OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    I thought I posted last night but guess it was just in my head, lol. Wonderful weekend at the cabin. The enchilada dinner was best ever, according to Edd. We also had corn on the cob that was super fresh and sweet. Yesterday was cleaning day plus another water line repair. Poor Edd. When he fixed the line in January he accidently drove a long staple thru the plastic line. So the hole was so small we didn't notice it leaking until I ran a lot of hot water. Easy fix but messy. Then my fridge started leaking water onto the floor. I already have a replacement, just need to get it down there. I have a drink fridge that we only turn on in the summer, so everything got moved into there. My friend seems to be doing well. He has only had a rare alarm on the vest, no shocks. He is paying attention and not overdoing. Resting when tired and stopping activity if he has an alarm go off. I can tell they are both still nervous but not as intensely as last week. We had a lovely visit sitting on their front porch watching the birds. A beautiful combo of Orioles, cardinals, nut hatches, goldfinch and blue finches. All the colors of the rainbow doing a dance just for us. Then he let the chickens out to free range. Frankie was not sure what to do but was a good girl and just watched them running around. So happy because the rooster is aggressive and would surely leave some marks on her if she bothered his chicks. Today is chore day. Making chicken broth, laundry, sheet changing and general cleaning before work at 5pm.

    Diane, you are a good sister. That's a lot of work but I would do the same for mine. Hard to eat healthy when you can barely lift your arms, easy always wins out, lol. Enjoy your Mom day, hope she had no ill effects from her fall.

    Karla, getting closer to your dream cottage. Bet your place will feel quite spacious when you move out those items.

    Janet, what a marvelous weekend for you. And scoring the jacket was the icing on the cake.

    Bert, are you all done with your students now? So nice to hear your brother continues to thrive. I think your intervention was key.

    Cindy, miss you but hope you had a good YOU weekend.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, good to know your friend is settling down a bit in a scary situation. I chuckled, thinking of Frankie watching the chickens. Sounds like a great weekend.

    Gorgeous day here - there are several errands to run and I'll do some cleaning and laundry. Yep, my life is just that exciting! Just wanted to pop in and say hello. Ate very reasonably yesterday and am picking up healthy groceries and fill-ins on staples and produce this afternoon. Have a great day!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quiet day here, means busy world. Mom loved the enchiladas and will have them for dinner too. So easy to please, like me. It is the simplest of gestures that can change the day for someone you love. I know I won't always have her with me, can't even fathom that, but while I have her I am going to shower her with all the "little things" that make her smile.
    Dinner is here, back later
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good late evening all. Today was a “me” day. I went to my WW meeting - official weigh in is down 0.8 lb in the last six weeks. I’m okay with that especially after this last weekend of pizza twice and Chinese once. I do need to figure out how to switch to online while we are gone next time, or even whether it is worth doing that if I’m not going to track while on the road. Next stop was the bakery =:o. And I bought scones and ate one. But that was my only snack of the day and it counted for lunch. It did mean no blue dot for today.

    Next stop a fresh haircut - same style but my hair was long! I was a bit early so stopped at a nearby park for a quick 15 minute walk, which is better than nothing. Then grocery shopping. After a couple hours of gardening and getting the plants I bought Saturday am planted, I went for a mani/pedi. On the advice of my nail tech I tried the powder coat on my fingers. We’ll see how it lasts.

    Two WW related bits. The Tumaros brand wraps are only 1 point each! I bought two packages today, to try for lunches. Karla, I didn’t check carbs but they are only 60 calories so must be pretty low in carbs. My WW leader swears by them. And the meeting topic today was eating instead of doing something else, to procrastinate or because you are bored. The discussion centered around ways to stop yourself from doing that.

    I must say that I have found a leader that I enjoy. I wasn’t sure about meetings but decided to give them a try, and I’m glad I did. She has both a weekly newsletter she emails out and a Facebook group, and I get a lot of information and recipes from both.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Patti I had a mom day yesterday. I’m sure your mom enjoys and appreciates every day you spend with her. I sent a text to my brother and sister who are local asking if either of them had made plans with mom for Sunday. My sister said no, maybe a phone call. She is the one who just moved, but I don’t think that gives her a total pass! And no response yet from my brother. I just don’t get it.

