OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    A neat float here.

    Working from home today a little while and then organizing my craft room and sewing with my embroidery machine I hope. Glenn and I had breakfast out this morning after we took Izzy to school, loaded with Valentine cards, cupcakes and a teacher gift. They are out all week next week for Mardi Gras week. So the Valentine party is today.

    I’m glad to see so many of you joining a structured program. I had to do it myself to get anywhere. I didn’t want to either, but the accountability was more effective when you had an investment and/or and official weigh in. I like the private one on one weigh in at the clinic. I wish we had a better leader at my local weight watcher location, as I did love the program. Online just allowed me to cheat after awhile.

    Janet - I’m so glad you are changing bone meds before damage is made to your GI tract. It’s sad we have to “prove” to the insurance companies we can’t take something through pain.

    Patti- We both did so good when we first met in 2011 and 2013 losing over 50 pounds on WW, why did we slip off it and regain?

    Cindy - I am tweaking the 80/20 plan for my program to give myself a break from the rigid ness I have stayed on. Thank you for sharing. I do pray you get some FUN in your life soon. Can you grab Emily and go to a movie, shopping or walk the mall this weekend? Just a break from it all?

    Bert- Your church is a wonderful haven. I also love your gym instructor lessons. The ladies from WW don’t use those link boards on the site as they found them hard to follow. That’s why we all meet on a Facebook page. Have you tried the other boards on here by age?

    Diane- Your house renovation update sound awesome. We are excited about our guesthouse too. We will be spending close to $30k by the time we are done, so it’s going to be really nice. We have a contractor on board now to help with the high roofing and areas Glenn and his buddies are not equipped to do. I told you it’s going to have a third garage for us and attic spacing too, didn’t I?

    I better get back to work now. But I wanted to share with you fine ladies.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The show was fabulous! Very funny and the actors did an amazing job. Working in the kitchen was another story. The lady in charge doesn't have the best tempermant and wonders why she can't get workers.......I don't know how to address that with her. Our program director who gets all these shows to our church has had it with her. I play the role of the peacemaker, so I'm going to try to settle our program director down. She's not that way with me, as I simply don't put up with her "attitude" and she knows it. It's a sticky situation.

    The dessert last night was definitely NOT on my WW plan. I'm sure it was the whole weekly roll over allotment! I didn't eat it all which I was very pround of myself for that.

    Need to go and get ready to head down to church.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, last night was a tough one at work. No break, my relief was an hour late and I was just plain beat when I got home at 9pm. Ever grateful for leftover enchiladas as I had not eaten since 9am. Another fun filled day at work, just hoping it is not as busy.

    Bert, some people just don't know how to play nice. Hope they can replace her if she doesn't come around. Bet the director is grateful to have you run interference.

    Karla, I know you are enjoying the festivities of this season. As to why I fell off and regained 1/2 my original loss. I have given it a lot of thought and think I know what happened. I stopped losing when I started caring for my nephew. Watching him succumb to his brain tumor at 32 put things in a different light for me. Plus the house was filled with sugar in every shape and form. Tumors love sugar! So I caved and when he died I was no longer convinced weight or weight loss mad a difference. I was healthy and strong, doing lots of exercise (and loving it) so opted for a healthy, strong but slightly overweight me. Then when I decided that was a bad plan and was refocusing on returning to a better rating style my good friend died in a motorcycle crash. This may not seem significant but the last 6 months of his life he was exercising and dieting. He lost a significant amount of weight but was not enjoying the process. So I decided again, "what's the point". Now I realize those are not good reasons to let it go, so to speak, but they are my reasons. I am proud that I only gained 1/2 of the 65 I lost and that I stayed focused on my exercise. Now I am ready to focus on getting the weight off, hopefully for the last time. Have you found a reason for why you slipped?

    Cindy, hope this is a LR weekend and that you do not get what Rick has.

    Big hugs and waves for Janet and Diane.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, proud of you for tasting but not finishing. Sorry you are in the crossfire with the kitchen lady's attitude. Nothing like the delicacy of church politics - I remember a few doozies from when I was in high school and the girls' group helped serve functions.

    Not much new here - got a few things done last night and have been up since 6 here. Doing a few online things, then onward to laundry and beyond. Have a great day, everyone.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good mid day. Unfortunately it is pouring down rain on all the parades today. Not sure if any will have a break to ride or not. It is actually raining and sunshine at the same time at the moment, so we may have a rainbow.

