OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hello, all. Happy Groundhog Day! (Is this not the silliest "holiday" ever?)

    Another cold, sunny day here. Stayed busy yesterday despite tummy rumbles (thanks, Fosamax), so I ate little, but what I did eat was carbs. More protein today, I promise.

    Cindy, glad Meg is staking out her own territory. It will take her time, but she's your daughter and will triumph. Can't wait to meet you this year - wherever. The 80/20 or 90/10 rule is an excellent reminder. It's sorta how I try to live - the key is not going nuts with the 20 or 10. I love the puppy and kitten bowls - so much cuteness.

    Karla, you're doing so well - the clothes thing is important too.

    Bert, the game starts fairly late, so you won't miss much. I love the ads as well, so finding time for a bathroom break is difficult!

    Diane, James knows how much I love my Pats. He generally tends to root for the underdog but he will mostly want a good, close game. He'll needle me but be supportive. Last year we were on the phone and he stayed silent for the last minute of the game and a couple of minutes after, to let me savor the beautiful craziness of that win. I probably hurt his eardrums a couple of times! We will certainly scare the cats. I've bought chicken mini-tacos at Trader Joe's and we'll have chips, salsa & guacamole. Margaritas too.

    Patti, hope you are enjoying making your own schedule for a few days.

    Yesterday was busy - vet called this morning to say Bella's bloodwork looked good. Steady as she goes on her thyroid-suppressing med and we'll recheck in six months. She'll get weighed at her annual exam this spring, but she did gain 5 oz. in the past few weeks. Bella & Theo turn 15 next week - honestly don't know how I would've made it through my move to Louisville, breakup and all my medical stuff without these two tiny spirits in my home.

    Been doing little stuff here. Time to pay a couple of bills, shower and keep going with my day.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon, have really been enjoying my time off. So involved in my craft room that I missed the gym last night. Then I stayed up too late surfing Pinterest and binge watching the Blacklist and the final season of Brothers and Sisters. This is a great series to watch on Netflix if you haven't already seen it. Sally Field, Colista Flockhart and several others you will recognize. I never got out of my Jammie's, something I rarely do. So I slept in and missed the gym today too. Feeling very naughty but not guilty. For some reason I just felt like I needed some "don't leave the house" time. We are going to finally get to meet Leo tonight! Then tomorrow my gf and I are going to see The Greatest Showman. The theater is all leather recliners. Perfect for my poor friend as she is still in an immobilized and a sling.

    Bert, so nice to have you back. Losing a dear friend is hard, but keeping them alive in your heart and thoughts is easy. Hope you have many easy moments.

    Diane, I bet Carrie will exceed all expectations in recovery. Are you heading south on your next long trip?

    Karla, how fun to shop in your closet. It is a wonderful feeling to get back into clothes you love and know you look good in.

    Cindy, I am so excited you are coming. It is so close and so is August. Let me know as soon as you make your plans so I can get it on the calendar. Just consider yesterday 1/2 of your weekly 20%, call it a win and move on.

    Janet, what fun to watch the game this year with James. Does he have earplugs, lol? Good news on Bella's blood work. I can't imagine my life with a pet. They truly give us what we need, when we need and all the moments in between.


    PS, that stupid Done button at the top of the page is getting me far more often than I care to admit.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Janet- I forgot to tell you I’ve been carrying one of the purses I purchased from you I had never used and I just love it. It’s a large black, soft crocodile look with the buckle on front, with large pocket. Creme cloth inside.

    Patti- I joined a Facebook group that is Craft room organizers that is some fun ladies. I hope to get in mine in the morning.

    We have two trips coming up in April and May but Izzy was pressing me last night about taking her on vacation. Lol. They are out of school the whole week of Fat Tuesday and the first week of April for Spring break. I’ll get something set up. Have any of you used Airbnb? There are some amazing deals on there.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Ladies, I ran into a wonderful sale at an Ellen Tracy store with 75% off!! Not sure if any of you are familiar with this brand but it is very high quality. It was so fun trying on clothes!!! I purchased two jumpsuits, two tank tops and a dressy blouse all for $75!! Just the dressy blouse was regularly $98! I just love the two jumpsuits. One is dressy and could be worn out to dinner with nice strappy sandals and the other is more for lounging and will be great over a bathing suit in Florida in our trip. Gosh, I can’t tell you how long it has been since I enjoyed trying clothes on. Just had to share.

    I do believe I’m going to hit the 170’s very soon. My thighs are really slimming down now.

    What is everyone doing this weekend beside Sunday night Super Bowl?

