OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    good morning, rain is now done and the sun is peaking through. Lunch with my gf, hair and work on tap for today. Yesterday was a really good one. Mom got a cute haircut, then we went to Bob Evans for lunch. I got a wonderful salad with grilled chicken, cranberries and pecans. Mom loves their turkey dinner and thoroughly enjoyed it. TRX was cancelled because the trainer was ill. I made bacon wrapped chicken thighs that had a nice sweet and salty marinade that had soya brown sugar, honey, garlic, red pepper flakes and lime. Accompanied by some "sweet as candy" corn. Spent the rest of the evening deconstructing the seat cushions for my DILs outdoor furniture. Today my youngest grandchild turns 22! How is this possible. She has turned into a fine young woman that I am very proud of.

    No time for personals as I need to get it together and run!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is sunny and the humidity is to be lower. I'm going to lunch with my BFF today and then will get in the pool at some point today. Eating was ok, but I indulged in dessert with my teacher friends yesterday.

    I need to call the foot doctor. I'm having tingling on the bottom of both feet and then pain around the heel and ankles. I think it's Plantar Fascitis that has gotten worse. I don't know what can be done about it, but I need to get it looked at. They definitely ache in the evenings and wake me up at night.

    Jillian and Cole had great first days. Cole's favorite part of the day was lunch and recess! :D

    Patti: Your chicken sounds delicious. I might have to try that. Did you bake it?

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    I had a good and bad day yesterday. Lunch with my gf and her hubby at a local Mexican favorite was good and my choices were good. We have a local department store that is going out of business, this part is bad as it has been a staple in our community, good part was I scored big. Leggings, workout capris, a summer dress in my favorite color of coral, a really cute workout top and a pink sweatshirt with mesh shoulders which will look boss with the leggings this fall, all for $50 and that included tax. Hair is getting back to a length and style I like. Pixie cut was way too short but I had to try. Why don't I end up looking like the girl in the pictures I bring in, lol? Got to work and realized I had not brought something to eat or any water to drink. Edd to the rescue. He brought me a huge cup with ice and a 2L bottle of water plus a Sargentos Balanced Break. We were seriously understaffed. One of the cashiers quit on Tuesday and they did not get anyone to fill her shift. They forgot to schedule a manager and there was a huge sale set. On top of that they started anew girl last night who did not have computer access however she was a trouper and put most of the fabric away. I felt bad that I didn't have time to do any training but she took it well and agreed that learning where the fabric goes was training. The best part of all that is the manager I worked with last week that was so lazy was scheduled as a cashier last night. She ended up having to do manager duties and cashier because we were super busy. It is her job to do the sale set and she actually forgot all about it until closing at 9. She has to stay until it is all done. The rest of us left at 10. If it had been any other manager I would have stayed to help. Karma at it's very best.

    Bert, the recipe is from Pinterest. Look for bacon wrapped honey ginger chicken. It was marinaded, then seared until the bacon started to crisp and then baked. My one mistake was crowding the pan when I baked them, I should have used 2 cast iron skillets instead of one but it was still great. Enjoy your float time.

    Dinner with Susie tonight. Hoping to get the cushions recovered for my DIL today. Since my son and DIL are not coming to the river this weekend I am going to surprise them and recover the dining room chairs. That will take no time at all as my neighbor has an air stapler.

    Blessings to all
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. This morning will be spent weeding flower gardens again. They seem to multiply! I don't know how long I'll last weeding, but I'll do my best. My cleaner comes this afternoon.

    I got an appointment for my foot next week. Hopefully, I can find out what's causing the problem.

    Patti: Your day sounded great. What a nice thing for Edd to do to bring you something to eat. I'm glad the lazy manager had to stay until all was done. Maybe that will help put things in perspective for her. Good luck with the cushions.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and Happy Friday!! I’m so happy to be off today. I have a list of fun things to do today. First to kiss Izzy and drop her off at school and go back to a huge estate asale I went to yesterday. Izzy was with me so I couldn’t really look and the place was packed with people. It had collectibles galore.

    Patti- Sounds like you scored some great clothes at the store closing. You are a jewel to your family with your upholstery skills.

    Janet- How is James feeling?

    Bert- My right foot is bothering me too and I have been icing it and was supposed to have an Unna boot applied yesterday but had to leave before they put it on.

    I have found a nice camper I want Glenn and I to go look at this weekend. I hope I can sweet talk him into it. Very well kept under a poke barn, bunkhouse with super slide. Wish me luck.

    Have a great day.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Almost forgot to stop in. We are leaving in just a few for the cabin. Lovely dinner with Susie that lasted several hours. Got cushions cut out and taking with me in case it rains or I just feel like sewing. I think it will just be me and Edd and the neighbor's this weekend. I will definitely get the dining room chairs covered. Mike and Pam will be so surprised!

    Bert, glad you have dr appt for your foot pain. Feet need our best care! I was told the worst thing for plantar fasciitis was flip flops. My doc said bare feet was better but wearing supportive shoes was best. Hope you get relief.

