA Finals. Lots of yelling throughout the game had the cats hiding. My sinuses are giving me fits and it's going to be rainy most of the week. We can use it, just hope (selfishly) that the weather changes will stabilize enough that the headache will clear up - had a bit of a migraine yesterday and feel a bit logey this morning.

    Onward! Big hugs to you all.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. I went to my WW meeting today. I seem to bounce between days of the week, but they are all good. Today's topic was supposed to be getting outdoors for both the mental and physical benefits, but my leader rarely follows the designed topic of the week. Instead she gets people to share successes and challenges, and draws out inspiring points from those. Today one of the women made goal, and we talked a bit about her journey (113 pounds!). Lots of plateaus, really slowed down the last six months. She said what finally got her over the hump was focusing on eating all her weekly points and most of her activity points. She apparently is fairly active, and she wasn't eating enough and therefore her body was slowing down her metabolism when she wasn't eating enough. Interesting concept, and I think it rings true for those of us who have tried to cut calories/points/whatever down too low.

    Oh, and I was down a bit over 2 pounds - making a total of 15 and a bit since February when I started. Not as fast and dramatic as I had hoped, but very positive nonetheless.

    I finally finished the windows this morning - I did the last of the insides yesterday but it was too damp and drizzly to tackle the outsides. We've had so MUCH rain and I'm tired of it. If any of you have seen the scenes of the flooding in Ellicott City, that is about half an hour from us. Those poor people and businesses - two thousand-year flood events only two years apart.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Janet, hope your weather improves enough to clear your sinuses, at least. I love the spring green of the landscape. Too bad (here at least) the weather jumped straight to summer.

    Bert, what a great photo of the guys. Do you ever think about taking a part in the church musicals?

    Karla, how did your meeting at the clinic go? What plan do you think you will go with, or will you continue the low carb that has been so successful for you?

    Cindy, when does Rick see the specialist about his meds? Can this specialist also work with him if the meds aren't the problem?

    Patti, welcome back from what I'm sure was a terrifically fun but totally exhausting weekend!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Over 60 people tried out last night. Tonight is the last night for auditions and call backs are tomorrow night. We finally got some rain last night which we desperately needed. Although I hate to be the people who have had to suffer the storm, I'm elated that it gave us some relief. Today, I'm heading to the gym. I haven't been there in quite a while; I've been walking, but need to use the weight machines. I have lost 9 pounds since January. I've slowed down immensely, but am determined to stay on track.

    Diane: No, I wouldn't take a part in the musicals....I don't have the acting bug and also don't memorize well! I'm involved with ticket sales, designing the program, and helping in the kitchen. I'm not going to play in the pit this year. They haven't had a pit in several years, but I just don't want to be tied down every night as well as the other things I'm doing. Congratulations on your weight loss! Where is the activity points that you can use? I log in activities, do you use those when you are eating?

    Janet: Sinus troubles are awful. I've resorted to Flonase in the morning and Claritin at night. It helps me quite a bit.

    Waving hi to Karla, Patti, and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited May 2018
    Hi all, we got home Monday night and I was just too tired to post. Then yesterday I wrote a long post and it proofed away. Have not really had time to get back until now. We had the best weekend filled with family, friends, music, food, laughter and bonfires, to name just a few things. We had a little snafu though. We were replacing the kitchen fridge at the cabin on Thursday and woke up Friday to find that the extra fridge we keep for drinks died. So we put the old kitchen fridge back in its place. Then later on Friday we discovered that it died too. So we called it the great fridge massacre weekend. It wouldn't have been so bad if Edd hadn't gone to all the trouble to switch the doors to open the other way. working on the loads and loads of sheets, blankets and towels. Spent yesterday with Mom and hit the gym. Then Edd took me to the consignment shop to pick up a cabinet I bought for the kitchen. On the way home from there the power steering went out on the truck, it needs a new steering box. always something! Going to lunch with the girls at a new place then working tonight.

    Cindy, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Can't imagine what you must be going through. Hope you get answers and good treatment for Rick.

    Karla, your new "playhouse" looks like it will fill the bill for all of you. Perfect complement to your house and outdoor living spaces. What fun.
    I know you are having a blast with JJ and Izzy.

    Bert, what great pictures of your boys. Making memories and having fun, can't ask for much more. So proud of you sticking to your exercise and eating. I need to take a page out of your book and get back to it.

    Diane, can't believe the awful flooding in your area. Thanks for sharing what you are getting out of your meetings. Congrats on your sustained loss. You are inspiring me to get back to it.

    Janet, I love horse country. What a great way to enjoy the day. You and James seem to have a nice rhythm to your relationship.

    Sorry for the abbreviated personals but know I am always here in spite it when I can't be here in person.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good afternoon all. The weather here is still lousy - it hasn't actually rained yet, but it has been grey and threatening all day (and hot and humid!)I think this is about day 10 in a row of raininess. I'd really love to see some sunshine.

