OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, needed that reminder on the Pause Button, I think I misplaced mine a while back but am putting it back in play. I used it yesterday at the grocery. Did a bad thing by going hungry and nearly bought some chips but passed and then saw the dark chocolate and nearly caved again....but moved quickly from there and got in line. Close call but success.

    Janet, sorry you had such a bad drive. You really packed a lot into a few short days. Hope you have some rest scheduled in the next few days.

    Diane, we are going to miss you while you travel but I know you can be followed on FB with pics of your adventures.

    Mom loved the soup and I left her 2 bowls for later. It is spitting snow, cold and blowing but nothing compared to the east coast. Hope Cindy and Diane don't get hammered. I think I will stay in tonight and skip the gym, not with going out in this weather.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon/evening. We are all decked out and meeting friends for Glenn's birthday. He turned 61 today. We are checking out a new place, The Dublin. An Irish Pub.

    Janet - We did the DC trip in 2011 and it about killed my back and feet also. That was when I joined WW and met most of you lovely ladies. I quickly lost 54 pounds and gradually gained most of it back. Now I am back where I was then. LOL. Glad you had such a wonderful exploration, but not a terrifying trip home. I loved the museums also. Such a National Treasure.

    Cindy - I have been practicing the power of "the Pause" and shared it with my other friends on my Facebook page. I am glad you popped in and got your fix! It is our fix too when you give us your joy of writing. Yes, I am on a great roll and going down through the seventies now, yippee. I hope to get some sun on these white bones this weekend so I won't burn at the beach the two weeks of next month I will be there.

    Patti- You are really a blessing to the customers of Joanne's. I am so glad you have been recognized also. I hope to get in my sewing room this weekend. I still have not cranked up my Disney Embroidery machine yet!!

    Diane - Yes, take it easy on yourself and get into your own groove. Practice the pause, drink the water, journal or track but do what you can. Life is to be enjoyed, do what makes you happy and what is important to you. Yes, I just had the one son, but he has been a handful, he has two children and two step children. Glenn has three children and seven grandchildren. We are fortunate to do real well together. We are actually renting a large beach house out on Dauphin Island with 5 bedrooms in June and all the family is coming in and out during the week long event. Fishing, beaching and BBQ!!

    Bert - I am so pleased that the scale rewarded you for your efforts. No one deserved it more than you, that is for certain. You keep fighting the good fight my dear.

    I had lunch today at Zoe's Kitchen, do any of you have these in your area? They are a healthy Mediterranean type restaurant. Jason's wife loves this type food and it is her birthday too and she fell in love with the place. I like it too and was my second time there. I ordered the half and half and go a turkey sandwich and tomato basil soup that was awesome. She ordered a salad bowl that had falafel meatballs that were to die for. She loved the gifts I bought for her and the mini ganache cake. I love making people so very happy.

    I need to track my food and look at my choices for tonight.

    Take care my friends,

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Scale peek: 178.9!!!!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop as I am heading out to lunch with my GF, then shopping, hair appointment, more shopping and then off to work. Hope my knee holds up.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANET!!!!!!!!!! We will get together soon to celebrate, hug and laugh as we always do. Hope you are having a special day in every way.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is Carrie's birthday. I'm making her a Jello Poke Cake. That's her favorite cake. Today is a trip to the dentist and then to the gym with my monthly appointment with my trainer.

    Janet: I didn't know you celebrated your birthday on Pi Day! I hope you had a great day yesterday.

    Karla: Congratulations on your loss!

    Patti: I know what you mean going to the store hungry. Everything looks good. I've been having a horrible sweet tooth lately (more than normal, which is an everyday occurance for me!). Fruit is a better choice, I know, but somehow it doesn't taste like chocolate!

