OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    Glenn is doing a wonderful job with this one bedroom house.. lol he and Kirk rented a ditch digger this morning and have dug the narrow trench to the house to hook up the electricity and water. We are getting there.

    I can’t wait for our seven nights on Dauphin Island with our family. We will be there on Father’s Day so I want all Glenn’s kids to be there that day and Jason. I will go earlier in the week to see my dad. Fun times.

    Diane- continued prayers for your mother. I stepped over 7k yesterday. Thanks for the invite to the challenge. I wasn’t sure if I synced it right.

    Back later.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Rats. Lost long post ...

    Diane, prayers for your mom. How exhausting, but good to know she realized she was in distress and called for help. Thanks for keeping us posted.

    Patti, what thoughtful gifts. The tic-tac-toe thing sounds adorable.

    Karla, the new mini-manse and pool look so inviting. Glad you get JJ time this weekend.

    Bert, three hours? Yikes!

    Cindy, hoping things are relatively calm in your world. How is Meg doing solo?

    Baseball game was great fun. Way humid but storm stayed just across the river in IN and gave us an extra show. Fireworks after the game were fun, and it started pouring while we were walking to the car. Perfect timing! Minor-league ball is just pure fun. Very family-oriented, different ways to get little kids onto the field - the mascot (Buddy Bat) had a little girl help him sweep off the bases. It’s been a lazy day here. Needed. Eating has been OK but nothing to brag about.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We watched Jillian's last soccer game for the season. The organization changed the rules, so their team will be split up. It will now be birth year rather than grade level, so her team will be split as half of the team was born in 2011. I think it's terrible that parents have to decide whether or not their child should be on a "travel" team. For crying out loud, she's only 7! So, Greg will coach and try to keep the four born in 2010 together. Oh well, enough ranting about that!

    Mike and I went out to eat last night to celebrate our anniversary. We ate at a local restaurant and enjoyed the meal and supporting the restaurant. We both had surf and turf. It was a nice evening.

    Karla: Your house looks beautiful. Glenn is certainly handy.

    Janet: We have a minor league here, too. I definitely want to attend a game. We always say we are going, but never do. Indianapolis has one too. I used to take my students to a game for our field trip. They had a program called Baseball in Education and scheduled a day game for schools. It was fun trip.

    Waving hi to Diane, Cindy, and Patti. Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi all, yesterday did not go as planned but not in a bad way. I vowed not to leave the house and get the invites done. Well, Edd texted me that there was a neighborhood wide garage sale nearby. I tried to resist but eventually succumbed to the call of the bargain, lol. My time and efforts were wasted though, as there was little that appealed to me. I spent a whole dollar on on 3 small glass items to put solar lights in, a tiny milk bottle and two very small parfait glasses. They do look light up nicely so not a total loss of 3 hours. Then I buckled down and worked about 4 hours on the invites. It will take about another hour to finish them. They are super gorgeous with all the bling, so glad I only had to make 14. Joanns is have a sale on all their clearance stuff today, extra 30% off all clearance. I am going to go in a bit. It is next to Fresh Thyme so I will get my produce while I am out. I was doing great with my eating and then Edd brought home chicken strips and fries from Hardee's (which I love) and that killed it.

    Diane, so hope your Mom is doing better and that your brother will get her home so you don't have to miss your final field trip at the wetlands.

    Karla, your new poolside condo is really coming along. So nice that you have the space for it and it cuts down on the amount of grass to mow, lol. Do you think you can bring your dad up for a visit when it is done? What funi t would be to have him and Kerry there to share the new digs and the pool.

    Janet, we have a local team too but have never been to a game. I can practically see the stadium from our house! Sounds like a delightful evening. Glad th rain held off until after the game. Bet you two were laughing like kids when the skies opened up on you.

    Bert, what a bummer about splitting up the teams that way. I think the kids will adapt better than the parents. Plus it will give them the opportunity to make new friends. Building new teams can be a positive experience and I bet Jillian and Greg will make the best of it.

    Cindy, thoughts and prayers; prayers and thoughts!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    [img][/img Good afternoon friends. Out by the pool after church with grands. JJ washed both the Avalon and the Equinox cars for game money for his xbox. Lol. They look so good. Vacuumed them also. He’s such a sweet boy. My heart! I’m trying to get all my plumerias fertilized this weekend and moved out from behind the poolside condo ( I like that name Patti!!) Glenn is just wearing himself out with all the work on the condo and his regular job. He ran the electricity and plumbing lines complexly yesterday as I think I mentioned. He had to hire a licensed electrician or get his license in Alabama as he only had one for Mississippi. We have a plumber on board. He is in sleeping in the recliner where he needs to be. I hope this picture shows how much of a kid pool mine real is. Lol Karla[/img]
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    Here it is
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The weather finally turned for the better! I'm very thankful that with the windows open, it isn't hot in the house. Today the AC repairman comes, I'm bracing myself!

