OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello All. Day 7 dvd completed. Today I did two miles on a H.I.I.T, high intensity interval training Lesley Sansone again. It has peppy fast music. I’m hanging in there with this self-imposed challenge. It is not easy.

    Bert- yes, we are building a guest house with a kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and large living room. It will be Glenn’s man cave too. So far we have spent $1875 on trees that had to be cut down, $2800 on the septic tank, $500 on plumbing, $350 on permits and $8000 on concrete. Nope, not cheap. Lol. The lumber will be delivered next week for the framing and roof to be started. That will be another big chunk.

    We are finally on our way to Ocean Springs. Fun times with fun friends.

    Have a great day all.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, ladies. Just a quick check in. Yesterday was a LONG day. Got home around 11:00 pm Also, had no power! It finally came on in the middle of the night. I'm off to head to church.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Busy day at work and now I am home trying a new baked pork chop recipe with hassle back potatoes. It is already going to be iffy since I forgot the oven was set at 500 and not 400. My potatoes are going to have to reheated by the time the chops are done. Such is life. Tomorrow's lunch will be at my favorite local Asian place and with 3 women I love and admire.

    Bert, hope you have a day of true rest planned in the very near future.

    Wishing the rest of you a peaceful end to your weekend.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to Monday.

    I took the girls to the beach yesterday. It was beautiful out there. I actually go a little sun too, but not burned. They had a fun time playing in the cold water and sand. It was a workout for this grandma walking in the thick sand carrying the umbrellan chair, beach bag and small cooler. LOL. I was also checking out the beach house we have rented for seven nights in June. A fun family time for all our kids and grandkids.

    Great scale peek this morning!! 177.8!!! The daily dvd's was just what my body needed evidently. Why are we so hardheaded when we really know what we need to do to lose weight? LOL. I mean, I know we don't need to go to these extremes to do it daily, but we know we need to A- adhere to our eating plans, B- to be consistent to a physical plan, if we are medically able to, but we choose to make unhealthy choices anyway. Ugghh. I am finally going down into the 170's. Yes!!

    Patti - Wow, I don't think I have ever set my stove at 500. How did your meal turn out? Did the recipe call to cook the pork chops at 500? I love pork chops. Of course, I am staying away from potatoes. We had grilled steaks off the outside charcoal grill last night and Glenn and Kevin had huge baked potatoes that smelled oh so good.

    Bert - How is your church program coming along? You are so dedicated to the overall flow of that entire church. They are so very blessed to have you, plus, I know you really enjoy it now that you have the time to focus on it without full time teaching.

    Diane - Glenn is still in negotiation with the Contracting Agency that contracting employees have to use to hire back to the shipyard. It will be full time at 40 hours but he can take off any time he needs too. They haven't met his hourly salary needs yet and if they don't, he won't be going back he said. LOL. How is your trip in Texas going?

    I completed day 8 of my DVD challenge with a very short workout last night. I already had over 11k steps before I started and then I caught my foot on the antique bench at the end of my bed and took a fall. I am fine, but i was hard getting up with a Shih Zhu puppy licking all over you. LOL.

    I am so stoked to see 177 on that scale.

    Have a great day. As you can see I am letting the scale control me as I am happy with i this morning.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all from sunny Texas! Very short reply as my cell service is very limited. We leave on a three day canoe trip in the Rio Grande in about an hour. I will have minimal control over my food choices - take it or leave it!

    Eating remains so so. I’m minimizing calories in a liquid form, eating WW friendly about two meals a day, trying to limit snacks and having one more indulgent meal a day. It’s all about life balance. From here on in there should be fewer long road days and more activity, so that will be good.

    Off into the wilderness!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm getting a late start this morning. I should go to the gym this morning; however, since I've been at church all weekend, I'm staying home today! I'm happy to report I'm down .6 lb this week. My plan this week is to try to lose 1 lb. We shall see.

    The cantata is done and on Power Point. I'm happy about that.

    Patti: I'm spending the day organizing and shredding. Very low key day today, and I'm welcoming it.

    Karla: Congratulations! I was stoked to see any type of loss for me.

    Waving hi to Janet, Diane, and Cindy. Have a great day everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning. Busy but pleasant weekend here, now prepping for a new week.

    Bert, what's the cantata this year?

    Diane, sounds like you're working on your plan in a very appropriate manner for travel.

    Karla, you are seeing great success. Huzzah.

    Patti, have fun with the girls.

    Cindy, hope you get some spring soon.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Janet: the cantata is And the Son Arose. We are having orchestra and liturgical dancers. One of our choir members teaches dance and has choreographed the dancers. It should be great.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Wonderful 2 1/2 hour lunch with the girls. Lots of catching up and promises for more time together now that our friend is changing jobs and will have a more manageable schedule. Got a few more tees and a some Capri leggings. I was the only one at the cutting counter tonight's so thankfully it wasn't too busy. The manager did come help out a bit. But my knee is killing me. Mom has her eye appointment in the morning, so I need to get to bed soon.

