OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Up and ready to face the day. First on my list is to go to the gym for BOOM and the Pilates. My trainer is starting a new class in April on Thursday mornings called "NoBarre Required". It will be a combination of moves from Barre, Pilates and Yoga. It does not use the ballet barre but is a more faced paced standing and mat class than Pilates. She actually is certified in the program. I am going to give it a try. I have a little bit of shopping to do and then I need to get busy on my cards for Saturday.

    Karla, sounds like another kid filled weekend and lots of fun planned for their spring break. The thing about any weight loss journey is that, even though we share with each other, give and get support, it is intensely personal. The plan we choose, the way we choose to track, and the choices we make each and every day are unique to each of us. Our responses to stress, challenges and everyday life are as different as each of us. It will always be a challenge for me to take it off and keep it off. I cannot say this will be the last time, it plays a big part in it.
    Glad you have found your way. Still working on finding mine.

    Have a fabulous day everyone
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla, definitely good luck on your WI. And hopefully that shopping included a new bathing suit for your upcoming vacations because you both probably need and DESERVE one! I think Patti is right that we all have to find our own way. While we can be and should be enthusiastic about it, we need to realize that not everyone is the same. I agree that controlling carbs and sweets should be a part of all plans.

    Patti, you have asked some good questions that I need to consider. Sweets and salty, crunchy snacks are my weakness, and when I get started it is hard to stop. Also I do feel deprived if I don't have something like that every once in a while. I need to figure out how to control my portion when I give in to those cravings, and not just go wild. Your exercise program sounds fabulous. I know you take justifiable pride in being strong and flexible, and maybe that is more important than the size of your clothes.

    As for me, I am trying really, really hard to have three blue dot days before my next WI on Monday. It will most likely be my last WI before our next trip, so I would like it to be a positive one. I have started today off well, with a plan for dinner. Planning meals is something I do very well, it is really the uncontrolled snacks that get to me. And like Patti, sometimes I let the rest of the family dictate meals, and I need to let them go their way and me go mine on those nights instead.

    I don't think I mentioned, but I had another recipe fail from Skinnytaste this week. Their Indian Shrimp Curry looked so promising, and the spice mix was very nice. But it was just too tomatoey and not enough coconutty for our tastes. I ended up throwing the rest of the sauce away. If I made it again I would cut the tomato sauce by half. (And the points/calories would surely go up as well!) Tonight's dinner is chicken fajitas, and I will have mine as a salad. Tomorrow I think we are doing grilled marinated flank steak, with several veggies, and I'm going to make that pan seared chicken dish one night next week and add in capers and artichoke hearts as you all suggested.

    This morning I did a Sam's run and have already cut up and put in the freezer the rotisserie chicken I bought and wrapped and frozen meat for our trip. This afternoon I am going to buckle down and finish the dog hammock. Since Brad and Rossanne bought their new vehicle and are selling their truck, I'm going to have to adapt the design to the Honda Pilot instead. I got the measurements earlier this week.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Afternoon, Ladies. I had my visit today. It's a very nice school and am happy to work with this student. I've gone shopping today while kids are at school and Dan and Annie are at work. I'm doing laundry for them. It's really been a while since they've done it, so I'm happy to get it done for them. I'm watching Penny and Dylan tomorrow night while Dan and Annie go out with friends.

    They always eat pizza on Friday nights, so I will try to limit my portions.

    Patti, you are so right in the respect we have to find what works for us. I have salty, crunchy and sweet cravings, like Diane. I am trying to limit them, but there are days! For me, WW helps, and I'm also watching carbs and proteins.

    Happy for your loss, Karla!

    Have a good evening, everyone!


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening ladies. Wow, what some great conversations and almost some true confessions! Does anyone remember that magazine? Lol.

    I totally agree what a personal and private journey this is and what regime we choose is what we hope is suited to our life style. Self sabatoge is our worst enemy and succumbing to our family food choices is so very easy. That is why I say it is not easy to stay on this beaten path. lol .leaning on each other for support is something we all need and which helps us hang on.

    Dr Shields was highly complimentary of my weight loss today. She actually went on and on what a significant amount 36 pounds was to have lost. She spoke of the issue many people have with regaining weight and how the body recognizes that it is smaller and actually works against you to put the weight back on scientifically. She went over a study group of some individuals that have lost 20 pounds or more and have kept it off and what the traits of these people were. It was very interesting.

