OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Mike is heading to Chicago today with Greg and Greg and Dan's dad and will meet Dan and Dylan tonight for the Cubs game. They are taking the train. Tom actually invited Mike which I thought was a very nice gesture. He said that Mike should have gone all along as he has been part of their lives for a very long time. I'm happy that Mike is going. It will be a fun time for all the guys in the family.

    We sold 392 tickets this past weekend for Joseph. One more weekend to go.

    Patti: You had a full day! Happy Birthday to Edd.

    Diane: Your trip sounds fantastic. I've never been to Glacier National Park. So happy you are having fun. I agree with you about limiting carbs and not totally cutting them out. I know it works for people; however, I need to figure out what works for me. (I'm still working on that; however, I know I need a balance of things and really need to focus on portion control.)

    Karla: I cleaned my pool yesterday and also floated. The water was chilly (I like it more on the cool side anyway) due to rain and cooler temperatures. It's very relaxing to float in the water. It's on my agenda for today, too.

    Waving hi to Janet and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All,
    Life is settling into a new routine and Jasper is on strict crate or lap rest for a month. Thursday a return trip to Tufts for suture removal and neurology test- I think he's getting stronger every day and being home helps, at least for me :)
    I had the first decent day for food in a couple of weeks- I only ate 2 oreos and one very small peanut butter cup. I caved and bought a bag after going to every store in town looking for gold bond powder for Jasper's belly to make sure he doesn't get urine scalding if his bladder leaks while we're at work- I was so upset I wanted to cry but couldn't in the store so hence reeces' to the rescue.
    I'm still writing book 3 not as many words as I'd like -
    I've read all your posts and everyone sounds good. I'll catch up with personals later.
    Janet I do agree we each need to find our own path. :)
    We are all doing what we need for our future.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening ladies. Another quiet evening with my sweetheart. No grandkis! No,
    I miss them, but it is quiet. We grilled thick steaks tonight, yum.

    Cindy- I know you are struggling to hang on through your stress so don't sweat the candy to get you through. You are a very wise woman. We all need comfort! Jasper feels your love and will pull through for you, I'm sure of it! Hugs to you.

    Bert - What many people are doing, me included, are combining different elements of plans to fit their needs. I'm going to make some donuts this weekend for my grandkids with the almond flour that is just a healthy way of eating. Yes, it is Keto recipe but this doesn't mean I am totally on the keto plan. Lol. My friend Lisa that is on the Facebook page you joined? She read an article where a lady combined weight watchers and keto and lost weight.

    I talked to Jodi the other day, whom is Suzi's cousin that lives in Mobile. She said Suzi was here in town and they looked me up to get together and saw I was out of town. Today I saw Suzi posted a picture of her in an Unna boot on her foot! Someone had asked about her.I

    Two of my girlfriend's are taking a camper to Foley, 40 minutes away, for a week, in a RV. Park that has a water park in it with a lazy river. Izzy and I are going over for a day trip. Fun!

    Well I better run,

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Third attempt. MFP keeps closing while I am typing, probably my internet or iPod is to blame.
    I have read all and tried to do personals but I think I will keep it short this time.

    Birthday celebration for Edd, nothing fancy, was well enjoyed by us both especially since Mike joined us. Took leftover tenderloin to share with Mom for lunch and made fried green tomatoes, her favorite. Returned to TRX after 3 weeks and I survived. It was a very quick and intense workout and it felt great.

    Cindy, so glad the daily treks are over and you have your sweet Jasper home. We have all had our "Reese's moments". Sounds like you minimized the damage and have forgiven yourself.

    Diane, so loving all the pics. How special that your family is coming, Elise will forget her travel once she sees grandma.

    Karla, your pool party sounds like fun.

    Bert, hope this weekend for Dreamcoat will be every bit as successful

    Janet, have you been golfing any more? I know you have been enjoying the rain and cooler temps.

    Returning to work tomorrow after lunch with the girls.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning All,
    Quick stop before the day gets going. Jasper is having the dowsie opps, side effect of the meds. I've sent another email to the vet at Tufts- which she said was the best way to contact her, this is the 3rd since we've been home and still nothing. I've called out there 3 times too. I'm about to get my bi***y on. Just freaking RUDE.
    I do have our local vet I've talked with every day which does help but since they wanted to see us tomorrow afternoon, and I need to take the time off I'd like to have it confirmed which is still up in the air.
    Life is SO much stress right now.
    And I have no fruit for breakfast for the second day in a row. I forgot to buy it when I was there last night. A friend at work reminded me that I'm way to bubbly and to let go of some of what is happening and reduce the stress. I'm trying.
    And it is wicked hot and humid here so the AC is running to keep the pups comfy.
    Alright- again, sorry to vent.
    Patti- technology can be iffy, but what did we do before it? I know one thing we wouldn't have met and that would be a huge lose for us all.
    Karla- enjoy the RV park- maybe you'll get the bug and Glenn and you will be shopping for a rig.
    Janet- when does your weather become nice again?
    Bert- hope the show has continued success
    Diane- the pictures you're posting are stunning.
    Alright then- need to run
    See you again,
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I got a lot of weeding done yesterday morning. I'm back at it this morning as well. I have the other half of the house to complete. I'm also planning to float at some point today. Tomorrow I'm having lunch with my BFF and we will also go to see Mama Mia 2. I'm looking forward to it.

