OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Bert- so glad you've found something that is working for you- doing the happy dance.

    Its a busy day in the 'hood so need to run- but wanted to do a drive by-
    hello to all.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, wonderful news on getting the scale moving! So proud of you. Sorry about the visit - you are doing everything you can to make the university aware. Hope the young woman will pull it together before she has her own class.

    Cindy, I don't do Pinterest but always good to know Lucinda's tender tentacles are everywhere.

    Busy week here - ran errands most of yesterday. Tomorrow is rheumatologist and Thursday is primary care. Joy. My RA med does seem to be helping a bit, which is a very good thing. I did pretty well yesterday. Tummy has been highly acidic so I got crystallized ginger yesterday to try as a natural remedy because popping a few crackers or handful of something mild isn't the best solution.

    Take care of YOU and have a lovely day.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop as I head out to get Moms groceries.....5 items, lol.,then special time with her. She is such a joy. So smart and witty. Don't know what I will do when she is no longer with me but will worry about that when it needs to be worried about. Work was not bad as I worked with one of my favorite people. She was supposed to be on the register and that young boy was supposed to be at the cutting counter but we whined to the manager and she let us work together, lol.

    Bert, so happy that you saw some results. I wonder if you are tracking better and following the program more closely. It may just be some small changes are making a big difference. Whatever it is it is working! Yippee

    Janet, glad to hear the meds are making a difference, even if only mildly. I cannot imagine how you do as much as you do with the pain I know you endure on a daily basis.

    Cindy, so happy to see you whenever you have the time. You are such a whirlwind.

    Waving hello to Karla and Diane as I head out the door.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies, I am down 2.6 pounds for this two weeks.

    Bert- That is amazing on your loss. Congrats. My ladies on my Facebook page love the freestyle program that Oprah developed.

    Patti- Congrats on your loss too. I like your 80/20 program too. It’s measurable. Something we can live with.

    Cindy- I will look you up on Pinterest, I don’t get on there much, but for you I will.

    I hope the weather changes for Sunday, that’s our Joe Cain Day family event.

    Have a great day.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. I’m having a more productive day even with the painters here. I finished two bibs this morning and am almost done making a Zipadee Zip for Elise. I made two in a small size and now my DIL has requested one in a medium. She bought one of each and they work really well - it is basically an hourglass shaped sack with a zipper for sleeping- helps babies transition from swaddling to sleeping unswaddled. Since Elise had the hip problem she couldn’t be swaddled to sleep. I buy the materials for about $10 and the original costs $37!

    Painters are done in the kitchen so I will clean it up this afternoon. The rec room is taking longer. I think they will be finished by this afternoon.

    Eating better today so far. Last night we ordered pizza since the entire kitchen was covered in tarps!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla congrats on the loss! You are doing fabulous and I am so happy you have found a plan that works for you.

    Bert, same congrats to you! I may follow your lead and go back to WW. That is what worked for me before.

    Wish I had saved the link, but I read an article about whether low carb or low calorie diets were better. And the answer... it depends! On what each person individually can sustain. There were specific health benefits associated with each that might make one better if you have certain health conditions. I will try to find the link and post it. It seemed well researched.

    I saw Suzi is on yet another road trip. We miss you Suzi if you ever feel like checking in! But I know how hard that is to do on the road.

    Cindy hope the Pinterest boards help pique more interest.

    Patti your weekend scrapbooking sounds like fun. I am having a mahjong night here Friday for some friends. We will play but also have fun and laughs. I love that you are making your mom some eye patches. Sometimes the littlest things, that we can easily do, make the most difference.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, congrats on another loss.

    Diane, sounds like you are getting lots done despite the workers. Mom loved her eye patch and it made a huge difference. I used some scraps from my bowls so she is stylish too, lol.

    Gym tonight and then dinner and tv with Edd. We will have a big salad with chicken, I never tire of this meal. I have considered rejoining WW but really can't fit a meeting in to my schedule. Plus, I am not an Oprah fan and it galls be that she takes credit for the new diet plan, which she did not develop, she just put her money behind.

    Bert, do you find the plan drastically different. Do they have online memberships like they used to have?

