OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Thanks for all the congrats. My success is your success!! I appreciate the support. It really means a lot. My teacher GF lost 5 pounds this week loosely following the Keto diet and is thrilled. She made my Slaw Crack and her family loved it. I am still in shock that my younger brother, Keith, is doing so well on it. He is a Gourmet cook and make delicious gravies and sauces, and loves sweets, hence his weight gain, but he has found substitutes for these things and is now making great Keto dishes he loves! He has now lost close to 30 pounds!! Keto is very similar to the Low Carb plan I do but they are more conscious of the sugar. Keith even found a ketchup and a BBQ sauce that is sugar free that is awesome tasting.

    Patti- You didn't respond about a camp site near my area, did you miss my question?

    Janet - How long is James planning on living with you? Is he paying rent? Maybe time to suggest a rental agreement and use that money for the personal vacation you have been wanting to do. Just a thought. Glenn is always on me when I have someone living here to have them pay rent. It really does cost you to have extra people/person in the household. The utilities, food, etc. Like you, it makes me uncomfortable to talk to them about it, but not Glenn. LOL. We had Chris pays us rent after he graduated High School and then when he moved out we gave it back to him in a lump sum.

    Bert - That is a beautiful cake! Such great pictures of your family also. It is very difficult to stay on plan when you have to serve others that are on vacation and loving food. I just try to avoid the carb food and eat the non carb foods and only have a tablespoon of anything non on plan. It works for me. I have a challenge tonight at my supper club, but it is about the fellowship and not the food. right? LOL.

    I have a nail appointment at 12 and am getting laundry done this morning. My house needs some straightening and I need to shop for my BFF"s present for tonight. Yes, I am very blessed with some great friends that love me and Glenn to pieces. We all like to do fun things and the yearly trips are a blast. We are not promised another day, so live life to the fullest!!

    Quote of the Day: (for you Bert) Sometimes, your brain can be your own worst enemy. Keep yourself mentally sharp (and thinking positive thoughts) by snacking on nuts, adopting a Mediterranean cooking style, and getting plenty of sleep.

    Have a great weekend,

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Quiet times on the board! I guess it is a weekend when we are usually quieter anyway I lose track of the days lol.

    I got my FB page updated with every stop until today. Boy is that a lot of work and time consuming. I spent a couple of hours last night selecting pictures when we had no service, then a couple hours tonight posting and commenting and captioning. Glad it is done. It is a nice record and a great way to share with friends and family, but does take a lot of effort.

    Today’s eating was good except for an ice cream bar. I made a chicken a veggie stir fry for dinner with just a little rice, and made my lunch sandwich on a one point wrap rather than bread. The only afternoon snack was the ice cream bar and one cheese stick. Tomorrow we might go kayaking on the reservoir here at Flaming Gorge in northern Utah. I have been getting my 10k steps every day.

    Karla you are indeed lucky to have such a close group of friends. Most of our good friends are quite a distance away but we try to connect in person as often as possible.

    Cindy how was the Lucy trip?

    Patti another heavenly weekend at the cabin.

    Bert the pictures you posted were great. Such fun having family there with you.

    Janet what is on your agenda for the week?

    Back when I can.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning. Yes, it was a quiet weekend on the board. I checked a couple times yesterday and saw no one posting. That's one thing I love about my other board on Facebook, those ladies are very diligent and post everyday.

    Diane - I loved Utah and Colorado on our trip last year. We are planning on doing Colorado again next year as my back was so bad there and I really want to go kayaking and tubing there. The Farmer's Market was awesome there also. Glenn really enjoyed the pubs and breweries there. I will have to check out your Facebook page. Continue to enjoy your journey.

    I am off to the races. Izzy starts her dance camp this week so I am only working half days this week week for Monday and Tuesday. My son is seeing the Orthopedic doctor today for a bulging disk in his neck. OUCH.

    Have a great day.

    Quote: (Bert, where are you?) "The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has been before."
    —Albert Einstein

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. What a week! We had fabulous family time. We had Jillian and Cole all day Saturday as Greg and Carrie drove to St. Louis to buy a car. Then yesterday, we all went to Holiday World for Mike's company picnic. I rode two water rides with Greg and Jillian, and rode my last roller coaster. It was so rough, and I hadn't remembered it being so rough the last time I rode it (of course it was probably 25 years ago!). I really jerked my neck, so I'm hoping everything will be ok. The water rides were better. I said a "choice word" when we went down the first drop! Greg helped me get in and out of the innertubes. It wasn't pretty, but what the heck!

