OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Happy Saturday to all. I thought I had posted during Elise's nap on Thursday, but looking back I don't see it. I must have hit the infernal Done button again. She was not her usual happy self that day. I haven't heard any more, but I hope she wasn't getting sick.

    Patti, peppers, tomatoes and basil are all my essential garden needs! I've been growing peppers in pots on the deck, and have one sunny spot for basil, but haven't even tried tomatoes the last few years. Not enough sun. I'm lucky that I have a good veggie stand right on the corner less than a mile away.

    Janet, prayers for Rose's peaceful passing. She is your mother in law in all but the legal sense of the word, and you have every right to mourn her as such. I am sorry for your loss, and may your happy memories bring you peace. I'm glad Tony called to let you know.

    Bert, happy gardening! I planted a few flowers even though we won't be here much of the summer. I'll get to enjoy them while we are here, and hopefully they will make the place look more lived in. Carrie does NOT do anything about the yard or garden while we are gone.

    Cindy, if you read this, hope your Saturday is going well. I saw on Facebook you are at a big event today - hope you sell lots of books and make lots of good contacts.

    I think this weekend is Karla's trip with friends to New Orleans. If so, hope you are having a fantastic time!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    As for me, I've spent a couple hours each of the last few days pulling weeds. Yesterday we went to my sister's and finished up the rest of the repairs she had identified for us. Tomorrow she invited all of us for Mother's day dinner. I would have invited everyone here, but this way my mom gets to see her place. (And my brother won't come to our house - he says it is too far to drive. It's an hour and ten minutes.)

    So today my brother finally texted the group to say he and my SIL and one nephew will come, and they will pick mom up if I will take her back home. Hello!?! He lives 20 minutes from mom. Even though it is sort of the opposite way from my sister's, he can still make the total trip (his house to mom's to sis) in a little under an hour. I live on the other side of the DC beltway. I'll drive to sis (55 minutes) then to mom's then home (another hour and 50 minutes.) AND I am going back to mom's on Monday to take her to the doctor, since everyone else is working.
    I said I would do it. Because otherwise he would probably get pissed off at me and not come and not bring mom. It just frustrates me.

    Eating yesterday was terrible. By the time we left my sister's yesterday at 12:30, we were starved so stopped at Chick-Fil-A for lunch, and I had a sandwich and fries. Then the snack monster got to me in the afternoon, and I felt like I was eating everything in sight. I didn't track any of it. Today I am back on track (I hope). I have to figure out a time this week to go weigh in. I'll be at mom's on Monday during my usual meeting time, and I am at the Wetlands Sanctuary for field trips both Tuesday and Wednesday. I'll have Elise again on Thursday.

    Back tomorrow.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Oh, forgot to mention. Bert you said you have been searching for recipes. Have you looked at I have found some great recipes there, and she calculates the Smart Points for you. Tonight we are having Crock Pot Chicken Taco Chili, which is zero points! She also does a full week of menus with a shopping list - I haven't tried following it for a whole week but it would certainly take away the chore of planning.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's going to be a hot one today! I'm getting ready to work on the pool and pull a few weeds. We have lots of weeds to pull! Mike worked on the garden yesterday, so we will be ready to plant tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant this week. Tonight will definitely be a grill night as it's too hot to cook anything inside.

    We went over to Greg and Carrie's last night for Mother's Day. Eating was not good! Today is back on track. It's so sad to see Carrie's mom. I think she looks worse. Her dementia is defintely worse. It must be so hard on Carrie.

    I'm trying to figure out how to save things that I've researched on Ancestry. I have found a lot, so I'm wanting to create a notebook for the Greg, Dan, and Lindsey. It will take a while to do it, so I think I'll renew my subscription for another 6 months. Hopefully, that will give me enough time to create a notebook.

    Diane: I hear you! I have such a small family; my brother, cousinn, and my cousin's daughter. All my life, I've "understood" that the road to Indy only goes one way. It's always me making arrangements too. It does get frustrating. My brother only contacts me through Facebook. I learned of his cancer from one of his friends. I don't understand, but accept that that's the way it is. Thanks for the tip on skinny taste. I'll check into that.

    Janet: So sorry to hear about your MIL. I see my ex SIL sometimes when I walk at the mall. She still speaks and is friendly (which is a step up from when Tom and I were married! :open_mouth: ) I've also had memories arise when I've been searching the boys' dad's side of the family on Ancestry. I'm doing it for the boys.

