OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all. Watching Olympics & perusing magazines here. Have put together two very much on-the-beam eating days. Hope appetite will tamp down again.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good evening. Cardmaking was fun. I will try to post pics tomorrow. Then they chose a Chinese buffet for lunch. I said I could only go if it was someplace quick and good since i had to go to work. I did my best. Calling it one of my 20% meals for the week. Very light meal of salad and 2tbsp peanut butter for dinner. Now I have to start getting ready for my scrapbook retreat next weekend. I am going to be making small albums for my 2 new great grand babies. I am so looking forward to some ME time, that I will be sharing with about 140 women! Work has been super busy and customers extra messy making it even worse. Oh well summer will be here soon enough with a vacation in April to spell me until then. Edd has been working extra hard working on rentals and is ready for a break too.

    Sorry no personals today. Pretty much burned out and have until 3pm to recover.....
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. After church we are headed to our neice's house to celebrate our great-nephew's 4th birthday. We have re-connected after many years and our relationship with Mike's neice is good now. Mike's brother spoiled the relationships when he was alive. He was divorced her mother many years ago, and she, her brother, and their mom moved away from the city. While in college, Betsy (our neice) became a cheerleader for our local college (Indiana State University) and that is when we began to re-establish our relationship. I'm so glad that we are invited to the celebrations. Family is important.

    Patti: I haven't scrapbooked for years. I have one for each grandchild, but haven't started Cole's and he will be 5 in April! :o I also have scrapbooks for Dan and Annie's wedding, Greg and Carrie's wedding, and Lindsey' first marriage! I need to start one for Lindsey and Justin. :) I enjoy scrapbooking when I see a finished page. Have fun.

    Diane: I'm going to try your recipe. I also printed a couple of recipes from WW sight. I'll let you know how they turned out.

    Janet: I love watching the Olympics. I think I enjoy the Winter Olympics better than the Summer ones. I do like to watch swimming, though.

    Waving hi to Karla and Cindy.

    Have a great day, eveyrone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Back home and boy was I tired when we rolled in about 6:45 last evening. Was asleep by 9:30 until 6:30 this morn. But I am still tired.

    I need to prepare for a busy week as our receptionist quit, which I am thankful for, at the Podiatry office. My new mature lady starts tomorrow that I have had holding in the wings. This means I will be training her 100% until she can hold her own, but it will be well worth it in the long run. The young girl I had on the front desk had been with us over two years and I caught her on personal internet page last week, yet again. She constantly stayed on her cell phone and was late almost everyday. It was time.

    Patti- I know you will have a wonderful time next weekend. The scrapbooks will be an heirloom to be treasured.

    Janet - Two days is great to string together on eating.

    Cindy- You are the pillar of strength with grace and poise my friend. I really appreciate your sharing of your program. Do you have any print outs you can post on here by taking a picture on your phone? I’d love to have one to post on my fridge for a daily reminder to concentrate on balance.

    Diane- I have orderef shrimp every time we have eaten out and watched my carbs, but not severely strict. I had a half glass of wine and half cup of ice cream. Some indulgences but not over the top. I did get over 9k steps both days. Your recipes sound really good.

    Bert- I need to add some structured exercise to my routine but I just don’t work it in. I’m going to change that today! You are really inspiring me. I do miss the recipes on the WW site, but if you share the name I can usually find them online.

    I am sniffling a bit this morning and my throat was sore, geez, so sick of sinuses in colds in my household!

    Trying to plan my day here.


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    Kevin found this picture of he and I in the mid 80’s. Boy was I thin in my early twenties, jason was two and a half, so I was 23 here. Look at those thin arms and small waistline!! Those were the days!

    Had to share.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good Sunday afternoon all. It has been a day of not doing much - church this morning and I filled in teaching Sunday school because one of the teachers cancelled. Then went for a walk this afternoon, and we are starting to plan our next road trip. We think we will leave in about a month.

