OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I’m at the gym. Will Check posts later. Have s great day.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. Today is my first real day of WW - I hadn't really started tracking on there until I went to my first meeting yesterday. I had just bought some Icelandic yogurt at TJs to try, and when I checked it this morning BEFORE eating it (thank goodness) I learned it is 7 SP! I had a Dannon Light & Fit instead - only 2 SP. Think I will leave that Icelandic for when I am really wanting a snack and have planned the rest of the days meals in advance. Carrie and I are having fish for dinner tonight since John is gone for work for two days, and we'll have crabcakes for dinner tomorrow. The fish is 0 SP - haven't figured out how to track the crabcakes yet.

    I've also been to my gym class this morning. I have definitely lost muscle tone in my core - things I could do a year ago I can't do now! I will drive Carrie to PT this afternoon and hopefully it will be warm enough to get a walk in during the hour I wait for her - I don't really want to go to the gym again and get all sweaty for a second time.

    Other than that, not much planned for the day. I have a sewing project I've been putting off starting, so maybe I will dig into that. It is a dog car hammock for my son's truck. I made one for DILs car a few years ago and they love it so much. I've had the fabric since Christmas but just haven't been inspired.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla, you have done well amid so many temptations of Mardi Gras. I will check out the FB groups. The leader at the meeting I went to yesterday also sent me a link to a group she runs. When I searched on FB for WW groups they were all so HUGE and had over 500 posts a day - just too much!

    Patti I'm with you. The plan works when I work it, and MFP just wasn't inspiring me to work it. I may try tracking on both for two weeks just to see how the two plans differ, but I think one of the appealing things about the new WW plan is less tracking. Interestingly, of the four new members that stayed after the meeting for the intro session yesterday, ALL had previously been on WW, and all had regained some portion of what they lost when they quit following the plan.

    Janet, I have always had John on Valentines, and I always think it is a stupid holiday. Just think about it as crass commercialism, and don't let it control your mind.

    Waving to Bert and Cindy.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    I’m so glad you all are getting a structured program. I knew I had to do something as I was getting bigger and bigger again and I needed more accountability. I know I got overzealous with my plan with you all, I was just so shocked how well it worked! I love getting dressed now and Glenn just told me again this morning how good I look. I’ve loved wearing knee high boots this season too.

    Good luck everyone!!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and Happy Valentine's Day to those that enjoy it, and sorry to those that don't and it will be over tomorrow. It's no big deal! Mostly for the young at heart I would say. I did see Glenn had me a big bag from my favorite boutique, Marcie and Me. I wonder what's in it?? lol. I always like a surprise.

    TT: Those that have joined Weight Watchers, what is the biggest change you have noticed so far? Diane, you said that fish is now free points? How cool is that!!!?!! What about shrimp? I know I heard they really increased the sweets to discourage the usage there. Also, on the yogurt, my clinic highly recommends the Dannon Light and Fit too, Diane. I see it works for points better also.

    Well, I have a full house. Kevin went and met his GF and her 5yo son to come visit for a few days. We are all going to Panama City tomorrow to stay on the beach. He wants them to meet our father. This was supposed to be for Izzy and JJ, but JJ is out of town and Izzy is not up to par to go anyway, so they get it by default!

    We have tickets to a Craft Beer and Food Truck Festival at Pier Park on Panama City Beach on this Saturday, the 17th, that we check out. It is only 5 minutes from the resort.

    The weather is awesome finally. We hit 78 degrees yesterday!! We all had shorts and flip flops on. yeaaaa. Sunny and in the mid seventies again today.

    I better get Izzy up and head out to drop her off and go to work. Last day for this week and then a few days of FUN.

    Have a great Weight Watcher day everyone.