    As far as my neck tightening, I was not a candidate for it since the technique could possibly cause a recurrence of my shingles for one, and the other was she felt my neck was not really loose skin as it was aged skin with wrinkles that would react well to some Rectin A prescription treatment with moisturizer. We are trying that.

    Since my appointment was in the afternoon and I usually am there in the morning, my weight did not show in the 170’s. But it will when I return in two weeks and several pounds down!!

    Patti- I confer with Diane on your pride with your ability and strength to endure your TRX and Pilates and now this new routine. Maybe that is your niche more so than getting smaller sizes.

    Diane- I know you can do those three blue dot days! You are a great planner. So sorry about the recipe. I have had many of those. We seem to return to our ole standbys. I need to share the zucchini chicken Glenn made the other night. It was awesome. You pan seared and buttterflied the breast first, then baked it with the topping, and it was very moist and juicy. The topping was zuchinnie, tomatoes and mozzarella cheese with oregano and other spices. Yum!!

    Sophie looks so adorable and they said she was really sweet. I just about cried when I was there though. When I went back and picked her up there was a poodle there that was an exact clone to my Brutus that I lost last year.

    I will post Sophie’s pic and Millie got her hairdo also.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    My girls
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello ladies,

    It was a very good day today. I ran a lot of errands and took Izzy for a much needed haircut. It was also a very good eating day for me, fully tracked, carbs where they needed to be and protein at 92, a little high, but I had a Premium shake. Sam's has them on sale for $12.99/12, which is incredible.

    I picked up two pairs of shorts at Sam's by The Limited, size 12, that are adorable!!

    My meals today consisted of:

    B- egg white omelet with Butterball turkey sausage, green pepper, onions, Laughing Cow cheese, Olive oil and of course, egg whites.

    L- Rotisserie Chicken, 4oz with a Premier Caramel Shake.

    D - Stir Fry with Shrimp, Zuchinni, Peppers, Onions, Carrots and Cauliflower Rice.

    Snacks - Parmesean Crisps, Dannon Light and Lively Greek Yogurt

    It was a pretty lean day. No bread, potatoes or processed foods. No sweets. No chocolate!! I had been having a bite or two of small candies and that had to stop! LOL.

    How has your weekend gone?

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm heading home today. I've had a great visit. It's always fun to be with the kids and Dan and Annie.

    Karla: Your meals were great! You're doing a fabulous job!

    Not much else to report. I'm so hoping I've lost this week. I'm at a stand still once again. It seems like it's too often. I'm not eating sugar or too much starch. Hopefully, I can lose just a little to help keep me motivated.

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi all who check in, what a day yesterday. Cards came out super cute and, as always we had so much fun making them as a group. Lunch out was a delicious salad with grilled chicken, almonds and cranberries with a ff peach chipotle dressing, 1/2 for lunch and other half wolfed down at work. Edd and I went to an estate sale, mostly tools, and dropped by the sons house and bonus my grandson, wife and baby Leo stopped by there too. So sweet and cuddly, he is almost 8 weeks old, ahhhhhh count me as one happy GiGi (that is what all the littles call me) . Work was brutal, we didn't get out until midnight and I could barely walk to my car. Put my TENS unit on as soon as I got home and it helped. Started today with Aleve and an egg mug. Work from 3-8 or more like 10. Then back tomorrow night at 5. I have chores but going to give my knee a break. I think I am going to try one of those knee straps. I know my pain is from my flat feet and how my knee turns out a bit. I am going to see if any of the trainers at the gym have expertise in sport tape application. Enough whining from me
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Sunday evening. I have had another successful eating day. Here are my meals:

    I start my day with a 16 oz of water before breakfast.

    B- egg white omelet with butterball smoked sausage, 3 ounces, onions and peppers, laughing cow cheese, olive oil and half a cup of egg whites. 16 oz water.

    L- Ball Park all beef Frank with great value hot dog bun, Half cup left over shrimp stir fry. 16 oz water.

    D- slaw crack made with ground turkey meat and half a dinner yeast roll. 16 oz water.

    Snacks: Dannon Light and Fit Greek yogurt, 80 calories, 13 Parmesan crisps, 16 oz water.

    I got over 10k steps on Saturday and am at 8500 for today.

    Bert - I will be praying you show a loss this week. Are you tracking everything by the guidelines? Are you on a support site with others on the program?

    Patti- I feel so badly for your back and feet. I assume it was your back you put the tens unit on? Or your knee? There are some really good support braces that might could help you. I wish you did not have to be on your feet so long.