    I tried another recipe last night that was not very tasty - okay, but not worth repeating. Tonight's dinner will be a grilled pork tenderloin with a spice rub, spinach salad, and I'm going to try a recipe for spaghetti squash with bacon and parmesan. It is 2 points for a serving, so we shall see how this one is. 109 calories, 5.3 gms carbs and 1 gm fiber.

    Tomorrow is WI day. As I said I am going to a noon meeting, so will need to try to think about what I am eating and drinking in the morning, and try to be consistent week to week about that, and also what I am wearing.

    Karla, you did well! I wouldn't have been able to have just a half glass of wine. Fun looking back at old pictures.

    Patti, you have been working so hard! I'm sure next weekend will be restoring to you.

    Janet and Bert, we've been staying up way past our usual bedtime to watch the Olympics too. I enjoy all the sports, and I wish they would show more of the non-US dominated ones. I guess they are at other times and on other channels, but it is already too much of a time sink for me, so I'm not seeking out more coverage! Just wish what is in prime time was a bit more diverse.

    Cindy, I hope this was a writing weekend for you.

    I will be back after my WI tomorrow. Hopefully with good news!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning-
    Just a quick stop- zero writing this weekend I played accountant and did the taxes and LR accounting for the year- need a new system for 2018- but it's done.
    I'll see what I have for "clean" printouts I tend to make notes on them.
    Thought for the day-
    The power of the "pause"
    Before you make a poor choice in anything- stop and take a moment to pause- think about what you are doing and the WHY you are doing it- will it help you to make a different choice.
    That choice dear friends is ours alone to decide- but there is power in THE PAUSE -
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning. A quick stop here also. I am getting to the office early to start the training and get a few things done. The morning is very busy, but the afternoon is light, so far! Wish me luck. I hope this lady is everything she interviewed out to be. I think so.

    Cindy - I love the "pause", it is so true. I have caught myself several times asking, do I really want or need this? I need to work on our taxes too. We have a folder full of the 1099's and W2, and our retirement investments, but need to organize them before we take them to our tax guy.

    Have a great day everyone. Keep those recipes coming!! I made chicken fajitas last night from a bag from Sam's, with colored peppers and onions. I used my Ole' low carb wraps and they were so yummy.

    I gotta run.

    Carpe Diem.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's a rainy day today. I'm heading to the gym and then the grocery store. One of our church ladies passed away yesterday. She had been ill many years, and the Lord finally called her home. She was almost 90. Mike is working today, so I'll have the day to do my final preparations for tonight's meeting.

    I weighed myself this morning. I lost .2 lbs. I'll take it. Losing is slowing down, and I'm staying on plan......hopefully, it will pick up again soon. This is when I get frustrated.

    One of my friend's son is at the Olympics. He has friends who are on the US Curling team. They have shown his picture on tv a few times. I'm happy for my friend.

    Diane: I'm making your cheesecake dessert for this evening's ladies meeting. I'll let you know how it turned out.

    Karla: I'm having fun looking through old pictures as well. I'm adding them to the family trees on as well. I hope to print a notebook soon for each side of the family.

    Waving hi to Patti, Janet, and Cindy.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning - Made it three days (James is off with his girlfriend so I chose this time to try to focus). Had toast with some butter this morning, with my protein shake, because I was very, very hungry and tummy was rumbling. Did a lot around the house yesterday and hope to continue today.

    Cindy, YES - remembering to pause and ask the question is critical.I tried that this week while I was out to curb my tendency to grab a snack. And the one snack I did grab was a small banana.

    Bert, so sorry about your church friend's passing. Congrats on the loss - all downward movement is good.

    Diane, sending all good thoughts for your weigh-in - knowing the smile you'll have when you learn the number. Thanks for the reminder that I need to pick up a spaghetti squash.

    Karla, hope the new employee works out.

