OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    She mentioned it in her last poat.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop. Lunch today with Diane and John in Venice. We all 4 four chatted like we were old friends catching up on life. So delightful but over too soon. Now relaxing and reading watercolor books, contemplating my next masterpiece
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is a session with my trainer for new workout ideas. I meet with her once a month. Then, I'm hoping to work out in the yard today as it is to be in the 70's.

    Yesterday's eating was pretty good. I made a garlicky chicken broccoli WW recipe for dinner. Even Mike ate it which I was shocked! It was only 2 points for 3/4 c. serving. I made a large salad to accompany it.

    Patti: Thank you for your pause reminder. I have it sitting by my sugar free candy. Each piece is worth 3 points! Yikes. So happy you were able to meet Diane and John for lunch.

    Karla: I added you to the Lipsense Group. I like their lipstick products. I have one of their eyeshadows, but it's way to light, so I use it for a primer.

    Janet: Hope you are doing well.

    Waving hi to Diane and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Darn it, just typed up a long post (on my iPad, on the highway, no less!) and hit the stupid done button instead of post reply! I hate it when that happens. I’ve been out of data for about a week now until today, so have been limiting my online time to WiFi which is rare. My data reset today, but we are heading to the Everglades for a week so I doubt I will have much service.

    Lunch with Patti was terrific. John and Edd really seemed to hit it off too - lots of laughs over on the road breakdowns and off the cuff fixes. So fortunate a coincidence we were both in Sarasota at the same time.

    Bert, do you ever try classes at your gym? I find having a scheduled class to attend gets me the, which is half the battle. I do need to figure out some strength training I can do on the road to keep my muscles (other than those I use hiking) toned.

    Cindy it sounds like you are learning a lot from this new publisher. My worst nightmares in school we from being asked to write something creative - a short story or poem or anything like that. Give me a good old technical report to write anytime!

    Janet I hope James gets his car fixed quickly. I’d be reluctant to loan my wheels to anyone even if I weren’t planning on going anywhere.

    Karla I didn’t realize the contractor was going to be working while you were gone. Maybe you’ll be lucky and most of the noise and commotion will be over by the time you get back.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All-
    Its been a busy week- still no defined path at work which I find frustrating. I'm still updating my resume as there is a thread to pull.
    Rick and I had a big fight last night so currently i'm enjoyed the silent treatment- so much better than the nonsense he can hurl at me on a daily basis, and yes that was part of the conversation. But I'm fine.
    Just stole some precious time away from making a book trailer I've been working on.
    Patti- thank you for the PAUSE button and note. It was so thoughtful for you to think of me.
    Bert- candy is my downfall too. Hang in there.
    Janet- SO thankful you're doctor appointment went well. I'm happy you have Jame still hanging with you- sorry about the truck though. Mean people suck.
    Diane- Happy trails. I can see you motoring down the highway. I wish that dream didn't die for me. It was my wish to do the same, but alas my life is going in a new path.
    Karla- Congrats on the skirt. You should be proud of all you've accomplished in the last 9 months or so. Safe travels home.
    Need to run- meeting day tomorrow with the romance girls. Working day, not LR today.
    I'm not sure my plans to get to Ohio yet. I may need to travel to Columbus for work, but who knows. And my vacation time is in flux. I'll keep you posted. I really want to see Meg but she understands this is out of my control.
    Hugs all the way around.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The sun is out again and we are going to have another beautiful day.

    Diane: I used to go to a class before my second back surgery. I just haven't to back in the groove of classes. Enjoy your time in the Everglades. My parents used ot live in Naples. We went to the Everglades once. We didn't do the airboat tour which was fine with me.

    Cindy: The silent treatment can be effective. I don't know how you endure.

    Waving hi to Patti, Karla, and Janet.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    We are on our way home after an overnight stay with my dear ole dad. Also got a visit in with my brother Keith.

    Cindy- You are such a strong lady and for this you will be kindly rewarded. I’m sure others will be understanding if you are not able to make the Ohio connection given your work situation. Why does Rick keep badgering you? Men should realize this is not a way to a woman’s heart. I know, and you must, that you have given it your all, and more. You do sound really thrilled with your new book connections. That is wonderful. I feel in my heart you will be a huge success on the Hallmark movie circuit. Are you near Cape Cod?

    Bert- The weather has been beautiful for both my beach trips. I couldn’t believe all the shells and shark teeth on these shores. I bought the cutest leather bracelet with a sterling silver turtle you slide to close at a Farmer’s Market before we left. It is so adorable.

