OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Much better than the weekend.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Diane, SO good to see Elise smiling - your day is made! Congrats on the loss too - proud of you, and with this foundation you will do well on the road.

    Cindy, i am LIVID about that creep. Good for Meg to make an appropriate stink - but SO sorry that happened to her. Like most women, I have ... stories too. Sorry Rick is living in fantasyland again - your strength knows what you need, and you WILL get where you ned to be. Thrilled you are getting interest in LR! No rush on the PDFs - take care of YOU, please.

    Bert, abstaining from ice cream is hard! I sometimes try "just a spoonful" but ...

    Karla, glad you're getting some well-fitting new duds before your travels. Hope the world, situation settles down soon.

    Patti, hooray for a few non-JoAnn days. You've earned them! Enjoy whatever you decide to do.

    Nothing new here = had an OK food day yesterday. Starting to think about packing for my DC trip (from very early Friday until Monday night) - think it's time to make a list and consult with my bet friend about what she's taking. No fancy events - the birthday party is at the ballpark, so it's jeans & sneakers territory. Kinda hoping there's a chance to do just a bit of shopping while I'm in VA.

    OK, time to get on with my day. Hugs to all!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    What a lovely morning it is when I can see smiling Elise to start it off. Diane, thanks for sharing, I know she is your world and I can feel your relief and joy to see her so happy. Sweetest Dino ever!

    Cindy, the nerve of that guy but so proud she is holding her own and that her boss took appropriate action. I pray that is the end of him. You never cease to amaze me with your strength and focus on you, as it should be. Two things you never need to apologize for here is dumping all your troubles and sharing all your strength. Your world should begin and end with YOU, nothing selfish about it, it is called being your best to you so you can be your best for others. I am shaking with excitement for your "book deal"! I can only imagine how awesome you must feel. So validating. Pretty soon we can all say we knew you when......

    Janet, I can see you driving to DC with the music playing and your mind taking in the sites and sounds of your trip.

    Bert, what great restraint. I don't think I could stop at one slice. The ice cream I can pass on easily, especially if it means I get more pizza, lol you certainly have a lot going on this week. So happy you had family time. What is the table top made of, real wood, laminate or something else. You can send me a picture or details to my email if you like at

    Karla, shopping queen! I need to get some new summer tops and tees before our trip to Florida but want to wait a bit and hopefully I will have a few more pounds off.

    WI! No change and I am happy with that since my food choices have been all,over the place since last weekend. I have had some very good days and a few very bad days. Hopefully I am back on track and will see a loss next week. Going to have a salad with Mom at lunch and fish for dinner tonight. Tomorrow is planned well too. Not sure about the rest of the week since I don't know if I will be painting or not. Doing my best and planning as much as possible, even if only a day at a time. Need to string some good days together.

    Off to Mom's
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. I satisfying but exhausting day. Elise was very clingy today so I spent a lot of time walking and holding her. But she does seem better. I think now the constipation has her grumbling. Poor baby. She will go to day care tomorrow. I have committed to a field trip at the wetlands sanctuary tomorrow. (I actually had committed for today and bailed on them. I don’t want to do that two days in a row! ) If Elise needs to come here Thursday and Friday she can.

    Today not. A good day for eating. Carrie asked me to get cookies at the store and I had THREE before I told her to hide them from me. My sweet tooth just can’t resist cookies. Dinner is a recipe for Indian curried shrimp. Wish I had some cauliflower rice but it is sleeting and I’m not going out to get anything. I’ll have to spend the points on regular rice.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Patti a maintain in the face of your weekend away plus treats like your mom’s cake and other stuff is pretty good. I’m waiting on shopping too. I doubt I’ll be down a size but at least I’ll look better in the size I’m wearing.

    Cindy, you are a strong woman and your daughter is the same. While it is never easy to call it done, I’m sure she will feel more able to move on once the divorce is final. And great news on the publisher interest!

