OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all.

    Diane, I'd also like to get the e-mails from your WW leader - she sounds like a good one. Have been thinking of you with all the flooding in your neck of the woods. You've really been getting dumped on. How is Carrie's foot doing, and how is your mom? Has Elise bounced back?

    Patti, what a fridge mess! Good thing Edd is so handy - between that and the cars, he has a full-time job! Somehow doing the sheets ad towels after having dear friends and family in your home is a way to relive the fun. Warm, soft clean linens are just nice - my w arped view anyway.

    Bert, how cool to have so many trying out for the show - your church must have a great reputation. People tend to forget how many folks like you are necessary for behind-the-scenes work that make the productions happen and that get butts into seats. It's just a fun way to raise needed money for the congregation too.

    Karla, did Alberto blast you? Bet your plumerias at least loved it. What's on tap for the kids this weekend? Glad you have your FitBit. Docs say my hair issues are due to the Hashimoto's, thyroidectomy, etc. A small amount has come back but it is what it is. I take hair/skin/nails vitamins, as recommended but will look into the Douglas brand. I usually get my vitamins at Costco.

    Cindy, you are on my mind much - we are all pulling for you, whatever happens.

    Had a pretty decent eating day. Am getting James to eat a bit more healthily. Last night we split a small steak and a bit of leftover chicken breast with broccoli and baked spuds. Easy and healthy. Making a list this morning and will hit Trader Joe's, the produce market and Walmart for assorted things, wherever I can get the best stuff and/or the best deals. Will pick up the best fresh salmon and some asparagus for tonight.

    Wishing you all a good, on-plan day.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited May 2018
    Good afternoon. Boy this morning zoomed by with little to show for it, lol. Spent over an hour on the phone with AT&T/DirectTV billing. It was my 14th call to get everything settled. I cancelled service for both mid April! What a cluster. I will never again deal with them or any other company that combines services but maintains separate billing departments! Finished the last of the laundry from the cabin and some of my home stuff. We are staying home this weekend. Edd has too much work to do. Number one on his list is to fix the motorcycle, replacing transmission, as we have a trip in 3 weeks with the family. He has borrowed a truck from a friend until he gets ours fixed. I am going to a huge Vintage market tomorrow with my gf. It is at a local fairgrounds and there will be over 200 vendors, farmers market and food trucks.

    Diane, my typo gave me a chuckle too! Hope you are having a lovely day with your Mom. I am going to look up that shrimp recipe. Edd is not a big pasta fan but if that's what's for dinner he doesn't complain. Especially if shrimp is involved. He would rather eat fish and seafood than most any other meat.

    Bert, how gorgeous was that rainbow! We had horrible storms here but I didn't get to see any rainbows. What would your church do without you and what would you do without your church? Blessings on both sides of that equation.

    Janet, sounds like you are good for James in many ways as he is for you. I haven't been to a Trader Joes in a long time especially since they opened up Fresh Thyme near me, which is very similar.

    Karla, sounds like a sensible plan for you going forward. Nice that you have such a great clinic to help you with your choices. I have done lots of research on vitamin supplements. Most of which supports the idea that multivitamins daily are not needed if you eat a healthy balanced diet and are in basic good health. I found lots of info on condition specific supplements. The most important things I learned is the difference between water soluble and fat soluble vitamins; which foods contain each type and how well the body is able to process both naturally occurring and supplemental vitamins. Very interesting stuff. I know that there are some conditions that require vitamin supplements, especially autoimmune. I currently only take fish oil for joint, heart and eye health ,eye vitamins for macular degeneration and biotin for hair and nails.

    Time to get cleaning and then the gym.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Forgot one thing I wanted to share. I found a new app called Flipp. It has the circular ads for almost every store you can think of. You create your list of favorites. So easy to go thru and decide who has the best deals. I usually shop 5 stores on a regular basis (not all 5 every week, lol) this has made it super easy to shop the stores with the best deals every week.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Home from mom's after a drive in a storm on the beltway. John has FINALLY taken off on his much delayed flight home from Syracuse. Flight was supposed to depart at 4:40, finally left the ground around 9:15. We are cancelling our camping weekend with Brad and Rossanne and Elise - it is supposed to thunderstorm again tomorrow evening, and rain all weekend. This was going to be the weekend they tried out the tent we gave them for Christmas, and got to figure out how the baby portacrib would fit in Charly for when they join us later this summer. We can figure the crib stuff out this weekend anyway if they bring it over. WE were to camp just upriver from Ellicott City that got all the flooding last week, and is getting flooding again tonight :(. So probably not a good area to be in this weekend. I think we have had rain 20 out of the last 21 days.

    I spent the afternoon with mom trying to get her checkbook to balance. We finally gave up and took the bank's word for it. It did give me the opportunity to examine her statements and make sure she didn't succumb to the scammer again. We did have a very nice dinner with one of her friends I hadn't seen in a while.

