OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, praying this ends quickly. Sorry if it delays your trip. Blessing that you didn't get it on the road. Keep us updated when you have time.

    Today is totally without plans. Not leaving the house. Never been into this drinking holiday so will stay safely at home. I am going to make a breakfast casserole, if I can find the recipe , why can't I ever remember where I save stuff on the computer? Not making promises for the rest of my time. Will see what mood strikes me. Haven't had a day like this in a while and looking forward to it immensely.

    Hi to all. Enjoy St Paddy's day in whatever fashion makes you the happiest.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- You need a day at home to piddle and chill out. Between your social life and your work and gym you are always on the go. Give your knee and mind a break my friend. Enjoy!

    I still haven't exercised!! What is it?? Jason dropped by after helping Glenn pick up the plumbing supplies for the addition. We all sat around he back table and laughed and cut up. I have paid a couple bill, washed a few loads of laundry and did some Amazon shopping. I made us Tacos for lunch. I made a wrap for mine with an Ole Spinach wrap, yummy. So far this is my meals:

    B- Egg White omelet with Butterball turkey sausage, green peppers, onions, laughing cow cheese and egg whites.

    L- Hamburger meat, Ole Spinach Wrap, Sargento Shredded cheese, Salsa

    D - (will be) WW Chicken Dinner - chicken thighs in crock pot with tomatoes, navy beans, bell peppers and basil. Makes like a white chili.

    Haven't had any snacks yet.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all.

    Diane, hope you bounce back ASAP. Please don’t put too much pressure on yourself.

    Patti, I love that you have a free day.

    Karla, sounds like a productive and fun day. How is construction going?

    Waving hi to Bert & Cindy.

    Weather changes are playing with my sinuses but not awful. Food choices have been spotty today but calories are fine, so I’ll take it. Working on household stuff, watching hoops and stuff on DVR. Thrills! Chills! Endless excitement!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning and welcome to Sunday. I got over 9200 steps yesterday but no dvd workout. Just still a little weak from sinus issue and long productive day around home.

    Janet- We are waiting on the plumbing inspection and then the slab can be laid. Glenn and Kevin have been watching the basketball too.

    Today is a Costco run and by the tax guy to sign forms. We get refunds from both States and the Federal. Yea.

    Diane- Prayers for health in your household.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- I have a three ring binder I keep recipes I have printed from the internet and are keepers for that very reason. You can never find them again. Either on your computer or back in the internet. I’m going to make another cookbook this year as it has been over 20 years since I made my last one.

    Off to Costco.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    A completely lazy day for me yesterday. Did a few things around the house but just did not get the bug to be creative as I thought I might. Did some Amazon shopping, this prime thing is dangerous, lol. But such good deals I couldn't pass them up and they were things I needed, not just wanted. It is a beautiful day and I have to work. It will be a busy one. Can't understand why people shop when it is so nice out. That would be my last thing to do.

    Karla, I don't print out recipes until I try them and deem them keepers. I only save them on Pinterest and FB so not a lot of searching required. I have a folder of the ones I will make again and any that I have torn out of magazines to try. I usually go thru that folder every couple of months and weed it out. I also keep a separate folder for recipes for the river. I keep my Pinterest files well organized as I often cook when we travel and like to pull out something new and interesting to wow my friends.

    Janet, hope you are recovered from your endless excitement! What's on the agenda for today?

    Cindy, are you enjoying a LR weekend? Thanks again for sharing your notes. I have been skimming and want to go back and make some of my own notes. Great info.

    Diane, did the transmission go in? Did John stay well? Are you still set to leave tomorrow?

    Bert, I know you had a good time with the grands while Mom and Dad went out.

