OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, they're beautiful. Of course.

    Bert, we use Bona as well. Every quarter she uses the deep clean and occasionally she just gives it a good mopping to clear buildup. Cleaner and her husband are in bankruptcy and trying to save their house so she'll come tomorrow afternoon instead. Fingers crossed they and their attorney can work it out to keep the home they've raised their kids in.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Having a lazy day here after all - no cleaning happening. Between feeling a little under the weather with a sore throat, and the ACTUAL weather which is rainy and dreary, I'm just having a quiet day. I need to get the chicken marinading for dinner tonight - sorry I chose a meal that has to be grilled in this weather, but don't feel like figuring out something else. I also did get my glasses adjusted, so that is one errand done.

    Patti those invites are gorgeous! Really special - and I'm sure your granddaughter loves them even more since you are making them.

    Janet my nephew and his wife are about to declare bankruptcy too - and a friend of Carrie's is about to lose her home to foreclosure. Seems there are a lot of people in financial distress these days.

    Bert is your weather staying dry enough to get your gardening done? We are supposed to have rain the entire rest of the week!

    Waving to Cindy and Karla.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Oh, Patti, I get the picture icon above the Reply box on my (Apple) computer too. Haven't checked my phone. This picture of Elise is from a month ago - posting it to see if it shows up as an embedded photo or just the link. qaxjpi3mksln.jpg
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Wow have you all been chatty, I had to catch up on 35 posts- If I miss something important please forgive me...
    The weekend was a huge success and I'll be back in the same spot in August. My little Jasper was so thrilled to see me when I got home it was too cute. Fur baby love. Coming down to the June 1 deadline to get Old and New back to the editor- so not tons of space time as it is all consuming.
    Janet- so sorry about Rose big hugs.... glad the AC is back in working order and tell James to give more veggies a try. LOL
    Diane- Elise is so beautiful. How was the trip? When do you go again? And as far as the family thing goes- I hear ya... we all have similar stories.
    Patti- you're one techy girl- I'm impressed. Cable or satellite is nuts the way costs keep going up. Glad you enjoyed your mothers day weekend.
    Bert- you're such a kind grandmother, gingerale is the best when served by your Gram. :)
    How's the pool coming along?
    Karla- waving hello...

    At the moment Rick is doing pretty good. He is being more supportive and such and less dependant. All wrapped up in his issues some of which it seems he's trying to control, others are out of his control, just the way the brain is miss firing.
    I'm actually toying with the idea of trading the camper for a small class C motor home. I'd be able to see Megan more and we did have more fun when we traveled a bit. It would also help tremendously with book events. Always trying to plan ahead but the crystal ball is fuzzy.
    Work is still very very odd. We have our official offer letters for a year, so I'm good for a while during the transition. Still trying to decide do I continue to stay put and put effort into writing and coast with what I know well or venture into the work and divide my creative energy.
    Feel free to chime in...
    Need to get my butt exercising and I totally forgot about skinny taste so thanks Diane for the reminder.
    Need to run, I'll try to be better about checking in. I do miss you all...
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today will be another hot one! I'm working on the pool again today and Mike is going to work around the outside of the pool to get ready for pea gravel to be delivered. Tonight is my church group dinner at Red Lobster. I'll log on to WW to see what my options are. I did well eating yesterday.

    Patti: Good luck with the inspection. No, I haven't taken measurements; however, my pants are fitting better. :) The Bona sales representative recommended not applying floor polish as it builds up and then the cleaner can't penetrate to get the wood clean. So, why do they sell it? :p I'll figure something out. Your invitations are gorgeous!

    Diane: You're making great progress. I'm focusing on water intake (one of my weaknesses as I get busy and forget to drink!)

    Need to run. Have a great day everyone! Waving hi to Janet, Karla, and Cindy.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick good morning, the inspectors came yesterday during the day, so pressure was off us last night. They had over staffed the closing shift last night to prepare and decided to keep all of us. It made for a nice night. Still busy as we had a great sale on calicoes that had them coming in in droves. Dentist then grocery, then need to get stuff ready for Saturday's stamp class and then the gym to round out my day. Also need to get the pop up camper out and put bedding and a few other items in it. My DIL's sister is having a cookout and camp out in their backyard on Saturday. Memorial weekend really snuck up on me this year. I haven't even thought about a menu. There could be anywhere from 10-20 showing up. I think I want to do a big rib dinner to kick off the season.

