OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    A quick good morning to all.
    A good day of eating yesterday and my arms aren't sore today so it was the right amount of lifting to keep me motivated. Tonight after work I plan to walk as it might not be snowing and may just have sun. I'm so tired of this extended weather pattern.
    Tomorrow I'm volunteering for Special Olympics- such a joy to see these young people give it there all and are happy to just be involved. Makes my heart triple in size to be some small part of this event and it does humble me. I have nothing to complain about.

    Karla- you're pics were lovely.
    Patti- how do you do your ribs? I have some but still trying to figure it out for the best taste and tender combo.
    Janet- Is your weather just perfect now?
    Bert- so glad to see the pics on IG- you have the best smile.
    Diane- how's the road treating you?
    OK- off again.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's another gorgeous day today. Yesterday I walked with my BFF and go 17K steps in! I'm sad that she will eventually (in about a year) move to Indy to live with her daughter. She has had a very rough two years. She's been married for over 60 years, and is now legally separated! He's such a jerf! I totally understand that she doesn't like living alone; however, I will definitely miss doing things together on the spur of the moment. I'll just have to plan to see her.

    I've been working on student evaluations this morning. I'm glad I have worked on them throughout the semester, so it isn't so much work at the end (unlike 3 of my students who are huge procrastinators). They are online students and have families of their own, so I get it; however, they are the ones who want the degree.

    I'm heading to church to drop off some rummage for the sale. Then I'm coming home to work in the yard. I need a break from walking and it's too pretty to be in the gym. I even have a hummingbird already!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. Second to last day of our trip. We will get home tomorrow afternoon. Today we will get as far as Yorktown and may wander around Williamsburg as well. We’ve been on the outer banks for the last several days.

    My pause button has not been working very well. I’m afraid I feel my clothes snug. I am very afraid to face the scale Thursday morning and my WW meeting on Monday. This trip has been much more a sightseeing trip than a hiking and exercise trip, and I haven’t adjusted my eating accordingly. I will also need to start tracking again. When you don’t have cell service it is just too hard. I’ll be going for blue dot days again starting Thursday.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Cindy it is good to see you check in. I have much less
    Excuse than you and
    I have not been very consistent either! We know how hard you are working at writing and marketing!

    Karla the picture of you with JJ was special. You rock the grandma role!

    Bert I loved the pictures of you with your girlfriends too. I have a date to take Elise to see my bff on Thursday. She had knee replacement about three weeks ago and I feel bad I haven’t been there to support her.

    Patti enjoy
    Your time with mom. I am going over to see mom on Monday. After helping my sister move this weekend. It’s all about family, isn’t it?

    Janet too bad you missed the balloon glow. We have been to a morning glow and lift off
    When visiting John’s brother in Albuquerque and it was a lot of fun. But sounds like you had a fun evening anyway.

    Sorry for the typos. On the road, on my phone on potholes roads.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, for the ribs I just rub with a seasoning blend I make (black pepper, cayenne, garlic, Rosemary, cumin, paprika, a bit of brown sugar) or you can use whatever you like. I usually cut each rack in half so they fit the pan better and are easier to handle. Then put them in a foil lined broiler pan or any large tray with sides. Cover with foil. Bake at 500 for 30 minutes. Then drop heat to 325 for 2 to 3 hours. I check every 40 minutes or so and rearrange them in the pan (I usually have to overlap them some) so they cook more evenly. Baste with pan juices. I usually don't add BBQ sauce to mine but you could add some the last 20-30 minutes of cook time. Edd just puts his on at the table. Enjoy the Olympics! Such a great way to feel joy!

    Diane, you have a full schedule and you are not even home yet, lol. You will get back in the swing of tracking and eating quickly. Your next trip will be more active. I bet your arms are aching for baby time and your mom's are aching for you.

    Bert, I concur with Cindy about your smile, it is contagious. I know you will miss your BFF but Indy is not so far away. Enjoy your outside day.

    Time to hit the grocery and then surprise mom with a rib lunch.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, everyone - have been way busy the last few days. Spring has finally arrived - it got to 85 yesterday, with a bit of (boo!) humidity. James went golfing with me as cart driver and cheerleader. Despite having plenty of water with us, the heat got to us both a bit. Of course we're watching the NBA playoffs - up until 1:30 this morning to watch our Warriors win.

    Diane, wishing you safe travels on the final leg of your trip. The Pause button does work better at home, doesn't it? Elise time is nigh!