    Patti, hope you and your feet survived your overstuffed weekend!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning ladies. Work was brutal. Had a new girl to train then the manager gave me a special project. I had one hour to totally recover the worst area in fabric, fleece and clearance! The entire store looked worse than Black Friday, and the worst was the fabric department. We were there almost 3 hours after closing putting it to rights. 15K steps and that was the easy part. Find it odd that they are hiring when they are calling people off. Oh well, onward. Today is grocery shopping and laundry and then work. Praying it is slower but being a holiday and extra coupons, it is going to be another nightmare on Joann street.

    Cindy, thanks for the great reminder. The pause is so powerful. That coupled with the No muscle are our first line of defense. I think I have been using them more this past month and they are getting stronger but still need to work on them both. We don't mind seeing your notes, it would make me feel like we are more connected some how,

    Bert, sorry for your church friend's passing, but knowing she is no longer suffering is a blessing. Congrats on another loss, down is down...

    Janet, must seem odd to be alone but a bit of a relief to do the things you don't do when James is around. But I know you missed him just the same. I know you are making the best of your time.

    Karla, have fun with the new lady and hope she works out well.

    Diane, you have the most unique projects. I can't imagine Frankie in a dog hammock. I know you will do great at your WI. You have the right attitude about making sure you just keep your eating the same despite the time of day you WI. So many people won't eat before their WI. Unless you are eating food with physical weight it won't show up on the scale, like rocks, lol.

    Going to be another busy week. Working Monday and Wednesday, gym Tuesday and Thursday, Mom day Tuesday, lunch with the girls Wednesday and breakfast with Susie Thursday. In between I need to pack for the weekend. Just wore myself out thinking about it, lol.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    So WI was...drumroll please...down 6.8 pounds! Now I don't think that was real - I had eaten lunch before the meeting last week but not this week, I didn't have a lot to drink this morning, and the weekend before I started was a disaster, eating wise. BUT my scale hop this morning first thing was about 4.5 down from where I had been consistently weighing, so I think that is the more realistic number. I'm thrilled with it.

    The meeting topic this week was internal vs. external hunger. Internal hunger is real hunger, with cues sent by the body. External hunger is caused by good smells, availability of food, others eating around you, that sort of thing. There was some discussion of how to recognize the two types of hunger, but I think we have all been there and know the difference - it is exercising the "pause" button and being mindful of what type of eating you are about to do.

    I do like this leader. I think I mentioned that last week we had a trainee in her final week (and the topic was exercise), so I was less than impressed or interested.

    I think I also mentioned that this leader has her own facebook group, and one of the people who is pretty active on it was at today's meeting. She has posted some great snack ideas. Patti, you might like this one:
    Take a can of fat free refried beans (zero points) heat up with some taco seasoning. Portion out into four portions in half cup containers for through the week. Add a sprinkle of fat free cheddar, and when you are ready to eat it (or if you like it cold - I think I'd prefer it hot) add a tablespoon of fat free greek yogurt. If you use fat free cheddar and a TBSP or less, this is all zero points. For chips/crackers, get Good Thins Corn with sea salt - 29 chips for 2 FP.

    I haven't tried it yet but I'm going to the store to get those crackers tomorrow!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Patti, Tucker LOVES his hammock. He feels very insecure riding in a car or truck without one. I keeps him securely on the seat, and he can't get tumbled down to the floor. They bought two that ripped under his weight before they asked me to make them one for her car, and it has been going strong for four years now. You do have a busy week ahead!

    Cindy, thanks for the reminder to Pause and think. It definitely helps.

    Bert, any loss is good. I think you've been at this seriously for almost a month now, right? The body definitely slows down after the first few weeks. I think Karla was the one who said you should make sure to eat all your points, because otherwise your body goes into starvation mode and fights losing.

    Janet, three days is good! Now just to make those same sorts of choices when James is around.

    Karla, you have at least a very busy day too. How did the new receptionist work out today? Hopefully she will catch on quickly.

    Back later or tomorrow.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hood evening ladies.