    Waving hi to Diane and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. A quick check in from here while Elise has her bottle. It has been a rough few days. She vomited again early Wednesday am and it didn’t even wake her up. Then I had her here Wednesday and she vomited two more than new. We ended up take no her to the doctor again. Afraid of what happened last time when she ended up in the hospital. Then they sent us to get an ultrasound of her tummy which showed nothing. But she didn’t eat AT ALL from about 3 yesterday through this morning. And all yesterday she wasn’t very hungry and probably everything that went in came back up. So today has been a day of very close watching and giving her small bottles every hour or so. She seems better today but very clingy which is not usual

    So while I love having her it has not been a fun few days. And I’m not getting any of my chores done for getting out of town on Monday! On the other hand my eating has been better the last two days. If I am planning to WI again it will have to be Sunday noon.

    Sorry no time for personals.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Afternoon! So sorry to hear about Elise, Diane. Do you think it's the flu again?

    Today's workout kicked butt! I'm happy I was able to do it. We worked on arms and legs. I'll probably be sore in my arms tomorrow, but it will be good sore. She also told me I had good form when I was lifting the kettle bells and doing lunges. My trainer asked if I had lost weight, so that made me feel good. 7 pounds is 7 pounds!

    Carrie's cake is done and I'll be taking it over in about an hour. Laundry is in the dryer, and we also have choir practice tonight.

    Have a great evening.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Diane, hope Elise is much better soon.

    Bert, 7 pounds is not a small amount. Brava!

    Karla, you are doing wonderfully. How much of a haircut did Izzy get?

    Patti, how was lunch with the girls?

    Cindy, thanks for the PDFs. Haven’t had a chance to read yet but I know they will be useful to us all.

    My birthday began with a funeral but got better as time went on. Had a nice dinner at Cheesecake Fsctory last night. James, his girlfriend and I split a salad, one entree and cheesecake and there were leftovers. Tasty, not the healthiest but it was lovely.

    My niece in MI called and did tell me that she will be filing for divorce. In my gut, I’ve known for a couple of years that things weren’t right with her, and my gut never saw the marriage lasting. Had hoped I was wrong in a way, but now that I officially know, at least I could offer moral support at any hour.

    Hugs to all. Time to start getting ready to see “School of Rock” tonight - taking James, of course. Looking forward to it.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited March 2018
    Good afternoon folks. I have JJ’s Crud. Coughing and hacking. Plugging along though. It’s Izzy day! Let’s dance!! Lol.

    Good eating day today:

    B- Premier shake a banana cream

    Mid morn snack- turkey pepperoni and babybel light

    L- leftover beef manwich, no bread, green beans

    Mid afternoon snack - Dannon Greek Yogurt Light Fit

    D- Chick Fil A grilled nuggets, eight piece, side salad with vinegerette dressing

    Night snack - babybel Light piece

    Diane- Elise has had a trying babyhood for such a cutie pie. I know you dread leaving her. Where are the other grandparents? They must not be in the area. I know the feeling as both of Jason’s wife’s parents are passed away. We are it for Izzy.

    Bert- what a great compliment from your trainer, both of them. Yes, seven pounds is nothing to shake a stick at!!

    Janet - James and his girlfriend must be doing pretty well. I guess he has decided to delay his move to California indefinitely unless she goes with him. Has she met his son in The Carolinas yet? I’m am glad you are happy for him. Speaking of happy, a big Happy Birthday to you!! Have you recouped from your DC trip? Sounded terrific.

    Cindy- Thank you for taking the time to compile and send the batch of documents from your hospital course. I’m sure also, that it will benefit us all. I wish we could all have a big pow wow and sit around and discuss it!!

    I’m waiting on Izzy to finish dance and then we will go shopping. She said she has a big test tomorrow at school so we won’t be out late.

    Are you all still enjoying weightwatchers freestyle?


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, hope you will feel better soon. Kids are great but they can be germy. James will move when and where it makes professional sense. Until then, I am happy to have him here.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good Evening all. Things have finally calmed down a little here. Elise started feeling better this afternoon but was still clingy. She will go to daycare tomorrow. I feel a bit guilty about that, but I have things I need to get done before we leave on Monday. I did finish the dog hammock and divider between the dog and Elise's car seat today. That is a definite load off my mind.