    Bert, I know your evaluations are thorough and kind, but truthful. If the incipient teachers are smart, they will take constructive evaluation to heart and use it to improve their professionalism.

    Karla, glad you get a bit of a reprieve late this week. You life is so busy. What's your weekend looking like?

    Cindy, so glad to see your avatar pop up. You are a rock, and don't forget that!

    Patti, thanks for the rib suggestions. I've never made them but maybe this summer. Pork ribs are my favorite too, and I enjoy a pork loin more than I do a beef roast. (Maybe it's because my mom, bless her heart, used to cook roast beast until it was grey and dry.)

    Much to do today so will let you go. Later, gang!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to my four day weekend!! Yes, the podiatrist is off to a convention in Destin, so I am home!!

    I am so very happy! Izzy has been recommended to be in the performance dance classes for next year!! This means she will be performing at local events around town as well as her classes.

    Janet- This weekend I am taking Izzy to my. Bff’s grandson’s birthday party. This friendship is so precious as their parents, Jason and Arminda grew up together since they were 9 years old and now that friendship is repeating itself in their children. Precious! Of course Jason is my son and Arminda is Monica’s daughter., my BFF. What are you and James up to?

    Have a great day and weekend everyone.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I had to turn on the ac yesterday as it was 83 in the house. Today is supposed to be cooler, so hopefully we can open windows again. I'm heading to campus this morning to discuss a problem with one of my students. I hope it gets resolved quickly.....geez, it's always something.

    My BFF went to court yesterday for the preliminary hearing. She came out ok for the short term. She felt good about the results, so I'm happy for her.

    Karla: Congratulations for Izzy! That will be good experience for her!

    Janet: The evaluations are tricky as there are items that don't apply to everyone. Some Cooperating Teachers are thorough and some aren't.....just like my students!

    Waving hi to Patti, Diane, and Cindy.

    Have a good day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning all, super warm here yesterday and that meant top down time! Wonderful lunch with the girls, grocery shopping and work. The store was miserably hot and we were understaffed....oh well, off until Monday. Going to the cabin tomorrow, planning a nice Mexican meal for Saturday to share with the neighbors. Will also go see my friend and check on his progress. Praying every day is healing his heart. They picked up some pepper plants for me, so I will be putting in a little pepper garden. My next door neighbor at home will till me a spot.

    Karla, how awesome for Izzy! She must be so excited. Enjoy the birthday celebrations.

    Bert, I was sorely tempted to turn on the a/c but managed with fans for the night. It is cooler here and supposed to rain. Happy to hear that your BFF did well in court. Divorces are so ugly and seem to expose every raw nerve in a person. Hope she is healing.

    Diane, I know today is an Elise day for you and you are in heaven. Bet you burn extra calories this weekend helping your sister move. How are Carrie and your Mom doing? Bet they are both glad to have you back in town.

    Time to hit my chore list.
    Big hugs to Janet and Cindy
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good afternoon all. Yes today was my Elise day and it was wonderful. She had not forgotten me! Carrie and I and Elise took a friend of mine to lunch, who had a knee replacement 2.5 weeks ago. We were going to just take lunch over to her, but they are having their kitchen redone and their place is a war zone! Not what I would have done during my recovery time! We had a great chat, Elise was so good, and I am NOT getting a blue dot for today. I selected a salad with grilled chicken, but we also split some guacamole and veggie chips, and I had a sangria.

    But, I stepped on the scale today, and I lost 3.5 pounds over the six weeks we were gone! I am thrilled, even though I am worried some of it was converting muscle to fat.

    I also talked to my mom today. Bad news is she fell again last weekend and badly scraped her arm. Good news is she drove herself to the doctor on Monday to have it checked out, and said she felt fine driving. She hadn’t driven anywhere since early December. Bad news is she said she drove herself because she felt like she had no other option. My brother and his wife live 20 minutes away from her, and his youngest son is a senior in high school with a drivers license. :(.

    The next three days are moving days for my sister. She is only moving about a mile. She bought a townhome when her landlady decided she needed to move out so the ll’s son and wife could move in. But she said the sellers left it very dirty. Tomorrow I am painting one closet and scrubbing the rest, finishing scrubbing whatever kitchen cabinets she has not gotten to, and scrubbing windows. She got new carpet yesterday so I will have to be very careful painting. Saturday we are moving closet to closet and kitchen to kitchen, and John is doing repairs and replacing locks. Sunday is furniture moving, and my brother and son plus us and Brad will help. This is my sister who had a stroke about three years ago, and she has never really gotten full function back on her left side. So she won,t be carrying much, and scrubbing would really wear her out.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Darn it, I did personals and then hit done instead of post reply! I wish they would swap those two buttons. No time to go back, so here is the short version!