    First of all, congrats to Diane!! That is wonderful, either the 4.5 or the 6.8! You have held to the plan and it paid off. Wow, on the number of crackers and that dip sounds good.

    Bert- congrats on continued downward movement also. It all adds up. Sorry for the loss of your church lady, she in with her savior now.

    Patti- Your work sounds awful. I’m glad to hear of your daughter meeting. I meant to ask about her the other day.

    Cindy- We All love the pause. Thank you again.

    Janet- Has James gone out of town with his girlfriend? Is he staying in the area now? I know It will be nice to have him near.

    The new lady is really great. Pleasant and a fast learner. I was pooped after we processed 20 patients today and I was there ten hours.

    I fell asleep on the couch as soon as I got home!! Glenn cooked a great dinner of beef tacos. Kevin had a great interview today too.

    I am off to dreamland now.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Another quick check-in. Breakfast and lunch are tracked and I am off to work. I have already entered yesterday's charges this morning and have some tips for our day today. Feeling good about being in control of my carbs and protein again. Wheww!

    Diane - Still have a great big ole smile for your scale victory this week.

    Gotta run,

    Let's keep this momentum going for our team.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Woo-hoo, Diane! Thrilled for you.

    Busy day ahead but wanted to say good morning to all. Yesterday went OK food wise here - not as great as the weekend, but nothing awful. I'll take it.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm not going to Indy today to visit my cousin (she has Alzheimers) as her daughter texted and said she has developed complications of being beligerent and is hitting herself. The doctors are consulting to see if there is anything they can do or prescribe to help her. My cousin's daught wants me to wait to see if her symptons subsides. It breaks my heart. We we so close when we were younger. So, this morning I've been catching up on student assignments and notifying them if things haven't been turned in. I'm heading to the gym this morning and will also run errands for the church funeral dinner on Thursday morning.

    Diane: Congratulations on your weight loss no matter if it's 6.8 or 4.5! That's amazing! I made the cheesecake and everyone liked it. I also made a mixed berry crumble WW recipe (8 points). They loved both. I agree with your analysis of identifying the hunger signs. Thanks for sharing the meeting topic. Thanks for the Snack recipe........I'm definitely making it! I definitely need to eat all my points.

    Janet: That's what I say.......onward. I ate the WW desserts last night at my ladies' meeting. I ate within my points but was hungry when I went to bed. I'm planning better today. I've eaten a veggie omelet today as well as adding Jimmy Dean Sausage Crumbles. Lunch will be a salad with some type of added protein. Tonight will be some type of chicken and veggies.

    Have a great day, everyone! Waving hi to Cindy and Patti.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    It is about time to go to moms so I will be brief.

    Diane, wowzer on your loss. I think the higher number is the one to go with, since it is official with WW. Thanks for sharing what you are learning in your meetings. It sounds familiar and we need to keep reinforcing these positive strategies in our daily lives.

    Cindy, the "pause" has saved me several times the past few days. Coming home from work, dog tired and ready to shove whatever I can find in my mouth. I pause, have a glass of water and figure out what would be the best choice for me.

    Janet, I know you are probably doing better than you give yourself credit. Just being mindful is a big step sometimes.

    Bert, so sad about your cousin. It must be extremely difficult for her daughter to witness her decline, especially the self hurting. Prayers for some relief of her demons.

    Karla, glad your new employee is working out and seems to be getting it quickly.

    WI. Day for me and I am down 2 pounds. I am very happy with that. I rarely lose more than 2 per week. That is just me and I know it is healthy. Have lost 7 since I started my Clean30, so that averages out to a pound a week.

    Finishing laundry here, then Mom's followed by TRX.....a good Tuesday in th making
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Congratulations, Patti!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Late evening check in. I spent the day with mom today, and just got home. Going to watch a little Olympics then head to bed.

    Patti congrats! That is a great loss, especially the consistent loss over the last seven weeks.

    More personals tomorrow.