    I didn't have my Garmin on yesterday, but I'm sure I got over 12,000 steps in, so that's what I tracked. I definitely walked of what I ate!

    This week will be busy getting ready for the musical. The program is almost ready to be printed.

    Goal for the Day: Drink more water. What is your goal today?

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning. Bert, take care of your neck - do get in if needed. Sounds like a fun weekend.

    Diane, loved your picture dump of your trip. What an excellent adventure you're having.

    Karla, hope your son will get relief without surgery.

    Patti, what's in store for your Mom day tomorrow?

    Cindy, eager to hear about your Lucy expedition. Hope driving something that size becomes second nature quickly.

    Pretty good weekend here, raining today. Both cats to the vet this afternoon (separately). Bella isn't doing very well right now and I'm very concerned. It's their annual visit and a blood check for Bella. Wish us all luck.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hey y'all (channeling Suzi), got home a bit ago and will be going back after lunch with Mom and the girls on Wednsday. Mom and I will spend tomorrow catching up and reminiscing. The weekend was the best. No stress and no drama, just pure joy in sharing time with my family and friends and feeling blessed that they all come together nicely. We sat up until after 4am on Sunday, sitting on the porch singing. My nephew has a really nice portable speaker and we just all sang along to whatever was playing on pandora or YouTube. My nephew took requests and also played lots of random stuff. I cannot describe to you how full my heart felt just Listening to their voices. We had 3 kids 9-12 and they were very well behaved and fun to be with. We spent lots of time on the boat and in the water. Kept the food simple, except for the stuffed jalapeños and fried green tomatoes but they were requested. Burgers and dogs was the name of the game otherwise. Tending my friends flock of chickens and cats takes about an hour out of my day. Watering all the danged planters on her porch is another story! Have harvested green tomatoes, banana peppers and onions from the garden but only 9 eggs in 2 days out of 9 chickens. I think the neighbor's may have come and gotten them, which is fine by me. These are the folks we get all the free corn from. They are awesome neighbor's to my friend to boot and she is a nurse. One of the chickens was gone yesterday and I feared a coyote had gotten her but she was back and waiting at the proverbial henhouse door!

    Karla, sorry was trying to remember where we stayed when we came thru. We stayed on a reservoir in Zwole, LA but I think that is up north. The only other place we stayed was in Fairhope and I think that is just a stone's throw from you. We stayed at a gorgeous state park in Natchez. It was one of our favorite towns until they brought the gambling boats in. That pretty much killed the downtown and Natchez Under the Hill. Guess I am not very helpful in that area of the world.

    Diane, loving the travelogue. Thank you for taking the time to share. I know it takes a lot of time but something good to keep your hands busy when you are not out hiking or kayaking, et al. Bet you will see a loss at the end of this trip.

    Cindy, can't wait to hear about your Lucy trip.

    Janet, prays for sweet Theo and Bella. Hope they weren't too stressed.

    Bert, your week sounds awesome. I gave up roller coasters in my early 20s, I always detested them but as a kid you have to go along to get along. As soon as I no longer felt like that I quit riding, lol. Sorry if they were something you truly love. Hope your neck fine.

    On a post script: my garden is just confused and will be supplying me with fresh produce in November, lol. Nice and green but just now budding. Good thing I wasn't planning on living off the land this year
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Our musical opens Friday. We are starting to print the programs today. It's always a busy time right before opening night.

    Janet: Molly has a bad cough and is panting quite a bit. I took her to the vet last Wednesday. She seems to be doing a little better today. They put her on antibiotics and a cough pill. She has this at this time last summer when a huge storm came and we were without AC for 3 days. I think it might be allergy related as it's the same time of year. She sneezes every time I take her out.

    Patti: Your weekend sounds like a blast. It's so nice to be able to relax and do nothing but have fun. I think my neck is ok. I put a Salon Pas on it last night. I'm definitely giving up roller coasters.......I love riding them, but I think my body is more important. I'll stick to the wave pool and lazy river next year if Mike's work invites him. I'll also ride the Scrambler....I like that ride.