    Cindy, I don't know how you survive with all the stress and uncertainty. I love the idea of getting a class C. We enjoyed ours so much and would love to have another one some day. The 5th wheel is has been nice but limiting in some ways. Can't wait to see and hear what your next brainchild holds.

    Diane, love the pic of Elise, especially the angle it was taken.

    Bert, I was thinking of a floor buffer, not a wax, to give it some luster. I think you can rent them.

    Hi to the rest, have to run but will check back later.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all - Elise is napping, but I don't know for how long. She has been fussy today - cries anytime I leave her for an instant (like even to get something for her.) That is not her usual - my DIL texted to ask how she was doing because apparently she was fussy this morning too.

    Eating was NOT a blue dot yesterday. John had lunch at the same time as I did, and got out the potato chips! I did stop after two handfuls, but the damage was done. Trying for better today. We are taking Elise home this afternoon and are bringing dinner over to Brad and Rossanne's house. I am making the Skinnytaste Cajun Chicken pasta on the lighter side. We have made it before and really like it. I cut the pasta down - I use Penne instead of linguini, and only use 5-6 oz instead of 8, and it is plenty. I don't have any salad stuff to take along but may send John out later to get some, or leave him here with Elise. The rain here continues so I don't want to have to take her to the store.

    We have gotten so much rain, and it is supposed to continue. I forget how much I emptied out of the rain gauge Tuesday am, but about an inch. Then 1.75 yesterday, and almost 2.5 today, so over 5 inches this week so far, and tonight through all day tomorrow we are supposed to have heavy rain. There is flooding everywhere.

    Patti, at least the inspection is OVER and you don't have to worry about it any more! Backyard campout should be a lot of fun.

    Cindy, thanks for stopping by. Glad to hear Rick is at least working on some things. The thing I love about our RV is the ability to go new places! We leave again mid June, heading for the Rockies. We kind of circled them last year but didn't spend much time there. So we have a week in Rocky Mountain planned, and another week in Glacier, and some spots in between.

    Janet and Bert, I have wood floors with a Glitza finish that is 20 years old. I just mop it with sudsy ammonia and water. I tried the Glitza cleaner for a while, but then the rep told me it really wasn't anything special, and windex (which is just ammonia!) was just as good. We do have a bit of wear under where the chairs go, and should probably get it redone. But as Bert says, that expense is just not in the cards right now!

    Back later, maybe.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all. Had my oncologist visit and got the all-clear for another year. Hadn't worried, but it's always a relief anyway. Working on cleaning out my freezers, pitching some too-old stuff (mostly homemade soups that have been in there too long, as well as some freezer-burned chicken. Wasteful me. Shame - but good lesson.h

    Cindy, good to know Rick is trying to help himself right now. Good news for you both.

    Patti, glad the inspection went smoothly. You sure have a lot on your plate. It is so hard to believe we're almost at Memorial Day.

    Bert, please do stay hydrated with all your outdoor work. Even when it's not beastly, your body needs extra water.

    Diane, hope Elise is just having a fussy day - babies can't tell us what's up.

    Karla, hope you are having fun - the odds are always in your favor!

    OK, back to housework. Hugs to all!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, ladies. This morning I'll be spreading mulch and then this afternoon I'm having a late lunch with my BFFs and will see the new movie with Jane Fonda, Candace Bergman, and Diane Keaton. It will be fun!

    Patti: The floor buffer sounds like a great idea! I think I'll check into that. A prime rib dinner sounds fabulous.

    Diane: We need rain here. It seems like it's all around us and not hitting our area. Some of the floor area looks fine, still, but other areas need attention. I do think that the floor cleaners sold are nothing special. I'll keep investigating.

    Janet: I cleaned out the freezers about a month ago.....I need to do it again as I know I have things that should be pitched. I feel the same as you about throwing away food.

    Waving hi to Karla and Cindy. Off to spread mulch. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, the rain finally hit us yesterday and it was a toad strangler. Overcast and cooler today. I am going to do my 2 gym classes this morning, then work from 1-5. I have to make a side dish for tomorrow's cook and camp. Then want to finish the invitations and get cards ready for class tomorrow morning. My new pixie cut is just what I wanted. So easy to care for. Just blow dry, add a little paste to give it that piecey look and I am done in about 5 minutes or less.

