OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I got Dylan and Penny on the bus this morning. I usually do that when I'm here to help out Dan. He got to walk the pups this morning, and was "in charge" of the kids. Tonight is Dylan's concert, and then I'm heading tomorrow. It's been a fun visit.

    Yesterday, I got 14K steps! I walked at the mall and then walked with Dan a couple of times during the day to walk the pups. It's not raining today, so I'll probably walk at the local mall. Everything is outside which is fine with me. I'll probably walk in the neighborhood too.

    Patti: Enjoy your time with your mom. I spent as much time as I could with my mom; however, she moved to Florida after I married the boys' dad. My dad thought that everything would be perfect if they moved to Florida. Needless to say, it wasn't. We saw each other at least 4 times a year. After my dad passed away and she remarried (she would have just lived with him), they came to Indiana and spent about 6 weeks in the summer. I thoroughly enjoyed that.

    Cindy: Good luck on your endeavors, you sound determined. Sometimes it's our mindset that holds us back. I'm really open to anyone's suggestions and tips on losing weight.

    Waving hi to Diane, Karla, and Janet. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Helloo everyone. I am back from New Orleans and have my appointment this afternoon back at the clinic to get this last 20 pounds off. We had a fabulous time together with the friends that went. The museum, the music and the food.

    More later
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Another day with Elise - she has been sick since Thursday, throwing up multiple times a day. We ended up in the ER with her last night. She hadn't had a wet diaper all day, which is dangerous for babies, and threw up her entire afternoon bottle. Brad and I took her, because Rossanne was too sick herself to get in the car :(. They gave her some anti-nausea medicine. That seems to have helped today - she has been a little happier, hasn't thrown up at all, but is still pretty clingy. Just got her down for a nap. She has been taking her bottles and some extra apple juice, but not her baby food. I went over and got her to bring here today, because Rossanne is still sick and didn't think she could drive this far :(.

    I got almost 12K steps yesterday - it was a beautiful day so Elise and I went for a long walk around the neighborhood to get her to fall asleep in the stroller. Today it has been raining so I haven't been able to use that strategy.

    Karla - welcome back! From FB posts it looks like you had a terrific time.

    Patti you were a whirlwind of activity yesterday!

    Bert have fun at the concert tonight and drive safely.

    Janet hope your weather has improved.

    Cindy yay on book 1! Keep up the hard work. A tough editor will do wonders for you!

    Sorry for the brief personals - I need to clean up a bit around here from sick and cranky baby.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all. Karla, welcome back!

    Diane, hope Elise and Roseanne are both much better very soon. They're lucky to have you right there - and you're lucky to have Elise to pamper.

    Cindy, all positive vibes your way for LR to be a smash success. Why NOT you on the NYT best-seller list?

    Bert, sounds like you've been having a great visit - stay safe driving home.

    Patti, how was your mom? I know you gabbed away the afternoon.

    Been very busy here. Cleaner is dealing with a dying relative (on the heels of losing her dad) AND the very real possibility that she may lose her house. Her husband is being a total (alcoholic) baby, so she has to be the adult. And she's exhausted. While I like getting the house cleaned, I'm viewing her can't-come days as a way to save money. Did a thorough cleaning of my kitchen and lots of laundry.

    Please send good thoughts to MI for my niece Anne. She's going to be getting a divorce and her soon-to-be ex, who was verbally and psychologically abusive to her, has been behaving badly. No physical threats but he has done a couple of things that caused her to file a police report. I have now blocked his phone number and blocked both him and his entire family (always liked them more than I liked him) on Facebook. Anne is such a sweetheart and shouldn't have to go through this nutty stuff.

    Time to figure out what to make for dinner. Baked shortcakes and have fresh strawberries. Summer fruit season is almost here - when the peaches start I will be a very happy woman!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. Elise is at daycare today and I think Rossanne went back to work. Hopefully all will go well.

    Eating yesterday was way too snacky. Hoping for better today. I’m going to a meeting tomorrow to WI since I missed the ones I generally go to either Monday or Tuesday, and the leader I like doesn’t have a Wednesday meeting. Dinner last night was naan pizzas - not a great choice but it was easy and I was tired. Will fix fish and veggies tonight. I just need to focus on filling but low point snacks!

    Today I am running all the errands I’ve put off the last two days. I’ve already been to Sams, MVA, Bead Bath and beyond for a new mattress pad, and am now waiting for my mammogram (ouch) and then will get an X-ray of my knee before heading to get groceries.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Janet I love all the summer fruits. I’ve been getting local strawberries but not much else yet. We get really good sweet corn but it is still too early. We missed most of the season last year and will again this year.

    Best thoughts to Anne. My sister ended an abusive relationship but after almost 30 years. So I know a bit how hard it is to get out and away.

    Karla when do you go back to the clinic? I’m sure the good habits you have formed will get you right back on track.

    Patti I bet you are busy today getting ready for your river weekend. It sounds like a great time.

    Bert safe driving today! I’m sure you will be glad to be home.