    Waving hi to Patti, Cindy, and Karla. Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good Monday morning, what a wonderful weekend I had. Time with my granddaughter was so much fun. We got the cards designed and they are gorgeous. She is going through drama with her mom and grandmother, they are mad at her for not having a big wedding. She is a bit of a drama queen so I listen and advise. She asked her stepmom, my sweet DIL, to be her matron of honor. So proud of her. Then mom and I had a lovely lunch. She was thrilled with her lobster tail and spinach salad. Then off to my GFs house. Was so happy to find her daughter there and she bought us both dinner.
    Getting ready to go buy the rest of my veggies to plant, then working tonight.

    Bert, your hard work is worth the extra 6 months. Sounds like you have lots to do outside. Feeling guilty that I only have a few plants to stick in the garden. But you all know I am not an earth child, lol. My mom is having the biggest laugh over thinking about me gardening. Now I have to "show" her! So far I have kept my few plant alive in their store pots for over a week, I think that is a good sign.

    Diane, strange how family just assumes that one person will handle it all, never even give it a second thought, like somehow you signed up for this. Hope the day was joyful despite all the driving.

    Waving hi to Cindy, Janet and Karla.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good late morning ladies. I am back from doing my aqua aerobics class at the gym (first time since we've been back!), grocery shopping for mom, and now am having lunch (a Skinnytaste Enchilada made on a one point wrap, for a total of 3 points and very filling!) Next off to see how early I can weigh in at WW, not stay for meeting but head for mom's instead.

    Yesterday was nice, even with the driving. My sister had invited Brad and Rossanne and Elise too - I had told her she could invite them but I doubted they would come because it would be too late for Elise. So I was really surprised when they drove up! Everyone was well behaved, mom got to see sis's new place AND Elise! We got home about 10.

    Off now - no time for personals but maybe this afternoon or late tonight.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Sounds like a good Mother's Day for lots of moms - makes me smile, especially where multiple generations are in the mix.

    The Beach Boys were just terrific last night - the harmonies were sweet and they had a screen with a constant slide show, mostly from when we were kids. Just what was needed!

    Rose passed yesterday. My Tiny left a voicemail during the concert; haven't talked with him yet, but his dad called me and seems to be doing as well as can be expected - he's the strong, silent type. I've texted him but haven't heard back. Need to ask Denver friends to recommend a florist once I know what the arrangements are.

    And my AC died during the night - repair guys will come tomorrow morning. How lovely of that to happen when it's going to 90 in May, huh? Both bedrooms and the living room have ceiling fans, so it's merely annoyingly icky in here -will open windows when the hear of the day passes/ Theo likes to sleep on my legs - not tonight, buddy!

    Must get cracking on stuff here so I can settle down to watch my Warriors tonight.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's going to be another hot day today. I'm heading to the flower beds early again this morning to get them ready for mulch. I'm going to do bagged mulch this year as I don't want the stain from bulk mulch on the driveway. That way I can mulch each bed as I get them weeded. The original homeowner was a landscape artist, so every corner of the house has been landscaped. We've removed several evergreens/ground cover in several areas. I'm not an evergreen person. I like color!

    The gnats are back! I've been attacked that last few days, so now I'm wearing Buggins. I already have two bites on my neck! geez!

    Janet: So sorry to hear of Rose's passing. Also sorry to hear of your AC problems. Hopefully, you'll get it back up and running as it's so hot and sticky!

    Patti: I am a perennial type of gardener as it's more low maintenance. However, I do like instant color, so at least that's done.

    Eating has been ok. The scale is still not moving, but I am! We are going to grill out tonight, so I'll roast a big pan of veggies. I need to up my protein as well.

    Waving hi to Diane, Karla, and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    Bert, gnats are gnarly little critters. Hope the Buggins works for you. Bet your gardens will look amazing. Similar stuff with my small family sometimes - not fun finding stuff out on Facebook but better than not knowing. Glad your brother is doing fairly well (thanks, partly, to your loving help and sisterly nagging).

    Karla, saw the pic of the mini-manse on FB - it's going to be beautiful. Really like your French doors too.

    Patti, your granddaughter is blessed to have you as a stable influence and invitation greater extraordinaire.