    Patti - If you recall, my mother died in July of 2012 quie unexpetedly after I had lost my 54 pounds. I was so happy that she got to see me down to that size weight before she passed. However, that sent me into a tailspin as your losses did. I was going back and forth over to Panama City as it crushed my father. As they had been together since she was 15 years old. Then on January 2nd of 2014 I got the shingles in my left eye and I was down with that for over two years going to the doctors continually, ending up in Birmingham, blind in that eye. Yes, it makes you feel like weight loss is second place to those types of stresses. But, here we are seven years later, not with as much weight to lose as we had then, but doing something about it now with the support and friendship we need.

    Bert - Oh goodness about your kitchen lady. Will you have to be the one to talk to her? She is probably a picky cook and doesn't like helpers that don't match up to her standards. Sorry to say its "Hell's Kitchen and she's Ramsay!! lol.

    Janet - Doing the same around here today. Watching a new series on Amazon, Absenia, pretty good. Decluttering and laundry too.

    Just put a Mexican casserole in the oven and going to practice portion control. I also ordered a yummy Gentilly Lace King Cake to go pick up at 5p that has fresh fruit layered inside, challenges, but it is the season. lol.

    Have a great day in whatever you choose. Waving hello to Cindy and Diane..

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all from rainy Maryland. At least it isn't snow! It is supposed to keep this up through tomorrow evening. I spent the morning helping at a fundraiser for the Jug Bay Wetlands sanctuary. They had arranged storytelling and the MD DNR brought snakes, turtles and birds of prey and gave a talk about them, plus there were kids crafts. I was helping with the crafts. The lady in charge had done it last year, and told me they had maybe 30 kids. Well, this year there were probably 150! We ran out of all our craft supplies by 1:30 (was supposed to run 11-3.) It was a mob scene. But in a fun way.

    Last night we had a Mahjong night here. I had made the Skinnytaste Chicken Taco Chili in the crockpot, had veggies and hummus for appetizers, and had a TJ creme brule for dessert. So mostly healthy except for dessert, and of course some wine.

    I did end up joining WW again, online and meetings, but I haven't found time to go to a meeting yet! And I can't figure out how to get started on line. I had Elise yesterday and this event today, then my mother's birthday dinner tomorrow, and I may end up with Elise again on Monday. My DIL said she started running a fever last night and it got higher today :(. So they may not go to Mom's birthday celebration tomorrow - mom cannot afford to be around sick people. And if Elise is still running a fever tomorrow she will come here on Monday. Maybe on Tuesday I will get to a meeting. There are two WW locations within about 20 minutes (in opposite directions) with a wide variety of meeting times.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Patti thank you for sharing your thoughts about why you regained, and Karla you too. I'm in the same boat - I lost over 60 pounds on WW in 2012-2013, as a follow-up after my MIL passed away. She was heavy much of her life, and that was a major contributor to her heart failure, but she lost over 100 pounds after her first heart attack and kept it off for 13 years, until she died. I kept it off for a couple years, but then got so tired of tracking everything I ate, and not losing the 20 more that I wanted to lose. Slowly I put almost 40 of it back on, and now I relost a few of that. So I'm about 35 up from my low. If I could just get back to there I would be happy and not try to go any lower. I definitely felt much better at that weight than I do now.

    Got things to do so no other personals right now - waving to everyone. Have a good Sunday if I don't get back!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Lord give me strength! Here it is, the Gentilly Lace King Cake with fresh fruit layer.

    Happy Mardi Gras!!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    My two sweet girls, Millie and Sophie. We sleepnon the couch in the early morning together.

    Love, love, love them!!’


    Next is Izzy and her Unicorn..
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    My sweet girl is under the weather with congestion.

    So I got her this very soft Unicorn to hug.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Church is cancelled today due to the freezing rain we are getting. I'm actually glad that it's cancelled as I spent the last two days working in the kitchen and selling tickets for our murder mystery. I'm exhausted. Working int he kitchen was better yesterday, but I had the droppsies all day......I broke a huge bowl and it shattered all over the floor! I also had trouble carrying things. I'm praying that my friend's "attitude" will subside and that our program director will be ok.......I'm trying to "neutralize the atmosphere". I guess my role in all this is the "Peacemaker".

    Patti: Thanks for sharing your story. I think the main reason I gained 1/2 my weight back was due to not focusing. I got tired of tracking and thought I could do it on my own. Now, I know that I CAN'T do it on my own. I have tracked in MFP for two years, but I know I wasn't eating the right things. My house, too, was (maybe slightly is now) filled with sugar.......I'm pretty sure, I'm an emotional eater as well. I just want to lose the 20 I've gained and KEEP IT OFF which I know will always be a constant struggle for me. So far, I've lost 5, so now it's 15 more......we can do this!