    Eating yesterday was good. I also did well with water intake.

    Karla: I agree. We all need to find what works for us. I watch carbs and proteins, but also eat dairy which is higher in points for WW. I like it that eggs are 0 points. Light Greek yogurt is only 2 points, but cheese is high; however, it's low in carbs. After all these years, I'm still trying to figure out what works for me. My initial 50 lb weight loss was on the old WW system where you had to get in the 8 healthy guidelines. Plus I was younger then, too. My metabolism has definitely changed, so I have to figure it out all over again. Have fun at the water park.

    Waving hi to Patti, Janet, Diane, and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all.

    Patti, sounds like Edd had a terrific birthday celebration - good foods, good friends, loving wife. Good life for a truly good guy.

    Karla, nice that you had a quiet house for a change. You and Glenn need time as a couple.

    Cindy, big, gentle hugs to Jasper. Poor pup is so sweet and I'm betting when you are home, it's a lot more lap than crate. Dismaying that Tufts hasn't gotten back to you - please keep us posted!

    Diane, loving your pics - taking a vicarious top with you, John and Charly4.

    Bert, how lovely to have the show going so well. Makes me happy that you're making time to float in the pool, and cooler water in these hot days is a beautiful thing. The Cubs game sounds fun for the guys - about time. Taking the train is the perfect way to get to Wrigley. Go Cubbies!

    Accompanied James to the golf course yesterday - we both drink tons of water while we're out in this weather. He played pretty well and we had a good time. Nice healthy dinner last night - grilled tomatoes, salmon, a bit of rice and lots of fruit. I did have a small scoop of ice cream after, and he just kept eating everything in sight - more fruit, more ice cream, candy. Must be nice to have a metabolism!

    Was awakened by a wrong number way too early today. My cleaner is scheduled to come and I hope she can make it. I have lots to do around here and lists to mae for Trader Joe's and Walmart. My tiny Bella is doing OK and as long as we can manage her medical issues, we will. She is the sweetest animal I've ever had.

    Have a good day, everyone - may it include at least one full-out belly laugh and a hug or three.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, huge hugs for you, gentle ones for Jasper and a big swift kick in the behind to Tufts! I do hope you have a way to truly let go of all your stress. Are you still seeing your therapist? You vent, rant, rave or whatever you need to do here. Safest place on earth. We love you.

    Janet, I am happy to hear you were out golfing with James. I know you make the game even more enjoyable for him. So unfair to live with someone who has a metabolism! Kiss Bella for me. You are the best Mommy.

    Bert, I want to see Mama Mia, do let us know if you like it. Enjoy your BFF time. So nice that all the "boys" were together for the game. Blending families is delicate but the children and grandchildren will reap the benefits of adults playing nice. We always say that once you are part of the Kells clan you never leave it. Our family events are filled with exes, lol.

    Time for lunch
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I can't pull another weed! I need a break for awhile. I probably won't be able to work in the gardens again until we get back from Lindsey's house anyways which is fine with me!

    The guys had a great time and they all said, "Let's do this again next year" when Mike got out of the car last night. Mike said that he and Tom had great conversations. We all get along at birthday parties and other family events, so it's a win win for all.

    Eating was pretty good yesterday ( I did have dessert though). Water intake was good too.

    Janet: Mike is the same way. He eats what he wants and doesn't seem to gain anything.

    Patti: I'll let you know about Mama Mia....I've heard it's good.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, it is so nice to hear that the guy outing went so well and there are plans for next year. Enjoy your day and can't wait to hear about Mama Mia. I loved the original movie and had take my daughter to the stage show before the movie came out.

    Today is a great news day for me. My sister got her reports from the CT scan of her lungs, nothing to biopsy, lymph nodes no longer enlarged and she will have a repeat CT scan in 3 months. She is oxygen for life but is ok with that. My friend, who had the heart attack, got released to go back to work and no longer has to wear the life vest. His ejection fraction (amount of blood the heart pumps) is 40-45%. It was barely 30% when he was released from the hospital. Hopefully with good care that will get even better. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.
    First day back at work was busy and brutally hot. I can tolerate the busy but the heat is something else. Wish they would fix the a/c but that is not likely to happen. No big plans for today but will find something to keep me busy until time for the gym.

    I pray everyone's day is as filled with blessings as mine is today.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, what tremendous news about two people you love. Thanks for sharing that with us.

    Bert, glad the guys got on so well. It's sweet when adults act like adults and look out for the kids and grandkids.

    Cindy, how is Jasper doing today, and did the Tufts people deign to get back to you?