    We watched Jillian and Cole yesterday afternoon while Greg and Carrie went to their neice's high school graduation. She has had a tough life. She witnessed her mother's fatal overdose, and has experienced her dad being in and out of jail for drug related offenses. She and her brother lived with Greg and Carrie for a year (before Jillian was born). Greg and Carrie wanted to take them in again when their dad was arrested again, but they were old enough to decide. They chose to live with their maternal aunt. From all she has gone through, I'm definitely wishing her the best.

    I need to clear out the closet as the upstairs furnace is in the attic and the entrance to it is in the closet. I think I'm going to get a better closet organizer this time. We installed the wire Rubbermaid shelves. I want something better than that as the pole the shelves clip on to is very flimsy. It all has to be taken down when we have to service anything, so now will be a good time to do something.

    Patti: You're will be harder on the parents than the kids. They see the big picture while the kids just play soccer. I'm sure it will be fine.

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning. Yesterday was my best day yet back on my program. It sure has taken some tweaking to get me there!! I told myself yesterday I could have unlimited snacks, but they had to be my approved snacks only. LOL. So I stuck to the Light and Fit yogurt with walnuts,some gouda and cheddar cheese squares I had purchased, an Ole spinach cheese wrap and the turkey pepperoni. It took it all to keep me going, but I made it with my protein at 82 grams and my carbs at 67 grams. LOL. I have taken to drinking the Arizona green tea for my drink.

    Bert - Lowe's has the best choices in closet organization design. I'm glad you weather changed for the better. We had quite a thunder storm go through here last night.

    I have to take Kevin for his EGD and colonoscopy later this morning. The doctors are still trying to find out why he is so anemic. He had to stop taking his iron for five days prior to this test and he said he is already weak the first two days from not taking it.

    TT: What resolve do you make with yourself to stay on any given plan? Once you are on a roll, how to you keep from being derailed?

    Have a great on program day or day trying to get on one. LOL.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    TT: For me, the scale helps me to stay on plan. I track every day and try to count carbs and proteins; however, I feel there is a conflict with this and WW. So, I tweak for what best fits me. That’s the key for me: “tweaking”. I haven’t lost weight for several weeks; however, I’m still the same weight as weeks ago. I’m ok with that. I want to lose 13 more pounds and keep it off.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning ladies, I got the invites done and can't wait for my granddaughter to see the finished product. They really are beautiful if I do say so myself. They took a lot more time than I thought. Had planned to try another watercolor painting but no time. I also hit Joanns yesterday for their big clearance sale. Bought 2 patterns and some material to make a few sun dresses for my great granddaughter. Also picked up a few clearance items to add to my craft room stash. I want to redo some of the upholstery on the pontoon so took advantage of my 50% off coupon and employee discount to buy some marine vinyl, $60 down to $24!

    Going to see the Book Club with my GFs then trying out a New Mexican restaurant before I go to work. I made broccoli on the grill last night. Don't know why I never tried this before. Tossed it with olive oil, garlic and red pepper flakes, scrumptious.

    Well this post has been sitting here waiting to be sent since 10am. The girls were early and I thought I hit post before running out the door, forgetting my keys too. The Book Club was excellent. A laugh fest, at least for the three of us. We really enjoyed our lunch at the local taco shop, very authentic and affordable, if a bit lacking in ambience. The weather is perfect and I am really wishing I did not have to work tonight.

    TT: my biggest resolve is to be honest with myself and to be kind with my honesty. I have no answer to the derailed question as I seem to be living on the rails right now.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Back from the last field trip of the year at the Wetlands Sanctuary. The SUN is finally shining today! We got another 3.5 inches of rain here yesterday. The wetlands sanctuary was teeming with mosquitos, but also tadpoles and birds and lots of flowers blooming.

    I just talked to my mother - I have been going over every day, but did not go today. Yesterday in the rain it took me almost two hours each way - the roads were so flooded and so many accidents. Mom is doing some better and the doctor thinks she can go home on Wednesday. So I will pick her up at the hospital and take her home, and stay over at least one night with her, maybe two. We'll see how she is doing. Today she is exhausted because so many different people have been in to do something to her (nurse, several doctors, breathing therapy, etc.)

    Eating has been relatively horrible the last couple of days. Meals mostly okay, but stress snacking. And I haven't gotten a chance to go shopping so I've been fixing whatever is in the house, which isn't as good as it should be.

