OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning ladies, no work for me today as I start my prep at 5pm. Can't go to lunch with the girls, boo. So I have the day to myself. Unfortunately I really need to do housework, so this is not a me day, lol. I need to go to the grocery store for a few things. I want to make Mom carrot cake for her birthday. She usually makes the cake and then splits it with me. So that along with the bubble wrap will be her gifts.

    Cindy, glad you are feeling your power. Amazing how much. Ore in control you seem these days. I think your program is hitting its mark in you. Finding a victory in your closet is a good thing. Can't wait to get your notes but no pressure, lol. Keeping Jasper in my prayers as he heals.

    Bert, what a wonderful man you are married to. I know his efforts have not gone unnoticed. I hope the waters recede and the roads open so you can get your time with the family. Didn't realize it had been so long since you last saw them.

    Karla, hope all is well with you and you are just busy or taking a breather from posting. Sometimes time away helps refocus and redirect your efforts.

    Diane, you did great with your choices. I can't control the chips, wish I could figure out a way to though.

    Time to get productive
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good afternoon all.
    Patti, you and I must have been posting at the same time last night. I didn't see your comment about bubble wrap until this morning, and it had me chuckling. And obviously I can't control the chips either, since I ate them! Your prep today is the worst part of the whole ordeal, but best wishes for a good outcome of the test tomorrow.

    Cindy, any time you feel more in control is good. Not changing sizes in the upwards direction is very good, especially when I know you've been feeling stressed and out of control.

    Bert, is Mike back or is he still helping with the flooding recovery efforts? You lead such a busy life these days. Hope the roads clear so you can make your trip. Which direction from Chicago do you live? My sister lives outside Madison.

    Janet, thanks again for checking in. I hope your busy is good busy, not stressed frantic busy.

    Karla, hope all is well with you. I certainly hope I didn't offend you by saying you were talking too much about your plan, and then turning around and me talking too much about WW. If so, I apologize. I think we are all excited about WHATEVER it seems is working for us personally.

    Today I've been to my water aerobics class - it isn't as much of a workout as the strength training one but is still good. Then I spent some time pulling weeds and starting to get the yard cleaned up from the winter. Today is sunny and high 50s, and it is supposed to rain the next two days. So I better get things done while I can! It keeps me away from the kitchen too.

    Tonight I am fixing a WW recipe - so of course they don't give calorie and other nutrition information. I found it on the site and printed it just two days ago, and now I can't find it on the site again to track it! The WW site is really driving me nuts in terms of trying to find things.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi. Haven’t had a free moment the last two days but am fine & reading all. Hoping to get a bit of me time soon to catch up!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi ladies, I lost .4 this week. I can’t get out of the 180’s to save my life.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    I’m at 181.4
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla don't get discouraged! You have lost so much, so quickly. Your body is just adjusting and trying to avoid starvation mode. What does your counselor at the nutrition center say?

    A couple of ladies from the WW leaders' FB group have posted today, talking about 55 to 110! pound losses in one to two years. We all need to remember that the weight didn't go on overnight.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is a very busy day. I'm heading to Central Illinois to visit my student teachers. I'll be there most of the day and then we have choir practice tonight.

    Karla: Wow!!! your weight loss is amazing! So proud of your accomplishments.

    Diane: Sometimes I feel that the weight did come on overnight! :D However, that's not true. I lost my focus for quite a while and am trying to lose what I gained back over that last couple of years.

    Waving hi to Janet, Patti, and Cindy. Have to run and get ready for a busy day. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning.

    Diane- I am trying monthly visits now to the clinic and go back next Tuesday. I am at the same weight I was when I was last there. But I did indulge over the Mardi Gras two weeks. I am down 34.6 pounds from end of September, that is now six months, so not overly fast. It seems like when you are on the cusps of a new decade you teeter totter! Lol.

    Bert- It does seem like the weight comes on a lot faster than it goes off and a lot less fun. Lol.

    One thing is, I am in size 12 pants now for good. Costco has Jones New York skinny jeans in blue and black and I got 14 in the black and they were too loose! I went back and got three pairs in size 12. They are on sale for $12.99!! $4.00 off. They are so comfy. I got black for work and blue for home.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Up early to finish prep. Glad that part is over, whew. Now I am hungry AND sleep deprived.

    Karla, you are doing great, averaging over a pound a week. Long term success is the goal and you are headed in the right direction. Short break for festivities but you got right back on program. I think that is the trick, not letting a slip take all the way down the slope. You got this. Yeah on size 12 jeans, and on sale to boot.

    Bert, hope you have positive time with your student teachers. Have they opened the road so you will get your family time soon?

    Diane, how did the new recipe turn out? Worth sharing?

    Waving hi to Cindy and Janet
    Sure wish I could go back to bed for just an hour.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good afternoon all. Today is a Mom day but she is napping in her chair right now.