    I've had a terribly snacky day. I did not sleep well last night, and that always leads to downfall in my eating. I think one thing I realized is that I need energy to prepare and eat healthy foods, or even to eat the healthy leftovers that are waiting in the fridge! It is too easy to fall into the trap of comfort food when I am exhausted.

    Not getting to the gym these days, but at least yesterday and today I have hit my 10K step goal. Yesterday was just lots of errands, and today was another Wetlands Sanctuary field trip. I do love going to that place and sharing it with the kids. I had a great group of second graders today, and I also received some hand written thank you notes from the second grade class I had about two weeks ago! They were really cute.

    Tonight I am going to try making a shrimp scampi recipe from the WW site. I hope it is good. It calls for 1/4 cup of white wine or vermouth, but all I have is sherry. I hope that works. I rarely cook shrimp since John won't eat any seafood, but he is gone and Carrie and I are tired of salmon, which is my usual go-to fish.

    My leader sent out another email newsletter - I forwarded it to Patti and Bert since they had asked for it. One quote: The weight I DON'T gain is as important as the weight I lose! This was in reference to vacations and holiday weekends, and has been a talking point in meetings for the last couple of weeks.

    Tomorrow will be a mom day. I missed last week since I was sick and did not want to transmit it to her.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Patti, welcome back. I hate it when my posts disappear. I've taken to posting several shorter ones just to avoid total loss. And I know it was a typo, but I had to laugh at your last line - "I'm always here in spite..."

    Bert, I loved being a part of productions when I did them, and I really enjoyed directing the children's pageants and summer musicals at church. Then when Carrie was in them, I loved working with the cast (I usually did costumes). If there were an adult theater opportunity here that didn't take tons of skill I'd probably do it again. But our local theater groups are all pretty competitive. What instrument do you play? I'm assuming that is what you meant by not wanting to be part of the pit.

    I've also been lax on getting to the gym, and I need to get back to some strength training.

    Janet, hope your Warriors do well. Our local area is gripped by Stanley Cup fever, since the local team is actually in it for the first time ever. I don't follow it though.

    Karla, if you get a Fitbit friend request me on there too! I still have my FitBit One (which they don't make any more) and I love it. A friend of mine keeps setting up challenges and it does inspire me to try to meet my goal on those days. How did your dad weather the storm?

    Cindy, my thoughts keep turning back to you and Rick. Hoping and praying for some relief and resolution in all this. You are under more stress than anyone has a right to take.

    Have a good evening all.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good early morning ladies. So good to drop in and catch up with your interesting lives.

    I purchased my Fitbit yesterday and have charged it overnight and will be connecting to friends and challenges. I had a great visit with Dr Shields at the clinic and she thoroughly went over all concerns I had with my trokendri and my eating plan. We modified the carbs to a steady level and kept the protein the same. A very interesting topic of discussion was her study of vitamins and how poorly some of them actually are about absorption. An example is the Centrum lines which you would think are so good have a poor rating. So you think you are feeding your body with a body, and you are not. She recommended a brand you can get through Amazon Douglas. It feels so good to be back on tracking, eating and walking this week.

    Diane- what name would I find you under on Fitbit?

    Bert- You are doing great just by being conscientious about your routines.

    Janet- the Douglas line of vitamins has an excellent B complex one that is high in abiotic that is good for hair loss and thinning. My hair thinned out when I lost the 54 pounds in 2012 and it has thinned again with this 40 pounds so I purchased me a bottle of these. Thank goodness I had really thick hair.. but, I thought of you as you always mention your thin hair from your Hashimoto’s. I wonder if some of your hair thinning wasn’t your weight loss also.

    Patti- Each of us has to find what inspires us to lose weight. I think we all want to, it’s actually applying the technique of aceating plan to see results that is tough, especially with your cabin gatherings and luncheons. You are quite the socialite!

    Speaking of luncheons, I have a groups of us ladies from the supper club meeting next Wednesday for lunch and shopping after. So fun!

    I’m off to finish setting up my Fitbit, do 30 minutes on my treadmill before I get my shower. Today is Izzy day. Only two weeks til her recital!


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We finally got rain yesterday. I'm so happy as we needed it. We had the most beautiful rainbow last evening. This is a shot from our front porch. There is a chance of rain this evening. Cole has his last Tee Ball game tonight, so it may get cancelled. My friend, who had the heart attack last summer, is not doing well. She's had frequent "spells" the last several weeks. I visited her on Tuesday and was surprised at witnessing her decline.
    I thought she was doing better, but apparently not. I know she's ready to go, but must accept God's plan.

    I'm watching Cole this morning as Carrie has a meeting today. Then I'll head to the gym and then pick up a few things at the store. We need fruit and a few other things.

    Diane: Hope the Shrimp Scampi was good. Both Mike and I love shrimp.

    Karla: Thanks for sharing your information from your visit with your doctor. I will check into the Douglas line. I haven't taken vitamins in a while. We have them, but I don't remember to take them. My Garmin has been going for a while, but I might look into another brand as well. Dan has the upgraded Garmin and really likes it. I only use it for steps and then track that into WW and MFP.

    Waving hi to Cindy, Janet, and Patti. Have a great day, everyone!