    I don’t know if mentioned it or not, but we have another trip in the making with this group I am really thrilled about. Cape Cod!! One of the couples owns a 12 bedroom home on it and invited us all to join them there in September. It will be our 13th anniversary month too! I am so excited as I have always wanted to go there. We are making it an adventurous road trip! I am also stopping in North Carolina and meeting my long time Weight Watcher friend Lisa, New York City for two nights meeting my friend Ellen and Boston meeting Stephanie!! We all are on my Facebook page and great friends since 2011. Soooo excited. Lisa is a school teacher of 28 years, we talk on the phone frequently, Stephanie is a pharmacist at a hospital and Ellen is a property management HR manager. Can’t wait!! Glenn said no problem with his job. We are also going to visit his relatives in Philadelphia. We are thinking two weeks away for this trip.

    Cindy- Glenn just said if you are on the Southern end of Maine then you are close to Cape Cod. It would be very special to take you to dinner.

    Back to reality today, but have a fun bbq to go to at Monica’s tomorrow with Izzy. Her daughter is revealing her baby gender!

    Have a wonderful day with the friends and family you choose to be with.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Cindy, you amaze me at every turn. Your determination to be wholey YOU is a lesson for us all. I do pray that you get some resolution and peace on all fronts. If you travel to Columbus for work, maybe Janet and I can get a quick vusit in with you. It is an hour from my house. However, if your time is limited I will understand that you need it for Meg. Glad you liked the Pause button.
    Bert, perfect placement for your button. Hope your trainer time was productive. You really seem to be in the groove. Hope we can find time in May to meet with Janet.
    Diane, just wanted to say again how much I enjoyed meeting you and John. Was so happy the guys hit it off so well too. Safe travels and happy trails. Enjoy the rest of your trip
    Janet, so happy for you that the lab work and Dr visit went well. Hate that James' truck got broken into. So sad that we have such idiots roaming our streets and terrorizing our freedoms. But in the end it is only stuff and I am thankful he was not physically involved in the theft.
    Karla, congrats on all your success with shopping and your new smaller size. Your hard work has paid off in so many ways. Sounds like you are having the perfect vacation with Glenn and your friends. So exciting that construction is underway while you play. Is your son or your brother supervising while you are gone?
    My trip here is winding down. Yesterday Edd drove up to Tampa to get tires for a trailer he bought here. Not sure I told you that he bought a sidecar at the rally in Tallahassee and had no way to get it home. So now we do. This will add several hours to an already very long trip home. Our friend's son is flying in from KY tonight. Tomorrow will be spent getting everything packed and closing up her home for the summer. Plan to be on the road before 6am on Sunday and will not be home until after midnight. Then i will have 3 whole days to unpack, do laundry and repack it all into the popup camper. I also will be spending Tuesday with mom and going to trx. Wed will be lunch with the girls and hair appointment. So mad at myself for not getting the new short cut I had planned last month...I chickened out at the last minute. My hair has been a nightmare in all this heat and humidity. We leave thursday early for a rally in MS and then back to reality on Monday. Today Edd and I are headed out to some beach, somewhere and just chill and soak up some rays.
    Not sure I will be back here until Monday but you are with me
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    They had plumeria plants growing wild at the beach.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    The sunsets were beautiful and relaxing.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning - second consecutive day of true spring here - windows are open and fresh air is infusing the house. YAY!

    Cindy, silent Rick has to be an (uncomfortable) improvement. You are a rock. I second Patti, if you get to Columbus AND you have time (even for a cup of coffee or any meal), we'll be there!

    Bert, how was your trainer session? I do think about something like that every now and then.

    Karla, you are the vacation queen. The Cape is nice in the fall. I really do miss New England, and not just for my many friends there.

    Diane, good luck in the Everglades - respect the local fauna.

    Patti, not surprised that Edd bought a toy but you have a great plan to get it back. Your friend has to treasure having her son and both of you to help her seasonal migration.

    We had a really nice dinner last night - a small shrimp cocktail (with extra-hot sauce to clear a few sinuses) and a big salad with a few walnuts and big raisins. James also had leftover pasta - he can be an eating machine, especially after a round of golf. Caved to some ice cream but far less than he had.

    Not sure what's what for the weekend but that's fine. Have a great Friday the 13th, ladies, and an excellent weekend!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Last night we went to the neighbor's and sat around their fire pit. It was a perfect evening. We had a great time; however, I ate a s'more.....oh well, today will be a fresh start. Cole's t-ball jamboree is today. The weather is iffy, so it might be cancelled.