    Karla, yes Elise has had quite a few health challenges - poor little thing. And she is still tiny - only about 13.5 pounds at six months old! Rossanne's dad lives near, and does a fair amount - he takes care of their dog any time they need him, stays there overnight with the dog quite often when they are gone. He has come over for the evening once Elise is in bed and babysat while they go somewhere (since she goes to bed SO early - usually by 6:30 - and only usually needs her pacifier back if she wakes.) He stayed with Rossanne two nights this week while Brad was traveling for work. I think he is just not comfortable taking care of Elise for an entire day. Her mom does not live nearby, and in fact has only seen Elise twice - once when she was born, and again for about 2 weeks at Christmas. Her loss.

    Karla, I hope you and JJ are both back on your feet soon. I am still trying to stick with the WW program although I have fallen off from my first few weeks. We'll see how I do traveling - the first week will be mostly road days trying to get to Texas.

    Janet, Happy Birthday! I never do the Facebook birthday thing, but am happy to wish you one here. So sorry about your niece, but glad she has confided in you. Sometimes that special aunt can be a better sounding board than mom. I know Carrie and my sister have formed a pretty special bond, and I am so happy about that.

    Bert, keep up the gym work! In no time, your arms won't hurt anymore. I missed my classes at the gym this week due to having Elise.

    Cindy, thanks for the .pdfs! I haven't read them yet either, but I most certainly will. Maybe there will be nuggets in there that will keep me mindful on the road.

    Patti, I'm glad you are being appreciated at work. I had a hair appointment today too, to get my pre-trip cut. In tying things together, my hairdresser is my babysitter's daughter, who grew up with Brad and Carrie. And the stylist with the chair next to hers used to rent a room in my old house! That house burned to the ground five years ago - we think the guy was running a meth lab. We sold it back in 1992, so a LONG time before it burned.

    Sorry - rambling here. Eating was okay but not stellar here - I exercised the pause button well until about 4:30 when it all fell to pieces. Hopefully the damage was not too bad because I have seen the scale moving back down from its upward trend earlier in the week.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick drop in. I have been sick all day. Very unusual for me. Can't really put my finger on what is wrong. Splitting headache, severe dizziness And freezing. No gi symptoms and only a bit of a runny nose. So nothing to treat, just toughing it out
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm up early today as I'm going to Indy for my endocrinologist appointment and then lunch and shopping with my GF. It will be a great day. I'm watching Jillian and Cole tonight as Greg and Carrie are going to a party with his dad and step-mom! What I do for my kids!

    Janet: I love Cheescake Factory. Every once in a while you have to indulge. I'll endulge today with lunch with my GF. Taking the step to file for divorce is a huge one; however, it will open a door for your neice. I know mine did.

    Karla: Izzy is so lucky to have you and Glenn. Carrie's mom has dementia really bad and her dad is trying to take care of her. Greg's dad and step-mom (I dislike calling her that even after all these years) don't get involved much with the grandkids. They do rent a condo in the summer for a family vacation, but that's pretty much it. They show up for birthdays, etc. but do not babysit. So, it's Mike and me. I'm fine with that.

    Patti: Get well soon. Hope it's not the flu.

    WW Freestyle is going well for me. It's basically getting you to eat healthy: veggies, meat, and fruit with some carbs. I like the fact of veggies, meat, and fruit being 0 points. It encourages you to eat that; however, there are times that you want to endulge. They allow the extra weekly points for that. I'm hoping that I will be succesful with this program and stay on track.

    I'm also tracking on MFP as well as I like to see the calories I'm eating.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    A quick good morning before errands, laundry and housework. "School of Rock" was an insane amount of fun. The guy who played the Jack Black role was perfect, and the twelve kids were just astonishing in both talent and energy. They really rocked the house and everyone in the audience had a blast. (They even make an announcement before the show that YES, the kids play their own instruments.) Neither of us had really eaten much all day so wheat Wendy's drive-thru. I had a fish sandwich (tasty but something I rarely have - at 450 calories not the worst fast-food choice. But I had only three of James's fries. Tummy rumbling from the unaccustomed food but it hit the spot at the time.

    Bert, Greg's dad and his wife are missing so much, but you and Mike have more than enough love to give.

    Patti, hope you are feeling better. Please ramp back up into life gradually.