    Cindy I meant to be positive about the great editor. I read it later and realized it could be taken badly!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi all, quick drop in. Still have 2 stores to go to, another stop at Mom's and then work. So excited for this first party of the summer.

    Diane, so glow to hear the kids are well enough to resume activities. It has been a tough week for all, including you. You have been a whirlwind yourself this morning. Being overloaded and tired makes it so hard to make decent choices. All we can do is our best in the moment.

    Karla, welcome back. Your trip looked like a blast.

    Janet, your poor niece, so glad she can talk to you. Also feel so badly for your house cleaner. Hope you and James are enjoying this nice weather on the golf course when you can.

    Cindy, LR is a force and becoming more so every day.

    Bert, safe travels. I know you had a great time with the kids. How lucky are you!

    Off I go, back.....who knows, lol
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Just a drive by stop by- all is good and Diane no worries I knew exactly what you meant. I actually apologized to the editor for all the work she put into the book. She laughed and told me its why I'm paying her. I really like her.
    need to get back to it- lunch is almost over.
    Waving to all
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm back home. I had a great time in Chicago. Dan and Dylan will be here tomorrow. Annie and Penny will stay in Chicago to stay with their two puppies as it's expensive to board them. Dylan will be attending his first Indy 500 race, and this will be the first race with 3 generations attending! I'm not sure who is more excited, Mike, Dan, or Dylan!

    Dylan's concert was very good. The songs were great and the children performed many styles of music. I think it's a great opportunity for them, and am very happy Dylan chose to give up a Friday recess to be in the choir. Penny's play was cute! She did a fabulous job and knew her lines as well as most of the songs. We're returning in June to watch Dylan play ball and attend Penny's dance recital.

    Today will be spent grocery shopping and getting things around the house ready for the weekend. Although I was just with them, I'm still excited to have Dan and Dylan with us. Jillian has a soccer game on Saturday, so they will get to see her play. Happy times!

    Diane: I hope Elise is getting better. My eating yesterday was too much snacking as well. I snacked in the car while driving home.

    Janet: So sorry to hear about your niece. Divorce can be ugly. No one should have to endure abuse. I'm glad she's getting out of that situation. Blocking the family members is a good idea. I love fresh summer fruit, too. Our local Farmer's Market starts this weekend, but since Dan and Dylan will be here, I'll wait until the following weekend to go. Peaches and strawberries are my favorite, too; however, I love cantaloupe!

    Patti: I love entertaining, too. Have a great party.

    Waving hi to Karla and Cindy! Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning. Gorgeous day here - going to make coffee and drink it on the deck.

    Bert, how exciting for Dylan to go to his first 500 - what a fun family tradition.

    Pretty good eating day here yesterday - I made my own version of P. F. Chang's lettuce cups for dinner, which I served with rice and coleslaw. Lots of ingredients, but not difficult and I adapt it to what I have in the house. Gt fill-in groceries but forgot a couple of things. Why does that always happen?

    My best friend (in Toledo) is having a hip replacement in early June and I may go up and help out for a few days. She has a bunch of family medical stuff going on (geez, it's everywhere!). She came for a few days after my knee replacement and I'd be glad to return the favor. (It'd be before our lunch, Patti & Bert.)

    Much to do today, including a needed manicure. Rose is being laid to rest today so I will be thinking of Tony's family all day. RIP to a lovely lady and great broad.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Down at WI this week but I think that’s because I came down sick about noon yesterday. I didn’t have the vomiting but felt achy all over and had an uncomfortable tummy all afternoon and night. Feeling better but not 100% today. But I haven’t had anything but toast since noon yesterday.

    Back later with personals if I am up for it.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    A couple of gems from today’s WW meeting:

    If you are going down the stairs and you trip and tumble a stair or two, you don’t throw yourself the rest of the way down. No, you catch yourself. So having one bad meal shouldn’t throw you off track for the rest of the week or the rest of the day. Catch yourself and reset immediately.

    Mindfulness starts with you. Every morning, look in the mirror until You can say one nice thing to yourself. Some mornings it is just “nice eyes”. But give yourself a positive start to the day.

    Breathe. Just take two minutes to just breathe and be in the here and now. This will help you be mindful and reduce stress.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, the temps are mild and I hope Edd gets home from whatever job he is working on so we can pack before it gets into the 80s. Unfortunately, we will definitely be unloading in the heat. The pickup will be packed to the gills! Work last night was not busy for the cutting counter so I helped with returns and putting up the sale signs. My feet were killing me when I got home but all is well this morning, that's what the good shoes do for me, no pain the day after no matter how much my feet hurt when I go to bed.

    Bert, what fun for the three generations of boys. Edd always took our generations of boys to the Monster Truck rally every year. I miss those days. Maybe when baby Leo is old enough he will take him. Enjoy every moment of the weekend.

    Diane, how awful that you got it too. Congrats on a loss on the scale. It was not a result of not eating for one day, you have had lots of activity and on plan meals, so give yourself credit. I hope you had just a mild case. Viruses are just meanies!

