OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's raining this morning, and I am traveling to Indy for a visit. I hope the rain will stay gentle and the roads will be ok. It's only supposed to get up to 38 degrees today. Yesterday hit almost 70! I don't remember a time I didn't wear a coat in February! I had the windows open.

    Breakfast is tracked.....banana oat pancakes topped with warm raspberries. 2 points on WW.

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning All-
    Today is meeting day and I'm feeling strong- yes the power of pause is a good tip.
    Diane- High five on the loss- you're working the plan that works for you. So happy for you.
    Patti- A pound a week is awesome- always remember you could have been gaining and I can attest from personal experience it goes on SUPER DUPER easy- maybe even a pound a week at my highest stress point.
    Karla- protein is your friend. Are you able to exercise with your back issues?
    Janet- I'm glad James is finding friends- romantic or otherwise. Do you think he maybe stay in KY with you- get a job etc? It would be nice if he was close and I know you are great friends for each other.
    Bert- a loss is a loss on the scale- you're changing what you need to do- keep up the good work. I'm sorry about your cousin. I'm sure it breaks your heart. Life is so fragile and I don't think it really hits us until we are aging.
    I thought we were going to have resolution in 2 weeks at the day job but sounds like another delay- i hate this roller coaster. But I can't control it, just wait for the shoe to drop. Everyone at work is also on pins and needles- we all know its coming but we're not permitted to talk about it- period.
    Meg has filed for divorce and I'm happy she has- her soon to be ex sent her a text with a pic of a valentine he received from a woman who is interested in him. Just pathetic on his part and she said he just doesn't get it. She will be fine- I told her to straighten her crown and remember who's daughter she is. She's tough.
    I'm going to gather my notes this weekened and scan them in to email everyone- Can you drop me an email if you're interested in them- cindyk619@gmail
    Again- they'll have my scribble so I apologize in advance but think of it this way- you can spend hours, LOL, dissecting how my brain really works. Not really, but just my attempt at humor this morning.
    Ok, need to run
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Off to work early. I will be glad when the training is slowed down. I am so tired when I get home. The money is excellent though.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all.

    Patti, nice loss. Consistent and slower than we'd like is definitely the way to go. Did you rock your convertible yesterday?

    Bert, hope your drive is fine. It was 83 here yesterday - all-time high for February - windows open at home, moonroof open in car. So sorry about your cousin - was there with my mom and others close to me. It is sad and painful in a unique way, especially with the emotional toll it takes on the loved ones.

    Cindy, sending a hug to Meg. What a jerky thing to do - if that guy thinks he's making her jealous, all he's really doing is being cruel and cementing her resolve to put him in the rearview mirror. I know you were skeptical about the marriage to begin with and sorry it has crumbled quickly and horribly, but Meg has found her inner strength and I am proud of her. She has you to rely on for great advice and comfort. The work stuff has to be like an Acme anvil hanging over Road Runner. Deep breaths. You will not only survive, but will thrive.

    Diane, how is your mom doing? Celebrating our parents' birthdays is always a joy. We threw Dad a party for his 90th and he had a blast.

    Karla, sounds like you're whipping that office back into shape. You'll have things humming with the new person in no time! Do you get midweek Izzy time?

    Yesterday was not my best - while I was out, I succumbed to a Wendy's Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger (lost half the bun) and a few fries, but reined it in later in the day and ended up with what I'll call a "not ideal, but could've been a lot worse" days. Salad with shrimp and half a piece of sourdough for dinner. My cleaner will come tomorrow - sinus headache. The postponements are annoying, but not as bad as what happened to you, Bert.

    We are now in the rainy season up here - next day listed as "Partly sunny" is Sunday. Flood alerts are out, but at least that should mean spring flowers and lush lawns.

    Wishing everyone a sunny day in your heart, if not the sky.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. I am spending this glorious day getting Charly4 ready for our weekend adventure. We aren't leaving home for months yet - just a weekend jaunt to Cape Hen lopen state park in DE. This is the weekend that is supposedly the most likely for seeing the baby seals on the beach. My cousin organized a group thing - she rented a cabin at the park, as did another group, and we are staying in Charly with my sister. So cleaning, loading bedding and linens and at least some food today. Lots of steps in and out, and lots of stairs up and down!