    Karla: You're right. She's a very picky cook and everything has to be her way. I just don't listen to her half the time, and she knows it. She'll leave me alone most of the time, but others get their feelings hurt which causes the problem. I had to chuckle last night, though. We were putting ribbon on the rose stems (a free gift to all ladies). She told me to put some of the roses that were tipping in another bucket and it would solve the problem......I just ignored that and did it the way I wanted. Then she got a different bucket to "help out" and they tipped over! :D

    Diane: I think we are all in the same boat. I only joined the WW online with not meetings. I knew I wouldn't attend the meetings, so I only did the online portion. I do like the Chat option, so if I get in a bind, it's like attending a meeting anyway.

    Waving hi to Janet and Cindy.

    Have a great day, everyone and stay healthy and safe.


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Looks like we are rained out today, but may go down later just to hang out and not grill. Glenn says the grounds are too wet for our usual camp set up and I agree. I am at my craft table making a cute elephant baby blanket for my great nephew, Braden. We didn’t keep him last night, but may do so today. It’s a larger size she can put on the floor for him to sit on and play on. It’s bright yellow on one side and grey elephants with yellow accents on the other.

    Bert- You do handle the situation with pure class. Good luck on your 15 pounds, yes we all can do it if we just stay focused. I love being down to 180 and have 20 to go myself.

    I’ll check back later on with a picture of my blanket. I hope you enjoyed my other pictures.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Another work day for me. Only days off this week will be Tuesday and Thursday. I also need to design and prep cards for our group get together next Saturday. People came out of the woodwork yesterday. As busy as we were during the holidays. Luckily it is flannel and cotton on sale, I hate when the fleece is super cheap and I spend a 5 hour shift cutting it. If I didn't have to work I had an opportunity to take my gf to see Chicago in Columbus. So bummed.

    Bert, karma gets them every time. I am often in the peacemaker roll in my family and it is a position I do not care for. I have faith that you will be successful with the new WW. I am going to finish my enrollment for online only. I checked out the meetings and times and the only ones that work for me have leaders I don't really connect with. I lost most of my weight doing online and I can do it again. I am still only going to weigh once a month I think.

    Karla, have fun with your blanket. Have you tried your embroidery machine yet? Izzy is adorable as ever.

    See you all later

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Slow day at work, and am so grateful. Ran into an old friend and we had time for a quick catch up with promises for dinner soon. She is a friend to my GFs also. She is an absolute hoot, so will make sure we get together soon.
    I did it, signed up and have committed for 6 months. WI day is Tuesday. There is a comfortable in points, I guess it is familiar and I haven't found anything else that has captured my attention. I am going to give it my all and I think that is what it will take, no matter the plan. So that being said, I tracked my day and did well.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Elise did get to go help celebrate great grandma’s 85th birthday! Back tomorrow for
    More. 4pk7okyinp96.jpeg
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all. Decent weekend here - was in a bit of a funk late last week but pulling out of it - once Valentine's Day is over it will get a bit easier. Sometimes that feels really oppressive and this is one of those years.

    Eating was quite good all weekend. James and I went to my favorite breakfast spot for brunch and I made good choices (well, also some champagne, but that's fruit, right?). Ate nothing but toast last night and after a low-fat omelet and sliced tomatoes, one piece of toast at brunch, not too bad. My tummy has been a bit delicate, which may be a blessing in disguise.

    Karla, it's a shame that activates were hampered by rain. Hope Izzy is back to normal soon. You do spoil her, but with that face, how can you not?

    Bert, sounds like the play was a hit - peacemaker is an important role, but it can be taxing. We've all been there.

    Cindy, fingers crossed for your work stress to resolve favorably.

    Patti, finally a slower workday. Hope you and Bert don't have the ice we got last night. It will melt but hit was enough to cancel schools, so it's an at-home day. REALLY need to get the Christmas trees down (James likes to keep tree up until just before Valentine's Day, and I've loved being able to decorate properly again. So that's my big chore for most of the day.

    Will check in later - have been reading all. Let's work at being our best selves this week.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Lost earlier post - Diane, that picture is priceless. What a glorious 85th birthday gift to your mom to have her great granddaughter on her lap! Elise just keeps getting cuter too.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Okay, I've done it. I've been to my first WW meeting, weighed in, got my starter pack, and logged in to the app. I'll track what I eat for the rest of the day, but today was not an on plan day. I helped make breakfast for a homeless shelter program this morning, then the organizer took the four of us out for breakfast. My choice ended up being delicious, but NOT low cal! Will try to do better the rest of the day, and starting tomorrow will start the WW tracking for real.

    I just checked, and one of my go-to snacks (a Wegmans mozzarella cheese stick, which is only 80 calories) is 3 points! Youch!

    One thing I will miss about MFP is the recipe importer. I asked, and the WW site does not have that feature. I actually do cook quite a bit, tend to try new recipes frequently, and love the recipe importer.