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning All-
    Rick has the stomach flu at my house so despite the weather forecast I am in the office- I can do a lot of things but not that- lol Give me blood any day of the week.
    Bert- So happy you are seeing changes on the scale.
    Oprah has the biz savvy to get into something that has strong potential she is a money making machine. Hence the tie to WW- and they are using her "star" power to grow the biz even more.
    I too have rejoined online- but I need to really focus on it- as it will be a nice companion to the Life program I'm on. I think in the coming days I'll be able to let go of some of the stress I'm under with work. I know change is coming and I cant' control it and what will be - will be. I just hope I get a nice package- 2 weeks for every year I've been here at full pay would be wonderful. Which means gives me time to make huge change.
    Karla- wonderful on your continued downward trend
    Janet- so happy to hear you're getting some relief with the RA meds- crystallized ginger should help with tummy issues-
    Diane- you are so talented with sewing- it sounds like retirement came at exactly the right moment for Elise to enjoy her grandma and vice versa.
    Patti- we do need to enjoy what time we have with our Mom's - I'm making an effort to call or text often as she is still substitute teaching our schedules are wonky- and she knows that at some point if her husband passes away first she IS moving back to MA. No arguments. I think she's relieved since moving away from the family wasn't her idea
    Need to run- hugs to all.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I have a visit at my former school today. It will be different as I know I won't be seeing Jami in the office. She was so happy when I told her I had a student there. She always wanted education students to complete their field courses there. I realize it's a part of life, but it's still hard.

    Patti: No, WW isn't drastically different. Their 0 point foods on the Free Style program are fruits and veggies; however, eggs, fish, and chicken are not 0 points. Yes, they still have online memberships as that's what I did. I get 3 months for $13 per month and then it goes to $20 after that. I can cancel at anytime. They don't have message boards anymore (that's how I met you wonderful ladies), you can look to "connect", you "follow" a certain person and others can join in as well. I haven't really checked out that part in too much detail. I also log my food into MFP. There's also a scan you can download. I used it yesterday while at the grocery store. I looked at a Jif Nutella/Coconut spread just for fun. It is 10 point for 2 Tbs! Wow! I knew it would be high, but didn't think it would be that much. I still apply the 7 Healthy Guidelines from when I first joined. I'm still trying to figure out what's best for me.........

    Diane: I don't understand why painters/contractors don't "clean up". My guy "cleaned up" each day, but I always went back and cleaned. I still find paint spatters in the bathroom every time I clean the floors.

    Waving hi to Karla, Cindy, and Janet. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning from the tundra. I have to get my hair done and then work at 5 or I wouldn't be leaving the house today. The roads are still pretty bad but hoping the sun will do its thing along with the road crews. The drive home tonight will be the scary time. The temps will be dropping and everything that melted will freeze. Just have to take my time. Wish I lived closer to the store at these times.

    Cindy, I hope you get what you have worked so for and that a whole new world opens up for you, devoid of the stress you have been least the work stress. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on WW. I know how much you wish your parents were closer. I a truly blessed. I will check you out on Pinterest. I confess I use that site on a regular basis for everything from recipes to crafts. Lots of good sites for all my kitchen appliances. Since I am a self professed gadget junkie it is my gateway, lol.

    Bert, I know today will be difficult but Jamie's spirit up will be there. Thanks for the info on WW. I am going to check it out today. I NEED a structured program. Doing it my way has worked but I veer off far too often. I always liked the points program. Seemed so much easier to track. Wish me luck.

    Janet, I know you must be loving your winter wonderland but pray you don't have to go out today. We did not get the ice, just 3 inches of snow. Keep yourself and the kitties warm, enjoy a fire for me.

    I need to start thinking about food for the day, will be leaving at 1pm and won't be back until around 11p. Hoping people don't want to shop at Joann today and we can get out that ever happens!

    Hi to Karla and Diane.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all Trees have a glaze of ice n every branch and it's beautiful. Just got home from rheumatologist. I'm doing well, but was grateful for a few suggestions on managing the Sjogren's (biggest issues there are dry eyes and mouth, swollen salary glands). She's wonderful smart, kind and funny and has already been a big help. Tomorrow, primary care visit (routine, to get basic meds renewed). Streets weren't bad but I was very careful, especially on the way home. No more forays for me today!

    Cindy, that sort of work turmoil isn't healthy but you can't change it. Hope if they do "restructure," you get an equitable package. You've certainly earned it. You'll appreciate that I had visions of Loudon in my head this morning as I drove to the doc.

    Bert, I'm sure Jami smiled upon you at your old school.

    Diane, it's so annoying when contractors don't clean up. The built-ins I had done in the garage are great, but I had no idea there's be sawdust all over everything in my garage - I would've draped it all in plastic. Ah, well - live & learn. But you're doing

    Patti, stay in when you can - it's not that bad down here, but home time is nice as well.