    Janet let me know what your schedule for the weekend is. I’m busy Sunday but Saturday is pretty open, or early Monday before you head home. I also understand if you are just totally booked for the weekend.

    Bert I could not have stopped at one slice of pizza. Ice cream doesn’t call to me the same way.

    Karla I hope you are having fun shopping and not busy working again today!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, I can hear the relief in your post. Clinging to grandma is just what the Dr ordered. I would call your day a success, you stopped at 3, hid the rest and are right back on track.....all in the same day. I bet there was a time when you would have eaten 1/2 the package and then chucked the rest of the day. So pat yourself on the back a little.

    It has been a great day. I am fixing cod, carrots and corn for dinner. Had a salad with chicken for lunch with Mom and great workout with weights and TRX. Now date night with Edd.

    Until tomorrow my dear friends
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening ladies. Things are easing up at work. I am backing off my hours now and booking me a massage. Friday I am returning to my weight clinic which also offers a laser skin care line of procedures and having a neck tightening procedure. Not sure what they use to do this with but the ladies were talking about it last time I was there. Dr. Shields does the procedures herself.

    Sophie is getting her first grooming on Friday also as it is right by my clinic. I will drop her and Millie off and go shopping until time for my appointment.

    Diane- Congratulations on your continued weight loss! You are doing so well. Very good news on Elise.

    Bert - Are you seeing a downward trend on this new program also? I know you lost five pounds right off. Is there a meeting you could go to nearby?

    Patti- I confer with Diane that a maintain is a win with all your activities. That seems the same I have done for all of this month. I am still at 181.4. Ugghh.

    Janet - I know you will have a good time this weekend.

    Cindy- I was thinking you said it was Emily that had the altercation at work, not Meg. That is awful either way. Wonderful news on your wedding series.

    Glenn is turning into such a wonderful chef! Last night the chicken casserole and tonight a superb meatloaf. I am such a lucky lady. The chicken was low carb and delish!

    One month until our Tampa and Englewood Beach, Florida vacation! It is going to be so fun with visiting my niece first in Tampa, and then a host of friends from the early 70’s on Englewood Beach. Right on the water, south of Tampa. I’ve never been there, but my buddy Gayle of 47 years, says it’s awesome. There will be 10 or 12 of us all meeting there.

    Time to get back to tv time.

    Take care dear friends,

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm traveling to Indy today. The past 36 hours has been intense in the city limits. There was a police shoot out as a man had shot his ex-girlfriend and seriously injured her boyfriend. He fled on foot and had a 20 stand off with police. He eventually was killed as he continually was shooting at police. So scary.

    Karla: The online membership that I selected doesn't allow meetings. I didn't enjoy them anyway, I'll keep plugging away and hopefully will get on a losing streak again.

    I need to get ready for my drive. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Bert - That is awful on the shooting. Domestic violence is all to often. There was a shoot out near me also where a man was being evicted and shot at police and was killed. I am going back to every two weeks at my clinic. I think the accountability to have to go someplace and weigh in is paramount for me and most people. I'm sorry there is not someplace there you feel comfortable. I don't think anyplace is really comfortable to weigh in though, I know I am always nervous, even though I have lost everytime!!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, I am having lunch with the girls then taking my friend on some errands. Will need to hit the grocery and then hoping to have time to work on the cards for Saturday.

    Bert, how very scary. It is a shame that we all have these things going on in our towns. Yesterday there was a roll over accident on the highway. A Good Samaritan woman stopped to help and the driver of the wrecked vehicle jumped up, pushed her aside and stole her car. He left his injured passenger behind. Evidently they had just shoplifted some power equipment from the Home Depot and were fleeing the scene, they were not being chased! Luckily the lady wasn't hurt but they haven't found the guy and her car yet.

    Back later
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, everyone.

    Patti, yikes! What a sleazeball.

    Bert, that stuff is so distressing. No city is safe or immune from anything, but it's still jarring when it happens.

    Diane, hope your little dinosaur is her cutest self again today.

    Cindy, hope Meg has no more hassles, and that your work is as calm as it can be.