    Janet, good news on the Dr visit. I need to clean out my freezer too. I am going to wait until after Memorial Day since a lot of stuff will go to the cabin. Really need to defrost it while I'm at it. My kitchen freezer is in good shape.

    Diane, poor Elise, so hard to soothe them when you don't know what is wrong. You will be on the road again before you know it. I love the Rockies! When I lived in Denver I never lost my awe of their grandeur. First thing I did every morning was look out the window to see if they were visible. About 25% of the time cloud cover and/or pollution blocked them from view. Hoping to get back out there to visit our friends in Boulder and Estes Park.

    Time to get my sweat on.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. I have Elise again today because she vomited four times from yesterday afternoon through the night. With her history Rossanne was very concerned so I took her to the doctor this morning. Most likely just a GI virus. She threw up just a little bit during her nap and again just a little after I got her up, and didn’t finish either bottle so far today. So watching her closely. She also had s congested, and I coming down with a cold also. We may watch TV today if she will just sit quietly.

    Eating okay bit not great yesterday. We’ll see how today goes. Not going to get any house cleaning done today.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We are off to Chicago today to watch Penny's performance in You're a Good Man Charlie Brown. She's Lucy.

    Diane: Sorry to hear about Elise. Hope she feels better soon.

    I'll check in over the weekend. Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning from the land where winter has given way to instant summer. Sunny and beautiful, as long as you're indoors!

    Shoot - just whacked my coffee mug and spent 20 minutes cleaning up the spill. And it's not even Monday. Had a relaxing day yesterday, stayed in and watched the royal wedding (twice, plus highlights) and other things. Today I'm going to clean the kitchen counters (cleaner will come Tuesday, in theory).

    Karla, your NO pics look like you and Glenn are having a fabulous time with your friends. Ah, the music, the food, the ambience of the city, and then the air conditioning!

    Diane, how is Elise doing? Hope it's only a transient bug - you just feel for the little ones when they're subpar.

    Bert, bet Charlie Brown was adorable. Lucy is a terrific part. Such a sweet show - the score is going through my head now and making me smile.

    Patti, your hair always looks adorable - hope you have had a relaxing weekend and been able to stay cool.

    Cindy, good to know you have another year of stability at work (well, sorta) to contemplate your future. Companies mess with people's lives so blithely but expect everyone to focus on their work without acknowledging the internal turmoil. Glad you have LR to keep you sane.

    Eating here has been medium - need to get my PAUSE button working again. Send good thoughts, please.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, just returned from our camp out. It was so nice to relax and just enjoy the evening. It was storming all day so the hosts champ get from grilling to pizza. Small crowd with all age ranges from 2-69 represented with various dogs to round things out. Lots of laughing and games, bubbles(my personal fave) and music. Even the homeowners put up their tent in the yard to make it a true camp out. Slept poorly for some reason so today will be a little laundry and working on the wedding invites. Tomorrow will be a Costco run and grocery then work.

    Janet, glad your a/c got fixed so you don't have to deal with the heat. I saw highlights of the wedding but not the whole thing, that was plenty for me. Felt so mpbad for her mom, all alone!

    Diane, did you say Elise has reflux? That will give the same symptoms as a cold or allergies, with runny nose and congestion on top of the vomiting. Hope she is better by now.

    Bert, what fun to watch the littles in whatever they are participating. You and they are so lucky.

    Karla, your trip looks like a blast. Sorry your friends car got impounded. Bet there is a story for that one.

    Cindy, you are an amazing woman, never doubt that. I think a small motorhome may be just what you need. Some very pretty campgrounds near Meg, just saying, lol!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Eating has been okay but not stellar. The snack monster has been winning, so I at least got some snacks that are not too bad. The rain here is driving me bonkers! 8 inches of rain over the last six days. Today was sunny until just now when it started raining again. So not a lot of outdoor activity either.

    Elise is still sick - in fact, I got a call an hour or so ago that if she doesn't make a wet diaper in the next two hours they are headed for the ER again. I'm guessing I will have her tomorrow again if they aren't at the hospital. Brad was apparently throwing up all last night too - luckily Rossanne hasn't gotten it yet. John said he felt kind of iffy on Friday but that has passed. Poor baby. She just seems like she has been sick so much! With dad getting sick I think that confirms it is a GI virus.

    Bert, hope you have a fun time with the kids! I'm sure Penny will do great.

    Patti, any evening spent outdoors is better than one spent inside, unless it is raining lol.