    Janet, I know you are trying so hard to get back to a healthier eating habit. Sounds like you are starting to assert yourself more on joint dinners, and that can only be good for both of you. And with spring comes much more flavorful produce. Carrie picked us up some local strawberries at the veggie stand today - yum!

    Waving to Bert, Karla and Cindy.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Dinner and date night tonight.......tacos and CBS! Lol. Seems we are always passing each other during the week, so Tuesday's are set aside for just us, no electronic devices allowed from 8-11pm. Tomorrow will be an early lunch with my GF and then shopping for paper for the granddaughters wedding invites. Quick grocery stop if there is time before work. TRX tonight was weights again, I can't tell you how powerful and strong I feel.

    Diane, you did a fantastic "me" day. You definitely earned it. I have stopped trying to figure out my siblings. One doesn't speak to Mom at all, the middle sister runs hot and cold for no apparent reason and the youngest (the one living here) is available but not reliable, kind of operates on a whole different time table than the rest of the world, but she has a good heart? Thinking about your DIL as she gets ready for her first Mother's Day, such a special moment in time.

    Janet, what a gorgeous day for being out and about. Sounds like you are taking back some control with your eating. I am struggling something awful but keep promising myself today will be better and one of these days I will be right, lol.

    Hi to Bert, Cindy and Karla
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I've been MIA for a few days as I've been so busy with evaluations and grades. One of my students (who is a wonderful student and I would hire in a minute) "freaked out" when he saw one of his assignment grades. He wanted to redo the assignment; however, time was running out. He took the time to revise it. I'm done for the summer now! Now I can concentrate on me!

    We took the pool cover off the other day. I'm waiting until we are both home (it will be tomorrow) to actually turn on the pump and make sure the hoses won't pose a problem. Then I'll try to vaccuum and then treat the pool.

    Mike has been very involved with the Red Cross this week. An officer was fatally shot in the line of duty. Visitation was yesterday and there were huge crowds. He helped set up tents and provided visitors with water and fruit. Today, he's working his 1 day a week shift. I'm all for that as it gives him spending money.

    Patti: You're lucky you had a fridge replacement. I'm struggling too in the food choice department. But, I'm determined to stay on track.

    Diane: Where do you find the Tumaros brand? I'm doing ok with the tracking, but need to do better with water intake. That's always a problem for me. I just get busy and forget to drink. Congratulations on your loss. I'm up and down which is frustrating for me. However, I'm determined to stick with it. I get frustrated with my brother as well. Now that he's feeling better, he never contacts me. I have to learn about what he's doing on Facebook. My cousin's daughter is the same way. The road only goes one direction where they are concerned.

    Waving hi to Karla and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Ladies-
    Quick stop for me but have read all.
    Welcome home Diane- you're family is lucky to have you all the way around the generations.
    Patti- so glad the cottage is back up ad running
    Bert- enjoy the next few months of freedom and good luck with the pool
    Janet- I had to check about your attire for the Derby- so cute.
    Karla- waving HI.
    I'm getting ready for the book fair in PA this weekend and trying to get the garden in and keeping all balls in the air. All while editing 2 books and plotting the 3rd in my tired brain.
    I've been having weird dreams so I know I have a lot going on-
    Still no real word at work, about the future - but I have a job for one year per the letter we're supposed to be getting. If that's not a harbinger for the future I'm not sure what is. Sigh
    Need to run, but I'm still eating off salad plates, not good with exercise but I will get there. I'm determined.
    See you again soon
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Cindy, you are just on the go! No wonder your brain is tired. Do you have to write the third book before you can finish the first two, in case something needs to be foreshadowed?

