OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Put me in the mushroom & artichoke fan club too. And maybe a few capers or chopped kalamata olives.

    Cool but gorgeous here - took a drive into the country, just because, then came home & decluttered my nightstands. Big day but nice to get a few things done while James is golfing and out tonight. Might treat myself to a face mask and deep conditioner. Starting to get things together for my trip next weekend too.

    Bert, your calendar is so full - hope you get your Jillian & Cole fix.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    A beautiful day to celebrate Mom's birthday. I wrote in her card that I know she needs nothing but could always use a good laugh. She opened her gift bag filled with bubble wrap and broke into a belly laugh. Of course she loved the carrot cake too. She said "the best thing we share is our sense of humor and ability to laugh together" That warmed my heart. My sis and her hubby were coming over with a late lunch, so I don't feel so guilty about working. Speaking of work, we were busy and the time just flew by, glad to be home. Tomorrow I will be at my GFs house helping her put stuff in the attic and take stuff down from the attic. It will be hard for her to just direct but she absolutely cannot do anything with her arm because of the rotator cuff surgery. We will find a way to make it fun. Her granddaughter, whom I dearly love, and her boyfriend will be helping too so we will make it a fun day.

    Janet, a beautiful drive is just the ticket for this day. Enjoy your mask and whatever else you decide to do to pamper yourself while James is out of the house.

    Bert, I bet the kids miss you terribly. Glad a visit is on the horizon for you.

    Waving hi to the rest, I am decompressing for a few.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    I am sooo tired of losing posts! I typed one in earlier from my iPad and it never showed up here!

    I am very concerned tonight - Brad just called me from the ER. Elise had projectile vomiting (like five times) then dry heaves, then turned grey and blue and limp. Rossanne called 911 at around 5:45 pm. Brad was off with buddies for a guys day - he hasn't had one since the baby was born. They raced Brad to the hospital and the friends are now shuttling cars around so they will have transport at the hospital. (Luckily one of his friends is a police officer, so he SPED to get to the hospital!) Elise seems better and is trying to sleep (it is WAYYY past her 6 pm bedtime). Hospital took blood, low blood sugar, gave her sugar water, no other news or diagnosis. They are supposed to keep me posted. I'm sure they are in for a long night.

    In other news, we survived the windstorm with just one tree down. We lost power for about 12 hours, but the generator at least kept the fridge and freezer cold, and power came back on by about 10 last night so we slept warm.

    However, I did NOT do so well at dinner last night. I did stick to my 1.5 glasses of wine, but dinner was a taco casserole with a bisquick biscuit base, and I had not one but TWO of those yummy cupcakes.

    No personals - sorry.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    I made Diane’s recipe tonight. Along with mushrooms and artichokes, I also added green peppers. This recipe is a keeper! Thanks Diane!

    Oh my! What a scare. Keep us posted, Diane.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm up very early.....woke up at 5:15! I stayed up as I have to be at first service at 8:00. I think a nap is in store at some poing today. I'm going to invite Greg and Carrie for dinner tonight as they haven't been up in a long time. I'll check back later today. Have a great day!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Diane, sending hugs and prayers that they figure out what happened with Elise and that this was a one-off. What a scare for everyone. Please keep us posted when you are able.

    Bert, nice to see another endorsement of that recipe - might make it here this week as well. Enjoy time with Greg & Carrie.

    Karla, your magazine cover photo is something else. Loved the pic of Izzy - she is looking ever more like tiny Karla. That smile ...

    Cindy, how did you do with the storm?

    Going to keep doing stuff here, then maybe a nap before the Oscars. Have a great day, all.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    So we still don't know much. Blood work showed high white blood cells but urine culture came back negative. Other blood work didn't show anything. She wasn't producing enough urine so they gave her another IV after we visited at noon. Now they are taking her for a belly x-ray. She is out of sorts but probably just tired. She is also constipated, but that is a relatively common occurrence with her :(.

    I'm trying not to stress eat. I had planned a dinner I could take over there when we were hopeful she would be discharged today. Chicken pot pie. (Rossanne is still nursing, so still no dairy or soy, and my son dislikes onions and peppers, among other things.) I think I will still make it, but split it in two and freeze one for them. They may be in for a nightmare week ahead.

    Sorry no personals again - I'm going to go cook to relieve my stress. John is out chopping down our downed tree to relieve his.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Stringing together some good eating days and praying for another loss this week. I keep my manta of "beach, beach, beach" in my head. We head for Tampa and then Englewood Beach, Florida on April the 6th!!! LOL.