    I did make the breakfast casserole, SkinnyTaste, recipe and was a bit disappointed. The only seasoning the recipe called for was salt and pepper. I added garlic, cayenne and fennel and it was still bland and dry. I will make it again because it was easy and makes a huge serving for the points. But I will add some broccoli, fresh mushrooms, more onion, more garlic, sundried tomatoes and red pepper flakes. Plus I will sub hot Italian turkey sausage for bacon. So basically a whole new recipe, lol.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Much improved around my house today. Brad and Rossanne are still in the recovery phase - Brad apparently had it the worst of all of us. He said he sort of slept on the floor of the bathroom for a few hours Friday night it was so bad. Her dad went over yesterday and took care of Elise all day because they just couldn't.

    We are leaving tomorrow. We will have to detour past my mom's place because I didn't get there this weekend to get the two forms we need to file the last of her taxes. I didn't want to go over today either - give the bug another day to get out of my system. Luckily John is feeling good today (he felt a little iffy yesterday but never got sick.) John got a young friend who is learning to be a diesel mechanic to come over and help him reinstall Brad's transmission, so that job is done also. I have all but the last few things loaded and the last load of laundry in.

    I went and weighed in at a WW meeting this morning, since I had skipped last week. At home my weight was down 5 pounds from two days ago! I know that is dehydration and not eating anything but a pice of toast yesterday. My WI at WW was down 1.8, so I am down 11 total by their records, in five weeks. I'm sure I'll go back up a tad as my eating resumes this week, but I'm trying to carry some of the habits with me and maybe the tracking - we shall see. Partly that depends on when we have cell service!

    Patti, every once in a while you need to have those do nothing days. I've had a few fails on skinnytaste in the last few weeks too. I made the unstuffed cabbage either from there or WW and it was terrible - bland. I won't even modify that recipe - just tossed it.

    Karla, I do the same thing with recipes I find on line - print them out and put them in a binder. I guess I am old school and just want to have it in front of me. I duplicated the ones we use in Charly so I have a set for on the road too! (Especially since we are so often in a cell-free area!)

    Janet, I assume you are watching the BB tournament. What a shocker Friday night! Of course both UVA and UMBC are local teams so there was quite a bit of press about it.

    Bert I am sure you have had a busy weekend with the grandchildren. I am going to miss my baby so much! We are going to be gone for 5-6 weeks this time, and I am afraid of how much she is going to change in that time (and will she remember me?)

    Maybe back from the road - we shall see what tomorrow brings. Start looking for Travels With Charly4 FB updates again!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Diane, happy you are feeling better; thrilled about your 11-pound loss. Travel safely and in good health & spirits. Yes, watching the tournament, including the insane buzzer-beating 3 last night from my Michigan Wolverines. The UMBC win was amazing - and by 20 points!?!

    Cindy, how is Jasper doing?

    Karla, any great Costco finds?

    Patti, Amazon Prime is both a blessing and a temptation, Ordered a few small things I need this morning and they will arrive by 9 PM today.

    Bert, hope your weekend was excellent.

    My Pause button seems to be working better. Ran a few errands and wasn't even tempted by grab-it snacks at the gas station. I'll take all the practice I can get. No big plans today - got a few small errands done and next up, trash & recycling going out. Party!!!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all - late check in before we take the computer out. SOO much easier to type on a regular keyboard than my phone or iPad!

    We took dinner over to Brad and Rossanne tonight. They both still looked terrible. Rossanne HAS to go to work tomorrow because the teachers have called for a "sick out" and if she calls in sick she has to get a doctor's note :(. Brad was non committal on whether he was going to make it to work or not. Her dad has been over there all weekend, taking care of Elise for them. They were trying not to handle her, hoping not to get her sick yet again! Thank goodness he was able to do it! Apparently he went over about 4:30 Saturday morning to be there when she woke around 5, and has been there ever since. This is the first time he has taken care of her for an extended time pretty much all by himself, though they were there to direct and advise.

    So in the really good trend department, I succumbed to the temptation of my favorite candy bar today. And you know what? It didn't even taste very good! Maybe this different eating has really started to curb my sweet tooth. That would certainly be nice.