    Janet, you did better than I did on your breakfast choices eating out! I want to have something different than I would make at home when I go out. We went to a new-to-me spot today that is apparently a chain - First Watch. All their food is made with very fresh ingredients, and there were many appealing choices.

    Karla, I hope your weather improves for the last few days of Mardi Gras. Is Izzy feeling better yet? A very cute picture of her!

    Bert, I agree that the WW on-line is where I will most likely end up, but I wanted the accountability and feedback from at least a month of meetings. I will let you all know if there is anything very inspiring in the weekly talks. Today was not so interesting - about choosing exercise that you enjoy and making a date with yourself to do it.

    Patti, I'm glad your work day was not quite so hectic! I know you like to take your time and help people. I always enjoy when I get one of the more helpful people at my local Joann's, where they are interested in my project and can offer advice. There are a few there that are not helpful or friendly - I'm sure that is the same everywhere.

    Tomorrow the real test of my WW journey will begin. I will need encouragement to keep going. Karla, would you be willing to share your FB group that are talking about WW?

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and Happy Fat Tuesday. No more parading or eating off program for me! I had a great eating and tracking day yesterday, and onward I go.

    Diane - I am on two different pages for support on Facebook. One you will learn from that I don't go on much, but is just for the new Freestyle program is:

    The one I post on everyday that has some fantastic ladies you will enjoy getting to know is:

    Go to these links and ask to join and they will add you.

    Bert - I told them about you also if you are interested on the private page, the second one. There are ladies of all ages, but half are our age. All are devoted to being healthy, active and all are on weight watchers except me. Many of them log on MFP too. They have a daily topic and great conversations. Feel free to join the first one too for info on the program, I just read on it for a short time to learn about the new program a while back, so don't really know the ladies, but people are usually really nice.

    Janet - I recall how hurtful tomorrow's holiday is for you every year. Glenn also feels it is very commercial and a wife, mother, girlfriend and lady should always know how someone feels about them and a national holiday is not appropriate nor demanded. I felt the same way when I was single, working at CPSI, not seeing anyone, and all the flowers were being delivered to the call center I was over. I almost had flowers delivered to myself. LOL. Bu then I caught myself and thought it was just so stupid.

    Glenn is just so very excited about this guest house/mancave we are building. He talks about it non-stop. The septic tank people are coming Monday to put that in, then the slab will be poured later in the week. He went to the lumber yard yesterday with the blue prints and left a copy with them for a bid on the wood. He had it cleared with our HOA, but doubled-checked again with them. This morning he is telling me he is going to make the single car garage two feet longer in case we get a truck down the road so it will fit in there better. LOL.

    I better get going. My podiatry office is closed today, as are all banks and postal offices, the city practically closes down for Fat Tuesday, so I will work at bit, but plan on sewing and doing some cleanup in my office too.

    TT: Are you remembering to drink a 16oz glass of water first thing in the morning to stimulate your system to wake up and start functioning as Cindy's program recommended, and as we have also read about in the past?

    Have a great day in whatever you choose to do. Do it for YOU.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, another nice day at work. Loved having time to really help my customers and to get the place all straightened up. They have been calling people off because of being so slow. I have only been called off once since I started last November. They tend to call off the ones who don't work hard or don't do a very good job first. I told them last night it wouldn't hurt my feelings if they needed to call me off on a Wed. It is the hardest night of the week! It is grocery, Moms and then the gym for me. Then will work on designing and prepping cards for our Saturday card class. I am going to make Tuesday my WI day. I think I need the accountability of the scale as I start this new program. Tracked my first two days and now on day 3.

    Bert, so glad the show was a success despite the behind the scenes drama. I am disappointed with the WW connected function so will just stick with all of my friends here. I lost most of my weight without meetings. In fact, I only started going to meetings so that one day I could be a leader. That is no longer my goal. I felt like I have heard all their dogma and I didn't connect with the leaders, so I see no reason I can't do it again.

    Diane, your Elise is so, so sweet. I bet your Mom was thrilled to have here there for the celebration. Thank you for sharing what you learn at the meetings.

    Janet, so understand your feelings around this holiday. One more day and you can put it away. I love the thought of you and James enjoying the trees with all the snow and ice you have had. I really didn't get into the holiday spirit this year and I know it is because I did not decorate. Not going to let that happen next year.

    Cindy, how much longer until the craziness at work is done? Miss hearing from you here but get it.

    Karla, sounds like Glenn has slipped into retirement with a project that will keep him busy.

    I want to thank Diane, Cindy and Bert for giving me just the right push to rejoin WW. I have been thinking about it but just didn't want to admit I needed the program. I have always been successful when I follow the plan. When I regain it is because I quit following the plan, not because the plan quit working. We can do this