    My session with my trainer was great! My legs and behind have been sore, so I know I did things right. I'll follow her suggestions for a month and then she will give me new ideas.

    I must say that I'm envious of everyone's trips. I'm glad everyone is having great times and making wonderful memories.

    Karla: I've never been east. Some day we will get there. I've always wanted to see New England.

    Janet: I definitely would like to meet up with you and Patti sometime soon. Let me know when is good for you both.

    Have a great day, everyone! Waving hi to Patti, Diane, and Cindy.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Few spare minutes and thought i would check in with my favorite ladies. Lovely day with Edd yesterday. We did hit the Bealls outlet and I got a couple of beach cover ups for my DIL for her BD. It has turned into a traditional gift, lol. Wlunch was grouper bites and then on to the beach. Great people watching. I especially admire the confidence of women of all sizes showing off their bodies. I wish i were that free and accepting of mine. Too many years of being fat shamed. Ai did a bit of shelling and found a whole sand dollar! I have a jar at the cabin that holds shells from every beach i have ever visited. We took a nice bike ride around the park last night until it was too dark to ride. Lots of little things to do today. Our friend's great niece is coming tonight for dinner at a local fish restaurant. Then packing.
    Gotta run
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to a beautiful Sunday after a stormy Saturday night. I finally got some rest after going to a fabulous estate sale, picked ngvout the porch columns and over to Monica’s for her grand baby reveal! She’s having a granddaughter by her eldest daughter. So thrilled.

    Bert- I love spending time with neighbors and friends. Next Saturday a group is going to New Orleans to view the Tall Ships that are circulating the ports in our area. It’s just a day trip as we are all going for a group weekend trip next month. I did converse with Nicole on your Lipsense party. What some gorgeous colors!

    Janet - I know you enjoyed those windows open. I do also on the rare times I have the opportunity.

    Izzy just woke up, so second breakfast preparation. I am back on the wagon today with my water, eating and tracking. Lots of laundry on the agenda for today and bathing of these pups!

    Have a great day.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I have a day off today! It's very chilly today, so I'm heading to the gym. It's nice being on my own time. After this month is over, I'll be done at St. Mary's for the semester. Then I want to plan our short ride on Route 66. I'm planning to take Molly with us. That should be interesting as she's never been in the car over 2 miles.....

    Diane: Your Everglades pictures are great!

    Patti: That's great you have shells from every beach you have visited. It's a nice keepsake.

    Karla: There are definitely pretty colors with Lipsense. I love seeing pictures of ladies wearing darker colors, but I stay with pinks and corals. I do like most of the colors they have. They also have other products that I want to explore at my party on Saturday. I definitely need to increase my water intake. I know it would help.

    Waving hi to Janet and Cindy. Have a great day everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning from the land of seesaw weather. In the past week we've had everything from 80 and sunny to snow. Tonight it's going to be in the 20s. No wonder my sinuses are confused!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend and is set p for a successful week on many fronts.

    Karla, there's nothing like watching the tall ships - just takes you away to another time and lets your mind wander in good ways.

    Bert, I love fire pits - nothing like sitting with great people and maybe a glass of wine, telling stories and relaxing.

    Patti, bet your own bed felt like heaven last night. Guessing Frankie comes home today, if you don't already have her.

    Diane, where are you and John this week? Have you had a chance to FaceTime with Elise? She'll be all giggles and hugs when you get home.

    Cindy, hope you had some good CINDY time this weekend. You are the calm amid the storm and have our love and respect for that (among other things).

    Eating here was OK over the weekend. James grilled ribeye last night. I prepped asparagus for the grill (with a bit of olive oil, lemon pepper and lemon zest) and oven-roasted cut-up potatoes (one white, one sweet) with a touch of olive oil and lots of rosemary. I'm not a big red-meat eater but every now and then a good-quality burger or steak is nice - and provides iron, right?

    Have a great day - just looked out the window and a few half-hearted snowflakes re beginning to fall. My friend who lives in WI is on her way here for meetings (alas, no time to get together). They had 16" of snow and it took her nearly three times normal to get from her rural home to the Green Bay airport - the fist four miles of country road on the wrong side - the only side open. Whee!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning from sunny Florida! We are in Miami for a few days. This afternoon we are taking a NPS boat tour to Boca Chita. Tomorrow we are going to go paddle boarding at a lagoon out in Biscayne Bay in one of the keys. We were just saying to each other that this trip has been more of a “sightseeing” trip than an outdoors hiking/camping trip. Next stop will be Universal Studios in Orlando, then who knows? We want to be home by about May 3 so we can help my sister move that weekend.

