OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi all, having a marvelous time with the best women. Completed one small album today, just need to get the pictures to put in in. Tomorrow I will start on another one and if I get it done I will make some cards. Eating.......could have done better but not off the charts. Cheese ravioli, grilled chicken and salad. My pause button refused to work on the pasta, lol. Planning a better day tomorrow.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is a student teacher/adjunct meeting on campus. They are having them on Saturdays now so students don't have to miss a day of work. I guess that's ok if you don't have plans yourself. I'm not looking forward to meeting with one of my student teachers who is not making much effort. I visit her on Monday. I have a feeling it will be a little tense. Her classroom teacher feels the same way I do, so I know it's not all me. I have her again in another school this semester. We shall see.

    It's raining again today. Mike may be called for helping with the Red Cross. I'm proud of him for volunteering. They currently have him overseeing the logisitics for vehicles in surrounding counties. He's good at that as that was his job at the conrete plant where he work. Many areas are flooding due to the rain.

    Patti: My pause button would refuse to work on pasta as well. Last night was our monthly church group Euchre club. I made 0 point chicken taco soup which many thought was tasty. I did partake of a few tositos scooped and queso dip. However, I tried to limit the portion. Today will be much better although lunch is provided on campus today. They have a salad bar, so that's what I'll eat as well as some type of healthy protein.

    I need to get started on Power Point for tomorrow's worship service. I'll try to get back this afternoon. Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all.

    Patti, enjoy every second.

    Bert, I know you and the supervising teacher will do your best to lead this young woman to become a responsible educator.

    We're still in potential ark weather - more rain coming, flooding won't crest until Tuesday. Did OK yesterday, but not great. James grilled lean burgers for lunch and I went bunless, with a single handful of potato chips. Then abut 10 last night he made frozen pizza and I had a modest slice. I was hungry. Not the best foods, but i've been worse.

    Not sure what's on for today - woke up during the night in time to watch the end of the US men's curling team winning the gold. Yes, I enjoyed it a lot. Curling is so fun to watch!

    Have a great day, friends. Hugs all around.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Laides-
    I'm working hard at LR stuff both yesterday and today. I need to scan in the notes but when I do I'll get them out.
    Remember the power of pause- we've got this!
    And I have lots more scribbles from Wednesday night.
    Need to get back to Borrowed- but I also need to make some blueberry muffins for picture taking for the blog tomorrow. Meg is encouraging me to share some of "Cari's" recipes which means I need to cook and be the photographer.
    But the words are flowing so that's a good thing.
    See you again soon- stay warm, dry and full of smiles
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm up early this morning......5:00 a.m.! Hips were hurting and I couldn't get comfortable. Mike was called out last night for the Red Cross. He went to northern Indiana to take cots to a shelter for 1000 flood victims. I'm proud of him for volunteering. I'll be glad to have him home this afternoon.

    Yesterday's student teacher/supervisor meetings were good. Student teachers were to submit two videos to the Education Department on two certain topics for their portfolio and graduation requirement. Supervisors evaluated the videos and then discussed them with the students. Well, guess who didn't submit her video? The same student I've been having trouble with for the past 8 weeks. I was furious!; however, the videos were not part of the requirements for my course. It's the department's problem. Maybe they will believe and support what I've been saying. I reminded her several times to submit her videos, but as usual, she didn't reply to my emails. Ok, I'm done venting and ranting! I have her for 8 more weeks.

    I'll check in this afternoon. Need to get ready for church. Have a great day, everyone!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good Sunday afternoon all. It has been a misty, gloomy, foggy weekend. We went to Cape Henlopen, but saw no seals at all in the fog and mist. We still had an enjoyable time with the group.

    Eating was pretty good, except for a Kind Fruit and Nut bar that I didn't check on ahead of time and was 8 FP! A few snacks but pretty well controlled. The beverages, on the other hand...not so much. Way too much red wine this weekend for WW. We'll see how WI goes tomorrow, both here at home and at the meeting.

    I am not feeling very good today, partly too much wine last night but also partly I think my cold has caught up with me. I will be back tomorrow for personals after my WI.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello all, home from the very best of fellowship and crafting. The only downside was my snacking. In a room full of about 150 women who pretty much all have snacks on or near their tables I proved too much for me. I did allow myself snacks twice a day..all carbs unfortunately, I only ate 2 meals each day and did excellent with portion control and except for salad left part of my food at every meal. I completed both albums and will now need to schedule time to get pics of the babies from the two moms and hopefully get some input before I put the pics on the pag s. Made a few cards, laughed a lot and can't wait to do it again. Colonoscopy on Thursday so maybe that will purge all the bad choices I made this weekend, lol. Didn't get much sleep, up late giggling and talking. Planning early bedtime and then working 15-5 tomorrow. No late hours this week!
    Parts of Cincinnati are flooded like Coney Island, the Ball Park, Riverbend music center. I think the roads in front of Paula's house may be flooded.