    Diane - I almost cried when I read your post!! Yes, please keep us posted when possible on her outcome. I'm sure she needs to get in with her regular Pediatrician to review what her status is. Poor baby.

    Janet - Yea, that magazine cover was a fun one. Thank you about my sweet Izzy. I love her to the moon and back. She is a very happy child. She is Jason made over, he bought a boat and is coming to get her as she want to go with him today on it. It's another gorgeous day, we hit 76 yesterday.

    I'm going to work on our taxes and checking account today. I went back to sleep after Izzy left for church. I really needed the rest, I power shopped ALL DAY yesterday with my brother, it was fun though.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Well, I wasn't signing as Patti, was going to write to Patti and it took

    Patti- I hope you are having some down time today, but can't remember if you are working or if today is when you are going to help your friend with the attic. I hope you are making it fun if so.

    I'm pretty much wore out, I need to get going on my taxes and checkbook and just have no motivation for either. Come on, Karla, get it in gear!!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Just got back from the hospital. We took some dinner to Brad and Rossanne because it looks like they will be there at least late tonight if not all night. The medical staff now think it might be a stomach virus but they need a stool sample to verify. She ante while we were there so that is good, and was playing until she was hungry and tired. Hopefully she will have a BM so they can get that sample and then hopefully go home!

    WI tomorrow. We shall see. Trying not to eat my stress here.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, poor sweet brown Elise. I bet the kids are beside themselves. You and John both found productive ways to get your frustrations out. Will pray it was just a virus. Wonder if her constipation issue made the symptoms worse. Just being aware that you might stress eat will make you less likely to do so. I pray the next post is that she is home and well.

    Fun day with my gf as we started boxing up her Disney collection to be sold. So many memories with each piece. Is was a fun trip down memory lane, her granddaughter had lots of memories to share too. We also emptied her craft room so the carpets can be removed and then I will paint it for her and probably refinish the floors too.

    Karla, cute mag cover

    Chill time
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Quick check in. Elise got
    To come home late yesterday! No BM so no confirmation it was a virus, but the medical said that was the only thing it could be and no sense to keep them there another night.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    What a relief, Diane! Hope Elise will be her smiling self again very soon. Thanks for letting us know.

    Busy day here - had pizza last night watching Oscars but not hungry at all this morning & hoping to rein things in quickly.

    Just wanted to say hello and see Diane's update. Have a god day, everyone.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, what a relief. When do they follow up with the pediatrician, and is he aware of the constipation issue? It almost sounds like she got dehydrated and then had a vagal response when she forcefully vomited. Sort of like people who get dizzy or pass out when they bear down to have a BM. Hope that it never happens again. So scary for everyone involved.

    Janet, I had spaghetti at my GFs yesterday for lunch, she invited me to stay for dinner, which was pizza from my favorite local pizzeria.....I beat feet out of there, lol. Too much temptation in one day. Then Edd lbrought burgers and fries from my favorite local burger joint. Heaven could not save me from myself yesterday. I did forgo the bun and only ate 1/2 the fries. I felt somewhat out of control because the food choices were not mine but felt like I exercised what control I did have. So not a total loss, just not a total win.

    I am not leaving the house until I go to work. I have so much I keep putting off. I admit I am a lousy housekeeper. The important surfaces are clean but I don't keep things as picked up as I should. So I need to force myself to stay in and get some things done. I think I will be painting Thursday and Friday at my friend's house.
    I made my old stand by, blueberry banana oatmeal bake. A sixth of an 8x8 pan is 6 FPs. I also tried a Jimmy Dean's egg scramble for 7 points, it was tasty but realized it is just an egg mug, like Hungry Girl makes. I have not had an omelet in a while because they too labor intensive. I am going to precook some veggies to throw in with the sausage and cheese.

    Have a great day everyone

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening ladies. Great news from Diane until more from the pediatrician can be reviewed, but I confer with nurse Patti. I just got home from work, two ladies had medical issues and I ended up working the front desk again. I called the extern student that finished last week that is on PRN with us now. My eye is killing me with dryness. Glenn does have an awesome smelling dinner cooking in both ovens.

    My beautiful coral Ellen Tracy blouse came today from Amazon. Size medium! It is gorgeous. The turquoise large was too big. I’m going to keep it though. I also got a pair of Clark’s sandals this weekend that are very nice, stylish and comfy.

    It’s spring break time soon and they are putting restrictions on the beaches down here. We do have some gorgeous beaches.

    I’m so tired I’m going to rest.