    I may rejoin WW after James leaves, but right now it's not in the cards either practically or financially. And that's all right with me for now. We had leftover salmon last night, with new potatoes and some beans. The one stop I made on the way home from the doc was for asparagus, green beans and some shredded cabbage to make cole slaw. Time for shower, laundry, household chores with a handsome helper and cat supervision.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited February 2018
    Good evening. Nice reading all the good news and updates on everyone, finding plans to try to fit our lifestyles and schedules.

    Cindy- Hello sweetheart you. Definitely stay clear of the flu! I agree, Oprah is a savvy business person and has also struggled with her weight even with all her millions. No, she not a dietician nor a nutritionist, but she knows a good think and how to market it. She loves bread!! Lol. Will you be asked to retire with a package? Is that what is coming? How long have you been with them? I believe it will all work out dear.

    Bert- I had heard there were 200 free point items added to the free style program and had thought chicken was one. I know the ladies said they had lessen their points because of it. But, that they liked it because they tracked less. I liked the recipes on the site and also the GHGs, I knew they did away with the boards and that is why my other Facebook board was formed several years ago. I met most of them in 2011 too. As you said, wonderful ladies like you all are on there too, we sometimes have over 35 posts or more a day. I’m glad you are losing.

    Janet- Good to see you pop in. I’m sorry your team didn’t win the Super Bowl, but such an honor to make it that far. If the Fosamax continues to cause the stomach issues I highly recommend the Reclast. I don’t don’t my results yet for my bones. But no gastric issues or any other symptoms at all since my infusion last August. I could not tolerate the Fosamax or Boniva as it ended up burning my esophagus and giving me bad stomach pain for several days every month with diarrhea. Monica couldn’t take it either.

    Patti- I hope you are safe on the roads today. It was rainy today, but temps near 70. Did you see where Fred had a heart attack? Judy posted he is being released tomorrow and is doing well.

    I am going to get my permanent crown tomorrow. Tomorrow’s my Izzy dance day too. I’m tired, so I’m going to say goodnight.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is my day with my trainer. We meet once a month and she gives me different types of exercises to do for the month. I tend to do the same thing when I get to the gym, so I'm looking forward to learning a new routine.

    Concerning WW, I rejoined so I could have more of a focus on what to eat. I do like the 0 points feature, but, like I said, all fruit is 0 points.......everything in moderation, which was what I wasn't doing. I wasn't doing well on my own, so hopefully, this will work. I'm giving myself 6 months to lose the 20 lbs.

    Also, today, I need to get things ready for taxes. I have most things done, it's just a matter of organization and then I'll take it to our accountant. He always smiles because I have everything organized in a binder for him. He says that some people at times have brought a shoe box filled with receipts and that's it! That's the teacher in me, I guess. I need organization!

    Have a good day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning all, going to lunch with my GFs at another friends house. We will be making plans for our scrapbook weekend and generally catching up and laughing the whole time. Hope to have time to get to the grocery before I hit the gym. Work was not horrible but we didn't get out until after 11 and I was beat. Got my hair done in a cute bob and got lots of compliments last night, so that put a little bounce in my step to match the bounce in my hair, lol. I am going to sign up for WW online as soon as I get my new credit card in the mail. I got hacked and they shut it down. Should be here by Monday at the latest. Such a hassle to reset the accounts that use my credit card for payment but those are few so I will get thru it.

    Bert, good for you changing it up. I love that my classes are never the same. My trainers keep it fresh and fun. Thanks for the info on WW and helping me to make the decision to give it a try. I know what you mean about the moderation thing. I think the accountability helps since we are paying for it, lol.,

    Karla, have fun with your dancing girl. I bet you will be happy to get that crown done. I hate the feel of the temporaries.

    Janet, did the rheumatologist think you were doing well on current meds? Did she say they would help more the longer you were on them. So glad you seem to have surrounded yourself with nothing but the best in healthcare. I have a picture in my mind of James in a maid costume, you lucky girl, lol!

    Time to fly.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good afternoon all. I am trying to recommit too. I haven't looked up WW online, or local meetings. I think I need a meeting for a few weeks at least to learn the new plan and have some accountability with that weigh in.

    I did rejoin the gym and have been for the last two days. Yesterday I just walked on the treadmill while Carrie was at PT (it's across the parking lot!) but I walked for 50 minutes and did work up a sweat. Today I went to the class that I liked so much when I went before - today was all abs and core which I desperately need! I think for me, exercise is what spurs my mindset and helps control my eating. I've been doing nothing since we got back last November - first taking care of Elise every day for November and December, then I was just a lump for January lol.