    Janet I looked up pictures on line but didn't watch any wedding coverage. I may go back and find some highlights reels. Apparently the preacher who gave the homily was terrific!

    Back tomorrow, unless I have a very clingy baby!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. I have Elise down for a nap. She seems to be feeling better today - finally had some wet diapers yesterday late and overnight. Poor baby. But now BOTH Brad and Rossanne have it. I'm just hoping I don't get it. I may skip going to see mom this week just to make sure I don't spread it.

    Eating not good last night. I'm doing well with my meals and portion control but not with snacking. My weight was down for the last three days but up today. That's how it works, right? Bad decisions show up on the scale a couple of days later. Of course, today is supposed to be my meeting and WI day. With Elise here, I'm going to wait until tomorrow to go WI and attend the meeting. The leader I like has a meeting tomorrow too. She sends out a weekly email, in addition to her facebook group she administers. It does definitely help to have other people's thoughts and recipes and food ideas as inspiration. If anyone would like me to forward her emails I could.

    I have a doctor appointment today to have her look at my knee and probably refer me to an orthopedist. My knee pain has gotten so bad I'm worried about hiking this summer. I'm hoping for a cortisone shot which hopefully will carry me for a while. A friend just got a total knee replacement, and I'm afraid that is in my future.

    Back later. Hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready for a good, thoughtful day.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Penny's play was cute. She remembered all her lines and knew most of the song lyrics. Tonight is supposed to be Dylan's baseball game, but it is to rain all day and the baseball fields are already flooded. I wish we could get some rain at home. Dylan's choral concert is tomorrow night, so at least that won't get cancelled. Then I'm heading home on Wednesday. Dan and Dylan are coming on Friday. Dylan's will be going to the Indy 500 for the first time. It's a tradition with Mike and the boys. I'm so happy they share that experience.

    Diane: I would be interested in some of your leader's input.

    I'm off go get ready to head to an indoor mall so I can walk. most of their malls here are outside, so I'm glad there's an option for me today.

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, this is going to be a whirlwind week as I get ready for the first party at the cabin. Looks like there will be around 20 in my crew. My son's gang will add 6-8 if they decide to join us for meals, so gotta be prepared. Grocery lists made for Costco, Kroger, Meijers, Fresh Thyme, Dollar Tree and GFS. That should cover it and keep me busy, lol. I think we are going to head down on Thursday. Need to get my new fridge in and the old one out plus some cleaning and reorganizing. Getting out all the summer toys and furniture takes a few minutes.

    Diane, you are wise to not see your mom. I worry all the time that I will carry something to mine. Praying you and John don't come down with the bug. So happy Elise is on the mend and didn't have to get exposed to more germs at urgent care or ER. I would be happy to have you share your leaders emails. Will accept any and all help. One of the ladies at the camp out has lost 35 pounds on WW since Jan or Feb. she looks fabulous. I want that!

    Bert, what a fun trip you are having with the kids. Hope the rain heads your way, we have had a fair amount and my garden is starting to grow.

    Time to get this show on the road since I have to work tonight.
    Hi to Janet, Cindy and Karla
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    37 hours over 3 days and book one is edited and off to the editor- I've moved on to Borrowed which is the second book- I have to say this new editor is tough but I am certain this trilogy will be much better for it. I'm digging deep.
    Everyone sounds like they're doing great- I'm really frustrated I have zero focus- how did I lose the 40 pounds before and why can I do this. I've been really thinking about it and I do believe it was the exercise that made the difference for me- This week is busy every night after work but I will start walking next week. I mean it!!! :)
    Anyway- Rick thinks I'm crazy to buy a class C with life unstable at work- but I could get another well paying job and my books will take off- I'm shooting for a NYT best seller from this trilogy- yes I just put it out there...
    I need to develop an ad campaign and make it happen but of course the first action item is to finish them, do cover art and go for it.
    Can you tell I'm determined?
    Wish I had time for personal but really wanted to put those two points out there for good karma to come my way :smiley:
    I'll be back soon
    Big waves to all :wink:
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, I love your attitude, it is what will get you what you want. On the exercise front, maybe just commit to 15 minutes 3-4 times a week. Then more whenever you have time. No reason you can't be a NYT best seller. Can't wait for book 1.

    I got so much done before work. I think I just need to get the fresh produce and a few things from the the restaurant supply store. Tomorrow I will spend some relaxing time with Mom.

    Good night my peeps