    Karla, your schedule is insane. You certainly are taking most excellent care of yourself. Let us know about the neck tightening procedure. I'd love to get a few small pampering things done - waiting until I can fit it into my budget.

    Changed hair color from dark red to strawberry blonde today - lighter & brighter, but in a way that didn't damage my hair (the Hashimoto's, thyroid cancer & treatment for it did a real number on my hair amount & texture, and my hair guy knows his stuff - 40+ years in the business). Got a couple of tops on sale afterward, and a pair of Clark's shoes to take with me. Going to start assemblng/packing for my trip tonight.

    May not have time to post until next week so wishing you all an excellent weekend of fun, family & friends. Will read if able and will catch up next week.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, strawberry blonde looks so great on you. New hair, new tops and new shoes sounds the beginning of a great road trip.

    What a wacky day here! During lunch at the local sub shop, my gf got locked in the bathroom. It was a single bathroom and the actual door lock broke, the key did not work. They had to use a crowbar and screwdriver to open the door. The worst was, once they got the door open they all scattered. Nobody apologized or asked if she was ok, she was in there 15 minutes. Nobody working there said a word to her. We all had a good belly laugh though. I then took my friend to the thrift store to drop off and browse. Followed by a drop off at her hairdresser (granddaughter) and then returned her car back to her house. Was going to stop by the Walmart near her house but it was on fire. So I just came home and called it a day!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is another observation and then I'm headed to Chicago. It's a win win for me as I meet with a student and get to spend time with Dan, Annie, Dylan, and Penny. Mike is staying behind as he's working on Friday and then be on Molly duty until I return. Last night my BFF and I went to the Golden Dragon Acrobat show. It was wonderful!

    Patti: Wow, what a day for you and your gf! I would have called it a day, too.

    Janet: Enjoy your trip. I bought a couple of pairs of Skechers yesterday after my visit. They are so comfortable. I also love Clarks. I have several pairs of them, too. I love shoes.

    Waving hi to Karla, Cindy, and Diane. I need to get ready and get packed. Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All-

    18+ inches of new snow compliments of Quinn-
    Work should be somewhat resolved by the end of this month.
    Meg is a kick butt kind of girl- so proud of her.
    And no class last night- due to Quinn....
    All is well and tomorrow is an LR day- can't wait.
    Sorry no time for personals but read all.
    Have a wonderful day and safe travels to all who are on the roads.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    I hit the 170’s!!!!!!!!!

    Yippee yahooo - finally!!!!

    I typed a long post this morning and hit the above done, argghh

    Bert- Have a safe and fun trip.

    Cindy- ouch for the snow. We all love your girls through you.

    Diane- loved the dragon outfit on Elise. Congrats again on your weight loss.

    Patti- what a crazy day. Unpardonable for that store. I’m having lunch with our friend Tammy today.

    Janet- I’ll let you know about my neck procedure. I bet your hair looks cute. Have a great time this weekend.

    Glenn has been contacted by the shipyard again for a contract job. Looks like another month to get started, which will work on our trips. Great money too.

    Life is good.

    Take care,

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning girls, today is a new day and hope the bad juju from yesterday has moved on. I need to run to Joann for some crafting supplies that I misplaced at the scrap weekend. I also need to hit the grocery since I didn't get it done yesterday. Then hope to start designing some cards before I go to the gym.

    Karla, congrats on your new decade.

    Cindy, we only got a dusting, 18 inches is impressive. Stay in and stay safe.

    Bert, safe travels and enjoy your family time. Sorry mike can't join you.

    Janet, I know you are getting ready for an early morning departure. Take care on the roads.

    Waving hi to Diane
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Yesterday was a wetlands sanctuary field trip day in th snow! The coordinator said she had never done one in the snow before. The high school cancelled, the middle school came. We had a great time. None of the kids complained at all. I was wiped out by the time I got home.