    Uh oh, bus is leaving and I need to get on board
    Back when I can
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is my seminar at St. Mary's. I will meet my student teacher and hopefully will be able to schedule visits with her. It's very humid this morning. I'm planning to get a flower bed weeded before I get ready to head to seminar. Mike is playing golf this afternoon. He's looking forward to that. Tonight, I'm making stuffed peppers. Mike doesn't like them, but I do, so I'll freeze the leftovers into single portions.

    Patti: I'm hoping the doctor can diagnose my problem. I know that flip flops aren't the best to wear, and I don't wear them every day. They are quick to put on when I take Molly for a walk. I switch up by wearing tennis shoes, Skechers, and Vionic flip flops. I've had trouble in the past, but this time is the worst. I'm hoping to get a good pair of inserts that will help. Good luck your cushions. It's great that you have the talent to do it.

    Karla: Hope your shopping trip was a good one for you.

    Waving hi to Janet, Diane, and CIndy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Happy weekend, ladies.

    Bert, saw the photo of your mom. I see her in you - she sounds like a terrific lady.

    Patti, may the weather be fair and the company excellent.

    Karla, keep us posted on the camper hunt.

    Cindy, read your lovely post about Jasper. He is the luckiest pup to have you.

    Diane, loving the depth and breadth of your adventure.

    Not a lot is new here. James took me with him to the golf course yesterday - he is feeling a bit better, but not all the way yet. It was fun, and we bailed on the last few holes because it was just too hot & humid. Watched football last night and ate Asian food we picked up on the way home. Another pretty good day in the books for me. We may go to a movie later (he's on the golf course now - one very near home).

    Wishing everyone a happy day.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Seminar was ok. I think my student teacher is going to be great. I saw my one student teacher whom I was to have this semester and she said she was going to miss me and was sad that she was assigned to another staff member. That made me feel good. My Cubs lost big yesterday. It wasn't fun to watch, so I changed channels. Hopefully they will do better today.

    Janet: I love to drive the cart on the golf course. It's been very humid here, so it's difficult for me to be outside for an extended amount of time. Hope you got to see a movie.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Glenn and I had a lovely day yesterday. We dropped JJ off at my son's and picked my brother up and met Monica and Steve at Walk On's, a new Drew Bree's restaurant that just opened. It was AWESOME. We sat in the bar and it even had a 4 tap setup at your table where you poured your own beers! The guys loved that. The food was awesome as it was New Orleans style of course. I had Voodoo Shrimp and Glenn had Crawfish EtooWays. LOL. We were all pleased and laughed til our jaws hurt.

    Bert - Glenn finished my last flowerbed for me this morning and we are watering with the sprinkler this morning as we have had no rain the last few days, and it has been HOT.

    Janet - Sounds like a lovely day with James. Did you see a movie? I can't wait to go see the fourth making of A Star is Born. I just read an article on it this morning. Both Kris Kristospherson and Barbra Streisand visited the set while it was being filmed. Plus, Sam Elliot plays is brother in it! LOL. Glenn is already watching Football too. My brother Kevin is in a fantasy football league at his work that is starting. He seems to be really adjusting to the area.

    I'm excited for today. Five of us are getting together and going to the Ruby Slipper downtown Mobile for lunch before we go to the play,Mamma Mia!! It is my favorite theatre, the Joe Jefferson Playhouse. The Ruby Slipper is also a new restaurant out of New Orleans. LOL. They have the best Mimosa's there!

    I'm on a decluttering binge again. Yesterday I reorganized my book /china case in my bedroom and this morning I am pulling everything out of my closet again. I am so excited to have a second house in my back yard to thin out some furniture and kitchen items. LOL. Sad, but true, that I had to build a house I have so much stuff in my first house huh? LOL.

    Have a great Sunday.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning for Monday. The play was fantastic!! We laughed so hard!! It was funny as well as we sang along to the wonderful ABBA songs. This theatre group never lets you down. It was a great day with girlfriends.

    I paid for the walking with my bad foot when I returned home. I got off it immediately and iced it down. I am putting myself on the schedule today to be sure and get it attended to. I have the custom inserts sitting on my desk, but he said last week he wanted me to ice it and be in an Unna boot for a while before he fitted the inserts for me.

    Bert- I am glad you are getting to know Ellen and Stephanie on the other site. They are all like us, trying to stay active and control their eating! Good luck with your podiatry appointment for Wednesday!

    I’m icing my foot now before I stroll into the office. I will only stay a few hours and come home and do some knitting. The office is now a dream come true with these two ladies. Brenda and Joyce are now both hired and doing well. KNOCK on wood!!

    Have a great day everyone. Plan it, live it and enjoy every minute. Thank you all for your prayers on Glenn’s cousin. The funeral was Friday and we sent a big gift basket of fruit and nuts and snacks, plus went in with other family on flowers. So shocked still.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is a beautiful sunny day. I'm finally going to the gym this morning as I haven't been in so long. I got activity points for weeding! :open_mouth: Then I'm shopping for Jillian's birthday. She will be 8 on Friday. I think I'm going to pick her and Cole up from school and will have a birthday cake waiting for her. Her party isn't until the 24th, but I want to give her her present on her actual birthday. Sunday, I'm heading to Chicago to watch Dylan and Penny as Annie starts school on the 20th and they don't start until the 23rd.