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    A late hello from Maryland. I thought I had posted earlier but I must have hit Done instead of Post Reply. :(

    Karla, no apologies needed, or at least apology accepted. Hopefully no hard feelings on your end either. Sounds like you are really enjoying the shopping! I hate shopping no matter what size I am - one of the boons of retirement is that I haven't bought any clothes in over a year except for picking out new tee shirts at almost every National park we visited! My usual wardrobe these days is blue jeans and a sweater.

    Patti, sometimes I have days like that. I always get out of my jammies, but I just nest and read or stitch or something like that with no outside interaction and no "accomplishments."

    Bert, I am sure Jamie heard your tribute to her life. Well done - I admire your strength. Hopefully you were able to take your other friend's mind off her troubles, and she was able to do the same for you.

    Janet, good news about Bella. I know Carrie's cat has saved her life just by being a cuddle bug sometimes.

    Cindy good news that Meg is getting herself settled somewhere else. I hope it is a good place for her. Does she have a job there yet? Does she know people there?

    Oh Karla, yes we have used AirBnB. That's what we used in Park City, and also when we went to Iceland and Norway, and a couple other times. I pay most attention to the reviews, and I am always careful to leave a very honest review. We have had mostly very good success.


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited February 2018
    Good evening.

    Diane - It was more surrising than hurtful reading your post, but I understand how it was perceived. I'm glad you and I have moved on and you have accepted my apology. I treasure your friendship and respect you as a friend sharing this emotional journey. The repeated "well said" after your post was hurtful though and unnecessary.

    I used AirBnB for my condo reservation in Englewood, Florida, for this April, but my girlfriends of 46 years already had her and her cousin's and friends reservations there. We have the entire set of six condo's reserved for our whole group. It is going to be fun. We are directly on the beach. I also read the comments when I book from RCI or Wyndham Rewards hotels. Invaluable.

    During the spring and summer I like to live in my shorts, flip flogs and tank tops! It's going to be nice this year not having such big arms!! Since I am still working with my consulting business I do have to dress nicely so I keep two wardrobes still.

    We picked up two of our Mississippi grandsons today for Izzy's skate party for tomorrow. We have that from 12 til 2:30 and them the supper club from 4 til 10 tomorrow evening. What a busy day tomorrow.

    Have a great weekend.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    I spent today at Mom's, taking her to the pulmonologist. He compared today's chest xray to one from November and also pulled up one from a couple years ago. He sees a small change, might be a bit of pneumonia, so put her on an antibiotic.

    We also went to one of the other restaurants in her complex, one she had never been to. It was quite a distance - it took about ten minutes through the bridges and hallways to get there. A friend who has been trying to teach her to drive her powered chair went with us. It was very nice, and I think she was encouraged how easy it was to go over there in her chair. Hopefully she will go again, just to get some variety. Her friend is pretty critical of her driving of her chair though - he has been in his for several years, and she is on about three weeks. (And she was never a very good or confident driver.) I think she is doing well, and just needs more practice.

    The restaurant had a bit of an asian theme. I had a chicken noodle/ lemongrass soup and an asian salad with sesame dressing for starters, then a baked tilapia with a lemongrass very light sauce, with snow peas and asparagus for dinner. It was quite good. This restaurant is smaller than the one she normally dines in (seats about 75 vs over 200) and the service was very good too.

    Carrie called today about PT and they can't fit her in until Feb 13th - said they will try to squeeze her in for one visit next week. That is a bit disappointing. She is still not putting any weight on her foot because it wont fold to 90 degrees - she can put some weight just on the ball of her foot as if tiptoeing, but that is not very safe. Really needs the PT to get the foot to get enough range of motion to walk with her foot flat.

    No big plans for the weekend.

    Back tomorrow - good night all.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Wonderful evening getting to meet Leo. He will be 3 weeks old tomorrow. He was very happy to be in my arms. Poor mommy looks exhausted but says things are getting better. So proud of them both for handling this so well. The true test starts Monday when my grandson starts his new job at the Airforce base and goes back to school, as he is months away from his Masters.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. One of our neighbors who we've known for almost 40 years passed away from a stroke. Greg and I went to visitation last night. Mike was in Indy for a Red Cross meeting. They say it comes in threes, so I certainly hope this is it for awhile. It was nice that Greg got to see some of his friends who he grew up with; however, the circumstances weren't the best. It's a part of life though.