    Diane, farmstands are the best. There's a small one right outside the entrance to my subdivision. He even gets eggs from Amish farms and grows tomatoes, asparagus, assorted squashes, onions, etc. He has an honor system for paying - you slip the $ through the slot in his front door - nice to see trusting behavior in 2018. It's a bit more expensive than stores but great quality and a good way to support a neighbor.

    Cindy, saw that MA is going to get sever weather today - hope you are out of the line of the worst of it.

    Eating was good yesterday - yay! My AC is now fixed. James correctly diagnosed the problem, based on his experiences in two states. Because he had isolated the problem and removed the faulty capacitor (not the Flux Capacitor from "Back to the Future," alas), he somehow talked the guy into GIVING us the new capacitor and not even paying the service-call fee. Sometimes he is just magic! It was a very warm night - mid-80s inside - so hot that Theo never even tried to sleep on my legs, thank goodness!

    Talked with Tony's dad yesterday. He filled me in and seems to be OK, considering. Haven't heard back from Tony himself - this is going to devastate him - hope his local friends will be there for him, even though he seems to have pulled back from a lot of people. Not my problem now as I choose to focus on remembering wonderful times with a truly interesting, sweet woman.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Going to be a scorcher with lots of humidity today. The rain and storms have been going around us. I got my garden planted and mulched. Sage, tomatoes, green peppers, jalapeños and banana peppers. I have a pot on the porch with rosemary. Need to take a pic of the. Garden to show Mom today. Work was very slow customer wise but the district manager is coming to inspect us on Thursday so everyone is in a tizzy and there are tons of cleaning and straightening that have to be done for the "show". Corporate has decided we don't need a weekly floor cleaner to sweep and mop, they reduced it to once a month. So now they expect us to sweep the entire store. Did I tell you that we have the largest store in the tristate? Of course, no extra staff is allowed. We have to do that on top of everything else.

    Bert, you are doing well, even without the scale movement you want. Just need to tweak it and it sounds like you know what needs to be done. Would so love a pool but not the work that goes with it, lol.

    Diane, what a lovely Mother's Day for all of the women in your life. Sorry you had to do all the driving. I bet your mom was thrilled to see Alise. Good for you to get back to the gym.

    Janet, sending hugs as you grieve your MIL Rose. So sweet of her husband to think of you. Hope the a/c is a quick and cheap fix. We have a guy coming today to add freon. Luckily one of our son's friends is an HVAC guy so we don't have to wait forever to get him here. Stay cool.

    Off to moms and then the gym.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Darn it, hit the stupid done button again. When will I learn? Got to not be in a hurry!

    Yesterday's weigh in was a slight gain, which I expected because I had been eating off the rails for the previous week! Less than a pound, so that isn't too bad. Yesterday was a blue dot day and I think today will be too, if I just eat the planned dinner and watch the portions, and have no snacks or only zero point foods this evening.

    Yesterday was spent with mom, taking her to the doctor. She ran into something while driving her powered chair down to the dining room. Her skin is just so thin it doesn't take much force to open quite a gash. Patti you will get a kick out of this - her doctor (who I really like) suggested he prescribe wrapping her in bubble wrap once a day! He did say that in two weeks I can send him a picture of the wound, and he will tell us if she needs to be seen or not. He is very concerned about her coming in to the office where there are sick people around.

    We had dinner at the dining room, and during dinner everyone's phones went off with a tornado warning! I wanted to leave and get into the hallway, but nobody else wanted to leave and miss dinner. Luckily no tornado, but there was quite a storm. I delayed coming home for about an hour to let the storm pass through.

    Today was a field trip at the Wetlands Sanctuary - a really great group of second graders. Tomorrow's field trip is cancelled though because of expected thunderstorms during the middle of the day. So I think I will spend it cleaning - I haven't done that since we got back.

    I have meals planned through Thursday that will keep me in the blue dot zone. Hopefully I can control the snacking to keep it there. I really want to have a good week. Tomorrow for dinner I am going to try HONEY BALSAMIC GRILLED CHICKEN AND VEGETABLES from Skinnytaste. It looks good and only 4 SP for the whole meal!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Janet I am sorry for your loss. You are right - focus on remembering the good times. It's good you got to talk to His dad. I'm sure that was comforting for both of you.