    Waving hi to Karla, Diane, and Cindy. Have a good day everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all -

    Patti, sounds like a perfect weekend. There's something about spontaneous singalongs that makes the heart happy. One Thanksgiving we ended up doing just that, and it was memorable. (That was the year I was xanaxed almost into oblivion after having a bad reaction to Augmentin - too zombified to help out, but grateful to be with my Thanksgiving family.)

    Bert, the vet said he's seen far more allergies than usual in cats this year. That may be part of what's going on with my two as well. Hope things go smoothly with the show. Good time of year for people to escape to a cool place for a show.

    Karla, is Izzy's dance camp an all-day thing? She must be happy and tired and very hungry afterward. How did your son's doc visit go? Hope his pain isn't too awful.

    Vet visits went OK. Theo is very healthy though he may have one bad tooth, which I'm watching. The vet was astounded at how cooperative he was with the oral exam. Bella is very fragile now, under five pounds. They took blood and urine, results today. She was also sweet as pie during the extraction of bodily fluids. I know that at 15 1/2, I am blessed to still have them both. One of my friends just adopted a kitten she helped rescue from under a building; her older cat is not exactly thrilled, but they'll work it out. Another friend who lost her dog this spring just adopted a German shepherd who was brought to the US from Lebanon - he had been chained to a bulldozer in Beirut, so he's skittish but sweet.

    Had a pretty good eating day yesterday. A piece of toast with some PB late morning, then James made guacamole. I put togetherer a stir-fry with stuff I had here - shrimp, sugar snap peas, water chestnuts, mushrooms, done with a little olive oil, soy and ginger. If I'd had a bit more time it would've been even better, but with a bit of rice it was tasty, filling and healthy. Onward!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hey ladies - The Official weigh in today was 187.2 at the clinic so that is 2.2 down from two weeks ago. We are going for a slower weight loss with a bit more carbs. I’m pleased and not starving myself. I met with Brandy, the physiologist. Sweet lady, she told me about some bagels that are one net carb from a company called Thin Slim Foods. They have cakes and cookies too, but one of the other clients had told her the bagels were really good. We also discussed the cauliflower pizzas and I told about the ones I had gotten and was surprised still higher in carbs than expected. She told me about another company called Real Foods which ad true cauliflower crust pizza with only 5 points on their pizzas. Plus they had low carb enchiladas! I’m going to the local grocery store and pick some up. The pizza I was getting was a company called CauliPower and we looked and they used brown rice flour with the cauliflower in the crust. Carbs were still lower than regular pizza, and tasted good, but I want to try these others too. I think the Thin Slim Foods you order online.

    Bert- I can’t do roller coasters or fast rides. I really think that’s what started my back issue last summer. I went on what was supposed to be a kiddie roller coaster but it jerked around the corners.

    Janet- Your stir fry sounds yummy to me!

    Patti- I thought it was a camp site you stayed in for that BMW rally you go to every year. Sorry. Another great river and cabin time for you.

    I’ve been trying to buff my wood floors and it isn’t happening. My cleaning ladies let the Nons polis build up and now my job to clear it. Ughhh.

    Let me go in store before I go back and pick Izzy up. She’s spending the night tonight.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    I found the pizzas and the burritos and forgot to say the pizzas also come in single size and both are high in protein. Always learning something new.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good evening, another great day with Mom. Taco Bell for lunch, followed by UDF Peach ice cream (simply the best) but less than a traditional sized scoop. When your mom brings you a bowl you don't say no, not that it actually entered my head, lol. She is going to lunch with the girls tomorrow. So excited, they adore her and have been begging her to join us. She asked me to arrange for a house cleaner to come every other week. They start next Thursday. She is so tickled and kicking herself for not doing it sooner. She plans to stay in her current apartment until.

    Karla, yeah on such a successful visit to the clinic and finding new options to support you. The rally we go to is in northern MS, about 2-3 hrs west of Birmingham and we stay on the guys property.

    Janet, I love stir fry and never take the time to make it. I skip the rice, but that is because I really don't care for rice, lol. My mom had a similar reaction to Augmentin. Nice to hear you had some funny memories to go with it.