    Janet and Patti, it is just amazing how fast Amazon can get things to us. I really do try to buy from local stores when I can and when the price difference is not too much, but it is very tempting to shop from the comfort of my home, or on the fly when I think of something. I am just afraid all the retailers will go the way of Borders and the like, and fold up so there is nowhere left to browse.

    Good night all, and I don't know when I will post again. The next several days will be primarily road days, so no exercise and uncertain cell service.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, so excited for you. I know you will miss your sweet Elise. Hope you get lots of chances to SKYPE, if you do that. Be safe and enjoy it all.

    Not a bad night at work. So excited , my Pause button actually works when deployed properly, lol! There is pizza in the fridge and some great garlic sauce to go with it. I had my hand on the plate of pizza when I paused and thought about the 3 pounds I just lost and how much I don't care for this particular pizza, especially since it is covered in green peppers. I got out the shaved ham and cheddar instead. I made a quesadilla and used a bit of the garlic sauce on the tortilla before I grilled it. Delicious and hit all the right spots. Thank you Pause!

    Got a new Bluetooth speaker-portable, waterproof and they mean submersible , swim with it, shower with it, jump off a cliff into the ocean with it waterproof. Drop proof from 5 feet with a 10 hour battery life. The best part, is has great sound with a 30 ft range. smaller than a coffee mug with a belt loop. Who could ask for anything more. Now need to figure out how to get my iTunes library onto a Bluetooth device. All my music is on a 1st gen iPod, which I loved because it has 160 GB storage. My iTunes library is on my broken computer and my external hard drive, but don't know how to get that to my phone. For now I am building my Pandora library. Ahhhhh technology , ain't it grand. I may have to get one of the grands to come help me.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning all-
    Read all your posts and I must say I've missed a ton of stuff.
    I'll get more docs scanned from the class in the coming days and get them out to you.
    Regarding exercise- just start with 5 minutes. If that's all you can do at this moment its better than saying- I don't have time for 30 or 60 etc. If you do 5 and want to- do 5 more. Its all about doing something.
    Diane- glad you and the family are back in the pink and hopefully you can hit the road today.
    Patti- I long for a do nothing day- so jealous.
    Janet- Jasper is doing pretty good We go back to Tufts on April 6- for his final check up. We haven't been able to do much walking with the back, to back, to back storms- I'm SO ready for Spring. Thanks for asking.
    Bert- I love Poke Cake- haven't had one is years. Congrats on the 7 pounds.
    Karla - you're doing great - don't worry about the scale fluctuations- The course actually encourages people to weigh in once a month- as long as you're staying on plan it should be sufficient- if you need the accountability by all means do what you need.

    I have been pushing hard to get book one ready to go to the new editor, based on the feedback I got from Hallmark- I have a publishing company that wants to see the trilogy by August. I finished writing book 2- but it needs at least one full edit and book 3 i haven't even started yet- a lot of pressure but I'm doing what I need to do for my writing career.
    I had to add in a HOT scene as per request from the Editor in Chief- so that was tough. but I did it.
    Our big announcement is Thursday with final cut over August 1- I'm good until then at least.
    Things are status quo with Rick- in all transparency- it is easier to let things just sit in limbo right not that try to make a HUGE change. I've discussed this with my therapist and she agrees. I have heavy duty arm against the flying barbs and really I'm OK. I stand up for myself and he withdraws- so I'm fine- it is not commitment to a long term marriage that has kept my where I am today. Sometimes no action is the best course of action
    I have so much going on adding the complexity of getting him to make a significant change would take so much energy I need elsewhere.
    I'm doing good with mindful eating, really thinking about what I want to eat and why- portion control is in play- one thing I did learn last week was the size of our dinner plates.
    it is strongly recommended we eat from a 9" plate, not the standard 11 or 13- more like a salad plate- haven't tried it yet- but I think that is next for me. I have come to realize my portions are the issue - not what I'm eating and yes I can overeat on veggies too. LOL
    I'm working it and making long term change- one tiny bit at a time.
    Sorry for being MIA- Miss you gals.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited March 2018
    Good morning!