    Eating is going well today, and I am determined not to have anything for snacks except one piece of fruit and one cheese stick mid afternoon. I have to take Carrie to her teaching job this afternoon so that will have me out of the house from 4-6 or so, so that will help with that danger hour!

    Today is mom's 85th birthday. We are all going over Sunday afternoon to celebrate. That is, if John and Carrie get over their colds! She can't be around anyone with a cold. She hasn't seen Elise since just after Thanksgiving, so that will be a treat.

    Back with personals so I don't lose this post!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Cindy the stress at work has got to be hard. I'm sure everyone there is feeling the same as you, so everyone is on edge and that doesn't make it easy on you either. Good to stay away from Rick when he is sick - not something you need to add to your load! Although if it is the stomach bug at least it isn't the flu that is going around and is so bad.

    Patti I bet your hair is really cute in a bob - you have the right face for it. I've been struggling with what to do with mine. I'm not terribly happy with it right now, but don't really have a good idea what else to do.

    Bert hope you have a good workout with the trainer, and get some refreshed workouts for the next few weeks. That is my problem at the gym - I just don't know what to do and have no imagination. That's why I love the classes - I don't have to think about it!

    Karla, hope the dentist is kind to you. I have so many root canals and crowns - getting the permanent isn't painful except for having to hold your mouth open for so long! And then an Izzy day :).

    Janet our painters were actually pretty good - they tarped everything, and took their shoes off to go upstairs to the rec room every time. But there was drywall repair to be done, so there was drywall dust. It wasn't too bad, and I needed to dust everywhere anyway. You can't even tell where the holes in the kitchen ceiling were, and the rec room looks great! The kids painted it wild colors when they were about 10 and 12, and it was time. The one wall took about 6 coats to cover! That wall (accent wall) is a deep purple, with the other three walls a light dove grey, and the trim is back to white (kids had a Hawaiian sunset wallpaper mural, orange on the walls next to the mural, deep blue on the other walls, and yellow trim!)

    Have a great day, all!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Clydesdale at the Mardi Gras parade tonight
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Tonight is opening night for our Murder Mystery at church. We have sold out for tomorrow night and only have a few tickets left for tonight. Our choir/program director does a fabulous job and has wonderful relationships with people who love to be part of our productions. I'm looking forward to seeing the show after I complete my duites with tickets tonight. It is a Valentine themed dinner and pictures will also be taken. Mike will not be going with me as he has a Red Cross meeting tonight. So, I've sold his ticket to one of our choir members. She will be my date!

    One thing I'm not fond of on the WW sight is finding connections with people in the same boat as me. I'm not sure how to find women my age trying to lose and maintain a healthy weight.
    The message boards are where I met you wonderful ladies. If any of you have rejoined WW and know how to find women in their 50's and 60's (more 60's for me!), please let me know.

    Diane: I'd love to see a picture of your grey/purple sounds lovely.

    Karla: I've seen Clydesdales at Grant's Farm in St. Louis. They are gorgeous!

    Waving hi to Janet, Patti, and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

    P.S. My former school is selling bracelets to honor Jami. The money they are trying to raise will go for a memorial garden in front of the school. Everytime I look at my wrist, I remember the years and fun times I had with Jami

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick good morning as I am heading out the door in just a few to hit the gym. I love the 2 classes but seem to always have a hard time getting up to go. Working 2-7 and then to get some laund y done. It is stacking up! Had a wonderful birthday lunch for my gf, then did a mad dash to thru the grocery before I went to TRX. I made some super delish chicken enchiladas for dinner and the leftovers will be for dinner tonight.

    Diane, gray and purple sounds beautiful. So nice to have it all done so quickly.

    Bert, what a lovely tribute to Jami. She was welled loved on earth. Enjoy the show tonight with your "date"

    Waving to Karla, Janet and Cindy.
    Time to go
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi - quick stop-by.

    Diane, I have grey rooms and purple rooms. Your mom’s celebration will be sweet for all.

    Bert, how was the show? What a nice community endeavor the shows are.

    Patti, tour boundless energy is a joy to behold.

    Cindy, fingers crossed for the craziness at work.

    Karla, what a gorgeous horse. It has to be fun living down there during Mardi Gras season.

    All was good at primary-care visit. All blood tests fine. Going to try different bone pill - the one my insurance rejected before, but now my nurse practitioner can inform them that we tried their covered drug and it didn’t play well with my system. It hasn’t been horrible, but unpleasant enough to try something else. If we have to go babkC I can deal with it.

    Much to do here - am reading all carefully and will respond more when able. Wishing all an excellent weekend.