    Eating was good until I got home and I have given in to the snack monster :(. Putting everything away now, while I wait for John to make it safely home. Dinner at mom's does involve small portions, but I had plenty of food and this is just a reaction to the stress of driving.

    Tomorrow will be an Elise day since I now don't have to get ready for camping. I haven't seen her for about ten days! Since she recovered and I got sick.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Janet, Carrie's foot is better than it was before the second operation in terms of pain. She is still doing PT, still not walking "normally." I don't know if she ever will.

    Patti, the WW Shrimp Scampi was good but better with a few tweaks. First I misread the recipe and put in too much cornstarch, so the sauce was very thick. I think putting the right amount in would make it better, with a lighter sauce. Second, the amount of pasta (2 oz dry per person) was plenty, and I think I would cut it a bit and still have plenty to fill me up. I went heavy on the shrimp and garlic, and for us that was fine. I would definitely make this again.

    Bert, when we went back to mom's apartment after dinner tonight there was a rainbow over the roof of the next building. I thought of you immediately. Your second picture shows a double rainbow - how cool is that? My sister shared a picture of a VERY unique rainbow she saw called a circumzenithal arc. It's a rainbow inverted on top of another rainbow. I'll try to add her picture.


    Karla and Patti interesting info about the vitamins. I have been taking a multivitamin thinking it can't hurt, but I do take the Centrum brand. Maybe I should do a bit more research. I also take Citrical since my mom and sister both have osteoporosis (osteopenia in my sister's case) and I believe Citrical is one of those calcium supplements more likely to be absorbed. I should probably add biotin for hair and nails - my hair is fine, but my nails are so brittle!

    Karla, on FitBit you can search for friends either by sharing your Facebook friends list with the the app (which I don't recommend) or by putting in their email addresses. I am I thought I had your email but I don't. I like the "Goal Day" challenge where you succeed by meeting YOUR step goal for the day, rather than by getting more steps than anyone else in the challenge. Trying to be among the "club" that meets their step goal for the day is motivating for me, more so than just watching my tracker myself.

    Cindy, I'm sure you are keeping busy. Just know I am thinking about you.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Diane- my email is I have added you, I think. Lol.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is Mike's and my 34th anniversary. We've been married over half of our lives! :love: Tonight is Jillian's dance recital. I think it's a perfect way to celebrate our anniversary.

    Patti: I do enjoy working at our church. Mike and I have great friends there, and I try to help spread the Good News to the community. I'm intrested in the Flipp app. Is it free?

    Janet: We DO need to raise money for the church. It's always difficult to help the church stay financially afloat. Many members have passed away and several don't tithe anymore due to their own financial problems. So, working on the musicals is my way to help the church so it can continue it's ministries.

    Diane: We could use some of your rain. We did get rain on Wednesday, but could definitely use more. It is dry here. You're lucky to be able to spend time with your mom. I miss those days, but I feel my mom and dad's presence every day, especially playing the piano at church as my mom was a church organist. I'm also researching my family on and feel a great connection there, too. Your rainbow picture is AWESOME!

    Karla: I like the step challenge. Wish there was a way to share it on the Garmin, but that would probably be a conflict in brands! :o)

    Waving hi to Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning. Tracking going well but my numbers still are not where I need them. Where in my fitness pal do I set my nutrient level? For some reason my calories keep changing.

    Fun weekend planned with the grandkids. Getting my JJ finally. Haven’t seen him in over three weeks. Going to a water park over in Gulfport if it doesn’t rain. We are in the low 99’s and afternoon showers, our usual.

    Have a great day and weekend.

    TT: what are some of your go to snacks for the summer. Have you added anything new?

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Karla: I think you go to your profile and find it there.

    TT: I eat as much fruit as I can. That works for me.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Go to My Home and Goals. You can edit there.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop as I head out the door to spend time with my gf at the vintage market. Since we are staying home this weekend I am going to see if Mom wants to go shopping for a new recliner. She hates her chair so much, lol.

    Bert, the Flipp app is free. It is like having all the Sunday ads without the paper waste.

    Diane, where did you find the recipe for the Shrimp you made? I must admit I don't care much for the recipe section of WW. Not user friendly and very limited, in my opinion. I love SkinnyTaste and get her emails every day. I am working on building a recipe collection so I can change things up a bit. I have been stuck in such a rut. That rainbow is spectacular, I have never seen anything like that. Thanks for sharing. The day after my nephew passed away there was a double rainbow over his parents house, it was his way of letting them know he was in a beautiful place and safe with his loved ones. I have an angel sun catcher in my kitchen window that his Mom gave me after he passed. Every rainbow it creates is a visit from my nephew, in my mind anyway.

    Karla, enjoy your time with JJ and the water park.