    TT: WHEN I track, it really keeps me on the program. When I don't, it is too easy to lose track of how many calories or points or whatever I am actually consuming. But I just really don't like to track. I've been really trying to focus on the WW zero point foods as a way to not have to do as much tracking. I'm not counting carbs and proteins, but rather sticking with the WW plan for now.

    Patti, here is the link for the WW recipe for Shrimp Scampi with Spaghetti. I hate their search as well - I find it really cumbersome. And I told you about that chicken recipe I printed out and made, that then disappeared from the WW site!

    Bert, I did my craft room closet in the coated wire shelving, and I regret it. You are right it isn't very strong, and I find that things fall through the shelves (like books and leaflets.) I don't know what you keep in that closet, but have you thought about a book shelf or something that could be removed without being unloaded?

    Karla, looks like the grands are having fun at your house with the pool!

    Janet, I HATE getting caught in the rain. I would not have been laughing!

    Waving to Cindy.

    Have to go get my grocery shopping and things done. I think I'll have Elise tomorrow since I will be spending Wednesday and Thursday with mom.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    A quick hello to all.

    Karla, that pool looks divine. Fingers crossed for Kevin.

    Patti, I know the invites are gorgeous - lots to do for a wedding, even a small one, and I know she was lucky to have you to deal with that first-impression element.

    Bert, sending a prayer up for the graduate. She's seen stuff no one of any age should have to see. Greg and Carrie are excellent reminders that there are other ways to live.

    Diane, so good to hear your mom is improving. You'll get eating back on track - you've had a lot since returning with the illness making the rounds and your mom's emergency. And the rain sure doesn't help one's mood.

    Cindy, seeding hugs.

    No need to return to foot surgeon unless there's a further problem. My outcome is classified as "good," which is just fine with me given the severity of the problem and my other structural issues. He is pleased and I'm grateful for having been referred to him. YAY!

    Gotta try a nap - pretty zonked here. Hugs to all.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, great news from your Dr. How is your niece, Anne, doing. I pray things go smoothly so she can heal and move on.

    Bert, isn't our weather glorious? Let us know what you do in your closet. Those shelves seems like a good idea when they came out. I did find some thick plastic sheets than keep stuff from falling through the wires. What a great success story for the niece. Life is hard enough without having to start off like that.

    Diane, forgive your snacking. You have been slammed with so much that you hardly have time to think of yourself. Was happy to see that you were able to do the last field trip. Relax and enjoy your Elise time, you have earned it.

    Tomorrow I am hoping for nice weather so I can take mom to lunch and then hopefully to find a new recliner. She has eye appointment on Wed.
    Time for chilling
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Another good day under my belt. Carbs at 47 and protein is 85. Below are my meals and snacks:

    B- Egg white omelet with Butterball turkey sausage 2 ounces, Laughing Cow cheese, onions and peppers and olive oil.

    L- spicy and sweet shrimp and grilled zuchinni

    D- Slaw Crack made with ground turkey 93% and steamed broccoli with cheddar cheese.

    Snacks - Gouda cheese square and Cello Cheddar Whisps

    Drinks= 4 16 ounce Arizona Green Tea, 2 waters and an unsweetened regular Tea.

    I am under on my steps as have been working at my computer since I have been home.

    Tomorrow is Izzy's recital practice. Fun times as she practices on the big stage downtown at our civic center. Sunday is he recital. Bert, it will be over three hours also and that is just her part. There is the 12:00 and 5:00 performances her school is so large. Thank goodness she is only in the 5:00 performance this year. Last year she was in both!! Saturday I am having a pool party at our house with her dance buddies and other friends.

    I need to finish prepping the house for my housekeepers for tomorrow. I don't have any issue with them not coming every two weeks. They are like clockwork!!