    Patti enjoy your cabin time with friends.
    Karla you must be over the moon about Izzy!
    Bert the end of the semester is coming, hope those students finish all!
    Janet I think your golfing is perfect. You get to enjoy the beautiful course and grounds without torturing the little white ball!
    Waving to Cindy, keep those fingers typing!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Welcome home Diane, to your home, and our home!

    Wow, did I ever enjoy yesterday. Just visiting with my niece and laying by the pool was great.

    I took Izzy for a LOL ball doll last night after dance class and dinner for her award for making performance classes. Have you ladies heard of this phase of dolls? Jeez, they come in these balls and it's a surprise when you open them. They are EXPENSIVE, but so very cute and quite well made. Izzy is crazy about them. She had made straight A's on all three of her report cards this year and I have told her if this last one comes out with all A's I will be taking her to the Build A Bear shop again. LOL. My poor pocketbook.

    Bert - I am loving the Lipsense.

    Have a great day everyone,

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Happy Star Wars Day - May the fourth be with you! My niece texted me pics of the kids in Star Wars droid shirts/

    Diane, bet you still have the Elise smile on our face. Could you tell how much she has grown when you picked her up? Can't believe you were worried, even for a moment, that she wouldn't remember you. That will never happen.

    Karla, hadn't heard of those dolls. Izzy must have quite a collection - like her nana. What a sweet family tradition. Glad you had a relaxing day yesterday.

    Patti, enjoy the cabin and visit with your recovering friend.

    Bert, hope the student issue is resolved in a manner that will benefit students in the future.

    Cindy, the corporate buyout game is just designed by jerks in a way that stresses nearly everyone but the power posse. Serenity prayer time.

    Today is Oaks Day (lots of horse races on local TV), including the parade of 144 survivors of breast and ovarian cancer. Never a dry eye anywhere for that. Derby Day tomorrow - might be in sweats but will still wear a hat or fascinator to watch. Why not? Great people-watching too.

    Eating has been spotty but I am gently pushing a receptive James to healthier dinners. He can eat like a horse - in addition to larger servings of what we made last night, he added bread, two ears of corn and almost a whole can of Bush's beans. I marvel. But I am getting more veggies into him and he cheerfully does grilling and helps with cleanup. He'll even grocery shop tomorrow.

    I dropped a bottle of perfume on my bathroom floor so that was a fun cleanup. Oh well - no person or cat was harmed, so all good. Had to cave and put AC on when it was 79 and humid in the living room. A neighbor is having two back surgeries next week - two of us will take care of letting her dog out midday while her husband is at work. Met the dog today - sweet little elderly white poodle. We're all admins of the neighborhood Facebook group and have become friends while interacting.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    A quick good morning and happy Derby Day to all. And happy Cinco de Mayo. So - is it Derby de Mayo or Cinco de Derby?

    It's raining lightly here - good day for a few errands, kitchen cleaning (my cleaner is still sick and will be here Monday), resting and watching beautiful horses and great hats.

    I'll be away all of tomorrow so will check in Monday - leaving for my 11 AM brunch at 6:30, then will wend my way home after. Can't wait to see my dear friend - he and I will probably laugh so loud that people will stare. So be it!

    Much love to all. Whatever you're doing, make it FUN.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning from my deck. It is rainy and overcast but still gorgeous to me. I am still in Jammie's and robe as I sit on my swing drinking coffee out of my new mug, given to me last weekend by a dear friend, that reads in large letters RIVER PEOPLE and in small print swimming, boating, skimming stones, sunshine, good times, be your own kind of people. Pretty much sums us up down here. There are times I think I could live here full time but then I am two+ hours away from family and friends. And as Edd puts it, not enough neon! Just grateful I have this place to get away to and, more importantly, to share. There is already a list of days when folks will be here this summer and that is what makes me truly happy, the more the merrier. Need to run to Wally World in a bit as I forgot some things and need to stock some things.

    Janet, you will like fab in sweats and your hat. We had lots of folks come in this week to get decorations for their hats. Including one guy who was going to put a baby doll on his, he was a hoot! Love that you are getting James to eat healthier, I am sure it will help you too.