  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good evening all. First I'll start with Elise. Patti, thanks for the medical term - I read up on vagal response, and I do think that is what happened from the rapid and repeated vomiting, most likely. Elise has a GI doctor because she has reflux and chronic constipation and is on medication for the reflux. The hospital dismissed them with some anti-nausea medication for the next two days. She still hadn't had a BM as of 6:00 today (since Friday!). She is coming to me tomorrow because we all think she needs a little closer attention and more constant cuddling than daycare can probably give her. She did sleep for about 10 hours last night, and our little non-napper took two 2 hour naps today.

    Now for me - at WI today I lost 3.2 lb this week! I was surprised because my home scale did not reflect that big a loss. I just hope I can keep this going after we leave home in about 2 weeks.

    Patti, I'm sure your friend appreciates your help so much. I don't remember - is she moving? You say you are a terrible housekeeper - I am probably compulsively the opposite, and that is not good either. Clutter makes me very stressed.

    Bert, how was your family dinner? I took a meal over for Brad and Rossanne tonight. I know they were tired and stressed from the weekend. They usually do a lot of meal prepping for the week on Sunday and of course that didn't happen. I am blessed to live so close.

    Karla you are just workign way too hard these past few weeks! Hopefully things will settle down and you will get to enjoy your semiretirement and Glenn's full retirement. Have you broken ground yet?

    Janet, I didn't watch the Oscars but I saw some of the dresses in the paper today. The ones they showed seemed way tamer than in years' past. Was that true, or did they just only show the more conservative gowns in my paper?

    I think I remember that Cindy had a conference or something this weekend. If so I hope it went well! If I'm wrong, sorry.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, really stoked about your loss, just the positive reinforcement you needed right now. You are indeed blessed as are Brad, Roseanne and Elise, to have you so close. In my book, there is nothing better than dinner from Mom. Keeping Elise is good for everyone. A day with grandma is always better than a day at daycare. The medicine for nausea will make her sleepy.. She needs the rest.

    Beat, glad I don't work again until Saturday
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is a busy day of a visit, grocery shopping, picking up the rental car, and preparing for next Sunday's church service as I'll be in Chicago this weekend.

    Diane: So happy Elise is better. Congrats on your weight loss! We ordered pizza for Greg, Carrie, and the kids. I only had one slice of which I'm proud of myself for only eating that much. They all had ice cream afterwards, but I declined. Ice cream is a tradition when they come!

    Patti: I'm wondering if you would know how to refinish a wooden kitchen table. I'm wanting to have something applied to my table so I can wipe it off with a damp rag. I currently have a glass top on it and am fed up trying to keep it clean on top an in between the glass and table top, It seems to be always streaked.

    Karla: I love Clarks! What sandal did you get?

    Janet: I watched part of the Oscars; however, I got tired of the political statements so I switched to other channels. I haven't seen any of the movies either.

    Waving hi to Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Morning All-
    Sorry I've been MIA again- It hasn't been for lack of thinking of you-
    We weathered the storm fine- but another hits tomorrow.
    I have a writers conference over the weekend and I pitched the wedding dress trilogy and the editor in chief- aka the owner of the publishing company wants all three books as she may offer a contract- loves the concept etc and says if the writing holds up she's offer me one.
    I've been writing hard and fast as the concepts are flowing and book two - Borrowed is complete- first draft only. I have to edit Old and New by April 1 so just hammering keys every spare moment.
    Jasper had another scare last week- but lots of quiet time and we're back to walking 5 minutes a day- the upside, I'm walking 5 minutes a day. He's going to be my little buddy, walking.
    Things with Rick aren't good as I'm holding my own in status quo- but he is asking for us to be where we were 8 years ago- he has not concept of how things have changed and relationships mature- they don't stay in that blissful state. He wasn't happy I was off being LR but I'm doing things my way- it might sound selfish but its what I need to do.
    I have 4 more wellness classes- but I think tomorrow will be cancelled due to Quinn rolling in.
    I have a bunch of PDF's to send- put them together yesterday but I need to review the full binder and see what I can pull out for you.
    Bert- if you're interested send me an email at - but NO pressure
    Happy everyone seems to be doing well.
    Em is good- Meg had a minor incident at work- some older gentleman asked her to dinner last week, she politely declined- we all chuckled and yesterday he walked into her office, its a public building and kissed her on the mouth. The police are involved and her boss has barred him from the office permanently and they called his adult son- I don't have all the details but this Momma Bear is furious- she really doesn't need this crap too. Her court date for the divorce is 3/21-
    So sorry for the info dump-
    Oh and Diane- hug that baby close and keep us in the loops
    Congrats again on all the losses-
    Stay safe and enjoy your day.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Here is how my day started.