    This weekend will be challenging, food wise. I solved part of the problem by offering to cook the main dish for the potluck Saturday evening - a chicken and veggie stir fry. I can easily forgo the rice it can go over. And I vetoed John's suggestion for pancakes for breakfast one morning in favor of breakfast burritos - will still have pork sausage and some cheese, but everything else will be low point. Eggs and bacon and berries the other morning. I plan to pretrack everything I can so I will know what my limitations are, and am going to save all my weeklies and try to roll over some dailies for the weekend. I will also take zero calorie beverages and intersperse them with the wine that I know I will indulge in.

    One thing I have discovered about myself - I don't mind the same breakfast every day; in fact, I enjoy my veggie and egg omelet with a side of yogurt and berries. It really fills me up, and I don't want anything else until lunchtime. But I really don't care for sandwiches (I knew this) and I really crave variety with dinner - I hate fixing the same old things week after week. So I am trying to establish some routines that use lots of zero point foods.

    I've been perusing the WW FAQ, and I found this that explains why some foods are higher in points than they used to be: On the SmartPoints plan, foods that are higher in sugar and/or saturated fat are higher in SmartPoints; foods higher in protein are lower in SmartPoints. So Karla, elements of your plan here as well - higher protein, lower fat and sugars.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Cindy, I sent you an email. Yes, your notes may help us understand more of your brain, or the discussion you were noting. Thanks so much - it seems like the focus of your program has been getting your mind in the right place, and nutrition and exercise will follow. I think that is a terrific mindset.

    Karla, can you believe you once had the energy to work full time?!? I can't either. My days are so full.

    Bert, I think I'm going to try the cheesecake recipe myself. My cousin asked me to bring some dessert for Friday evening. I'll make that with some berries plus an apple cake for some others to eat. Drive safely!

    Janet, I'm sure some quiet time has been restorative, much as you enjoy having James around.

    Patti, hope yesterday was not as draining as Monday! I can imagine how busy you were. I made the mistake of going to Trader Joe's on Monday - it was a zoo!

    My scale is continuing to reward me. I don't expect this to continue for long, but I will enjoy it while it lasts. I am already below the weight I returned home at in November, so have lost all the holiday gains. I'm hoping I have the same success as Karla and the decades just melt away.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Really quick drive by. Lunch with the girls, followed by shopping for supplies for the weekend and then work tonight. The foods this weekend are all buffet meals except Saturday dinner, which will be baked chicken, green beans and potatoes. So there is pasta bar, potato bar and breakfast buffets to navigate. I am planning my strategies in my mind. There will be lots of snacks and I am going to find something to take with low points just in case. I generally do not snack but when faced with treats I am going to have to hit my pause button repeated. So far it has worked but I am afraid it will burn up this weekend! All I can do is plan and do my best.

    Cindy, you have my email so please send me your notes. Will enjoy your scribbles.

    TT: here is a question that I think we all need to think about. When you go to eat something and the portion you have is more than one serving but less than 2, do you just go ahead and eat the extra since it won't make a full serving anyway? For instance, you have counted out your 7 chips and there are only 3 left in the bag, do you eat them even if you don't have the points or the calories left in your day?
    I have done more leaving the half portion behind than eating it since using my pause button? It is th small bites that add up more quickly than we realize.

    Later, I am almost late
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    TT: Honest answer, I'd probably eat the ten chips but try to cut back elsewhere to make up for it. But am getting better at giving myself small servings and avoiding seconds.

    Diane, yo are on a roll and it makes me so happy. Enjoy your weekend - hope there are many baby seals. If so, photos, please! Charly4 will be happy to been the road too, and your meal planning for the trip is admirable.