    Karla: What's an Unna boot? I'm so hoping my podiatrist will figure out what's wrong with my feet.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Bert - An Unna boot is actually a procedure where they warp your foot and ankle in a medicated bandage and sscure your foot in a boot that straps on up to just below the knee. At least in our office is how they do it.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Posted last night but it got wiped out. Had a very productive weekend. It rained for most of it so that helped. Got Pams dining room chairs and her new outdoor love seat cushions all recovered and looking lovely. She will be so surprised next weekend. I made the Italian pot roast with the sweetest corn on the cob and roasted green beans with garlic chips to go with it for dinner Saturday and then we had the leftover beef with sautéed mushrooms, onions and peppers and cheese rolled up in low carb tortillas for lunch on Sunday. We e also got some organization done.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Happy new week. Quiet but pleasant weekend here. We drove to a nearby park at 2 AM and spent an hour watching for Persied meteors - saw maybe a dozen. It was fun, but I'm sleep-deprived. Went to rheumatologist this morning - we will tweak meds a bit if blodwork looks OK - love my doc.

    Eating was decent over the weekend. Tried my new air fryer and made chicken thighs, which were tasty - juicy inside, crisp outside.

    Not much else to report - just wanted to say hello and wish everyone a week of success and joy.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    splitting up my posts to make sure I don't lose another one. My ipad is really not working well on this site. today I had lunch with the girls. We hit IKEA first and picked up a few things. They have the best plastic food storage bags in 6 different sizes! I ordered 5 dozen ears of corn to freeze. Only $3.75/dozen of super sweet corn. Tomorrow Mom has eye appointment for her shot. then Thursday I am going to pick up my corn and help my gf do some painting at her house. some time this week I have to can some banana peppers and make more jam from the mound of jalapenos I just got from my friend at the cabin.

    Need to start thinking about going to work, yuck
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Mike is working today, tomorrow, and Friday. I'll get some things done around the house and also head to the gym at some point. I went yesterday, and it felt good to get in exercise other than painting and pulling weeds! I'm actually looking forward to going to the podiatrist tomorrow!

    I got a new phone yesterday as mine contstantly needed charging. I'm learning how to use the new features. I stuck with an iphone as that is what I'm familiar with. Dan can show me new things about it when I'm in Chicago next week.

    Friday, I'm picking up Jillian and Cole from school as Friday is her birthday. She will be 8. Her party isn't until the 24th, so I want to give her her gift on her actual birthday. Another toy! I'm hoping they will get rid of something she doesn't play with in order to make room. Not my call though.

    Patti: Your dinner and lunch sounds delicious. I'm going to make Italian Beef for dinner tonight. You definitely had a productive weekend.

    Janet: It sounds like you have a great doctor. Hope you get some relief.

    Karla: Good luck with your boot. Hope it helps you.

    Waving hi to Diane and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    good morning, just lost another post on my ipad, so annoying! worked with the same lazy manager last night but it seems her talk with the store manager did some good. The manager last night was keepun tabs on her and made sure she wasn't leaving her post. Mom is not feeling well so eye appointment rescheduled to next Thursday. I will be making some jam today.

    Bert, hope you get some answers and pain relieving treatment. I have suffered with foot pain most of my life and am always grateful for a day without it. I hope Jillian finds a toy to donate. I think when you start that tradition early they get more joy out of giving. enjoy your trip and your new phone.

    My air fryer died and it is only 70 days old! They are supposedly only warrantied for 60 days. I live chatted with customer service and they will replace it. Now just need to find a box big enough to hold it. I just threw out the original box over the weekend, of course!

    Diane, thoroughly enjoyed your pics on Facebook, especially love all your comments. I will probably never see some of those places because we don't hike, lol. stay safe out there

    Cindy, always thinking and worying about you. Stop by when you can. praying for Jasper and you every day.

    hi to all
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    Me tonight, icing this darn foot. Steroid shots tomorrow. Fun, fun.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, take it easy. Hope the wrap and shots work quickly and for good! When your feet hurt, life is just a lot less fun. Take care = glad you have a retired Glenn to help out!

    Patti, hope your mom bounces back quickly. Bummer n the air fryer - you'd think that so few days out of warranty, they'll do the right thing. Corn has been really good this year - got some at my local farm stand last week.

    Bert, enjoy the new phone. Hope the podiatrist has suggestions that will help immediately. We can all relate, but the travails of aging sure beat the alternative!

    Diane, loved the last couple batches of photos. We live in such a beautiful country - I hope to do a big road trip sometime and see more national parks.

    Cindy, hang in there. Hope Jasper improves day by day until he can wiggle all over and do what doxies do.

    Not much new here. I'll have a pretty quiet day doing things around here while James golfs with a buddy. I've been watching old movies a lot this summer - yesterday was "The Big Chill" and "Charade." So I'll let the day unfold as it will.

    Wishing you all a day with at least one pleasant surprise.