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI All-
    I'm here, just lurking.
    We got a notice from the insurance company. They approved the 8 hour testing for Rick. I had no idea it was going to be so extensive. We've talked about meds and the other reality of dementia and of course he is very defensive and doesn't want me to go to the appointment. But I intend to be there. I've been doing some reading and have some idea of what I might be facing but I pray it is really a med issue with the wrong combo- but since this combo he's on is pretty standard therapy I'm trying to stay realistic.
    I'll keep seeing my therapist to help me deal with whatever comes.
    Thanks to you all for your support and kindness.
    But he moved two birthday cards last week and I had been searching for them for days when they "appeared" he confessed he moved them to the spare room but forget he put them there until he opened the drawer- just another example of his forgetfulness. But this was after I had ripped open garbage bags and pulled all kinds of stuff apart wondering what had happened to them.
    I decided we are buying a small used motor home and trading in the camper. He has always wanted to do some travel and I can drive it no problem. We should be able to get it in a bout a week as Meg is coming home tomorrow until Sunday so she's the priority this week. She's doing well but starting to feel the loss of no family or close friends around. But she is proving she can do this on her own and I'm very proud of her.
    For a few personals-
    Karla- the house looks amazing, so happy you're feel well and in control again of your food plan.
    Bert- loved the rainbow pics and the family snaps- enjoy your nice weather.
    Diane- you guys can't catch a break with the tummy bugs- sorry for the weather and glad your mom is doing better. Carrie making dinner was very sweet.
    Patti- thanks for the tip on Flipp- you made me laugh when you succumbed to the tag sale. Sorry about the frig woes.
    Janet- good to hear you're turning James towards better eating it will benefit you both. I pictures the two of you driving down back roads and just having fun- so glad you have a partner in crime.
    Need to run but still working on LR stuff- polishing the first book to send to the publisher. I have to write a query letter and the synopsis for each book, something I've never done. But I'll send it all to my crit partner once she's back in the states. She's being doing "research" in Ireland.
    Have a great day and thanks for being here.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today will be spent cleaning up the house and getting the tickets ready for our summer musical as well as heading to the gym. I overdid it weeding yesterday, so I'm taking a day off from that. I'm also going to enjoy the pool at some point today.

    Patti: I liked the Book Club, too. I'm not much of a Jane Fonda fan, but the movie was funny.

    Diane: Glad to hear your mom is doing better. I have thought about book shelves for the closet, but also want something on wheels for one side that I can move in and out when a repair man is needed. I keep mostly grandkid stuff. I definitely regret the coated wire organizers. I'm defintely going to research possibilities and get rid of the wire shelves.

    Karla: I don't know why they make the recitals so long. I know the productions are based on famous musicals, but there are parts that have nothing to do with the plot; just a way to get kids in. I would rather rectials get broken down into ages, but it is what it is!

    Waving hi to Cindy and Janet. I need to get going to get things done. Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Just wanted to stop in before I go to mom's.
    Cindy, glad to see you stop by. You are never far from my thoughts and prayers. I admire you for your positive attitude and that you are finding ways to keep LR alive and well. Enjoy your new camper and Meg's visit.

    My gf picked up a really cool seeing machine a few months ago at a thrift store for a song and then inherited another one from a friend of hers, so I she is giving me thrift store machine. My machine is a workhorse with few bells and whistles, the one she is giving me is more for sewing clothing and decorative items. I bought material for two bathing suit cover ups. It is a super simple pattern and I am going to make them reversible. It is a lot easier than putting bias tape around the whole thing. I also want to make the sun dresses For my sweet Ariel who is nearly 9 months old.

    Hi to the rest of the crew
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. I had my Elise time today - she was mostly happy but didn't nap much so got fussy towards the end of the day. I took her for a long walk in her stroller at midday to get her to nap - two birds with one stone! I wish she didn't fight naps so hard. She is much happier when well rested.

    I called mom earlier to see if her discharge was still on for tomorrow, but two of my nephews (my brother's sons) were visiting so I will talk to her later. If she can go home tomorrow, I will spend at least the first night with her, and see about the second day and night.

    Eating marginal - my meals are on plan but the snacks not so much. And I just really hate tracking, much as I know I need to. Those weeks I do better at tracking, I definitely see more losses.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Cindy, lurk all you want. I know how it is not to have time to post, but wanting to stay connected. I hope his appointment gives you some knowledge that you need. Knowing what you have told us, it must be frustrating for him too. And good luck selling the trailer and buying a small RV! We love the freedom to travel.

    Patti, my sewing machine is 35 years old, but was a good one when purchased. It has a few bells and whistles but is also a workhorse. I've made clothes, draperies, upholstery covers - you name it. I wouldn't trade it for anything. Hope your day with mom was a fun one. Did you find a new recliner?

    Bert and Karla, the recitals at the studio where Carrie danced and now teaches voice are also 3 hours long. I really wish they would split them by age too - the little ones shouldn't have to sit through all that time backstage. Since she has been teaching, they usually ask her to sing a number as a filler because so many of the girls are in so many dances they have a hard time making sure they have two numbers in between to change costumes!

    Janet YAY! on the report from the surgeon! "Good" is better than you had before. Carrie will probably be "good" also, but at such a young age that good may not last for most of her life. She was supposed to meet with the surgeon last week but rescheduled.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Izzy’s dance studio is huge and has two sessions. One at noon and one at five pm. She is in the 5pm one only? It’s 8:15pm and we are still here. Ugghhhh. Last year she was in the noon and five pm.