    Janet - I hope you had some great friendship time.

    Cindy- I hope you had some great Lucinda Race time.

    Diane - Are you going to weigh in tomorrow? <<<sending skinny vibes your way>>>>..

    My son and I had a nice long talk this evening. I’m so proud of him and how he has handled a difficult year and has come out in a positive way. He is such a loving and caring man and has two beautiful children whom he loves dearly. He is my only child.

    I am watching the CNN documentary on the Kennedy Dynasty. It is very intriguing.

    Tuesday is Glenn’s birthday and I have severe friends meeting us at a new Irish Pub. Fun times.

    Tomorrow will be interesting as I have two extern students starting, one for the clinic side and one in the clerical side. Oh fun times.

    Have a great Monday!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I weighed myself yesterday afternoon and lost a pound! I'm very happy as I hadn't lost in a couple of weeks. I've lost a total of 7 pounds since Jan. 21. I don't have to go anywhere today, thank goodness. I'll head to the gym today and then run a few errands. I have to leave the house in the morning at 6:00 am as I have to be in Indy at 8 for a visit tomorrow.

    Karla: I just have to get in more water. That is my weekly goal for this week. To answer your question about the support side of WW, it is totally different than when our group met. They don't have groups anymore (at least that's what I've discovered). To make connections, you "follow" certain people. It looks very similar to facebook, so I haven't done it. You can chat with a leader which I've done once. Yes, I'm tracking by the guidelines.

    Patti: Sorry about your back. I have a TENS unit too and used it most of the time prior to my surgery. I'm having trouble with my knee right now which is affecting my hips when I walk. Getting older is not for sissies, I'm discovering. Sometimes, I just have to grin and bear it. I also use Biofreeze.

    Waving hi to Janet, Cindy, and Diane.

    Have a great day!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Happy Monday girls, it was a busy night but not horrible. I got a huge compliment from the store manager and then later I received the best compliment I have ever gotten from a customer. Part of why I continue to do this job is to help people with their projects. I know tonight will busy one so I am taking it easy today doing laundry and going to the grocery for a few items.

    Bert, congrats on your loss. To get more water in maybe you can set an alarm to remind you to drink a glass every hour or every 90 minutes. You may not be able o drink each time but it will make you think about it. Bet the kids miss you already.

    Karla, I use the Tens unit on my knee. My back is not bothering me these days. You are definitely focused and going strong.

    Waving hi to Diane, Cindy and Janet. See you all later
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Patti: that’s a great idea to set an alarm. I’m going to do it!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - Have read everything and hope to post tomorrow. Wow, you are all doing impressive stuff. Yay us!

    Had a wonderful trip (except for a few very hairy hours driving home today). Great friends and great fun, including a special tour of the Nationals' stadium and after the party the buses drove us around DC at night - spectacular. Went to the National Portrait Gallery & Museum of American Art yesterday - was bowled over by both quantity & quality of the art, and how patron-friendly the museum is - you can get very close to each work.

    Time to continue unwinding ...
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Checking in after a very busy day.

    Eating has not been very good. I know it is stress as I think of all the things I have to get done before we leave home in ONE WEEK! My scale at home showed me up quite a bit today, so I elected not to go weigh in. I wasn't going to be able to make my regular meeting time with the good leader anyway. I will try to hit a meeting later this week. Hopefully I will have a decent WI. Today eating was better but not stellar. There are cookies in the house! I made them for my son and DIL and also for the Sunday School kids for yesterday, but ended up bringing some home from church. The ones I like best are now all gone, and I can more easily resist the others.

    Yesterday we went to the Big Apple Circus over near DC. It was quite fun - we were in the third row. The tightrope and flying trapeze acts were spectacular! My sister and nephew joined us, and we went out to dinner afterwards. We tried to go to the Mexican restaurant I went to a few weeks ago (where I knew I could get something relatively low point) but would have had to wait two hours. So we ended up at a pizzeria/Italian place. I had lasagne, which wasn't all that horrible, and drank just water.

    Today I had volunteer naturalist training at the Wetlands center. It was quite informative and fun to meet some of the other volunteers I hadn't met yet. One of the research volunteers (as opposed to the Classrooms in the Field volunteers, which is what I am) presented his research on river otters at the sanctuary - very interesting, and some really cute pictures! The training was why I was missing my WW meeting.