    Cindy, I understand the sometimes-wisdom of inaction. Been there. Whatever happens, you will come out the other side whole. You're right about the plates - my standard plate is the salad plate (or a dinner bowl). It's a small trick but when a plate looks full, ...

    Patti, the reverse engineering of music is a challenge you'll find help with - might even have someone extract hard drive from your broken computer. There has to be a way - not sure any of my ideas would be relevant.

    Diane, happy travels!

    Back later if I can ...
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I have a visit today at my former school. I'm heading to the gym this morning as I haven't been there since Thursday. Our choir lunch was a success. We made $500 which will be used to pay the orchestra for the Easter Cantata.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, what a great way to start my day, seeing a post from you. In a life filled with stress you seem to be grounded and focused on what is healthy for you. I admire you so much and only hope I would act with the same integrity if faced with similar stress. I think your hospital course was heaven sent at a time when you needed it most. I am a portion overload person too. Thank you for sharing, I know you are super busy so it makes it even more meaningful that you take time to scan and send your notes. Choosing not to do something is a choice and I think you are so smart to focus on you right now. You are a force and I, for one, am glad you are part of my universe.

    Bert, awesome job on the choir lunch. Enjoy the gym. I haven't been since last Friday and really miss it. I will be there tomorrow. We are taking our bicycles when we go to Florida in 2 weeks. Won't be able to use them the first week but there will be lots of opportunities once we get to Sarasota, where we will be for at least 7 days.

    Happy trails to Diane

    Waving hi to the rest of the crew. Places to go, people to see

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello my dear weight fighting friends. LOL. I'm proud to report I am on day two of my 30 day DVD challenge. I have challenged myself to do a dvd workout everyday for 30 days. The only exception will be the days I am on vacation next month, but I will do it! I have accepted the fact now that I am going to have to start a rigid exercise plan to get this old body to move off some more weigh!! My mother always said that Karla has to "beat" her weigh off and she was right. LOL. I am up to 38 pounds off now since the end of September. I went shopping today and it still shocks me to reach for the medium shirt instead of the large or extra large. I bought four blouses at Kohl's today. I have pulled six more blouses out of my closet that I can no longer wear. I'd like to be in the 160's by the 18th of May. Maybe with this kick off of a exercise plan I can go it!!

    Diane - So sorry for Elise's family sickness, so far so good for her though. I'm glad you and John were able to escape and are On the ROAD again.

    Cindy - I am so excited for your interest by Hallmark, your dedication to your writing and your choice to keep further stress out of your life. You are indeed a very wise lady.

    Patti - I'm glad the pause is working for you. I've had to exercise it myself. There is a lot of temptation out there.

    Day 2 of my 30 days is done. The first two days were the 30 minute Burn dvd, and tomorrow I am at home so I will pick a longer dvd for a change. I may do the old stand by that I started with in 2011. Hard to believe that was 7 years ago. I did that dvd almost everyday and lost 54 pounds in six month on Weight Watcher.

    There are terrible Tornado's in North Alabama. My family is safe up there so far.

    I'm going to shower and spend time with my loving husband. He got a call they have posted his new postiong for him to apply for. I guess he is really going back to work.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    A quick drive by- I looked it up the plate size a a 9" and technically a salad plate. I'll see if there are other things I can pull from this booklet- if i can get my hands on a few I'll sent them out- so much great information in there.
    Another hectic day- have fun and make good choices- LOL
    Its a line from Jamie Lee Curtis and a movie with Lindsey Lohan from Freaky Friday....
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's the first day of spring and we have snow on the ground! Go figure. It's time for baseball to begin, so mother nature is saying, "Wait a minute!". My student did well yesterday. She was so nervous as it was her very first lesson to teach. She said she was up at 3:00 am reviewing her plans! They always get nervous for their first review.

