OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All,
    Saturday was a great day and Sunday Rick and his son drove to the Pocono Raceway so I had the day to myself. Felt wonderful to relax, sit with the puppies edit away and watched a couple of DVR movies. I even ate pretty good.
    You've all be so busy and sounds like you're doing great on your personal plans. Kudos.
    Karla- sorry about your foot. I hope its better soon.
    Bert- I don't wear Birkenstocks, just clogs.
    Janet- 2 inches of rain- whoa. How are the kitties doing?
    Diane- nice to hear you're having a blast. I'm so sorry about your mom. Big hugs

    I'll get the details about Cincinnati shortly- it is a huge book signing event. So I pray I do well. It was very expensive to get in but I hear the exposure is worth every penny. I pray that's true.
    Need to get busy- but I'll drop by again.
    Jasper says thanks for the puppy hugs and prayers-he wagged his tail at the mid point this morning- huge step.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, your weekend sounds like it restored you a bit. Hope you get more days like that.

    Gotta run but thought I would reshare a quote from Diane's WW leader that really struck a chord with me today: Comparison is the thief of joy.

    We all have our story to tell, each one is important in itself. Every struggle is real and personal. Every solution to our struggles is different for each of us. This is not a cookie cutter world, so we must find what works for our body and mind. So celebrate the joy that is YOU!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Going to try a post while driving. Will do this in short spurts so I don’t lose too much.

    Thanks for the thoughts and prayers for mom. She is in the acute stay rehab at her retirement complex, and insurance is paying for it. Yay! They will cover 20 days at least, before her long term care insurance even needs to start kicking in. She is getting PT and OT five days a week, and hopefully will get some rest that she couldn’t get in the hospital. She is very, very weak, so I really hope rest and PT get her back to some semblance of her self. My brother, SIL and sister have really stepped up and I keep telling them how much I appreciate it.

    We spent the last week on the Olympic peninsula, which is shrouded in wildfire smoke. We had friends from Seattle come camp with us for the weekend, and we kept our hiking to low altitudes, waterfalls and forests, to stay out of the smoke as much as possible. Now headed into Oregon and we shall see what it is like there. We have a little over a week before our Yosemite reservations, then will leave the west and hopefully get away from the fires.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Patti, nice quote! I didn’t even register that one, because I was focused on her message of changing our habits, both physical and mental. I need to think of myself as active and healthy, rather than overweight and slow. I think this enforced time away from the scale is good! (Although I retried on shorts in a size smaller today and they didn’t fit🤨).
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Cindy, so glad Jasper is improving under your loving care. Sounds like a great weekend to alleviate some of the job stress.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla it seems like trying some of these new products has really reenergized you! Sometimes I think we all need a shakeup frequently to get us excited again.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Bert I saw the birthday pictures on FB. How darling, hope you are having a great visit.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Janet, hope your quiet day was relaxing!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - Diane, glad your mom is getting excellent care and therapy. And thank goodness the family nearby have all stepped up to help. The fires out west are frightening - at some point, the impact of the smoke will touch us all in some way as it's carried east.

    Cindy, big grin when I read about Jasper's little tail wagging. A peaceful weekend was just the thing for you.

    Karla, how's the foot doing? Is that wrap something that stays on for a time, or do you remove and replace it?

    Bert, hope the kids are being adorable and you're all having fun.

    Patti and I had another lively lunch today - we both had the Asian chicken salad at Cheesecake Factory and both had some to bring home. James finished it off with last night's leftovers. I'm not very hungry so will have something light later. I'm getting more consistently conscious and hope behavioral consistency will soon follow. Time to get bone-serous again and do the best I can.

    Wishing everyone a good week in every way.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited August 2018
    Good morning ladies. Happy Tuesday with whatever JOY you have uniquely for you.

    Diane- So good to read your updates. So glad your mother is in an excellent care situation and being covered by insurance. So very sad about the continued fires in California and the smoke across the States. Wasn’t Yosemite closed for a bit due to this? I know you are having such a great time and deservedly so.
    My foot received steroid injections yesterday for immediate and long term effects. Still sore today, so going to ice it down in a few minutes. Yes we must do what we need to do to help us focus if we are so inclined to lose weight. I am at 188.4. Up 9 pounds from my lowest in April. Ugggh. So I needed this re-focus and wanted it. I do best in the fall months. Prior to the holidays. Continue to have fun for us all lady!!

    Janet - Have you gained much, if any, of your weight back? My clothes have gotten too tight with this nine pound gain that came on with a snap!

    Cindy- sweet Jasper is wagging his tail with thanks for you care and attention. I look so forward to meeting you and Bert and hope this trip works out. It can be our OMG reunion we have spoken of.

    I better get the ice wrap on.

    TT: what will you do today to continue your journey in a positive way?

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, today is Mom day. Need to get her a few groceries on my way there. Tomorrow is gf lunch, Thursday is Moms eye appointment and Friday we are going to a motorcycle race. Saturday we will head to the cabin and I am cooking a turkey and green beans. My neighbor asked me if I would cook the turkey to get it out of their freezer, lol. Hope she remembered to take it out of the freezer before they left on Sunday. If not we will have grilled fish.
    Yesterday was so much fun with Janet. We always laugh the time away and chatter like magpies. the salad is my favorite and I wolfed down the other half at my break at work. Work was horrible and reinforced my need to go to a smaller store. I was touched by how many people were sad to see me go. Got so much positive reinforcement from everyone.