    Diane, hope your cold is short lived. Glad you had a good times despite no seal sightings.

    Janet, stay high and dry. It is a rare occasion when you have higher water than us. We crested and are going back down, water in the yard but everything out of harms way.

    Bert, I pray your student teacher does not get passed along to actually teach. It takes a special type of dedication and understanding to be a teacher and even more so to teach a teacher. I love that you are shaping the future for our children.

    Cindy, yeah for LR time. I need to make some time to catch up on your blog. I am woefully behind. My days seem to be filled but can't quite put my finger on with what!

    My brain is tried, so see you later
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Here is what our weather looked like this weekend.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all. Did reasonably well this rainy weekend. Sun came out this morning. Much to do today, including a manicure.

    Cindy, happy for your LR time.

    Bert, hope the college deals with this young woman's lack of follow-through appropriately - and that she gets a clue.

    Patti, sounds like a great weekend and it seems as if you did well on food. The friendship and laughter take care of themselves.

    Diane, Feel better. That misty scene looked lovely. Not quite what you'd hoped for, but beautiful nonetheless. Bet you'll see a nice loss at WI again.

    Karla, guessing you had a weekend of fun and frolic.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Okay. WI at home this morning was exactly the same as last week. At the WW meeting I am up .8. For as bad as the weekend was, I consider that a success. Today starts a new week of tracking so I am climbing back on board.

    I’m still not feeling 100% so I really think I have something else going on. Slightly stuffy sinuses have been going on for several days now but yesterday added some dizziness and total lethargy. I skipped the gym this morning.

    Cindy, happy birthday to Meg. I saw the baby picture you posted of her. I’m sorry she is going through a rough period right now but I know with your help she will bounce back stronger than ever.

    Janet enjoy your manicure, do you get pedicures too? That is one of my few indulgences - I love the soaking and scrubbing and massaging.

    Patti sounds like you had a fabulous weekend, and did as well as you could. Hope the flooding recedes without too much damage. We are seeing coverage of your horrible weather here.

    Bert you can only do so much with a student who doesn’t want to work. Here’s hoping the rest of the department sees the same things you are seeing and soemehow gets

    Waving to Karla - you must have had a fun weekend.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Looks like Louisville has significant flooding. Janet, please let us know that you are okay!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning All-
    I'm happy to report Meg called late last night and said she had an awesome day. She confessed last year she spent the day crying by a lake as she was so sad and felt lost. I saw the daughter I know and love and admire last night in her voice. She's doing this on her own terms. So So SO Proud.
    I'm in the final stages of finishing the first draft of Borrowed. I know how its going to end just need to fill in a few weeks of "time" to get Kenszy there.

    Have to take Jasper back to the vet- he's moving slow and has some grumbles I pray its just an over-do sort of thing. But praying for good news for the little man who makes me smile.
    Glad everyone is safe with the flooding.
    Diane- the 0.8 might be water retention getting back your focus is just what you need.
    Patti- glad the time crafting was a blast for you. I can picture you smiling and you cut and place things in books and on cards.
    Bert- Mike is a great guy- you're very blessed
    Karla- good weekend?
    Janet- how bad is the flooding in your area?
    Need to run- see you again soon and I haven't forgotten the notes- we have 4 weeks left do you want what I have now or wait for all of them- your choice.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, i would love to have the notes now and later but do whatever you have time for, no pressure, I think you have plenty of that in your life already. So happy to hear that Meg is doing well. She is soooo your daughter. Stronger than she knows! Funny how taking the reigns of your own life, no matter how scary, makes you feel so powerful. You have so much to be proud of with your girls. Praying Jasper is just tired and no issues are found. You seem to really be sailing thru this new book and I can't wait to read it and all that follow.

    It's Mom day. She fell last Tuesday after I left but didn't tell anyone. She thinks she may have cracked a rib because she was in a lot of pain, unable to raise her arm are left anything. She said she considered pushing her Lifeline button but decided she could get herself into bed so didn't want to bother me. She was afraid it would interfere with my weekend. She also did not call my sister and waited until Friday, when my sis went to see her, to tell her. We were both upset with her but she is an adult and gets to make whatever choices she wants to make, I get that but made me sad to think she was in pain and had nobody there to help her. Her birthday is Saturday and she will be 88. I have to work 12-5 so will stop by before I go in for a bit. I haven't come up with a gift. Just out of clever ideas. She wants nothing and truly needs nothing. Hoping to forget some inspiration while I am with her today. The bigger issue is that her drivers license is due for renewal and I know they will not issue her one, it is going to make her cry even though she hasn't driven since August of 2016. It is that last freedom taken from her. It breaks my heart when she cries.

    Janet, hope you are high and dry. Cincinnati and Louisville seem to have been hit hard this time. Praying they can let the river down enough to avoid another flood with the next round of rains.