    Bert, how did the pool opening go? Seems early, but I know it takes a while to heat up. We have been having gorgeous weather here. I got the Tumaros wraps at Giant Foos, which is a regional chain. They were in the full service deli area, so I would look at one of the grocery stores that has a deli, and ask.

    Patti, I love the no electronics date! A friend of mine has adult "play day" with her hubby one day a week. They will do things like go visit one of those off-the-wall attractions, or to a you-pick orchard, or anything really - they rarely spend much money other than for lunch. I want to do that once we stop traveling.

    Jaet, how did the healthy stuff shopping go? I filled the fridge with healthy stuff, and have been eating it.

    Waving to Karla - is this the week she is off on another trip?

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Today was a "home and garden" day rather than a me day. I spent hours this morning weeding and raking, and this afternoon did laundry and a few errands and some straightening in the house. I need to sweep the floor, but I am bone tired tonight. Maybe in the morning. I'm having an Elise day tomorrow. She was moved from the infant 1 to the infant 2 room at daycare this week - I haven't heard how it is going. Maybe if there are crawlers in there she will start - she is so close!

    One thing I did today was get up in the attic and dig out a few more toys for her, and scrubbed them up good. I also bought a cute little summer romper at Target. If it is warm tomorrow I will put it on her.

    Eating has been pretty good today - if I stop now it will end up being a blue dot day! First in a long time. I did spend more than half my points on snacks though - today I just had a half of one of those scones, but even half was 8 points! There is only one half left.

    I did have a really filling low point snack this afternoon. Carrie was teaching a voice lesson at 6, so I knew dinner would be late. I had about 1/2 cup of fat free refried beans (0 pts) mixed with a tablespoon of salsa (also 0) heated for 20 seconds in the microwave. Then I had the Good Thins Corn crackers to dip into it - 17 crackers for 1 pt. Really filling, and so easy. I have the rest of the can of beans in the fridge, so I can do that in the afternoons this week.

    Dinner was skinnytaste Soy Maple Glazed Salmon, for 3 pts, and SOOO good! plus local asparagus and a skewer of sweet cherry tomatoes alternated with chunks of string cheese stick, and drizzled with a 1/2 Tbsp of pesto. That was a recipe idea in the WW weekly handout this week, but I used regular cheese stick instead of the low fat one, because I really don't care for low fat or fat free cheese. Even with the regular it was only 4 points, so a total of 7 points for dinner. I think next time I wouldn't bother with skewering them, though it did look very pretty on the plate.

    Back tomorrow!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    A very positive day. Lunch with gf was delish, on plan, great service and nearly free. The last time we ate at this restaurant the service was so bad that they gave us each a coupons for a free meal and comped out meal. The total bill was $3! Our server was truly a joy and went the extra mile (she did not know about the bad service coupons, lol) so we each tipped nearly the cost of our meals. I hope it made her day. Then total score at the paper craft store. My granddaughters colors for her wedding are midnight purple and charcoal grey. Not only did they have compatible colored paper, the purple was on sale. Then work was fun. Not too busy, time went quickly because I was working with two of my favorite people there. Tomorrow I will be staying home until gym time. Really want to spend it cleaning my craft room. It always becomes the stashing spot for more than craft things when I am not actively using it. I don't really mind because I always discover treasures I had forgotten I had.

    Cindy, you make my head spin. I don't know how you keep up with it all. Hope your writing is still your refuge and restorative to your soul.

    Diane, hope you have some relaxation scheduled soon. You have been non stop since you got home. Thanks for the great snack ideas. I have not seen the corn crackers or that brand of tortillas but will be on the lookout for them.

    This has taken over an hour to write so will say goodnight
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, ladies! I'm heading out to pick up Jillian today as she's not feeling well. I'll bring her here and then take her back to Greg and Carrie's house later on this afternoon. I think a day of rest will help her. I'll need to cancel my work out with my pt today, but duty calls.

    Diane: Today we are vacuuming the pool and try to get it cleaner before I put in the chemicals. We want to make sure the hoses are on tight so we don't lose water. (that happens at least once per season! :wink: ) Today will be home and garden too.