    The new recipe for dinner turned out great! I’ll type it up when I am not on my phone because as I said I can’t find it back on the WW site to post a link. Pan seared chicken breasts with sun dried tomatoes. I’m sure it would fit all our plans. The sauce was onions, garlic, thyme, rosemary, a little flour, chicken broth and sun dried tomatoes. Yummy!

    Karla I would say a “maintain” over Mardi Gras is success. And wasn’t there one or two birthday celebrations in there too? Yay on the jeans. I am hoping to get into my size 14s soon.

    Patti at least it is only every 5 or 10 years. Hope all goes well and you get a clear report.

    Bert safe travels. Hope the students you are seeing today are living up to your expectations.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Home and all went well. This was a follow up from 6 months ago when they found a large precancerous polyp. Both my father and his father had colon cancer so I was relieved to get the results. Don't have to return for 3 years. They said I cannot do TRX tonight, so will do the housework I didn't get to yesterday. Right now I need a nap, lol
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good quick check=in.

    Patti-Soooo glad you received a good report. Colon cancer is a serious and preventable condition. My brother sure had a close call. I know you were tired. That is a draining prep, no pun intended. LOL. My dad has never had any falls. He has the best gait ever and is always complimented on how well he gets around. Thank the Lord for that. He just purchased another vehicle, a Dodge Magnum. LOL.

    Janet - What is it you are so busy doing?

    Cindy - You take all the time you need preparing the PDF for us. We are just appreciative you are sharing. Meg and Em are definitely your clones!! Jasper is basking in your love for his healing.

    Diane - I am okay with you discussing your plan.

    Bert - You are a busy bee and loving grandmother. Mike is an admirable man.

    I better run.

    I worked 46.6 hours and that didn't include the 5 hours at home. My paycheck was over $800 this week. I'm going to treat myself to a facial and massage and some new clothes. I think I need to drop down to a medium shirt as all my large shirt look like crap on me now. I had to change twice this morning to find something that looked good. Oh what a feeling.

    Come on 170's, where are you my friend?? lol

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. After driving yesterday for my visits in torrential downpours at times, the sun is shining with not a cloud in the sky this morning! I was so tired last night from traveling and sitting in the classroom! However, watching my two student teachers was the best part. They are amazing and balance out the other student teacher whom I'm having much difficulty with.

    Patti: I travel next Thursday to Chicago, so I'm sure it will be open by then. The river has crested, so I'm hoping the tributaries have too. Mike hasn't been called back up there, so that's a good sign. Thanks for asking. Glad you had good results from your test.

    Karla: Congrats on your weight loss and smaller clothes sizes. It's a good feeling.

    Diane: Your recipe sounds yummy. I always welcome new ideas.

    Waving hi to Janet and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    TGIF, gang! Sun is out here and I am prepping to make myself very busy again today. Many errands and lots of household tasks. AND I'm trying to spend much less time on computer & devices and be in the real world.And I need to get ready to drive to DC next Friday - time to make a list, start getting things together.

    Patti, hope your body bounces back from the colonoscopy quickly - glad you have a 3-year interval this time.

    Diane, that chicken dish sounds excellent. How is Carrie doing without her hardware?

    Bert, glad you were safe on the road to your IL visits. Two great students and one clunker - that's one clunker too many!

    Karla, congrats. You are living it very well - keep it up!

    Cindy, how is sweet Jasper doing? Hope you have something lovely to do for yourself this weekend.

    Found out earlier this week (from my brother, in confidence) that my niece in MI is going to file for divorce. Must wait for her to tell me before I can offer an ear whenever she needs it. I never saw them together in the first place, but she wanted so badly to Be Married. She still loves him, and they've done counseling, and it will end. She has a tough history with relationships so I want to make sure she doesn't blame herself and uses this as a chance to grow and take time to be extra kind to herself. (Hmmm, guess that explains why I didn't even get a thank-you text form him for his birthday and Christmas gifts. Jerk.)

    Have a great weekend, everyone!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. Today is an Elise day even though both Rossanne and Brad have the day off - just because I wanted her. They have the day off because of our windstorm. We are supposed to have steady winds of 30-40 mph and gusts to 60-70. It has been howling, and we have one (already dead) tree leaning on another this morning. Unfortunately, it is aiming directly at a power transformer, so I hope it stays hung up in the tree it is currently in!

    Does anyone know how to share a recipe that you enter in the MFP Recipe creator? I was thinking that might be the best way to share this chicken recipe with you all, and have it calculate the nutrition values as well.

    Janet, you are coming to DC?!? Any chance you would have any spare time for a meet-up, even for coffee? Sad news about your niece - this isn't the one with the two adorable babies is it?

    Karla, what a great feeling to have all your clothes too big! I am just starting to feel comfortable in mine again - they were all getting a little uncomfortably snug. I guess your spring has started, so you can shop for new spring clothes and start wearing them!

    Bert, glad you traveled safely. I drove home from mom's last night in the rain, but was glad the wind hadn't started yet.

