OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Bert aren’t you glad you are close enough to be the sick child care provider? My in laws lived close enough they could always help out, and we loved it. It also gives the children some one on one time with you, even if they aren’t feeling 100%. I hope to be that grandma too.

    Cindy so nice to see you stop in! I’ve been there too on getting rid of clothes then having to buy the exact same sizes back. Look at it this way - an opportunity for some new and fresh things, not worn out and tired. My “uniform” for work was always black slacks, a dressy tee, and a blazer. I dressed it up with jewelry.

    Patti when do you transfer to the new store? Probably not soon enough! Gopefully the new place will have harder workers and working AC.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning from insanely hot Kentucky - temps have been hitting 90 before 1 PM and heat index of 100+ has been common of late, and probably all this week. Come ON, fall!!!!!!

    Bert, hope Cole's foot heals quickly. Also hope you can get your HVAC issues resolved fairly quickly, at a semi-reasonable cost. Certain things are non-negotiable!

    Cindy, thanks for stopping by. Great news about Jasper. Bummer about the regressive dress code though. Glad you found some things without breaking the bank. Please don't beat yourself up - your stress level is through the roof, and Lucinda is a help, but you just have a lot going on. How are the girls doing, and your dad?

    Patti, how is your mom doing? Hope she has emerged from whatever was bothering her. Happy to know your friend is doing so well. surgery is no fun but it's great when it actually fixes something! you have become a master upholsterer! Nice that you were able to snag the right fabric at a big discount.

    Karla, hope the storm hasn't caused too many problems where you are. I have a friend who's in Destin right now and she's actually enjoying the view, because it has been mostly rain and she has a great view.

    Diane, how is your mom doing? Keeping her in my thoughts, as I do all of you.

    Eating's been up & down here but I haven't had an over-the-top day in a bit. Reining it in helps, but true discipline needs to follow. Working on it ... We've been enjoying the tennis and football the past few days - something about live sports is compelling to both of us - unpredictable, involving, fun to watch the best do what they do so very well.

    I was bad yesterday and bought tickets for two more concerts this fall - Boz Scaggs and Brian Wilson (his supposedly final tour of "Pet Sounds" and greatest hits). Both are at the Louisville Palace, a cool old movie theater, and since we both love live music, it's always an investment in fun.

    My cleaner should be coming later, so it's time to clear the counters and get moving with shower and getting dressed. You are all with me all day, every day = so glad we have found this sisterhood!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla you have been having some terrific family time! Same goes for you about being the local on-call grandma.

    Janet how is Bella doing? You haven’t mentioned her lately.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Diane, thanks for the new photo posts - such beauty! Thanks for asking - sweet, tiny Bella is doing OK. She seems to have stabilized for a bit and is getting all the food and love possible.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop as I am heading to my last day at my current store. I did go to the new store to pick up an ordr. The paperwork has not gone thru for my transfer but they plan on me working there next Monday. Walked around the store to get familiar with the layout. My gf is doing great since her back surgery even met us for lunch today.

    Cindy, so nice to see your post. I cannot even begin to imagine the tension in your life. Good to hear that Jasper is doing better and that you are getting to be LR whenever possible. It just makes me angry that you have to wait so long for the results. Be kind to yourself about the weight, I agree with Diane about having new clothes, instead of having saved to old ones (they hold too much history, lol)

    Diane, enjoy the birthday party with sweet Elise and time with your Mom before you return to finally sh your trip. I am broken hearted for your sister in WI. Flooding is so devastating. She is blessed to have family that is so talented in home repair and renovation.

    Janet, not be long and fall will be here. I wish I could go to those concerts. Too. Love Boz Skaggs

    Better sign off, my computer is acting weird
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning friends. All is well here. Back to sunny skies.

    Janet- I love Bozz Skazz too. Haven’t heard of the band touring in years. Nice.

    Diane- I am it for the grandma dept for Izzy. Both her mother’s parents are deceased. I love taking care of her. Prayers for your mother and sister. I bet you will be very pleasantly surprised when you do get to the scale my friend.

    Cindy- No worries on the clothes dear girl. It is what it is. Do you have the dates for the June get together? I need to plan early. So glad Jasper is recovering nicely.

    My foot is so much better now! Life is good.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We are to get rain this evening, so I'm working on the pool this morning. Tonight is our first choir practice for the season. Breakfast is tracked and I'm trying very hard today. I'm getting frustrated once again; however, I will perservere.

    Janet: I love Boz Skaggs! Have fun at the concerts. I'm ready for fall, too.

    Diane: Thanks for sharing all your pictures. Enjoy the first birthday celebration.

    Cindy: We have all been there in the clothes department. Like Karla said, It is what it is.

    Patti: Good luck with your transfer. So glad your girlfriend is doing better from her back surgery.