    Diane, glad your Mom is on the mend and is getting the attention from both staff and family. I am sure it is a big weight off your shoulders to have the siblings stepping up in your absence. I think you should hold them as accountable once you return. I hope the fires will soon be out but I know that is a pipe dream. Be safe in the air and on the road and I hope you have a good trip to Yosemite. One of the places I have not seen yet.

    Bert, enjoy the last of your preschool kid time. Those grands are so lucky to have you so involved in their lives. Hope your foot is feeling better with the exercise and good footwear. When do you start with your student teachers?

    Cindy, when is Rick's appointment. I know you are both on tender hooks. At least Jasper is getting a bit better and able to wag his tail again. I just started Frankie on a glucosamine supplement as she has started to limp on one of her back legs. First sign of her age.

    It's showtime!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I've been a little MIA as I'm busy with the kids. Yesterday we went to the library and got some games and books. Today is a run to Target for gym shoes for school and then I'm getting some organizational containers to help Dylan organize his Legos. I know it won't last, but at least he will have areas to keep things sorted. We will probably eat lunch as well.

    I've started with some of my students. Aug. 30 is the Campus Field Student meeting. That is where I will meet them and discuss assignments to be done. My student teacher has already started.

    I'll check in later.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning - Did well on calories yesterday. Today I'll be eating out - a good friend is coming into town for meetings and I'll pick her up at the airport and we'll go out for late lunch/early dinner and a good, long catchup. Can't wait.

    Today and tomorrow are supposed to be really nice - low 80s, a bit less humid. So I'm going to sign off, pour coffee and take it onto the deck. Just wanted to wish you all a good day.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. No luck at Target for gym shoes. They were pretty much picked over. We are trying one more store today and will then order online if we can't find anything. We've had a great time these past few days.

    Janet: Hope your visit with your friend was great. I'm sure you both had lots to catch up on.

    Waving hi to Patti, Karla, Cindy, and Diane. I'm back on Grandma duty! Have a great day!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning ladies. Lunch with the girls, we have another friend joining us today. She just lost her Mom, she was 98! Our friend has been staying with her Mom, in a town 4 hours from here, since Jan. So we were not able to help her during this time. Will be nice to give her some huge hugs and catch up. Hope the store manager is in and has time to talk to me tonight so I can get the transfer done soon.
    Mom and I had a lovely day and will go to the eye dr tomorrow.

    Bert, you are making memories for all to treasure. I never had grandparents near me, only really had a grandfather in Wisconsin that we saw once a year. I have loved being a grandmother and pray they remember the times we have shared, both big and small.

    Janet, have a great time with your friend and I am so glad you have a beautiful day to enjoy along with her visit.

    Diane, I forgot to tell you how much I am enjoying Lyndsey's emails and this last one really struck a chord with me too about our habits. I never thought my perception of myself was a habit. I have allowed too much negative self talk creep back into my daily routine. My new habit is going to be to get back to giving myself credit for the things I do well and work in a positive manner to change my unhealthy habits. Continued prayers for your Mom.

    Need to check the lunch menu so I can make the best possible choices.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hey ladies. Hanging in there on eating and tracking. Snacks twice a day are yogurt or turkey pepperoni and cheese. Love the bagels in the morning and will be ordering more. Maybe the cinnamon . Can’t beat the fiber. I did use a piece of the no carb bread the other day when we had hot dogs. It was fine toasted to use. Not like a fluffy bun but not with 27 carbs either.

    Bert- I do enjoy reading you on both boards now. You are a great person and grandma. I hope we get to meet in Cincinnati.

    Janet- Don’t we love friends and fall weather!

    I need to call my dad. He had his eye injection today.

    Foot is killing me. Doc said this morning I have a nerve involvement not just a heel spur.

    Have a great rest of your day.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The kids are on the bus for their first day of school. Dan and Annie are at work, and getting ready to pack and leave. I always wait until the business traffic gets a little better; however, traffic is always heavy around here. At least some of the traffic will be out of the way.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, having coffee and then taking Mom to the eye Dr for her injection. Have not been able to talk to the store manager as she has been off. I am hoping to talk to her today after I get back from Dr and have Mom safely settled at home. I also need to do laundry and get a few groceries. My legs are screaming from Tuesday's TRX. We did tons of squats, lots with the 45 pound barbell. My Fitbit died about 2 months ago and I have not replaced it. Funny thing is I have not missed it. I know when I get lots of steps and when I don't. I can honestly say I looked at it for confirmation but very rarely did I change what I was doing to get higher numbers. I am hoping with my change in work location that I will be able to get back to my Thursday and Friday classes at the gym. I made good food choices yesterday and am happy with myself. I have been letting those in my life know that I am exercising my "no thank you" button so they don't push food on me, lol.

    Just got a text from my grandson and they want me to help paint their new house. So I will be getting to spend time doing something I love for people I love and hopefully get extra time with them and my sweet baby Leo!

    Wishing you all a day filled with celebration, your choice
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi from a gorgeous day here. Had a blast with my friend yesterday and made good food choices. Had a routine primary-care visit this morning. We’re going to try a singular pill at night to try to help my allergies (can’t take Zyrtec anymore). All is good with her for another six months. Mammogram next week. Goody.

    Bert, what sweet pics.

    Patti, we’re both getting our mojo back. Onward! Hope all is well with your mom. Enjoy the painting gig.

    Karla, hope the shots helped the foot. How is walking?

    Hi to Diane & Cindy. Hugs to all.