    Patti,hope the breakfast buffet has eggs and protein - the hotel breakfast spread is a notorious carb vortex. Grrr. But you will be fine. Cindy's PAUSE button will be in your brain.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Patti, good question. I guess I tend to finish the item off because I don't want to have a tiny bit of something hanging around. But you are right that this is where the creep starts. I'll have to be more mindful.

    BTW, I tried the Good Thins crackers today in the potato/White cheddar. They were REALLY good! 8 crackers for 1 FP, the box says a serving is 23 pieces which is 4 FP, 130 calories, 4g fat, 22 g carbs and only 2 g fiber and 2 g protein (so probably not for Karla!)
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    I made a delicious fish for dinner - really easy and quick. Skinnytaste Maple Soy glazed Salmon. I served it with roasted broccoli. I forgot I had some butternut squash I was going to roast with it too.

    Recipe is here:
    3 FP
    293 calories
    Total Fat: 11g
    Carbohydrates: 12g
    Fiber: 0g
    Sugar: 10g
    Protein: 35g
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good early morning. Quick check-in as I am working the superbills before I get Izzy ready for school and off to work. She got to play with Nate, Kevin's girlfriend's son last night. I have a house full as usual. I really like his girlfriend Kelli, she is very good for him.

    I am proud to report I finally got those pesky two pounds off I had picked up over the celebrations of Mardi Gras and my trip, and have dropped 2.6 pounds this week! I am back
    down to 181.6 now. Yes!! Why is it so difficult to get into a new decade? LOL.

    Diane - You have shared some yummy recipes. That Salmon one sounds very tasty. You are on a roll. I agree that a variety of new and tasty low cal recipes is the key to staying onboard. Sounds also like you have a great plan for the weekend getaway. I am liking more and more the new WW system. Whether Oprah helped design it or just put her big bucks behind it, it was desperately needed and it very successful.

    Bert - You are also doing well and I like your meal choices also. Glenn made his shrimp stirfry last night with the cauliflower rice and it was so delicous.

    I have put in the hours and my hours equated to $710.00 this week. Yipeeeee. At least the money is good!

    I better run, just wanted to share my joy and jump on the losing train with you all!!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Up way too early for this girls but breakfast with Susie is worth it. Then I have to pack for the weekend. So glad to have some fun time away from work. Only working 3 days next week as I have a colonoscopy on Thursday so will need Wednesday off to prep.still setting up in my mind how I will eat this weekend and hoping my pause button helps me stay on track.

    More later
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Up early here too. I couldn’t sleep last night. I have a bit of a cold. I’m doing my strength class at the gym then it will be an Elise day. She is probably where I got the cold! Poor thing got an ear infection over the weekend.

    Karla way to go! You have made a real lifestyle change and even celebrations only set you back a bit.

    Patti have a great time both at breakfast and the weekend. Do you have your snacks purchased yet? Don’t fall in the trap of eating because it is there. Think of all of us behind you cheering you on.

    Waving to Janet, Cindy and Bert.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Breakfast was so nice. Susie crocheted me a beautiful throw. She just taught herself to crochet a couple of months ago. So sweet of her to make this for me.

    Diane, my problem is there are no snacks to substitute for what I really want to snack on.....chips, and not just 7-10, I want the whole bag! Fruits and veggies don't do it for me. My teeth are so sensitive that I don't enjoy raw veggies. I do have the 100 cal packs of goldfish but they are 4 SPs. I tend to snack at night so I will keep them handy if necessary. It is going to be a real challenge and I am going to need all the strength I can get. I really want to be able to report my success to all of you. There is free WiFi in the hotel, so I plan to check in daily. Praying that my strategies, paired with accountability to the group will be the ticket to success. Enjoy your Elise day. I love strength training. Tuesday in TRX we did some barbell work. I can squat with 55 pounds, chest press 55 pounds, overhead press was only 35 but that was to protect my shoulder. We also did bicep curls and tricep press. Something about this type of workout makes me feel so powerful

    Cindy, can't wait to get your notes. The strategies you have shared have resonated with me, maybe because they are a fresh take on things we know.