    Tomorrow John and I are going over to mom's for lunch to go over her taxes which John has done - make sure they are ready to file. Then we will file ours, hers, Carrie's and let Brad file his finally. John does them all on Turbotax, but we want to file first so we get the one free on-line filing. I also worked on the dog hammock today and need more materials to finish, so I hope to get those and get it done tomorrow night.

    Wednesday is going to be an Elise day - probably my last before we leave on Monday the 19th.

    Breakfast was nonfat plain Greek yogurt with strawberries, lunch was a salad with chicken and a hard boiled egg, and for dinner tonight I made the pan seared chicken recipe, and added artichoke hearts. John didn't want capers in it, so I didn't add those. It was good. We had just a salad with it, so a low point dinner. It's just those darned snacks!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Janet, if you were at Nats stadium, you were about two blocks from the Navy Yard where I used to work. The museums in DC can't be beat, and all free! Sounds like you had a good time. Did you drive home through this storm? I heard the ski area in WV got over ten inches today!

    Karla, your meals are terrific. You are so in the groove. I didn't realize you had only one son. I guess the others are Glenn's children? So marvelous that your blended family seems to work so well.

    Bert, congrats on your loss! I know you have been frustrated. But maybe slow and steady will stay off. I lost so fast and now I am bouncing up again. As for water, I try really hard to drink two big (12 oz) glasses of water first thing. One first with my morning vitamins and supplements, and the other with my breakfast. That gets me started right, then I try to drink another glass before each meal, so that is two more, and I am 3/4 of the way there.

    Patti, so nice to hear of you getting compliments at work! I do enjoy when the staff at Joann's has time to ask me what I am working on, and maybe offer some advice if I need it.

    Cindy, I hope you had a productive LR weekend!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, so relieved to hear you are home. Was so worried about you. Your trip sounds like the perfect mix of friends, fun and culture. Would love to see DC at night and the museum and art gallery would be right up my ally. Can't wait to chat and hear all about it.

    Diane, you are really under a lot of stress and having cookies floating around, well it just wasn't a safe environment for you, lol. Forgive yourself and know that in a week you will be more active doing all your outdoor fun stuff. Plus you will have more control over your food choices and hopefully Charly is temptation free! What will be your first stop on this trip?

    Best night at work in forever. Even got out on time. I did get a knee strap and I think it helped. My knee still hurts but not as bad. Still going to check on sports tape. Made a big pot of chicken enchilada soup and will sharing with Mom tomorrow. I think it is a zero point soup. I used my own homemade stock, home made tomato sauce (cooked down tomatoes, nothing else) corn, green chilies, black beans and chicken breast, onion, garlic and lots of Mexican spices. I did add lime juice and a bit of cheddar cheese to make it a 2 point bowl of deliciousness.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    First I wanted to say- remember the Power of the Pause-
    We all struggle with different things but if we pause and think about something before we do it, it might help make you go forward with a different decision.
    everyone is busy and active- we're getting another storm anywhere from 2-20" and maybe one more next week.
    I had wellness class last night due to the storm last week and another Wednesday- I plan on sending one email later today. Take what you like and discard the rest.
    Karla- congrats on the scale progress.
    Diane- forgive yourself and think about the why or why not
    Patti- glad the last couple of nights at work have been good.
    Bert- you're visit sounds wonderful how is WW going?
    Janet glad the trip was great and that you're home safe and sound.
    Need to run but needed a quick OMG fix-
    All is well here.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all! Quick trip recap - easy drive to Reston, dinner with my friends, big party Saturday at the stadium (Diane, I had no idea the Navy yards were so close!), then buses drove us around DC at night and we stopped for Abe & Tom. Sunday was museum (blown away) and Monday was ten hours home, five in blizzard conditions - pretty tense much of that time but I made it safely. Wonderful to see friends and make a few new ones. Today: rheumatologist, errands, manicure. Busy rest of week.

    Cindy, excellent reminder on the Pause button. Mine is a bit rusty

    Diane, please be kind to yourself and enjoy your last Elise day for a bit. You'll get back into the groove. Sorry I wasn't able to spring free for coffee but I hope to get back there soon and will make sure to have time!

    Bert, congrats on the loss. Glad your trip was good - great that you et to combine work & family visits.

    Patti, happy you had such a good day at work, and even happier that you are recognized for your excellent customer service. How's your mom?

    Karla, how much of a haircut did Izzy get? Glad Jason is doing so well. As are you. You are ON this and that makes us all happy!

    Eating was mixed on my trip but I did a ton of walking (back and feet paying the price now, but you can't skip opportunities to absorb as much local atmosphere as possible especially in DC.