    Too tired for personals but you all know you are never far from my mind and heart.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    hi All-
    Our company has been sold to a Columbus based company Plaskolite- the closing is August 1- we will be offered jobs as of May 1 with the new company but from what I've been "told" it will most likely be a year or so until they move the facility to Ohio- cost of everything is cheaper and thus higher profit margin. Its business, not personal.
    So my plan is during the transition look for a full time job close to home, if possible, with the pay scale I need to take care of me, it might be tough. Keep writing and finish the trilogy to get to the publishing company and hopefully they'll pick them up and offer me a contract.
    I'm taking an extensive book marketing course from some very successful NY Times best sellers in April. This is to learn how to really promote my current titles and I've done some tweaking to BHnH - to make it a bit better, didn't change the story line but I've learned so much in the last 3 1/2 years it needed, well something.
    I'm starting to walk with Japser and we've done it since Saturday, our weather is finally starting to break.
    My trip to see Meg is in limbo due to the changes as I don't know what I'll have for vacation time after Aug 1- but as soon as I know I hope maybe at least Patti and Janet can meet up with me. Also I will be in west Virginia in November for the book event- and I know Janet mentioned maybe popping over.
    So much going on - but most of it positive, just very busy. I miss chatting with you all.
    Diane- have a great trip, sorry about the slide issues
    Bert- You are sounded determined with WW- go for it.
    Janet- Thanks for sharing Cady pics- they were adorable. How is James?
    Karla- Congrats on seeing the mid 170's you're doing good.
    Patti- so glad your mom has you... she's a very lucky daughter. How's Suzi?
    Need to head back to the other stuff but thinking of you all- oh and we still have a ton of snow... but warmer days are ahead.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's been raining since last night and is to continue througout the joints are screaming! I'm having lunch with my two BF and then will see "I Can Only Imagine" this afternoon. I'm looking forward to it. My cleaner came yesterday. She's ok, but is not as good as my previous one; however, at least she's more dependable. I'm still angry that my first never called back in January like she said she would. She constantly was cancelling, too. She's also the daughter of one of our church choir members. I know I need to get over it. The thing is, she brags that she's a pastor's wife, but she sure doesn't act like one. OK, I'm done ranting! :o)

    Patti: One of the things that bothers my knees and back the most is concrete floors. I just can't stand on them for any length of time.

    Cindy: Good luck with finiding a full time job close to home.

    Waving hi to Karla, Janet, and Diane.

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Cindy, delightful to see you. At least you have some probably firmer dates around the people messing with your future. Fingers crossed for it all to work out in a way that's good for you. Whenever you get nearer, I'm finding you! James is fine - he has a girlfriend here and she's becoming a friend to me as well.

    Bert, the weather and hard floors take their toll. Obey your body and move when/where/how it won't stress your joints too badly. My cleaner is really going to work on reliability - her father was ill and passed a couple of weeks ago. Hoping we can both stay on schedule.

    Diane, Karla & Patti, good morning!

    Had a decent day yesterday - sleep is still an issue for me right now but oh well. Might be able to have a nap today. Wishing everyone a smile and a happy song.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and Happy Tuesday.

    Cindy - So wonderful to see your post. I know exactly how you feel about your company selling out. I had the same thing happen to me in the year 2000, I had worked there for 14 years. Luckily I was able to get a good job as the supervisor at a local hospital's business office, a position that had not been available in over 15 years. I did have to take a significant salary cut, but the benefits and the hours were really good. It did enable me to start my consulting business, which supplemented my salary cut. I wish you the very best. I do want us to be able to meet one day. Glenn and I do want to plan our Northeastern trip for next year to visit his father's family in Pennsylvania.

    Bert - Have a great time today with your two BF's! There is nothing like lady friends to enrich our lives. Congrats on your downward trend also!! That is so rewarding for you I know. I'm sorry about your first cleaning lady. My lady and her helper are coming this morning. She is very, very reliable and comes every other Tuesday. Her helper is switched out from time to time, but she is the head honcho. LOL.

    Patti - Sounds like a fun time with your friends also. I can't wait to see my ole pals down on
    Englewood Beach, Florida. Have you ever heard of i? It is south of Sarasota. These are friends I met in 1973 when I lived in Bradenton. Prayers for a good doctor visit for your Mom.

    Janet - Thank you for the reference of the Central BBQ. I have it on my list for places to frequent while we are in NOLA in May.

    I have not missed a day since I stared my DVD A Day challenge, today is day 9. The one I did last night was a hard one. Had my lower back aching some. It had a lot of jumping and twisting. It was a belly busting workout. My favorite is sill that Four Fast Miles. I think I will do it this morning as I am working a little from home, but am having a relaxing day with my honey. He accepted he job with the Shipyard today and they finally agreed to an hourly salary. It comes with full benefits also. Health insurance, vision, dental and another retirement. He already told them about the vacations we have planned and they said, NO PROBLEM.