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Rick is back at work and recovered from the flu but he stopped taking his meds, which had terrible withdrawal issues- I didn't realize until I looked it up- and then it was like OH SH**
    So today he is still dealing with the withdrawal - he sees his therapist and is in a bad place but there is nothing I can do- he gave me yellow roses for Vday- guess that can clue you in on his current mood I'm ok with it- things aren't good there
    There will be an announcement on 3/5 at the office so I have two more weeks of wondering what the fate will be. I haven't told rick that I know the deadline date- as he would not keep it confidential so I deal with these feelings alone.
    But I'm ok- really
    I loved that you have reflected on who the regain and you can see the common theme- emotions and the why does it matter. Again our tires are unbalanced. But I feel you are getting stronger each day and recognizing the why is important in this journey.
    I need to run but really needed to reconnect.
    Does anyone have any tips for shipping a birthday cake so it arrives intact?
    Meg turns 35 on the 26th and since she is filing for divorce this week she's pretty alone- so i wanted to send her a cake- it won't be her usual as that needs refrigeration but still wanted to make her feel special. Any tips or tricks would be appreciated.
    I'll be back- and yes I said that in the "arnold" voice. :)
    Happy Valentines Day to each and every one of you very special ladies.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies......Happy Valentines Day! Mike surprised me with tickets to see The Letterman last night. It was a FABULOUS concert and I knew most all of the words. I didn't realize how many songs they recorded in the 60's. We both had a great time.

    I agree that Valentine's Day is a hyped up holiday and it's full of commercialism. However, that was the day of my first "date" with Mike 34 years ago, so it's a special day for me.

    Yesterday's gym time was invigorating for me. I did the all body workout that my trainer planned for me the other day. I received many Activity Points on WW as well as MFP. I'm still tracking in both places. I did not lose this week, so I need to refocus.

    TT: I have noticed the biggest change in WW is the amount of food with 0 point value. I have to be careful though as there are too many fruit options for 0 points. I know that fruit has a lot of carbs, but I'm trying to eat more berries than other fruit. I love that chicken, shrimp, and other fish is 0 points. I made a 0 point chicken taco soup the other night. It was delicious!

    Diane: Concerning WW FB you just search for WW groups? I've never done that.

    Cindy: I'm trying to keep my tires balanced! I love that analogy.

    Waving hi to Patti, Karla, and Janet. Have a great day everyone! Today is lunch with my retired teachers' group.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Need to leave shortly for lunch and shopping with the girls. My Mom surprised me yesterday and had flowers delivered to her apartment for me. Beautiful shades of lavender, purple and magenta. I had taken her a bouquet of rainbow daisies. We had a lovely lunch of pork tenderloin and sweet potato. She called this morning to thank me for a perfect day.

    Cindy, glad you stopped to share, wish we could fix it for you. I pray that once the deadline hits you will feel some relief and know your direction going forward. Just don't let any of your tires go flat, even if they are unbalanced they will keep you moving until you can equalize the pressure.

    Bert, what a fun surprise. Anything I can sing along to makes my heart soar.

    Karla, your weekend sounds like fun. You definitely have a full house.

    Waving to Janet and Diane

    I have to run in just a few.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning & happy Heart Day.

    Cindy, so sorry Rick is doing the lather/rinse/repeat thing on his meds. Big hugs.

    Bert, how sweet of Mike - Lettermen concert has to be divine with the harmonies.

    Patti, your mom is such a dear. Hope your lunch was a blast.

    Karla, I know Glenn has found you something lovely for your new figure.

    Diane, dog hammock is a cool idea. Will you get to see your tiniest Valentine again soon?

    My eating is getting more consistent - still not perfect, but with James here I am doing my best. Anything more overt than watching portions and snacks will make us both feel weird. He has a date tonight so I can get through the night with Olympics and feline companionship. He gave me a sweet card, a small bouquet, and a helium balloon, which fascinated the cats last night. Also a black beret and hot pink gloves. I've ordered him a personalized pen but that won't get here until next week. Got a sweet photo card from niece Julie and her family - those kids are way too cute for words. Might take myself to a movie later - we shall see. But first, housework!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. I've been to the gym for my water aerobics class. I forgot how much I enjoy that one. It doesn't seem like a workout but my muscles are sore by the next day, so it must be one!