    Today I need to work on the Easter cantata. I have it about 1/2 done. I have a visit at 12:30 today as well. Then I'll be free for a while as schools will be on spring break.

    My cousin is not doing well. They are wanting to send her to a higher level psychiatric facility to help find the right medication as she is now being beligerent with the staff. Her husband has been over at least 5-6 times in 2 days to calm her down. It's so ironic because he would be the last person she would want to call if she were healthy. Their marriage has been rocky forever. I'm going to drive over to be with the family for a couple of days to try to be supportive.

    Cindy: We have used 9" plans for quite a while; however, it's difficult sometimes when you have cut meat sometimes. Thanks for sharing the tips.

    Patti: Congrats on taking a trip. I want to do the same. Mike is such a homebody. I'm trying to get him to take a short trip and travel on Route 66 since we are both 66. He'll turn 67 in July, so I want to do it soon.

    Karla: Good luck with your goals. I know that I have to exercise everyday just to maintain. I don't go to the gym everyday, but I do some type of exercise each day. I'm wanting to lose 15 more pounds and keep it off. That's my goal. I've been at a standstill so long, so I need to shock my body!

    Janet: I saw your picture on Facebook. She's such a cutie.

    Waving hi to Diane.....have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning.

    Bert, I remember how nervous I was when my mentor teacher visited when I was student teaching. And to top it off, she was the mother of a guy I had gone out with a couple of times.

    Karla, congrats on getting your exercise mojo back at all costs. It will help.

    Cindy and Patti, put me in the portion-control-issue club too. As you've heard me say before, once I start eating (anything!), stopping is hard - my appetite just doesn't have a functioning OFF button!

    Diane, looking forward to Charly4 updates. Hope you weren't stuck in the storms last night - I saw Atlanta radar and it was scary. Checking on friends there this morning.

    Despite not having great options last night, I managed to stay within my calorie limit for the day. Doing the best I can and should probably buy a scale (my old one died) but would not weigh more than once every two weeks or a month. I truly care less about the number than how I feel about myself. And lately I've been trying to remind myself that even now I am down about 140 pounds from my highest weight. Still, if I could drop maybe 25-30 AND keep it off (not sure whether that'd be sustainable though, in a decent life for me), I would probably be less constantly self-conscious.

    My Cady's birthday looked like great fun - photos were texted and posted on Lifecake. So happy my niece and her husband are really good about that, especially with the distance. Love those little monsters they've created.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning ladies, waiting for the ice to melt and then off to Moms. We are expecting a major storm tomorrow,hope they are wrong as I have to work tomorrow night.

    Cindy, I try to use the salad plate whenever I can. It does trick the mind. I really appreciate the time you take to share, I know things are hectic for you right now.

    Janet, how did I miss that you were a teacher? What did you teach? Glad you are remembering that you have lost and kept off a major amount of weight. You just need to find that reasonable and doable wight to maintain. That is always a tricky one isn't it? But we will do this.

    Karla, is Glenn just going to be consulting or going back full time? Good luck on your 30 day DVD challenge. Aren't you going on vacation in 2 weeks?

    Bert, nice to hear that your student did well. I bet you are an awesome mentor.

    Ok, ice gone and so am I
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Day 3 completed. I did the Four Fast Miles dvd I spoke of. Boy, what a sweaty workout. It takes a full hour counting the great stretching at the end that includes yoga moves. The fourth mile has the stretch bands used for muscle stretches. It was nice and I was proud to have made it through it at 60 years old. I was 54 when I did this dvd the last time. I just got a call from Monica. She went to the clinic today and is down 4 pound from last week. She is going weekly again to help her re-commit. So proud of her.

    My Millie is having an allergic reaction to something. I’m taking her to the Vet at 3:30. I’m off to get some work done.

    Take care,