    Patti: The wedding colors sound beautiful.

    Have a great day, everyone! Off to pick up Jillian.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Sounds like everyone's having a good week. Me too, though eating is spotty.

    We had no dinner last night - homemade guacamole, salsa & chips early, then James went to sleep and I made myself a piece of sourdough toast with a bit of melted cheese later.

    Diane, he is NOT into salads but I try to work veggies in as often as possible and to snack relatively healthily and watch portions. Am doing better at encouraging higher-protein items. He is thin and active and has a metabolism. Unfair!

    Bert, hope Jillian feels much better soon - grandma time heals.

    Patti, would love to see what you've come up with for the wedding - intriguing, rich colors too.

    Cindy, salad plates are always a good idea. Hope the book fair is great fun - and that you sell a lot of books/

    Karla, what's up in Alabama?

    My great nephew, Caleb, turns three today. He was a Mother's Day baby, and my Julie is just a natural mom. Wish I were in Oregon today.

    Much to do the next few days - manicure today, dear friends in town all weekend, plus a symphony concert and lunch-&-learn after with the concertmaster. I will be on the run a lot but checking in when I can.

    Hugs to all.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    not much accomplished today. Since I got rid of my WiFi and satellite I have to redo lots of connectivity stuff. Spent most of the day searching, trying stuff, asking questions and nearly losing my mind and throwing my phone out of the window. In the end I think I have learned a lot and can do everything I could before. Still have more to learn with this whole FireStick thing. Kind of trial by fire since I don't have any backup, lol.

    Janet, Caleb is just too cute for words. You are a good influence on James, in many ways.

    Bert, how nice to have grandma close when needed. I know Jillian got better just seeing you. Nice to have all the school work done and you can now enjoy your summer.

    No gym tonight as trainers son is ill. Will do my 2 classes in the am. Then get my groceries for lunch with granddaughter and Mother's day lunch. Did get my room at least opened up enough for both of us to work in here. Now to do some searching for more invite ideas to share with her.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Gingerale was the miracle "medicine" for Jillian. Greg and Carrie were right in the respect that she only needed to use the restroom; however, Cole had been sick last week, so they needed to take precautions. She was fine all day, but we had a good time together. Today, I'm heading to the store. I also want to purchase bedding plants. I toyed with the idea of just using pots this year, but have decided to plant a few annuals in front of the house for color. I have mums and day lilies as I'm really a perennial gardener, but I need color.

    Patti: I'd like to find ways to make tv and phone cheaper by getting some type of streaming device; however, I'm apprehensive to try.

    Janet: Caleb is adorable!

    Diane: I need to research recipes. That's one of my goals. I'm at a stand still yet once again. So, perhaps new food ideas will help kickstart.

    Waving hi to Karla and Cindy.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, if you have a good internet signal with your phone provider and a good cellphone you can use a streaming device. We use rabbit ears for local channels and stream everything else. We realized we watched very little on the satellite and that paying $120 for basic cable was insane. The Firestick gives us tons of options. We did discover that if we try to stream on 2 tvs and have one or both of us on the Internet at the same time it really slows down the streaming (they call it buffering when the content loads) so we each use our phone as a hotspot for our separate tvs. The streaming device works like an iPad or phone. There is plenty of stuff preloaded on the stick and you can download tons of apps. We downloaded the networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS) plus others like History, Lifetime, HGTV etc. It is a learning curve but since we don't watch a lot of tv it is the perfect solution. We pay $80 a month for our two phones with unlimited data. So we got rid of the WiFi from AT&T that was $55 a month. Our cellphone bill went from $140 to $80. That is over $200 a month back in the budget. We said we would give it a trial for the summer and fall, our lowest tv watching time, and if it doesn't work well we will re evaluate. Hope that helps.

    Slept in and missed the gym. Must have needed the rest. Now getting ready to it hit the to do list.