    I did not eat before I went - didn't want to get stomach cramps from a full stomach in the water. So I was starving by the time I got home. I made an egg beaters omelet with spinach, mushrooms and a little bit of shredded italian blend cheese, plus a cup of plain greek yogurt with strawberries. All that for 1 point! I am getting Carrie and I Maryland crab cakes for dinner tonight, and will fix asparagus and a spinach salad with it. I buy the crab cakes raw at a local seafood place - too much trouble to make them myself and they are delish! I just broil them and serve them with some lemon to squeeze over the top.

    Karla, you asked about changes from last time. Since we all were on WW at one time, I think this is a topic that may be of interest, even if you aren't' doing the WW plan yourself now. I read some of the zero point cheat sheets trying to figure out the methodology, especially since I looked up smoothies.

    Basically, (and I am both interpreting and paraphrasing here) they discovered that people got tired of tracking every little thing (sound familiar?). So they made things it is difficult to overeat on be zero points. I'm not sure I agree with them on what things it is hard to overeat on (like fruit!) but it is an interesting strategy. Then they lowered your daily points and made foods with "empty" calories be much higher in points. Things like whole grain breads aren't bad ( a slice is 2 pts) but still have points to keep you from eating too much of them.

    Some of the things that now have zero points that surprised me are beans, including black, kidney, etc., eggs, chicken or turkey breast only (whole or ground, no skin), all kinds of fish and shellfish, some "starchy" vegetables like corn and peas, and plain unsweetened yogurt.

    I'm hoping the reduced tracking will really help me stick with it, since that is something I just seem to give up on fairly quickly. It almost seems like the more I sit down to track, the more I think about food so the more I eat. It doesn't act as a curb for me at all.

    Back with personals. If I let a post get too long I am always afraid of losing it!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Oh, I forgot to mention smoothies. So, even though almost everything that goes into a smoothie is zero point, it is NOT a smoothie when you make it into one. Their reasoning is that the experience of *drinking* a smoothie doesn't give you the same feeling of satiation that eating those fruits and yogurt will, so it is therefore too easy to overdo. I checked and my smoothie recipe (1/2 cup orange juice, 1 frozen banana, 1/2 cup frozen berries, and 1/2 cup plain non-fat yogurt, all blended together, is 240 calories on MFP (lots of carbs though, with the OJ and banana). All of those are zero points foods on WW except the OJ which is 3, but put together and blended into a smoothie it is 11 points! I don't think I'll be doing many of those!

    For the same reason, skim milk , while it provides similar nutrients to nonfat yogurt, is NOT a zero point food.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Cindy, you at least know that the deadline is coming up at work, and you will know something by then. Now just let the stress go until you find out exactly what it is, because worrying about it won't change anything anyway. The only thing you could do would be to start looking for something else. Sorry about Rick - just remember that HE is the one with one or more flat tires, not you!

    Bert, enjoy your lunch with your friends, and make good choices! Eating out is definitely a downfall for me - there are always yummy things on the menu! If I wanted a basic salad with chicken I could fix it myself at home.

    Patti, enjoy your day with friends also. I despise shopping, so that wouldn't be my idea of a fun day, but to each her own. Sounds like your mom is trying to tell you how much she appreciates you.

    Karla sounds like you have a fun weekend to look forward to. Funny, isn't it, that even retired much of our social life happens on weekends.

    Janet, thinking of you today. I know you are probably feeling a little blue, but tomorrow it will be over.

    The weather is supposed to be warmer the next few days, so I will try to get outside for a walk later. Have a great afternoon, everyone!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Diane, thanks for the WW 0-point info. Much appreciated, as are the kind words. This is just a day of reminders that society expects two by two and those of us who are out of step are not fully valid humans. t will pass, I promise. Given that no man has looked at me since Tony dumped me is doing a number on my self-confidence, so that's just a feeling I need to shove to the back of my head again. And will.