    Lots to get done, so better shake a leg
    Waving to Janet, Bert and Karla.

    Wish me luck
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all, finishing a big salad with chicken on it for lunch. I added some blue cheese to it also. I've been looking back at my tracker, and I spend more points on snacks than on meals. That really should change! So I'm looking to bulk or protein up my meals a bit.

    Elise is being such sweetie today. I picked her up about 9:30, and she only just went down for her first nap. She is sure not a napper! But she was happy sitting with me and playing with toys. I did turn the TV on so I could watch last nights' ski racing finals. I wanted to see it before I heard it on the radio or TV. We also went outside for a few minutes when we first got here. The temps are supposed to drop all day, and the rain will come in later. I'll post a selfie I took of us. She wasn't smiling, but I think that's because she was so intently looking around and at my phone!

    Patti, you can do it! I'll be thinking about you ladies and my tracker too this weekend, trying to remain accountable.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Here’s my little sweetie today.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    OH my Diane, she is just too precious. She has your eyes. Love that look of wonder as they discover the world. She is blessed, as are you, to be experiencing it with you. Your weekend will be a success because you want it to be. What positive steps you are taking to keep it as close to in your control a possible. Rooting for you as you are for me. It does make a difference, knowing everyone here wants everyone else to be successful. And I, for one, don't want to disappoint myself and the group.

    I am all packed and relaxing after a nice dinner of grilled chicken, stir fry green beans and last summers super sweet corn. Edd will take me to my GFs house in the morning so I don't have to leave my car in their driveway. TRX was a real calorie burner tonight, I swear we burn at least a third of our calories just laughing. The timing of this weekend getaway is perfect.

    Sweet dreams
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Awakened by the storm here - another 2-5” coming - wondering if an ark could be made from the lumber in my deck. Have to go out this morning for the concert, knowing it will be ugly outside but amazing things lie in store.

    Patti, have a blast! So sweet of Susie to crochet you a throw.

    Diane, Elise is clearly trying to take it all in - you can almost see her vibrating with excitement at being in the world with her gramma.

    Karla, co grata on the kiss. Your dedication continued to pay off.

    Cindy, is Lucinda coming out to play today?

    Bert, wishing you a great was your last school visit?

    Eating was decent yesterday. Had deep hunger late so made a piece of sourdough toast. Stomach has felt particularly acidic, so something mild helps. Striving to keep snacking under control this weekend.

    TGIF - here’s to using our Pause buttons every day.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. This is the second time I'm posting my beginning as I lost it when I clicked on Diane's salmon recipe! The funeral and funeral dinner was very nice. Many ladies helped in the kitchen and also stayed to help clean up. It was a nice tribute to the lady who passed away as she was the head of funeral dinners for many years.

    Diane: I'm so trying the salmon recipe but will decline on the siracha hot sauce. Did you just type in WW Freestyle Recipes? or just looked for something in partcular? Please continue to send recipe ideas. I really enjoy them. Very cute picture of you and Elise.

    Karla: Congratulations on losing your 2.6 pounds. I'm sure that makes you feel good to get them off. I love shrimp stir fry. It's definitely one of my go toos.

    Patti: I'm with you on the chips. 7-10 just doesn't cut it for me. I'm going to try them though with the refried bean dip that Diane sent. Congrats on your strength training. I'm doing an all body work out these days. My goal is to get more strength back in my arms and hands. It's definitely a challenge for me. Enjoy your weekend.

    Janet: My visit on Wednesday was great. She is a mother of 3 kids and her oldest is 29. She is currently a teacher's aid and wants to get her degree. I think we will work well together.

    Waving hi to Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Dang I hate that done button! I typed up a long post here this morning with detailed personals but must have got done rather than post reply. Not going to try tonr create it from my phone.

    We are at the shore at cape Henlopen state park. Will try
    My best to stay on track and to track.

    Bert I found nd most of my recipes on I haven’t explored the recipes on the WW site at all. Last time I was on WW their recipes were pretty bland and boring to my taste. Maybe that has changed.