    I am off to prep my bedroom and start my day. Egg white omelet done.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good evening one and all,

    Cindy, so happy you stopped by, we worry you know. I bet you are somewhat relieved just to know what is happening and when with the company. I am sure you are just as talented at your vocation as you are at your avocation. I hope someday that those two are reversed. You are so dedicated to your writing, and so very good at it, I can't imagine you not being successful! I hope to be able to join Janet when you go to WV in Nov. what good fun we will have. Keeping nothing but positive vibes in my heart, mind and prayers for you.

    Bert, concrete is my enemy too but I have never worked anywhere that wasn't concrete, and have always had jobs that required tons of on my feet time. I know you had a fun and relaxing time with your GFs.

    Karla, you are on fire. Just watch out that you don't overdo and injure yourself. Will Glenn's job be less stressful? Hope it is everything he wants.

    Diane, travel safe, hope no more issues with Charly. Can't wait to hear about the canoe trip and what's next.

    Mom had a bit more trouble with her shot today. But we got her taken care of. She was just exhausted and was tucked in her chair when I left. She called a bit ago and was feeling better. Great TRX class and now waiting for Edd to get home and fix some dinner. Chicken, corn and green beans I think. Tomorrow is my last day to work until April 23rd, yippee!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The movie was wonderful! It emphasized how personal stories produce song lyrics. I didn't know that the lyricist was a member of Mercy Me, the Christian music group. It definitely was an inspiring movie. Today is gym day and grocery shopping. I must say that living on social security and teacher is quite the challenge; however, I'm enjoying retirement. I'm doing pretty well on WW, but yesterday's eating wasn't the best. Today will be definitely cleaner eating.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, the beauty of life is that every day gives us fresh opportunities to do better. Perfection is impossible and that’s OK. I hear you on adjusting to no paycheck, but it is also quite doable for those of us who have been careful. If we win the lottery, more travel though!!!

    Not a bad day here yesterday. Heading out for a few errands. Have a great day, everyone!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Just dropping by before I head to bed with something I thought we could all could enjoy

    She fell
    She crashed
    She broke
    She crawled
    She hurt
    She surrendered
    And then.........
    She rose again
    Nausecaa Twila

    And so will all of us, when it is our time to do so
    Love you all for your undying spirit
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to Thursday.

    Bert - My BFF Tammy and I were set to go see the I Can Only Imagine movie today but had to table it due to conflicts. We also heard it was really good. Glad to know you enjoyed it.

    Patti - Thanks for the neat poem. I finally gave myself a break from my 11 days straight of dvd's last evening. We went out to dinner to Kraver's Seafood and I just felt like relaxing. I don't feel like it was a crash and burn. I feel like it was a take care of Karla's body. LOL. I also stopped weighing everyday to stop that aggravation. LOL. My eating is pretty impeccable. I am on a roll there. Glenn has been making some wonderful recipes. I really feel that is the key to success. Keeping your home filled with low fat or low carb healthy food choices and having planned meals you really enjoy. It's those days we don't have these things available that we tend to grab for the off program high points or high carb choices.

    Janet - Like you so eloquently put it though, the beauty of life is that every day gives us fresh opportunities to do better.

    Glenn has either a virus or food poisoning. He has been up all night vomiting and with diarrhea. Poor baby.

    Today is Izzy's dance day, so I am off,,


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Breakfast is tracked. I made cookies yesterday to send to Dylan and Penny for Easter....6 each. I iced them and then was going to decorate this morning to get them in the mail. Mike ate some of they are down to 5 each! Oh well. I have dough in the fridge for Jillian's and Cole's cookies. Will make them on Saturday.

    I'm heading to the post office to mail Easter gifts and then to the gym. It was so crowded yesterday. Annie doesn't celebrate Easter as half of her family are Jewish, but I do. So, they can call it Spring gifts or just a suprise from Grandma and Grandpa.

    Tonight is Maundy Thursday service and then choir practice for this weekend's cantata.

    Karla: You're lucky in many ways, especially Glenn making wonderful recipes. I've been watching the snack options and have been focusing on fruit for snacks. It has helped, but like the poem Patti sent. we will rise again from our falls. Hope Glenn is feeling better.

    Janet: You are such an inspiration!

    Patti: Thanks for the poem. We need to remember that from time to time.

    Waving hi to Diane and Cindy.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all! We got off the river last night but I was so tired after getting all our gear clean and laundry done I didn’t check in. Now a quick drop in before we leave our campground with WiFi and head into Big Bend NP for the next couple of days with no cell service I am sure. We had a terrific river trip. I’ll get some pictures up when we next have service. I ate everything served, and it was as expected fairly high carb but also good protein. I at it all because I was hungry, which must mean I was burning it off, right? Back to trying for healthier eating now that we are feeding ourselves, but fresh veggies are at a premium and not very good out here in the desert.

    Back when I have service again!