    OK, tales from the world of online searching for possible dates - one alleged potential match has a profile pic of himself standing in a cemetery, next to a flower-festooned tombstone! What the heck???? Oh, and his screen name starts with "Hot." You cannot make this stuff up.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Great but busy day. Lunch was good but we had service issues. The manager comped all our meals and gave us each a $15 coupons for our next visit. They have excellent food and it isn't of favorite places so glad they made it right. Checked out a new store At Home it is owned by the same company that owns HomeGoods and TJ Maxx, I think. It is a huge store but we all agreed the quality was not there, the furniture prices were too high but soft good like sheets and towels were reasonable. Sort of like Pier One, meets Hobby Lobby (without the crafts) meets Bed, Bath and Beyond. Long, physical night at work 15K steps. Only thing on my plate tomorrow is craft room and gym and sleeping late!

    My thoughts on WW so far. Like that I only have to track foods with points, but find their tracking system more cumbersome than the old one. But that may just be because it is new and I haven't figured out all the tricks. It also seems to have less brand named foods in their data base. Their exercise data base is severely limited too. I think once I figure it all out it will be much easier. As long as I lose weight and feel good, I call that a win-win. The high points on carbs really helps you steer clear. I never eat much fruit, so not worried I will overdo if I don't track. It is always the salty, crunchy stuff that is my undoing. I do wish I could find a substitute that really satisfies this need without the points.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I have a visit this morning and then I'm heading to the gym and church to run off tickets for our next play.....Father of the Bride. I'm looking forward to this play as it is directed by one of my friends. She's been active in our summer musicals and always does a great job. Last night we went to our Ash Wednesday service. It was a great service, but attendance was horrible. Our congregation just doesn't like to go out at night.

    Diane: I ordered turkey chili and a side salad. It was ok, but could have done a better job at home. I was hungry all afternoon but held out for my 0 Point chicken taco soup. Thanks for all the WW information. If you find any recipes, please share. I tend to eat the same things as I'm not a recipe searcher.

    Patti: I somewhat like the WW tracking. It is similar to MFP as it has a list from what you have tracked; however, it's only a list for the meal you are tracking. MFP has everything you have tracked. I like the multi tracking option on MFP as you can check more than one item. I'm doing both tracking systems; hopefully, this will keep me more focused. For exercise, they have a Circuit option......I click that when I do exercises/weights/and machines. They do keep track of what you have previously tracked. I'm with you on the salty and crunchy stuff. I struggle with that as well.

    Janet: When my first husband had an affair and left me and the boys, it did a number on me as well. My self-confidence was shattered as well and it took me a long time to find my strength and independence. However, the situation opened new doors in my life. I learned I had to rely on myself. Over the years, I forgave Tom for what he did, but I haven't forgotten. I know that God is helping me with this part. I met Mike when I wasn't looking for anyone as I knew the only one who could help my situation was me. It was so funny as I was choir director in our church at the time. He had been coming to church for several weeks and sat in different areas of the church until I finally noticed him. His story is that I put a note in the collection plate asking to meet him! :smiley: Look at all you have accomplished!

    Waving hi to Karla and Cindy. Have a great day everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Ladies-
    Last week, on Friday I was watching hallmark channel and there was a segment about VD day- and it was more than just hearts and flowers from a romantic partner and this I love.
    They showed how to make necklaces from pieces of rock- hang in with me-
    And they celebrated - You're my ROCK day.
    For all those girlfriends in our life that you just can't live without.
    The necklaces were beautiful and it is so true- each of you is a rock holding me steady and for that I wish you- Happy ROCK Day-
    Maybe I'll start a movement- stay tuned.
    I'll share about last night later- but it was awesome.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good afternoon all. I've been to the gym, had and tracked my breakfast and lunch, did a few cleaning chores, and am now working on dinner menus for the next week. I need to get my shopping done either this afternoon or early tomorrow, because I am going to have another Elise and Grandma day tomorrow. I should shop this afternoon while Carrie is at PT. But it is supposed to be SO NICE here - low 70s! - that I may go for a walk instead, and shop early tomorrow before I pick Elise up around 9 from daycare.

    Patti and Bert, I'm not as keen on the tracking either - the database seems to be fairly limited. I tried entering a recipe today, and it didn't even have generic chopped green pepper! Maybe because it is zero points so I don't really NEED to enter it. And just tracking - Bert mine seems to come up with all my foods not just for the meal I'm tracking! So maybe your settings are different than mine. I'll have to play around with it. And yes, I miss the multi-tracking option.