    Today was a mom day. She is not doing well. I hate to leave in a week or so, but I can’t put my life on hold waiting for the what if. We will be back in 5 or 6 weeks, and my sister from WI is coming for a few days in there.

    Eating has NOT been good the last few days. Yesterday was a total disaster. Today was better but not by much. My weekly points are in the red, and I have to make it until Monday! I don’t know why I have fallen apart this week, but I have to figure out how to rein it in.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Janet have a safe trip. I think you would look gorgeous with strawberry blonde hair! I know you dislike pictures, but just one with the new do would be fun to see.

    Karla, congrats on the new decade! I knew you would get there soon.

    Cindy yikes! 18 inches! That would shut our whole region down for a week. John is in CT this week but along the coast. When I talked to him this morning he said they only got about 4 inches. Hope your power stays on!

    Patti you and I are in the same boat. We better both start bailing and rowing, seriously, I don’t know why I am floundering and I’m sure you don’t know either.

    Bert hope your day and drive went smoothly. W are going to the Big Apple circus this weekend. They have some really spectacular trapeze acts.

    I better get myself to bed before I succumb to the fridge or cupboard again!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, I think you are stress eating and with good reason. Here's an idea. To get back on track, every time you get something to eat, pause to answer these questions: 1) how long has it been since I last ate, less than 2.5 hours you are probably not hungry. 2) when is the last time you had a drink, more than thirty minutes you are probably thirsty, not hungry 3) if you are not truly hungry, what do you expect the food to do for you. You can change the questions, the real thing is to pause and think before you eat. You can write your answers down and then maybe see a trend.

    I think my problem is I am not planning and then when I am tired or don't feel like cooking I give in to whatever Edd wants. I know I need to make a menu and plan, plan,,plan....I am so not disciplined, plus I am a spur of the moment kind of girl but that whole thing is not very good for weight loss. I have to want to lose more than I want to be free, lol. Working on that.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning and Happy Friday!! I am excited to have a day off, but I am a busy bee. Izzy spent the night so first I have to drop her off a school, then I am dropping Sophie and Millie off for there hairdo's and then I am shopping until 11a, when I have my neck tightening and weigh in. Wish me luck please. I do have to go by the office and pick up my check and go by the credit union also. Afterward I need to run the pups back home and pick Kevin up and we make the trek up to Citronelle to pick JJ up for the weekend. Jason works until 7p, so I go pick him up for him.

    As far as sticking to an eating plan and what has us splurging and falling off the plan? Let's face it girls, it isn't easy! We have to make sacrifices if we want to lose weight. Our head has to be in the game and focused to get our stubborn bodies to cooperate. Unfortunately even a minor deviation from the program can cost a stay or a gain. That is why this journey is so emotional. It was one of the reasons I was talking about my program so much when I was so heavily into it and driving you all crazy. It was helping me stay focused. I have to admit when I was asked to tone down talking about it I faltered off the plan for awhile. I am just now back to losing again. It takes dedication, sacrifice and a strong will to consistently lose weight. I keep telling myself it is not forever. I love getting dressed now, I love wearing a size 12 and size medium shirts. My friend Tammy told me yesterday I looked FABULOUS. i can't wait for my BFF, Gayle, of 47 years to see me next month. One thing is for sure, once you slide off it can turn into a landslide and you can quickly gain the 5-7 pounds you painstakingly took a month to lose!! Geez, it isn't easy girls!! I stand behind keeping the breads, rice, potatoes and high carbs foods to a minimum no matter what plan yo are on. The same with sweets. Just hang in there everyone, jump back on your plan, BAM!! Breathe, Accept and Move on!!

    Time for me to get dressed and then get my Isabella up. I love this little girl to the moon and back. I scheduled another vacation. Glenn said I am killing him with this. LOL. This one sounds really cool in Destin and a resort I haven't been too called the Luau Resort, it has 17 swimming pools!! I booked it for April 1st, 2nd and 3rd for Izzy and JJ's spring break. They have kayaks, boogie board and bikes for the kids to use. Can't wait!!

    I better run,