    Janet: Your Super Bowl meal sounds delicious. I love to shop at Trader Joe's. I wish we had a Trader Joe's close to us. I've always thought about taking a cooler with me, but never do. The closest one is in Indy, and I always shop at the local one when I visit Dan, Annie, and the kids in Chicago. We have Fresh Thyme which is a close second.

    Karla: I went shopping with my BFF at a local LulaRoe shop. I found a couple of cute items. I'm not a shopper, but when I do, I like to try things on. It's funny how many of the same type items fit differently; it's all in the material. I've never heard of AirBnB. I'll check it out as I'm going to visit my brother this spring.

    Patti: I'm sure your time with Leo was fun. I'm checking out Sisters and Brothers on Netflix. I also started watching Scandal from the very beginning. Thanks for suggesting new things to watch.

    Diane: Carrie must be very frustrated. Hope she is able to get in to the PT soon.

    Waving hi to Cindy.

    Have a good day everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. I am just floored!! Did another scale peek this morning as I felt myself shrinking again,

    drum roll please...

    181.2 !!!!!! I have a feeling I may hit the 170's for my weigh in on Tuesday, or at least close.

    Bert - I have not ried any of the Lularue leggings that are so popular. I don't think we have a shop here but several people advertise selling them. One of our malls is a specialty shops only mall now and it may have one, I haven't been there in a while. I'm sorry about your neighbor. This late phase of life is most definitely not my favorite.

    I booked a two night stay at the Wyndam Resort on Panama City for the 15th and 16th of this month to please my little granddaughter and visit my dad and brother of course. She will be so happy to hear this. Her and JJ got cheated out of their three night stay there after Christmas with us all having the flu.

    I better get going, I have a very busy day here of family fun. But first, my 16oz glass of water before anything else. I believe, like Cindy's class and also recommended, this really does keep get the body pumping for the day.

    TT: Keeping in mind Cindy's program of 90/0 or 80/20 how we calculate this on our indivual plans? Daily? Weekly? What method would we use? I'm interest in this for my own plan too.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Woke with a smile thinking of sweet Leo. My grandson and I have been in the habit of getting each other gag gifts over the years. Last Christmas he gave me a roll of toilet paper that said "this is the crappiest gift I could find". I had bought an outfit for Leo at an Amish garage sale this fall. It was a pair of handmade Amish style pants with the button flap in the front and sewn on suspenders, plus a white button down shirt that they had added loops to the shoulders for the suspenders to pull through. I made a little name tag that said Hamish and put it on the shirt. I wrapped the outfit and the toilet paper in burlap, put it in a brown paper bag and gave it to them last night. Wish I could have found a baby straw hat to go with it. It was a good laugh and I will bet I see a picture of him in it at some point. It is way too big right now. If nothing else it can be his Halloween costume this year. Going shortly to pick up my gf for the movies and will probably run by moms after I take her home. She needs her mail and my sister said she was going to be visiting this week as she has a very bad cold. We are expecting snow tomorrow and Tuesday so I need to make sure. She has her mail, milk and that her trash is taken out.

    Bert, so sad for all your recent losses but hope this is it for a while. My heart is with you. I hope you like Brothers and Sisters. Do you the English histories like The Crown and Queen Victoria? If so Reign was really good. It is the story of Mary Queen of Scots

    Karla, good job, you will be in the 170s in no time

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    What a wonderful movie and so enjoyable to watch in a comfy leather recliner. Never going back to any theater that doesn't have them. If you like musicals I highly recommend The Greatest Showman. Love Hugh Jackman! Dropped by Moms for a nice little visit and now I am going to my craft room for the 3rd day in a the good life.

    TT: since I usually eat 2 meals and occasionally a snack each day I am going to allow 2 meals a week to be my 20%. I am going to plan one and allow another if I need it. All snacks will be on plan and the meals are just meals, not a whole day off plan. That's my plan in black and white
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all.

    Patti, I like that plan. Face it, there's at least one a week that pops up unforeseen. We can account for it. Today will likely be one here - not-awful but plentiful Super Bowl; snacks. I'll have extra guacamole and James got some queso, so ... I'll moderate as best I can. Am getting much better again at watching portions. Just saw bloodwork results and they're fine, Yay! Routine primary care visit this week, the day after I see my rheumatologist. Whee.