    Tomorrow we are going to have the Skinnytaste slow cooker chicken and sausage creole. As listed it is 4 FP, but if I make it with chicken breast instead of thigh it will be 1 FP. I am going to try the cauliflower rice - has anyone had it yet? I will probably fix regular rice for Carrie and John. I like making things that will have leftovers for lunches.

    Cindy, interesting concept about the rock. I know Galentine's day has become a thing, and in fact Carrie got a card from one of her good friends yesterday. It really perked her up.

    Patti, let me know if you find a good salty, crunchy snack that fits well. Along with sweets, that is my downfall. I did have some tortilla chips with my leftover chicken chili for lunch yesterday - I carefully counted out 7 chips for my 4 FP! I made sure I got 7 whole unbroken ones for those points LOL. Carrie had asked, last time I went to TJs, to get some sea salt caramels. They were still unopened in the pantry, but staring me in the face every time I opened it. Last night I told her to take them to her room and hide them from me!

    Janet, have you considered volunteering at something you love? I'm thinking that you so enjoy your concerts and theater - maybe volunteer at the venue and meet some people that way? That profile you mentioned at least makes sure you steer away from that guy!

    Karla, enjoy your beach get away! I am really looking forward to getting back on the road (though not about being away from Elise for weeks or months at a time!)

    Have a great day, all.


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. On the road to the beach! Sophie has had car sickness, poor sweetie. My brother’s girlfriend and son came down and they were going to come to the beach with us, but her sinuses were acting up and they stayed behind. Glenn and I really need the alone time anyway.

    Diane- Do you have a Sam’s card? I bought some Parmesan cheese crisps there last week that are yummy. They are zero carbs but don’t don’t about points. They are super crunchy. I like these better than then the ones I was getting at Walmart. The new program sounds like it is increasing healthy proteins by making fish, chicken and shrimp free points and limiting carbs by making sweet and salty so point pricey! In MFP I have saved all my common recipes, meals and snacks in “my meals” so tracking is really fast for me. I’m like you, I don’t like to spend time on this. Anything I eat more than once goes in there!

    I’ll be back

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Really slow start here today. Need to get in my craft room and get the cards done for Saturday. Dragging a bit. I think the extr a work hours are starting to take a toll so I listened to my body and slept in. Only thing on my schedule for today is the gym.

    Diane, I use the frozen cauliflower rice, it has virtually no taste so you need to season well. I don't like rice so it works perfectly for me. I have made my own but not worth the effort and mess. I tried making the cauliflower pizza crust and found it way too labor intensive and time consuming.

    Karla, bet Glenn is in heaven to finally have a weekend alone with you.

    Cindy, love the Rock Day, you should definitely start the movement. Can't wait to hear what you learned. WikiHow has great info on shipping a cake, with detailed instructions.

    Janet, Mr "hot" is definitely looking for a specific type of woman.....not you for sure. At least there was a bit of comic relief there. I know it is difficult for you to follow a plan with James there, but it sounds like you are doing a great job.

    Bert, Father of the Bride sounds like a lot of fun. I love how you met Mike. I met Edd in 1980 in my neighborhood bar, I was 26 and had just moved back home from Florida. He was just separated from his second wife. We dated sporadically for a year and then went our separate ways but remained friends. He actually made the effort to keep track of me. I was living in Denver when he contacted me in 1986. I had just broken up with a guy who I thought was going to marry me and he had just been dumped by a woman he had been with for 5 years. We ended up going to bike week in Daytona a few months later where he asked me to move home and live with him. It was a very hard decision as I loved Denver and never dreamed I would ever move back to Ohio. So I took the leap and here we are 32 years later, guess I chose well.

    Procrastination time is over!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla, if the item you are talking about is "Whisps Parmesan Cheese Crisps" then it is 3 points for 15 chips. Better than tortilla chips (4 points for 7 chips) but probably still an occasional indulgence.