    Diane, not a bad gain after the weekend. I desided to not weigh this week, don't need that kind of negative feedback right now, lol. I know I did poorly and I am not going to use the scale to punish myself.

    Waving to Bert and Karla

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Checking in - I've been to my strength class at the gym, the grocery store, and now having a snack. I am going out for a late lunch with my work mates at a Mexican restaurant. I knew if I didn't have a snack first I would make very poor choices and not use my no muscle. I've looked at the menu in advance and am either going to have Portabello tacos or something that I think looks like chicken fajitas and will skip the tortillas. (Called Chicken Abodabos - is that like fajitas?)

    Patti, my mother does the same thing! Drives me nuts. She has fallen a couple of times, even needed the security people there to come help her up, and not told us. My mom just had her 85th birthday last week. Her complex has their own lifeline type button, which I got for her, and she doesn't wear it all the time! Argh. Hope your mom is healing up. For a gift this year my mom asked for a large outdoor thermometer that could be mounted on her porch, so that is what we got her. Would your mom like something practical like that?

    Cindy, it is good to hear that Meg is strong and determined. She'll make it through this. Hope Jasper is okey! I'm with Patti - whenever you get your notes together is fine. It might be nice to have it in two chunks to be able to absorb it more easily.

    Still no word here from Janet - has anyone heard from her via email? I hate to bother her but it does look like Louisville is getting pounded by flooding.

    Waving to Bert and Karla. I will come back and check in after my lunch. Knowing I am doing that might help with that No muscle.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi! No time right now but will try for personals tomorrow.

    Diane, thanks for your concern. I'm fine but downtown and low areas got NAILED. Sun came out yesterday and is out again today. Whee.

    Pardon my brevity - gotta keep moving.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Glad to hear that you are safe and dry, Janet.

    Mom was doing well, feeling foolish about her fall. She was carrying something in each hand and lost her balance. She admits that she knew she should have a free hand for balance but decided just that once she could make it without a free hand to hold on to walls and furniture. Lesson learned, I hope. I think I am going to wrap up some bubble wrap as part of her birthday gift!
    Going to try to airfry some shrimp for dinner. I cooked spaghetti squash the other night. Something I have tried in the past and really did not care for. I cooked it longer this time and decided to treat it like squash and not expect to take the place of spaghetti. It was not bad but still not my favorite. Nothing will ever take the place of real pasta for me.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good evening all. Just an accountability check - I had the fajitas, but also had some guac and chips. Tracked as best I can, used 4 weeklies, and had a 1 point salad for dinner. I may have to fill in with some yogurt later.

    Janet, good to hear you are safe and dry.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All-
    Patti- love the bubble wrap idea- too cute
    Diane- you seem to be embracing healthy change- love it
    Janet- so glad you're safe- be back when you can
    Karla- how are you?
    Bert- Did Mike make it home ok?
    Another class tonight- I have stacks of paper at work to scan for a PDF- getting closer.
    Jasper has another vet appointment tomorrow so it will be an early lunch. And I've touched base with Tufts- they think it is part of the healing process and his left back let does seem stronger today. Guess he over did it. Time will tell.
    I have baby gates in front of every piece of furniture for zero jumping. I guess this will be a new normal.
    Thanks for the support.
    Talk again soon
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Oh I forgot to tel you I put on a pair of pants I haven't worn in months- just forgot abut them and they still fit- I'm taking that as a victory lap. Wish they weren't 18's but I didn't go up a size. NSV-
    I'm sure that sounds silly but as I've watched the weight slowly creep back on not seeing additional changes has made me fell SO much stronger and in control
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I've had a very busy week. I'm working on reviewing assignments and completing evaluations this morning. The next two weeks are back to back visits.

    Flooding in Indiana has been bad. Red Cross called Mike on Friday night to take cots to a shelter in northern IN. There is a section on US 41 heading to Chicago that is closed due to flooding. I'm so hoping that it will recede by next Thursday as I'm heading to Chicago for a student visit as well as visiting Dan, Annie, Dylan, and Penny. I haven't seen them since Christmas. I need time with them.

    Cindy: It is the tough times that help us grow stronger. I know my divorce from the boys' dad was difficult, but definitely made me a more stronger and independant woman.

    Janet: Glad you're ok.

    Patti: Mike's grandma was like your mom. She still wanted her independence and also did not want to bother people. My mom didn't share much as she always told me she didn't want to be a burden on us. Now, I wish she would have as I feel I missed out on things with her. She's been gone for 22 years. Seems like yesterday.

    Diane: It's sometimes tough trying to track on WW. We went out for Mexican last night and I ordered a chicken taco salad. There were so many choices on the tracker, so I picked the one in the middle! :open_mouth:

    Waving hi to Karla. Have a great day everyone! Now it's time to get homework and evaluations done.
