OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited February 2018
    Beautiful here on the lovely white sands of My home town


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited February 2018
    We are on the 9th floor. Awesome as always.!vpu934saneyr.jpg

    Diane- here is a pic of bag, best thing is zero carbs and zero sugar, plus 17 vs 7. But you still might like chips better. You can’t really eat 17 of these as they are very tasty. They are great with soup or with a sandwich. Ruby Tuesday’s has them on their salad bar now. Not being pushy, just informational.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. This morning I'm making my banana oatmeal pancakes from the 21 Day Fix recipe book. 3 points for two pancakes topped with mixed berries = 137 calories.

    Today, I'm doing laundry, cleaning the house, and will work out at some point. My shoulders are screaming to day, so no weight lifting for me. I also need to take time to do more research on I haven't researched in a few days and want to get all I can during my 6 month membership that Dan and Annie gave us for Christmas.

    Karla: I like the parmesan crisps. I add them to my salad sometimes so I can get some crunch. I didn't know Sam's had them; I'll check them out as a small bag at Krogers is expensive. Do they stay crisp in such a large bag?

    I'll check in later today. Have a great day everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Friday already, what a quick week. TRX was awesome, we did weights along with our TRX workout. Love that she changes it up every class. Leaving soon for my 90 minute class and then work at 2pm. Card are all done for tomorrow's class. I did a little more research on the WW site and realized there is a lot more in the database of exercise than I thought, I found TRX yeah.

    Karla, I like th cheese wisps but only as a salad or soup topping. I find them a bit too strong and salty to eat like chips. Your view is gorgeous from the 9th floor.

    Diane, enjoy your Elise day. Hope you had nice weather for walking. It is raining here and that will continue for days. The river is going to crest at the cabin early next week and it will be at flood stage, 20ft above pool. Our stuff is all well above that but the water will be nearly to our porch posts.

    Cindy, is this a LR weekend, I am anxiously awaiting what you learned this week.

    Bert, how is your brother doing. Any plans for a visit soon. Enjoy your research.

    Janet, hope you are feeling less blue and that James has found a way to bring a smile to your heart and face.

    It's that time
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- yea the crisps and whisps are not like chips, and they are strong, but they do give you a crunch. They are expensive though. Have a great fun card day, you are always on the go!

    Bert- you are doing great.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all, ad TGIF. Been busy but eating half decently the last few days.

    Ran errands, more today. Tonight I am going to the art museum with James and his girlfriend - haven't met her yet, so it will be interesting. She sounds really sweet and knowing James, I am well aware that she will probably be beautiful. So I will work on self-esteem this afternoon and stress about what one wears when meeting one's roommate's girlfriend - and do my best not to feel like an extra wheel. I'll drive separately, or else she will bring him home tomorrow. No stress at all, eh?

    Bert, loved the story of how Mike met and wooed you. So sweet.

    Karla, enjoy the beach and family time.

    Cindy, sending relaxing vibes your way.

    Diane, those Valentine pics of Elise are endlessly cute - what a bright-eyed baby!

    Onward with my day. Hugs to all.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, just use your smile and be yourself. You ARE beautiful, you just need to believe it. Enjoy the evening and put your shine on!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all - trying to get Elise to take a short nap, so will check in with you ladies until she fusses. I got another cute picture today - will share later.

    Eating has been going pretty well. I have used so few points today that I let myself have a corn chip snack - carefully counted out my 7 chips and made sure I got all whole ones lol! I allowed myself a scale hop today and it is looking really good! I just need to be on track all weekend and hopefully I will see a nice loss on Monday at Weigh In.

    Tonight for dinner we are having the Skinnytaste Slow Cooker Chicken and Sausage Creole. I used Chicken breast meat instead of thighs for a 1 point dinner! I'm hoping it is good and I can put it in the regular dinner rotation. I haven't had a bad recipe yet from Skinnytaste, so have high hopes.