    Eating has been not so great, but not horrible. We are mostly eating just two meals a day. If we cook breakfast we’ll have a snack at noon and fix dinner, or we’ll have a light breakfast (zero points for me), then either a big lunch and no dinner, or a light lunch and then actually cook dinner. It has been so warm I dont want a big meal at the end of the day.

    Janet I can’t believe your weather! Weather at home has been much the same- snow then 80 then heavy rain all in the last week. Don’t kick yourself over a nice steak. My WW leader says she eats primarily red meat - you just need to watch the preparation and the accompanying sides.

    Bert I’m sure you will be happy to have a beak after the semester, but it sounds like you so enjoy the mentoring you do. A driving trip sounds like just the right thing for you and Mike. I like my water cold,and I try to drink a big glass as soon as I get up and another as I eat my breakfast. Even on the road I’ve been able to keep that up. I also count my crystal light lemonade as water intake.

    Karla I love the tall ships. Usually they will let you get on board and walk through. So much fun!

    Patti which park were you biking in? I guess I thought you were staying with your friend. Hope the packing and the trip home went well, including getting the trailer safely there.

    Cindy, stay strong! I think the not knowing about work would be the worst for me.

    Back later this week.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, we got in about 1am after leaving at 6am. We drove thru some really awful storms but they were brief. When we got to Tallahassee to pick up the sidecar there was nobody home to help Edd load it on the trailer. We were able to load it with relative the rain. So a nice wet ride for us after that, lol. The cellinoid went out on the starter so we could not shut the car off for the entire ride home. So all food was grab and go with someone in attendance at the car. Not the best choices but did my best. Laundry started and list going for our camping trip this weekend.

    Diane, loving all the pics on FB. We were staying with our friend but she lives in a huge resort park. I think there are 2200 sites for park models and campers. So lots of roads to ride with no worries about traffic. I was hoping to get on the bike path that runs thru the SP where you camped, it is a very nice one, but just didn't have time. Enjoy the rest of your trip.

    Bert, hope you enjoy your Route 66 trip. We had a great time when we followed it on one of our motorcycle trips. You have earned your down time from student mentoring. It will begin again all too soon.

    Karla, you are the vacation queen for sure. How long before your addition will be complete. Can't wait to see the pictures.

    Janet, we got some spits of snow here this am. I am so over it, especially after being in Florida. My system is in shock. Edd is going to pick up Frankie now. I have missed her so and had hoped Mike was going to have time to drop her off yesterday. I love a good ribeye, my favorite red meat ever!

    Cindy, hope you had some LR time this weekend. Any idea when the next book will be ready for our eyes?

    Lots to do this week and little time to do it. Highest on my list and my favorite thing for the week is time with Mom tomorrow.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Another chilly day is in store; however, it is to warm up this week. I went to the gym yesterday and also walked at the mall. I went to Aldi's yesterday as everyone says it's much cheaper. I bought produce, chicken breasts, and pork tenderloins for $57! It was cheaper, but the store is very small and with only about 15 people shopping, it was still crowded. I doubt if I will do weekly shopping there, but might get produce from time to time.

    Janet: I love to grill veggies. The asparagus and sweet potatoes sound like a great combination. Mike is a huge red meat eater, so I'm always making things for him and then for me. I do give in from time to time and eat read meat. I love a good burger and ribeye, too.

    Diane: I went to Universal Studios when the kids were younger. We went with my mom and step-dad. Wow that's been a long time as my mom has been gone 22 years! The kids and I rode Tower of Terror based on Rod Serling's Twilight Zone. It's definitely an experience! Did you ride it?

    Patti: What an adventure! Have a great day with your mom.

    Waving hi to Karla and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi all, time with Mom was fun as always. Got all caught up on news and views. My car broke down at Moms and Edd had to come rescue it. I think the alternator went out. Always something it seems. So glad he is handy. It is sitting on the charger now. Probably won't get worked on up until we get back from MS. I am having severe pain in my left wrist, cause unknown so will have to forego TRX tonight. So on to my to do list for the weekend trip. Tomorrow will be lunch, hair, shopping and packing. We are leaving at 0 dark 30 on Thursday. When this trip is over I will become a true WW again.

    Bert, you really sound dedicated to your plan and exercise. Keep up the good work.

    Hi to the rest of the crew.