    Diane, how is Elise doing today? Such a sweet little peanut! You'll have Charly and yourselves ready to go - you're a seasoned pro at this.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning ladies. What an awful day yesterday was. Except for a mild headache I am back to normal today but am taking it easy. Just doing some much needed cleaning up around here and not going out. Sipping 7up for now, no appetite.

    Cindy, thank you for sharing your info, have skimmed some of it and am going to print it off to read more in depth. How much more snow did you get?

    Bert, you are a treasure to your kids and grandkids. How fortunate you are to be able to give so much to them. It is a win-win. Enjoy your day. How are your arms feeling today? Have you used the alarm to increase your water intake?

    Karla, kids come with the krud! You should probably live on EmergenC, lol. Great scale peek.

    Janet, sounds like you celebrated your birthday in style. I would love that show. Haven't been to one in a while, need to see what is playing here and get the girls to go.

    Diane, poor Elise. Has she been checked for reflux? Now the mad dash to get ready for departure. So excited for your next adventure.

    I am still struggling with WW Freestyle, not in a bad way, just taking me too long to track. I track everything because I don't trust that it will be zero points, lol. Forgot to tell you all that I lost 3 pounds this week. So total of 10 since getting back on plan.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, glad you're feeling better. What a weird day for you.

    Productive day here so far - treated myself to the good inside/outside car wash (I* do it a few times a year and heaven knows it was needed. That also forced me to clear out what I lovingly refer to as my Car Crap. I had eight pairs of gloves and a pair of cool mittens in there. Ran a slew of errands, bought the winning Powerball pick. (I get to hope until after the drawing

    Haven't eaten anything but a few tortilla chips so far - tummy is a bit off today so I'll take advantage of the low appetite, as Patti's doing. And I've been pushing my PAUSE button when a craving hits. Since errands, I've been watching basketball. James is napping, having gotten up way early with stomach issues. We might have Cheesecake Factory leftovers tonight.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello All. I am glad for the weekend, even a rainy one. Still trying to get over this crud, so still puny here.

    Patti- Congrats on the continued downward trend! I’m sorry you were under the weather too. Let’s all feel better.

    Janet- I am not much on comedies. Glenn tells me I need to enjoy them more. I’m more of a drama and historical type, and medical shows. So glad you enjoyed it though.

    Diane- where abouts are you headed to in Texas? There is much to enjoy there. They had a lot of flooding last year with the hurricane near Houston as our trip got detoured in August. That is quite a long drive for you. I know you will have a wonderful time.

    Well I am rambling and sounding choppy, so i need to go pick me a series or movie to watch. I have that British channel by Amazon “Acorn” that has some great shows. It’s only $5.99 a month too. Oh well. Better run,


  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Well what Elise had hit us hard last night. Carrie and I were up most of the night here with it, and Brad and Rossanne both have it as well. They were also up all night. I hope it goes away in 36 hours or so like hers. Brad and john were supposed to put Brad’s transmission in his car today. And Rossanne and I were supposed to take Elise to see my mom. John is the only one healthy and he said he is starting to feel a little off. I hope they can get the transmission in today or tomorrow. Otherwise I don’t know what we will do. And if John gets it tomorrow we aren’t leaving on Monday!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Sorry didn’t mean to hit post. I guess that’s better than done! Anyway, I’m not up for much at all. I need to get my clothes packed today or tomorrow but I got the groceries yesterday and cleaned the house so that is done. Well, I’ll have to clean the bathrooms again.

    No personals. I will try to update from the road.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello ladies. I’ve been straightening around the house this morning and just now having my egg white omelet. Scale peek yesterday had me at 181?? WTH?? I looked today and back down to179.2. Geez, so difficult to stay and start going down in a new decade. But I’m being consistent, tracking, watching my protein and carbs, just can’t seem to get exercise in during the week, so I have my exercise clothes and shoes on now.

    Diane- I can relate to grandkids passing on germs! I’m finally getting over the sinus cold from JJ. I hope John doesn’t come down with it postponing your trip.

    Kevin got a call saying he is anemic and has to see his primary doctor for treatment before he can be hired. Bless his heart. He has an appointment on Monday.

    I’m off to exercise!