    TT: if I could answer this question I would have my problems licked, lol. I truly do not know how to snack so am always eating the wrong stuff. I do well with meals. If I eat even one chip or one piece of something sweet when it is not part of a meal I am sunk. I do not consider fruit a snack and my teeth are so sensitive that most raw veggies are out of the question. I try to not snack as my answer and obviously that isn't working.

    Gotta run

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    At the hospital with mom. They are admitting her for some pneumonia. With her lungs that is serious. Back later maybe.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Sending prayers for your Mom, Diane!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Diane- prayers for your mother. Advise us when you can.

    Bert- thanks for the info. I’m going to set that now.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Okay, so today started out with good intentions - a nice healthy 2 point breakfast, a 35 minute walk in the neighborhood with John before it got too hot... I was just getting ready to leave to go pick Elise up at daycare when my mom called, saying she was going to have the security people call her an ambulance. She woke up about 2 am and just really was struggling to breathe. She had a very bad day on Wednesday too, before I went over there yesterday. She has stage 4 COPD, so this is not new, but apparently really became acute.

    So I met her at the ER, she got a chest x-ray and they found some pneumonia. They admitted her, gave her IV antibiotics, breathing treatments, etc. I stayed until she was settled in her room, then went back to her apartment to get a few things for her and took them back to the hospital, spent a little more time with her, and drove home in rush hour because she really needed to get some sleep and wasn't going to do that with me there.

    Eating was mostly horrible. I had a salad with buffalo chicken on it from the cafe for lunch, went with a lite vinaigrette dressing for only 45 calories, but also had a bag of chips, then later a bag of peanut M&Ms for my stress out snack. Came home and Carrie cooked us dinner, which included chicken saltimbocca, pasta and no veggies. Tasty, and I was glad she cooked since I didn't want to, but not the healthiest meal.

    Tomorrow I will go back to the hospital in the morning - I need to go by her apartment and get a few over-the-counter meds that the hospital wants her to provide. My brother and sister who are local will probably show up for brief visits during the day, but I can't really count on them to do the things that need to be done (and I have her apartment key.)

    The doctor said they for sure would not release her tomorrow. If they release her Sunday I'll have to spend the night, and I really want to do my last Wetlands field trip of the year on Monday morning. So I don't know what I will do in that case. She has long term care helpers who come twice a week, but not on Mondays, and I don't think I would be able to arrange for that on Sunday afternoon. I may have to ask my brother to take the day off work. I would have to leave there at about 7:30 in the morning, and not get back until 2 in the afternoon.

    Sorry no personals. I'm just not up to it today. Patti, I found the recipe by typing shrimp scampi in the WW search, then clicking the recipe filter. I agree, I have not been impressed with their recipes and specifically the search function, but skinnytaste didn't have a good scampi recipe.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Jillians' dance recital was cute but VERY long......3 hours. It is quite a production This year's show was Mary Poppins. Our upstairs furnace/air conditioner is not working properly. Yesterday I turned it off while my gf and I went to lunch and saw "The Book Club". When I got home, it was 81 degrees upstairs. I turned it back on, and it's working for now. Repairmen are coming on Monday. I hope it holds out as it's very hot and humid here.

    Diane: I hope your mom is better today.

    Patti: I can't eat just one of anything either. That's definitely a problem for me too. I'm going to do the same thing and look for recipes to change up what I'm making for dinners. I tend to eat the same things and need a variety.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Welcome to Saturday girls. My son turns 45 today. He is at the cabin and we are home so we will celebrate later. Normally we celebrate our birthdays together since we are just 12 days apart.....and 19 years, lol! The Vintage Market Days was really nice. It is actually a franchise and they go all over the country. I found the cutest concrete garden mouse with huge marble eyes for my GFs garden. She loved it. Many years ago I gave her the cutest garden set, a tortoise and a hare playing tic tac toe. I smile every time I see them in your bed by the front door and will often move the X's and O's to different spots on the board. I also found the coolest sign for my granddaughter. I will try to post a picture of it. I came away with some really great ideas, if I can just remember them and find time to make them. Today I am going to finish wedding invites. It is tedious work but luckily I only have 14 to do.

    Diane, sending prayers for your mom and hoping your brother can step up to the plate to help with your Mom. My sis has gotten the message and seems to be doing much more lately. She took mom out to get her hair cut Thursday and that made her day. I never found the recipe, tried every combo of words but did find one on Pinterest that looks to be the same or similar. I agree that 2 ounces of pasta is a bit much. I usually only have one ounce.

    Bert, hope your A/C problems are quickly resolved. A 3 hour recital, whew, but I know she loved that you were there.

    Cindy, continued prayers and hope you can drop in to tell us how things are going.

    Waving hi to Janet and Karla with hopes for a wonderful weekend for all.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Out by the pool with the grands.,