    Diane, you are going to be plumb wore out by the end of this weekend. So sorry to hear about your mom, she is stubborn like mine. My mom just gave her car to my Sis so I no longer have to worry that she might take a notion to drive herself like that. Hope next week is a bit more restful.
    Congrats on your awesome loss in case I forgot to say it.

    Karla, never heard of those dolls. Doubt I could afford them, so glad my gg daughter isn't old enough to want one yet.

    Bert, bet you will really enjoy your summer break from students. Is your brother going to come visit or will you go see him this summer?

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Happy belated Cinco de Mayo. Our neighbor's daughter graduated yesterday from IU. They had a party last night. I can't believe she's a college graduate already. She used to take care of Molly for us, now her mom helps out if both Mike and I are gone somewhere (that's rare!) She will be heading to LA in August! I know her mom and dad have reservations, but she is determined and wants to spread her wings.

    Our church made $1,600 on the rummage sale! It's always a money maker; however, rummage sales don't excite me, I must admit.

    Patti: I'm trying to find a time to go visit my brother. I would love it if he could come here; however, I'm not sure if he's strong enough to do that. I am going to talk to him about it though. He's driving now and his cancer numbers are excellent. I'm so happy for him. I remember two years ago when he was in the hospital. I thought that was it. God had other plans for which I'm thankful. My BFF isn't divorcing; however, she might as well as they are trying to settle assets. I can't believe this is happening especially at her age. Her husband is definitely showing his true colors.

    Janet: Mike golfed yesterday and I drove the cart. I enjoy driving the cart and it gives us time together. We are just about ready to take the cover off the pool. I have a lot of gardening to do as well. I'm debating on whether to plant flowers in the ground or just have pots this year.

    Karla: Congratuations for Izzy. Grandchildren can be expensive for sure!

    Diane: Congratulations on your weight loss!

    Waving hi to Cindy.

    Have a great day, everyone! Jillian plays soccer at 2:30!


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Sunday morning and a glorious morning it is. The roofers came this morning and will finish up tomorrow on our Cottage. Izzy went to church with Robert and will be home shortly. We will be going to Lowe’s to order the French double doors with the blinds built in them and all the window and inside doors. It is finally coming along.

    Glenn and I just hung the new grommet curtain I pressed this morning in the triple window facing the pool. They are sheer and it really brightens the room. I am purging several pieces of furniture from the big house to the Cottage so I am changing my color scheme. Lol. Fun!!

    So far Glenn’s burgundy recliner, the piano, a tall TV cabinet and a chest of drawers is coming out.

    Bert- it’s already hot enough to swim down here, my pool temp is approaching the low 80’s!! My grands are already in it.

    Have I expressed how extremely happy I am? Wearing smaller clothes and no back pain and Glenn and I are so much in love. Sometimes you just don’t want to jinx anything! I went through some really hard times in 2016 that just about killed me with a close relative. Things are going well there, and now my brother is employed, his health is improved and he just purchased a 2015 Toyota Corolla with only 31k miles. So proud of him.

    Anyway, have a great Sunday.


  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good Monday morning to all of you. Seems like it is a quiet start to the day.

    My sister's move this weekend was exhausting. This is the sister who had the stroke about three years ago. So she is limited in her physical abilities. But she isn't in a financial position to hire movers, so family did it. Friday I was there - I painted two closets and scrubbed all her kitchen cabinets (which were filthy!) She vacuumed the new carpet she had put in, and scrubbed the entryway tile floor. She had paid movers to move her piano, so also dealt with that. Her son Nathan who has been living with her the last year or so since he finished college had some things to do but then moved the router and TV and tried to get them hooked up without success, then took over the vacuuming.

    Saturday John and I both went. I scrubbed all the windows, the rest of the closets, all the woodwork inside and the major marks on the walls as best I could. John did a whole bunch of repairs and got the router/TV/WiFi working and removed excess cables and boxes. My sister and a friend moved the contents of her kitchen and closet.

    Sunday it was us, Brad and Rossanne (and Elise!), my sister and Nathan, and my brother, his wife and their 18 year old son. My sister had rented a small U-Haul, and we had two pickup trucks. I think it took 4 or 5 loads with all three trucks. Brad and Nathan moved almost all the furniture, while the rest of us worked on boxes and small stuff. I took turns with Rossanne watching Elise, so I was less exhausted than the rest of them, but three days of such hard labor just wore me out! John had to quit carrying things after about the third load because of his bad knee, and turned to finishing up repairs and hanging a few things she wanted put in with molly bolts - a wall cabinet in the bathroom, and some coat hooks and that sort of thing.