    Sounds like Elise is NOT going to settle for a nap, so back later.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Here is a picture I took today.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    It has been a stressful week- Rick is unhappy i made the choice to go to my meeting instead of spending those two hours with him- sigh- and then today he was contrite but I let so much of what I've been holding close out. In a kind and respectful way- but he didn't get it. Missing his meds has made a hot mess out of him. Worse then usual. But I feel strong and on the right path.
    Wednesday night was about reflection inward on the WHY- why we make the decisions and non-mindful choices we do. We did two different meditation type of exercises to clear the mind and let worry drop from our hearts. What a difference. I think this is why I am currently calm and clear.
    Close your eyes and say "I drop my worry to my heart" when you mentally see that you did that- the blood flow in your body will wash it away. you mentally make it leave you.
    If that doesn't worry- write down what is troubling you and put it aside - remembering that worrying about something doesn't change- only time will do that.
    Then we talked about mindful choices as opposed to just doing something and realizing it- like mindless eating or not making a choice to move a bit more.
    When you let go of worry- make a mindful choice to not worry about something.
    Let it go- Let it go- I keep thinking of the song from Frozen- lol
    As a reminder- the only thing we can control is how we react to things. Be mindful of your thoughts and reactions.
    This is a very inward and spiritual path- they keep saying- "it" will click. So you'll stop abusing food, or depression will lift, or whatever is causing you to want to be better.
    I do think it is working.
    So for today- make mindful choices- weather its eating the parmesan crisps, doing chair yoga or regular, stopping to smell the flowers or salty air.
    And for Janet- look in the mirror and tell yourself- you are beautiful inside and out. If someone can't see your worth- they're not worth having in your life! Big hugs!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello again. We spent quality time with my dad and then had lunch with Keith. We are headed back to the resort now, it is 79 degrees!! Sunny and bright!

    Cindy- Such wonderful and needed information for us all. Thank you as it is enriching you during this trying time, it helps all of us.

    Janet - Why would James develop a relationship if he is moving to California? I know this is difficult for you. I bet she is just as uncomfortable meeting you. Hold your head up baby, you’ve come a long way. No offense, but I think it’s time for James to get his own place. Sooner or later they would want intimate time.

    Diane- Elise is a doll baby. She thrives in your loving care.

    Back at the resort, big night out at Sharkey’s with family tonight.

    Let’s all read and reread Cindy’s words. So ethereal.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Sorry. Meant to add the calories too for the Skinnytaste dinner. It is 244 calories and 15 carbs with 3g of fiber. So good for all of us!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Diane, I want to try that recipe. The pic of Elise is priceless - such an expressive face.

    Cindy, immensely proud of you. Thank you for conveying what you’re learning and how it is working for you.

    Karla, we all want companionship and James has been lucky enough to find some. Much easier for guys. She is lovely, smart and funny. They have her place for couples time. I love having him here, not just for the hugs on demand. He’s doing well, finally, and is ramping up job search. We know what we’r doing and I am pleased his body and spirit are healing here.

    Much to do this weekend but will try to check in.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Yesterday's cleaning was hard on my back. It was probably a combination of mopping, vacuuming, lifting chairs, and yesterday's workout. I took the initiative and texted my former cleaning lady as said after not hearing from her for several months, I assumed you aren't returning to our house and clean. I thanked her for helping me after my surgery......all she said was you're welcome! It really ticks me off and puts me in an awkard situation as I'm friends with her mom.....Her mom is the one who had the massive heart attack this summer. I don't want to involve her mom in this, so I'll just let it die. She is in her 50's and should be more mature, in my opinion, to contact me to let me know she wouldn't be returning. I'm also friends with her sister. I'm pondering whether or not to ask her sister if we have done anything to offend them and/or the family. Opinions?

    Patti: My brother is doing so much better. He is starting to drive again which gives him more independence. I'm planning to visit this spring.....

    Janet: You are beautiful! Don't worry about anything! I would love to arrange a time for us to meet in person.

    Cindy: Take care of you. Don't let anyone steal your joy. Your meeting sounds heavenly. I tend to be a worrier as well as I am a peacemaker. I try to fix things so there isn't turmoil; hence my rant in my opening paragraph. I just need to let go and let GOD handle it. Thanks for sharing what you learn.

    Diane: I'm looking for recipes for my ladies church group meeting at my house. I looked on the WW recipe section and found a couple of ideas. Do you have any suggestions? If all else fails, I'll provide Marie Callendar's pie (that's usually what happens) and will eat something different (or not partake period). Our group is called Marty Martha, so every hostess provides "M&M's" as a treat during the meeting. I'll have to have a strong will and decline. This will be hard as I LOVE SWEETS!

    Karla: I'm glad you are having a great time.....I want Mike and I to return to Destin at some point.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Bert, here is a recipe I haven’t tried but looks good. It is a crustless cheesecake sort of dish. It is from the Facebook group I joined that is run by the leader of the meeting I am going to.