    Gotta run - may stop by later.Hugs for all.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited February 2018
    Good morning and welcome to Super Bowl Sunday. Even if you don't enjoy football hope you enjoy the commercials. During the pregame there will be a commercial for cryoablation that is a new treatment for atrial fibrillation. One of my good friends is the spotlight patient.,they don't show her but do give her full name. Hope I get home in time to see it. I was planning to put a roast in the crockpot with some pepperocini peppers for our dinner. I even remembered to take it out of the freezer on Friday so it would be thawed. Evidently 3 large country style ribs look very much like a chuck roast when frozen, lol. Guess I need to be better about labeling my stuff. I usually write the weight and cut of meet but guess this one got past my inspectors. So ribs it is for dinner.

    End of my 30 day challenge. I will say I was not as diligent the past two weeks as I was the first two. I did lose 4 pounds. I am going to restart the same challenge tomorrow with my stated 20% allowance off plan. Will not weigh again until the end of my second challenge.

    Need to get cleaned up and head to work.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I have a visit this morning and then I'm heading to the grocery store.

    Patti: Congratulations on your loss!

    Need to get ready.....will check in later.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good going, Patti!

    Bert, hope your visit is terrific.

    Not much to say so I will go. Need to get a lot done.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. The painters are here working on the kitchen ceiling (drywall repair whee we moved/installed new lights then paint) and rec room (remove the wallpaper wall mural, paint the entire room.). So I am home all day without a lot going on. I think I will spend some time reading. The two sewing projects I have waiting I either need to go get materials for or I need to lay them out on the kitchen table, so can’t do either of those today. John is off at work until around two.

    I did not do as well for the Super bowl as I had hoped. John and Carrie nixed the idea of normal dinner and no snacks. So back to square one today. I did rejoin the gym finally. They had a deal for a reduced price and no joining fee. So I may try to go do that this afternoon. At least get a walk on the treadmill or something. It is so cold out I don’t tend to walk outside.

    Karla and Patti both congrats on your losses!

    Janet I’m sorry for you that your team lost, but I have to say it was a fun game to watch! Decent commercials (I liked the Sprint one and the Dirty Dancing ones the best) a good clean game and some fun trick plays.

    Bert enjoy your visit today. I hope this crop of students appreciates your efforts on their behalf.

    Waving to Cindy. Dinner last night was definitely one of my 10 percent meals for the week!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Snow, ice and frozen are the words of the day here in the Ohio Valley. Wish I could stay in all week but, alas, I have to go out every day this week. I have Tuesday and Thursday off work but go to mom's and the gym on Tuesday then lunch and gym on Thursday, then hair appointment on Wednesday. Somewhere in there I need to get to the grocery for fruits and veggies. Last night did not go as planned on the food. Had a wonderful on plan dinner, ribs and baked sweet potato. Then Edd brought out the cheezits and Little Debbie Swiss rolls. Yep, I had some of both. I asked him to please not tell me when he has that stuff and to put it somewhere that I won't see it. I have to toughen my no muscle and get it to the forefront and quickly.

    Bert, good luck with your visit.

    Diane, so nice when things get spruced up but the inconvenience is a hassle. So I hope you find a quiet corner and indulge in some reading time.

    Janet, sorry your team did not win but what a game. That trick play by Foles was impressive but doubt they will ever be able to use it again. It was certainly a nail biter to the end, the way a championship game should be. I love an underdog story. Hope you and James enjoyed some spirited rivalry.

    Going to finish up the last 4 microwave bowls today and make Mom an eye patch. She has found that if she covers her blind eye her vision improves in the other eye. I bought her an eye patch but it was too stiff and uncomfortable, so I have lots of soft material that should work. Need to start gathering my supplies for a scrapbook weekend with my GFs in 2 weeks. I want to make albums for my great grand kids. I will decorate the pages and they can put in the pictures. We will be staying at a hotel in Cincinnati with all meals provided, 6 foot table each to set up all our supplies (this stays set up all weekend) and lots of fun and games.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hello All-
    Just a drive by- :)- also if anyone is interested Lucinda Race Author has Pinterest boards- open to all who'd like to follow.
    A new avenue for gaining readers-
    Off and running- bbs
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. There is a two hour delay at the school I was to visit, so my student won't be going today as she is only there from 8-10. Will need to reschedule. Yesterday's visit was not good. I have reservations about her and her performance.....I went to campus to express my concern. It's unfortunate that this girl is about to graduate with a degree in education.

    I re-joined WW a couple of weeks ago. I'm happy to report that I'm down 5 lbs. I'm not eating much differently than I have been, but whatever it is has worked. I'm counting my points and also tracking in MFP. My goal is to lose 20 lb in 6 months and KEEP IT OFF.

    This morning, I'll spend some time researching the family tree. I'm also going to the gym when the roads clear.

    Have a great day, everyone!