    Bert, what is the musical this time, I think I missed that along the way. You certainly are a busy girl. Enjoy.

    Scrounging for dinner but will come up with something. Also need to check tomorrow's menu so I can help mom with her selection. She has difficulty readin in good light. I will give her some suggestions as we are driving there.
    Talk later, but not sure when. When I am at the cabin I go days without checking any of my online devices. So liberating but comforting to know my friends will be here when I do check in. You ladies mean the world to me
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm hoping to float in the pool today. Programs are being printed, I'm heading to the gym this morning, and household chores are done. It will be nice to actually float in the pool!

    Patti: We are doing Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. I've shared some videos on Facebook that someone has put together to adverstise. That way you can see some snips of what the show looks like. Everyone has worked so hard. I think the show will be fantastic. Below is a link to the musical.

    Janet: Molly is 11.....Brutus was 15.......Scamp was 16. I think she's doing a little better, so it is perhaps allergies. She's not sneezing as much when I take her out, so perhaps the medication is working better now. The vet has called twice to see how's she's doing . I appreciate it so much.

    Karla: Thanks for the information on the food companies. I'm always looking for ideas. I'll look in Fresh Thyme to see if they have those brands. We also have a local grocery that has unique things. I'll look there too. Congrats on your loss. I'm at a standstill once again; however, I'm not gaining which I'm happy with. I'd done with roller coasters, too. I love them, but need to protect my body.

    Waving hi to Diane and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    No Lucy trip. It will be at least a month before we can hit the road again.
    I have had two more curve balls since Friday- Jasper is back at Tufts with more spine issues- heart breaking and long story short not sure how it happened I was in the bathroom and he started screaming in pain- Vet thinks it just "popped" out. Hoping he's home on Friday. Very long week
    Then dermatologist office called I had to go back and get more scooped from my shoulder. First time I've had a recall and Dr showed me the report- it had the dreaded M word. He reassured me he got it all this time but he was concerned as the spot was .03 mm He said wicked small. ON top of the other craziness, work and everything I need my pup back to make things better- He's my Xanax. Needless to say my eating is terrible as I'm driving to Tufts every other day and McD's is the only option on the highway and I can't waste minutes looking for anything else. Its a 4 hour trip after a day of work.
    I can't wait for 2018 to be in the history books-
    My bright spot- all of you and my books and girls.
    Anyway- need to run- I'll be back when I can.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited July 2018
    Good morning ladies and happy Wednesday.

    Cindy- so sorry your cup runneth over, however, sounds like you have a responsible dermatologist and a very concerned veterinarian. You handle whatever curve ball life throws you with such grace, although to you, it may not seem so. Like you mentioned, your girls and books and us, your supporters, are always here for you. Always! For awhile there in 2016? when I was dealt a horrible family blow, I was bewildered and scared and even seeked therapy to get through it. Life does go on. Thank you for continuing to make us a part of your busy life.❤️❤️

    Bert - I am anxious to try these products as the protein on the enchiladas and pizza is 20 and 24 grams per serving and only 4 carbs! I will have one of them for lunch. Plus because cheese is low carb and so is salsa, I can add that to the enchilada!! Always trying to add yummy foods to keep me on plan. That’s why I love this clinic, they are so helpful and it’s only $80!a month to go there and the weigh ins hold me accountable too. I wish you could find one in your area because I’m sure they could help you shed that 20 pounds off. I just couldn’t do it on my own.

    Patti- You have as much joy with your Mom as I do with my Dad. I wish my Dad would allow me to hire a housekeeper but he won’t. But he doesn’t mind me doing it. It just needs it more than I am over there. I even have a classmate that cleans houses and he won’t let me hire her. We are planning a 90th Birthday celebration having all five of his children there in September. . It is going to be a surprise. I will go the day before and do my normal cleaning though, lol. Thanks for the tip on that antiques and chic show that is coming through here next month.

    I am planning a “Girls Day by the Pool at Karla’s” this Sunday from 1-4:30. It is just all us ladies bringing a summer salad, cocktails, a towel and floatie. We will have the music blaring and the laughter a plenty. I wish you all could be here. My backyard oasis is all a bloom and gorgeous!🏝🏝⛱⛱⛱

    I am working from home today as Izzy spent the night and kept me up too late! Lol life is good.