    Home from running a few errands - unexciting but necessary. Might try a little nap in a bit. The weather and my sinuses are not friends. See y'all tomorrow!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello ladies. I’m tired. By Thursday I am pretty much wore out. I pick up my Izzy and she brightened my mood. I’m off tomorrow and Izzy and I want to do something fun. My weight is teetering slowly down, very slowly, I am only down a half a pound in a week and a half. Is anyone else losing?

    Bert- I know you said your weight was at a standstill. Do you like the ladies on my other board? I love the way Ellen starts us up and helps us focus with a topic and also how she analyzes her previous day. She’s a sweetheart.

    Patti- Great news on your sister and heart attack friend. That is what my mother had, a low ejection rate. They would have to close Joanne’s here if the air conditioner went out, we are in the mid 90’s everyday. Did your Mom get the cleaning service started?

    Janet- You just sound miserable in this weather. How is your sweet kitty? My Sophie is still a bundle of Shih Zhu energy.

    I’m laying on the couch taking it easy. Izzy and I may take swim this evening after it cools off some.

    Take care,


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. This morning, I'll be weeding another flower garden and then will run errands before I need to get to church this afternoon. Mama Mia was fantastic! There were some tender moments in it. It was really good.....definitely worth seeing.

    Karla: I do like the ladies, but don't know them as well as I do this wonderful group. I'm not losing. That's the frustrating part. I go up and down the same 2 lbs like a yo yo.

    Patti: Great news about your sister and your friend!

    Janet: Hope your sinuses are better. Mine have been acting up as well. I take Claritin at night and Flonase in the morning. My eyes are still watering! Go figure!

    Waving hi to Diane and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    quick stop before I go to bed. dinner with our friends was wonderful and he looks good. tomorrow will be a work around the cabin day. our boat won't start.

    Bert, you may want to try a different nasal spray like rhinocort. The active ingredient in each is different (all microdoses of steroids) but a different formulation may work better for you. Just a thought

    night all
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Just a quick check in before bed. They are here! Today was grueling. They left home at 4:15 EDT this morning, landed at 10:30 am PDT (so 9 hours later) then we drove for 8 hours! Elise was a little angel. She never fussed on the airplane and only when she was trying to fall asleep in Charly for a few minutes. We thought she was out for the night in her car seat about two hours before we got here, but she woke up and ate dinner and was looking around and pointing at things and having fun. Put her to bed about 9 MDT (yes it’s confusing) so I think her day was about 18 hours long.

    She has gotten so big! She says mama and dada and mo (more for food) and nunny (for bunny).

    More and pictures tomorrow.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It was almost a sell out last night. I'm so ready for this to be over.....The musical is great; however, I'm ready to stop selling tickets and dealing with programs. Also had a run in with the person in charge because I didn't "do it right" with the table cloths. I told her I was just trying to help and walked away. She has to micromanage everything and it doesn't sit well with me. OK enough venting.

    Diane: An 18 hour day would be grueling for anyone! I'm glad everyone is there.....making memories.

    Patti: I'll look into rhinocort. I don't know what's in the air that aggravates my sinuses. My eyes are watering as I'm typing.

    Waving hi to Janet, Karla, and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited July 2018
    Good evening ladies. Wonderful baby shower today where I ate way too much yummy food.

    Diane- You are so correct, Elise is getting really big and so cute with her blonde hair coming in nice and thick. Is that snow up in those mountains? What beautiful scenery you have there. I loved traveling through and staying in Colorado and Utah. It was breathtaking.

    I did a little sewing today and rearranged some things in my sewing toom. Tomorrow I want to see on my two new machines. I don’t know if I mentioned I had bought an older model, probably 1960, early 70’s, model Singer, it’s metal and Aqua, in wonderful shape and in a wooden cabinet, at an Estate sale a couple weeks ago. You ladies are always talking what work horses your older model machines are, and I believe this is one of those. The other machine is the Brother computerized embroidery machine I bought last fall and have yet to use!

    Izzy and I had a lovely day at Pete’s Party Castle with one of her dance mates on Friday. She went to the shower with me today and had a great time as there were other kids there too.

    I’m thinking of going to Panama City next week with Izzy as we haven’t made it all summer and she starts back to school on August 6.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is the last day! I'm ready for it! Tonight will be getting things ready to leave in the morning. What a whirlwind.

    Diane: Cute pictures! Making memories!

    Karla: Have fun with Izzy. Greg starts Aug. 7 and Jillian and Cole start Aug. 8. Carrie goes back earlier than that. Annie, Dylan, and Penny start around that time too.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited July 2018
    Bert- Can the pastor say something to the controlling lady that upset you on Frday? meant to ask yesterday. It's sad it has aggravated you to the point of not wanting to help anymore after you do so much. Yes, the summer just went by too fast!!

    Preparing Glenn some breakfast, starting his laundry and then to my sewing room.

    Have a great day.