    Eating the last three days has been terrible. Little to no snacking! But pizza for dinner Friday when I got home at 8:00, Chinese takeout Saturday, and pizza party when we finished the move yesterday.

    Today I am going over to mom's - leaving here in a few minutes. I should do a better job at eating today, and am pushing the water. I go back to my WW meeting tomorrow. And the 3 pounds lost on vacay was a fluke! I shouldn't have trusted that first scale weight. It's been higher every day since. Of course I've been eating lots of salt, so maybe a day of pushing the water and eating right will help! Also a haircut tomorrow, and I don't know what else, but want to take a day for me.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla, sounds like the cottage is really coming together! And taking out a few pieces of furniture will make your home feel so much more spacious. After helping my sister this weekend, I really want to do another round of decluttering and clearing!

    Bert, congrats on the rummage sale total. I'm not a rummage sale person either. So much of what you see is junk, with maybe a few gems thrown in. But I am not a keeper or collector, so sorting through other people's stuff just isn't for me. So if your friend isn't divorcing, is she just legally separating and separating their belongings and finances?

    Janet, we had the Derby on while cleaning on Saturday. What a downpour! Did you wear your hat? Was the rain gone for your trip yesterday?

    Patti, hope you had a terrific time at the river! When we were on our river trip in Big Bend, the one teenage boy along and his dad started skipping stones, and we all started in, and kept up for three days. What great pasttimes!

    Cindy, keep those fingers flying on the keyboard!


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Diane, hope you can rest up and be kind to yourself for a few days. It took a village and lots of love to get your sister moved. Great kindness, very moving. Don't sweat the small vacation gain - your weekend of helping probably took care of it already. You'll be back on track before you know it.

    Karla, sounds like your vision for the Cottage is really coming together - what fun it must be to watch it materialize. If your pool is already in the 80s, how hot IS it? Hope the humidity remains at bay for a bit longer. I'm very happy for your smaller size, but even more for how smoothly things seem to be in your world right now. About time!

    Patti, how was the river? Even in bad weather, being around water is soothing. How is your dear friend doing? Hope the vest is helping and that he and his girlfriend aren't living in a constant state of worry.

    (Much as I did not like being at the family cottage as a kid, for my own reasons of self-esteem, I always loved looking out at the water, even watching storms move across the lake. Rainy days meant board games, jigsaw puzzles, playing cards, maybe a trip to the cheesy old (delightfully so) town movie theater.)

    Bert, glad the rummage sale made some good money for the church.

    I remember our church sale - there was always a salad buffet - dozens of people each brought some kind of salad, so the array was cool. They always chose a single dessert and many people each worked from the same recipe - astounding how different the end products were. One year's dessert netted an easy, yummy (not good for you, but tasty) lemon pudding cake recipe I use to this day.

    Cindy, hope you got some good Cindy Time.

    Derby day was fun - I wore my fascinator with crummy at-home attire and we watched the rain fall, less heavily here than at Churchill Downs. I felt bad for the spectators as their great outfits and spectacular hats wilted in the rain and/or got covered by plastic ponchos, dry cleaner bags and even plastic grocery bags. Kind punctures the veneer of elegance. Not to mention the fact that normal-people parking was a mile from the Down. Was very happy NOT to be there!

    I had just the best day yesterday. Up at 5:30, out the door to Delaware, Ohio at 6:30. (Patti, I waved and yelled hello on the way.) Met my dear friend at the restaurant we used to go to on HS speech/debate trips. It's been around since 1862 and has good food in a friendly atmosphere. Lots of families were there - just a nice, low-key place. The best part, of course, was having a couple of hours to laugh and catch up in person. I had chicken salad platter which came with lots of fruit, plus pickles and cucumbers - brought half home.

    Got lots of hugs and my face almost hurt from laughing. Totally worth every mile of the drive. Watched basketball last night, of course - James and I really get into the games and have a blast. My cleaner is still sick but going to see the doc, so she will skip this cleaning and come next Wednesday on her regular day. It's fine - we can do the cleaning and I will save one cleaning's worth of $.

    Made a quick shop-stop on the way home and found a really cute rain jacket with hood - it is navy with roses on it - will work for all but the dead of winter and it just felt sporty but feminine and distinctive. I've been looking for months because I didn't want to settle for a boring jacket. So I treated myself.

    Time to change the laundry. Sorry to be wordy. Here's to a great week!