    Back to the computer!

    Have a wonderful day and take care of you.🙂🙏😎


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, my heart aches for all that you are going through. So wish I lived closer so I could be of some real help. Prayers for your sweet Jasper. There is nothing as loving in this whole world as a fur baby. I know you need him, especially now. I think there is a link between stress and medical issues, do take good care of yourself, not talking about eating because that sometimes cannot be controlled and will just cause you more stress. I know LR is your saving grace and grateful you have her! Just be extra careful on the road. Do you listen to audiobooks or music? I love the books, they seem to make the time go by faster. Big hugs!

    Karla, enjoy your pool party with the girls. It is amazing how many low carb foods are out there. We are blessed to live in a time when labels are on everything, nutritional info is available online for just about all food items and restaurants. Makes choosing the right stuff so much easier. The roadblocks to success are mental, fo me anyway.

    Bert, thanks for the link going to check it out once I post this. Enjoy your peaceful float time.

    So looking forward to lunch with the girls and mom. Then have to hit Costco or Fresh Thyme for some cod. I have been grilling the whole fillets with some lime, garlic, pepper seasoning and then basting with garlic butter at the end. It is so luscious and delish. Each flake of fish is like a scallop. Oh my, I must be hungry, lol. The beauty of grilling fish is dinner is done in a flash. It takes longer to heat the grill than it does to cook the fish. I was told yesterday not to bring any food when I return. A very good friend is at the cabins for the rest of the week, she is a fabulous cook and has brought everything for all six of us. She did agree to letting me fix the fish and some fried green tomatoes, not for the same meal, lol.

    Wishing you all some sunshine in your hearts and in your days
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- Have a great lunch with your yayas and Mom. I don’t even feel restricted on this plan. I bought some almond flour and am going to bake a Keto cake or muffins today. You just have to get that mental block to pick the foods that slim your body. I am determined to get in the 160’s. I’m going to do it by eating great foods though!! Lol. Have a wonderful day as you usually do.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm heading to church this morning to help with ticket sales and then I'm off to the gym for a PT session. I'm planning to float in the pool this afternoon as well.

    Cindy: So sorry about Jasper. Pets are so wonderful and provide us much comfort.

    Karla: I bought the cauliflower crust pizza yesterday at the store. I'm going to try it for lunch; 6 points for 1/2 pizza. I also found mushroom risotta (Amy's is the brand) It has quite a bit of carbs, but the points are pretty good.

    Patti: Your cod sounds delicious.

    Waving hi to Janet and Diane. Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, everyone. Errands and manicure ahead, but getting a slow start this morning - my body just wants a bit more rest.

    Cindy, sweet Jasper has been through so much already, but doxies are plucky critters. I know he will be appropriately babied and hope he bounces back quickly. Hug him and pet his soft ears and kiss his little head for me How is Jasper reacting to restrictions, and how is Griffin coping with having his buddy laid up again?

    Bert, "Dreamcoat" is such a delightful show. I remember when the album first came out - just about wore it out. And I can still name the sons of Jacob, in chronological order. Perfect family fare for a summer's evening. Enjoy your float this afternoon. Wish I had access to a pool, preferably on Blind People's Day.

    Karla, what is Izzy doing in dance camp? Will there be a recital at the end? Having a surprise party for your dad's birthday with all five of you will be an unforgettable experience for everyone.

    Waving hi to Diane and Patti.

    My eating this week has been medium to OK. No real meals yesterday - was out, James grabbed food on the road so I snacked on cheese, a few crackers, carrots, hummus and popcorn. Guess I was in the mood for crunch. Gonna shower and try to wake myself up now. Have a great day!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    This is the company and pizza I was talking about. The crust is made with chicken and Parmesan cheese. I liked the enchilada I had yesterday . The protein is awesome.

    Doing well but my back is giving me fits. I worked in the back on my plumerias and on my wood floors last Sunday and it’s been bad since. I have a brace support on.

    Bert- I love having you on the other site.

    Patti- Judy says she hardly gets hungry on the Keto diet and loves this egg custard recipe from a book she got on Amazon.

    At work so got to run.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Karla: I’ll have to see if I can find that brand. I could always order online if I can’t find it in the stores. It sounds like something I would like.