    Cheesecake! Only 4 points for the whole pan full (IF you eat without toppings :-)
    Wanted to post picture- SO good but cell phone dead :-) but will post later; but here is the recipe; really is DELICIOUS'
    Spray pyrex pie pan
    In mixing bowl:
    1 small pack sugar free cheesecake pudding ( can use any flavor but since I had cheesecake flavoring- why not :-) 4SP
    3 eggs ( 0 points )
    3 c. fat free yogurt ( o points )
    1T vanilla
    2T Splenda or trivia or........
    1T lemon juice
    pinch salt
    Mix all together ( yep, I used mixer) pour in your sprayed pie pan. I had all of that total of 4 smart points!
    Then.........IF you want to add sugar free chocolate chips ( I did 1T = 3sp) or you can add whatever and count the points, such as nuts or...........
    Bake in preheated 350 degree oven for 25 minutes
    Remove from oven; put on cooling rack
    When cooled; can cover with aluminum foil and refrigerate till ready to eat. I served with sugar free Cool whip and strawberries! SO good; diabetic friendly and low SP.
    Win - Win !! As mentioned in mtg. this am ( Wed) I had for breakfast; but its an anything treat, snack or fancy dessert! Enjoy
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    So report on the creole recipe: I put too many carrots in (I had a bag of mini carrots that was getting dry so used about twice what was called for). I also think it would be better made with the chicken thighs called for than the breast meat- it needed the depth that the dark meat would have added. Even with thighs it would only be 4 FP per serving, and the calories and carbs I reported would be for the original version. Other than those changes it was pretty tasty. The cauliflower rice was a good base because that’s all it was - a base to soak up the sauce.

    I’m fixing a shrimp stir fry with TJs cauliflower rice veggie blend in a few days. I’ll let you know how that one goes.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    My sweet Sophie and her sister Ellie.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    Checked out of the Wyndham and going to pick up Sophie. Then onward to my dads house for a goodbye and on a Craft Beer festival and Food Truck event we have tickets for on our way out of town.

    Diane- I love shrimp in just about anything.

    Bert/ Thank you, I am enjoying my life. I was lucky to have grown up here.

    I better go

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Darn - I lost a long post with personals. I think I hit "done" instead of "post reply" again.

    Patti, I would love to see pictures of some of the cards you are making. The ones you have sent me are gorgeous. I hope the cabin is safe from floods this weekend.

    Karla, what a lovely sounding time with your family. How have you done on your eating plan with all the temptations of eating out? The pups are so cute!

    Bert, let me know if you try the cheesecake recipe. It looks interesting. I might have to try something like that next weekend. I do miss my sweets!

    Janet, you are indeed a lovely person inside and out. Think of James' girlfriend as a possible new friend for you! And who knows, maybe she has a few single male friends...

    Cindy, I saved you for last because I want to let you know how much I appreciate you taking the time to post all that information from your class sessions. It sounds like this journey has been truly helpful for you, and your passing the information on to us will help us as well. Mindful choices instead of mindless ones - that is the key for me. I just need to keep it in the forefront.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Yesterday was a fun day with my little sweetheart - she was REALLY good, and was so interested in toys and things around her. Much as I am looking forward to getting back on the road, I am NOT looking forward to going weeks at a time without seeing her!

    So, Thursday I finally quit procrastinating and started on the dog hammock for my son's truck. Then Thursday his car died and his truck was acting up. They decided to fix the car but get rid of the truck, and get a family vehicle. (They can borrow our pickup if they really need one.) Last night they bought a Honda Pilot (not new, a 2012 with 80K miles, but it looks in really good shape.) So now I am back to square one. Luckily I hadn't gotten far, but I did cut and seam the fabric since one width wasn't wide enough for the truck. It probably would have been wide enough for the Pilot! And now he wants some specific design features. So I probably don't have enough fabric, and I hope I can get more of the same. (It is just black denim, so I should be able to.)

    I am doing really well with WW - I did a scale peak this morning even though I know I shouldn't. I will let you all know on Monday afternoon what my official WI says. It isn't ideal because it is a noon Monday meeting, so I will have had at least breakfast and water, but oh well. I think I just needed a structured program and some accountability to get me focused again. But tracking in both MFP and WW didn't last past the first day!