    Janet, sending up a prayer for your sweet Rose, you and her family as they celebrate her life. Enjoy your deck time while you can.

    Cindy, love seeing you pop in more often. You are loved and missed here.

    Edd has returned, so time to get packing.
    Back when time allows
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm heading to "Carb Day" at the Indy 500 track with Greg and Cole today. I'm really not a racing fan, but thought I'd have three generations at the track for their last day of practice. Dan and Dylan will be here around 5, so we should be home by then.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All-
    I'm getting ready for a tag sale at home tomorrow but something off the wall happened.
    Rick had to see his med therapist yesterday and he finally told someone about his confusion, memory gaps, can't remember where he parks the car etc- all the stuff that he blames me for- that "You confuse me all the time"
    Well she is very concerned and is referring him to a specialist. Turns out this has been going on longer than I realize and he's afraid he has early onset dementia. She's concerned too.
    So, he also told her about two bad snow mobile accidents where he crack the helmets and had concussions. I'm like oh SH** this would explain so many things- so yes I looked up the early signs for dementia. I'm freaking out he has all of them. So I'm like is this is what has been going on- he's not just being an a** to be an a**.
    I'm reeling. The appointment won't be until July but I'm relieved he told her.
    As I've been blaming the med combo, maybe it is really so much more than that.
    I'm sorry I can't do personals the mind is just twirling.
    I'll be back later, but really need to put this down somewhere and I know you are all supportive and caring.
    But WOW, I feel like I've been knocked over with a brick. Some times I shouldn't want to research everything.... my curiosity can really do me in.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, my thoughts and prayers are with you. If you need to talk or anything you know how to reach me. I will pray it is not early dementia. Hopefully a med adjustment or change. I am speechless at the moment for you.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Oh, Cindy - no words. Just hugs and a prayer or few. As painful as it is, knowledge is power.

    Bert, I'm very happy you get to be there today, if only to watch Dylan's face. Enjoy - would love to hear the roar of the engines sometime. Am assuming that "carb day" means "carburetor," not concession stand pasta. (Sorry, but "carb" just triggers food images and I figured all of you might laugh the way I did.)

    Diane, great comments from your leader - you've definitely found a good one and are doing wonderfully. Hope the bug has left your system and that Elise and her parents are bouncing back rapidly. Gut bugs are misery-makers.

    Patti, hope you made it to the cabin in one piece and are settled in to have a perfect long weekend.

    Karla, what's on tap for your weekend? How is construction going?

    Hot but pretty here, though sun is brutal. Eating wasn't the best yesterday - snack monster got me too, but at least dinner was a unless burger, cole slaw, and a few tater tots.

    James is going golfing and I am going to run errands, mostly to pick up a few things we need, so I can avoid weekend crowds. Bought tickets for us to go to a Louisville Bats game next Friday - the ballpark looks really nice, and on Fridays they have post-game fireworks. Minor league ball is a great value = got terrific seats for about $20 apiece. I've wanted to go for years and finally have someone to go with. Yay!

    Wishing everyone an excellent holiday weekend - will check in as able.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Three generations at Carb Day: Greg, Cole, and me. Sunday is Greg, Dan, Dylan, and Mike. They are to take a picture. We had a great day!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Yesterday was so much fun. Cole enjoyed being at the track. Dan and Dylan arrived last night and they got in the pool and had a blast. I just love having all of them at the house. Jillian has a soccer game today, and then we are grilling steaks tonight.

    Penny and Annie stayed in Chicago this weekend to take care of the puppies. They will all be down in July for a few days.

    I'm definitely going to watch what I eat today, but am probably not going to track. I want to enjoy my family.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. I've been sicker since Thursday - can't leave the house, and still haven't eaten much of anything. I tried some scrambled eggs this morning for a difference from toast and crackers. On the positive side, I'm down (by my home scale) as much as 3 pounds. Of course that won't last once I begin eating again.

    Cindy, wow. Just wow. My heart goes out to you. A friend lost her husband to early onset non-Alzheimer's dementia. It was a very rough road, and I sure hope it is the medications and not this. Feel free to vent here as much as you need to. Yes, a safe space that closer friends and family won't view.

    Bert, great pictures! You look terrific and relaxed.

    Janet, didn't you go "golfing?" Or was it too hot to even enjoy being out there? I read a MFP blog about habits to lose effortlessly. Most of them were things I (and probably all of us here) do already, but a biggie was doing bunless burgers and sandwiches. I did that this past week when I had a crabcake sandwich, and skipped the bun.

    Patti, I don't expect you will check in again until after the weekend, but have a fantastic time! Sounds like you have a crowd of friends surrounding you this weekend.

    Karla, I saw the plumeria photos on FB. Several of my deck potted plants drowned last week in our deluges. I'm guessing you are in full outdoor mode down there. Have the grands been coming over to enjoy the pool?

    Have a good weekend all.