    Have a wonderful Friday
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm planting flower this morning. I bought snapdragons this year for the front of the house and then marigolds in a bed by the pool. Jillian has a soccer game this afternoon. It will be hot today!

    I'm trying to figure out how to safe the information I have on my Ancestry familty tree. I'm in the process of saving some documents to my computer, so I think I'll subscribe to a membership until I get things organized. I have quite a bit of information and I want to organize it for Greg, Dan, and Lindsey. It will take quite a while to transfer what I have found but worth it in the end.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    P.S. eating has been ok, but not great. I'm focusing better now and hope to get over the slump I'm in.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited May 2018
    Hello on a sunny Saturday. Will be off & running soon. Had a mediocre food day but otherwise excellent day yesterday. Got to see dear friends and watch a 14-year-old in a national archery competition with her school team. Fascinating to watch, and the quietest sporting event ever. Then I went to the last symphony concert of the season, which feature two insanely difficult, complex works and went to a lunch-&-learn afterward with the concertmaster, a young and very cool guy. James and I watched an old movie ("The Front Page," with Lemmon, Matthau at his crusty best, and Carol Burnett. Great supporting cast too.) He grilled burgers (bunless for me) and I succumbed to a cookie for dessert (brought them home from the luncheon).

    Please say a prayer for Rose, my "mother-in-law," who will likely be passing from this earth this weekend. Tony, my ex (we were together for 18 years, so she really is a mom-in-law in my heart - and she made sure that I stayed in her life after Tony and I broke up). She is a very special lady - raised with ten siblings by a single mom after the dad ran off. Worked her butt off all her life and was an expert wallpaper hanger in great demand. She raised two boys and had to bury her older son. She had pancreatic cancer and had an unusually long period of living with the disease and treatments. Tony called this morning to ask for my prayers. Rose has always been nothing but kind and loving to me = and she could swear a blue streak when miffed, and she made a mean Thanksgiving dinner. Just a great lady who's had an interesting life. So if you can take a moment to pray for a peaceful passage and for the family to find peace as well, that would be a gift.

    Much love to all - must get on with my day now.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited May 2018
    Good morning ladies.

    Janet, I know how much you adored her. Heaven will be a little brighter soon. It is always difficult to say good bye but you honor her well with the retelling of her story. prayers for her comfort and for you and the family as well. She was a bright spot in your life and now holds an eternal spot in your heart.

    Bert, your family will appreciate all the hard work you have put into your research. Smart to be protecting it. Enjoy Jillians game and stay cool.

    Edd built my garden. Basically just a 4x8 raised bed. It is ready for me to pop some plants in it. I have 6 pepper plants so far. I think I will buy a couple of tomato plants and maybe 2-4 more peppers. That should be enough for me and the garden. Just need to get mulch now.
    I am feeling so sad for my BFF. Her family had made plans to take her to her favorite place for Mother's Day. Then at the last minute they completely changed plans, without consulting with her, because one of the granddaughters had made other plans with her boyfriends Mom that conflicted with the plan. So they changed it to an early breakfast at the busiest spot in town. On a regular Sunday the wait is a minimum of 45 minutes, all of that standing. Her sweet husband is 83 and cannot stand that long and neither of them tolerate crowded and noisy conditions. So rude and inconsiderate of her kids and grandkids. So she told them she could not make it. She is feeling very marginalized and hurt. We stood in her driveway yesterday as she cried about missing her mom (gone 3 years) and her daughter (gone 4 years). She is the most giving, caring and loving person, just can't figure out why they are doing this to her. I am going to go over to her house after lunch with Mom. We will laugh, make cards, watch movies and most likely eat. She just doesn't need to be alone all day. If the weather was nicer I might have been able to talk Mom into going for a bit too.
    My granddaughter will be here soon. We are having chicken salad in lettuce wraps and strawberries over angel food cake with whipped cream. Tomorrow will be lobster tails, spinach salad and hash browns. May have strawberries and cake too

    Waving hi and big hugs to Cindy, Diane and Karla. Hope all is well in your worlds