    Patti, so glad for the good report. Hope you got some of those drudgery chores out of the way so you can move on to fun stuff. That is how I convince myself to get them done - looking forward to not having them hanging over my head.

    Eating went reasonably well at mom's yesterday. I did my best to track what I had for dinner in the dining room. Their salmon is always pretty nice, so I had that with a bourbon sauce, broccoli and a small serving of mashed potatoes, plus salad and one scoop of no sugar added ice cream for dessert. I tracked everything and stayed within my points - partly because there are no snacks available at mom's and we eat dinner so early!

    Tonight will be a challenge - Carrie and I are getting together with two other friends to play Mahjong. The hostess provides the meal and she just texted saying she was baking peanut butter cupcakes for dessert! I think I'm going to use some weekly points tonight lol. I will take a bottle of wine and stick with one glass. Other than that I have no idea - will have a zero point lunch and a yogurt fruit snack before we go to keep hunger from making me eat to much.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Diane, my schedule is pretty tight while I'm in Reston/DC area but if a window cracks open there's nothing I'd like more than to grab a cup of coffee together. Haven't gotten the full itinerary (trip is for 60th birthday of my bet friend's brother) so will keep you posted. PB cupcakes. Ouch - marshal weeklies and maybe the will to have half.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Okay so I answered my own question - there is no way to share recipes in MFP. Bummer. But I entered it in the calculator anyway, and also typed it up as a file. but MFP wont let me include a Word file. here it is and you can tell me if you want the file sent.

    Pan Seared Chicken Breasts with Sun Dried Tomatoes

    Serves 4


    1 lb uncooked boneless skinless chicken breast cutlets
    2 tsp olive oli
    1 cup uncooked onions, sliced
    2 cloves garlic, minced
    1 tsp dried thyme
    1 Tbsp dried rosemary
    1 Tbsp flour
    1 cup fat free reduced sodium chicken broth
    ¼ cup sun-dried tomatoes in olive oil, julienned


    (Note: Need covered skillet)

    Heat olive oil in large skillet. Season chicken cutlets with salt and pepper. Add chicken to skillet and saute on each side for about 2 minutes. Remove from skillet and set aside.

    Add onions, garlic and herbs to skillet. Cook for 3 minutes, stirring frequently. Stir in flour and mix until combined, then add broth and sun-dried tomatoes and mix well. Return chicken to skillet and bring to a simmer. Turn heat to low and simmer, covered, for 10 minutes or until chicken is done. Serve immediately.

    Nutrition: per serving: 267 calories, 13g total fat, 2 g sat fat, 10 g carbohydrates, 2 g fiber, 4 g sugars, 28 g protein, 4 WW freestyle points
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, thanks for the recipe. It looks and sounds delish. I think I will give it a try but will probably add mushrooms and artichoke hearts to it too. Enjoy your Elise time and praying the trees stay upright. We have some 100+ year old maples surrounding our house and I worry with every wind storm that they will come down on us.

    Janet, so sad for your niece but glad she ended it before there were children involved. I hope she turns to you for comfort, advice and of course, love as only an Aunt can give. I bet you are getting excited for your trip.

    Bert, at least you were able to observe your good students. I know the drive had to be nerve wrecking.

    Karla, so fun getting into smaller sizes. My scales have not moved a lot but I feel a transformation in my body and clothes fitting better.

    Time for work. I am going to Moms in the morning before I go to work at noon, to celebrate her 88th birthday. Carrot cake and bubble wrap should make her smile!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hey All,

    Tired lady here but the training is over and I was able to stay at my desk all day.

    I’m looking forward to a slow morning at home tomorrow. I’m going to run a bath and use a bath bomb Glenn got me for Valentine’s Day tonight.

    Janet - You haven’t mentioned James lately, has he moved out? So sorry about your niece.

    Bert- So glad you have shining students and safely made it through the rain.

    Diane- I have planted geraniums and begonias in pots already. We are having a drop in temps this weekend though.

    Patti- Happy Birthday to your Mom.

    Cindy - thank you in advance for your notes and program. Was last night the finishing night?

    I am going to go,

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's another gorgeous sunny day today. I'm so happy to see the sunny skies. I think I'll go visit Jillian and Cole today or tomorrow. We all have been so busy; however, family time is needed. Next week is going to be very busy as I have visits every day and will be traveling to Indy and then to Chicago next week.

    Diane: I printed your recipe and will defintely try it. It sounds delicious. I hope your day with Elise was a good one. It's so important to have time with the little ones.

    Janet: Difficult times open new doors. I hope your neice will have a door opened for her soon.

    Patti: Adding mushrooms and artichokes to Diane's recipe sounds like a fabulous idea. I'm going to try that. My mom would have been 95 this year. She died when she was 72. I feel her presences everyday and talk to her often.

    Karla: I like to take a bath as well. It helps to relax.

    Waving hi to Cindy. Have a great day, everyone.