    Janet we got our AC fixed yesterday too, but not so cheaply. John said they had to add 3 pounds of Freon, which is not cheap. The technician was just going to add it and leave, but John said "It has to be leaking from somewhere!" so they searched for an hour but couldn't find the leak. Good timing on getting it fixed - hot and humid here today.

    Patti can't believe anyone would think that floor only needs to be mopped once a month! I personally would make sure the store looked good but the floor looked horrible, but then I am evil that way. You should post your garden picture here too. AND the sample wedding invite!

    Bert I'm with you on the perennials, but a few annuals do make a splash. I've been weeding some this week too and need to get a load of mulch. I spread 30 yards last year but there are a few places near edges where it needs to be refreshed. Not going to happen this week because it is supposed to rain every day until the weekend.

    Cindy, if you get time to check in, let us know how the weekend romance writers' show went!

    Waving to Karla - has anyone heard from her? Unusual for her to be MIA for this long.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    I cannot figure out how to post a picture here. Any help appreciated
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Patti, on my iPad just above the reply box is a row of icons. I press the photo one and it lets me add a photo. Sometimes it shows up as a link and sometimes it inserts the photo.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning! Just popping in to say hi. Sure was nice to have the AC back last night. How did it know we were in record-setting territory when the capacitor decided to blow? Grateful that it was only about 30 hours without it. My eating was middling yesterday, hoping for a bit better today.

    Diane, what an adorable picture of Elise - she looks so bright and curious - and those rosy cheeks!

    My cleaner is coming today - it's been four weeks so it'll be nice to get bathrooms, kitchen and hardwoods done well. (It was nice to save the money, though sorry it was because she was sick last time.)

    Not sure what today will bring, but the Warriors play tonight and there was a good game last night too.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is straightening the house and spreading the mulch I bought yesterday. I'm buying it in bags this year as I don't want the stain on our new driveway from having it delivered in bulk. It's more expensive, but oh well. I'm also making reservations to visit my brother in NC.

    I met with my PT yesterday afternoon. I had a good workout and told her I had already worked out that morning working in the yard. We did back and arm exercises.

    Janet: I'm glad your A/C is fixed. It's very hot and muggy.

    Patti: I have to save the photo to my computer if I want to add it from my computer; however, I can add a photo from my phone. I can copy the photo and then paste it into the reply box.

    Diane: I made grilled corn, onion, green peppers, and mushrooms last night. The only points were the olive oil. I also grilled chicken and then made a salad. Dressing was 2 points. So I ate well yesterday and was under my point allowance for the day. If only I could do that every day! I'm going to try the honey balsamic glazed chicken recipe. Thanks for sharing.

    Waving hi to Karla and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Janet: What does your cleaner use to clean the hardwoods? I use the professional strength Bona, but am not sold on Bona. My new cleaner doesn't put out much effort. I have to get used to it and get over the fact my former cleaner "quit". I really think I need to have the floors refinished and resealed; however, at $2,100, it's not in the budget.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Waiting to have a nail repaired that I somehow chipped yesterday. I’ve already been to the gym for my water aerobics class and done the bits of shopping I needed to do. The rest of the day will be more errands and cleaning house. I need to have my glasses adjusted. And I haven’t cleaned since we’ve been home other than sweeping the kitchen floor and vacuuming the upstairs to get up cat fur.

    Yesterday was a blue dot. Need to do it again today! The scale is moving downward albeit slowly. I’m focusing on healthy snacking and getting moving.

    We had terrible thunderstorms again last
    Night and are supposed to have that repeat all week. Good time to get the AC working indeed! It’s cooler today but awfully humid.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning dear friends, great day with Mom and at the gym yesterday" eating not too bad but could have been better. I am going to get my hair cut short today. Lots of spikes layers. Mostly just want an easy care style that will hold up to lots of wind and still look good. Work will be hard tonight because of the inspection scheduled for tomorrow. Not looking forward to it at all

    Diane, thanks for the info. I tried transferring the photos from my phone to my iPad and they would not transfer, no reason given so no work around. I have a first gen iPad so it may not be able to do it. My phone does not have the option to add a photo in the reply box. I did take a photo with my iPad of the card so will try to post after I am done.

    Bert, have you taken your measurements yet? I bet you are losing inches. Can you polish your hardwoods without stripping and reselling? Like with a floor polisher.

    Janet, glad you are cool again and that James charmed the repairman.

    Cindy and Karla, hope you both find time to stop by and fill us in on your doings.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member