    Karla: Glad you didn't have much damage from the hurricane. I'm the only active grandma for Greg and Carrie. Carrie's mom has dementia so bad, and Linda (my ex's wife) doesn't do much, plus they don't ask her anyway. I actually am fine with it. Jillian, Cole, and I have a great relationship. Mike is the active grandpa as well.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm having lunch with my BFF today. I'm so excited to spend time with her. We haven't talked in quite a while, so it will be great to catch up. It is supposed to rain today as well. Have a great day, everyone!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. What a busy weekend it is turning out to be! I had Elise all day yesterday. Picked her up from daycare around 9, we went to the pet store for some cleaner but looked at the kitties and birds and fish and hamsters. She loved that. Then she slept all the way to visit my mom, was clingy while we were there but eventually warmed up, and slept int the car all the way back. We played for about two hours when we got home. Then Brad and Rossanne came over for an early dinner. Not a special celebration (no cake til Saturday!) but at least I got to spend the whole day with her.

    Today I went back over and spent more time with mom. She is definitely failing. Her memory and mental acuity is not as good as it was in June. They are talking about discharging her next week. I wish she could stay another week after going to talk to the social worker again on Monday.

    Eating has not been great but not horrible. Except I’ve fallen back in the habit of snacking and I MUST break that habit! Scale said I am down maybe a pound from when I left. But I know there is more muscle, and I just need to keep that!

    Tomorrow is Elise’s birthday party. Eating there will be challenging too. Need to talk to people away from the food table to keep it reined in. Then Sunday we will go back over and visit mom again. I have her checkbook and need to balance the last several months worth before then.

    Bert, you are so dedicated. Thanks for keeping us up and going. Hope you had a laughter filled day with yuor BFF.

    Janet, I think last time we cross posted. Spending money on fun experiences is not “bad.” It’s good! Enjoy the concerts.

    Karla glad to hear your foot is better.

    Patti I hope they get the paperwork for your transfer straightened out beforeMonday! Im sure you were glad to say goodbye to the long drive and the lack of ac.

    Cindy, I can’t believe you have to wait a month for results from Rick’s appointment! That seems ridiculous, unless there are lab tests that take so long to get results, and then I would think they would have you do the labs in advance.

    Probably won’t be back tomorrow, but maybe Sunday before we head back to CA on Monday am.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's been raining most of the day yesterday and is raining this morning. At least there aren't any storms with it for which I'm thankful. I got a text from my brother last night. He went to the VA ER as he is having swelling in his legs and feet. He had the same thing while he was on vacation in AL. They gave him Lasix and the swelling went down. He only had a 7 day supply, so the swelling has returned. They are testing for blood clots as well. I haven't heard from him this morning as it was 1:00 am when he texted after seeing the doctor. I'm hoping things are ok. He lives in NC, so now he's having to deal with the hurricane. I'll be checking in with him at some point today.

    Diane: It's great that you were able to be with Elise by yourself. I enjoyed having just grandchildren/grandma time. My eating was not good yesterday, but today I'll be more focused.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, Bad eating day for me yesterday but that was yesterday.

    Diane, I love that you have an Elise birthday break from your travels and had some solo time with her. With all the hiking you've been doing, it's muscle. So sorry your mom is having more difficulties - it's tough to watch but you are a fierce advocate. Enjoy the party - pictures are always welcome! Is your sister doing OK?

    Bert, the rain is coming here too. Hope your brother's edema is better controlled soon and that the storm won't affect him too badly.

    Patti, hope you have fun stuff to do during this lovely weather. We can use the rain, but why does it have to fall on weekends?

    Karla & Cindy, wishing you an excellent weekend.

    Hugs to all.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. A lazy day here as Izzy and I are still recovering from our cough. We are on the downhill slide though. Glenn had the Sheetrock delivered this morning and has my nephew and a friend coming over tomorrow to start putting it up in the pool house.

    Diane- Sounds like a wonderful day with Elise. Sad when we see the decline of our parents. My father has mentioned his challenge with driving lately too, but says he is very careful. I can’t wait to go over there.

    Bert- My flowerbeds really need attention but I am just not up to it between my cold and foot. Maybe tomorrow m, but we are still in the low 90’s, so it is Jor too! lol.

    I am feeling so tired from this cough syrup. Uggh.!im going to get my knitting needles out and try starting on my scarf for my niece. I started Hallmark Movies Now on Amazon. Only $5.99 a month and some great wholesome shows. Getting geared up for the Christmas movies I love!


  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Just a couple pictures from m the birthday party. I still need to go balance mom’s checkbook.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Diane, Elise is just precious - that smile would melt an iceberg.

    We stayed home last night - terrible storm, so we watched football instead. Good thing - there was serious flooding downtown, so staying safe was our priority. Eating yesterday was not great - really hoping to wrest control back today.

    Much to do - wishing everyone a happy Sunday.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Happy Sunday! We only have one service today as it's a carry in dinner after the service. The rain has stopped at least for a while. Jillian and Cole are to play soccer this afternoon, but I highly doubt that it will happen. I'm sure the fields are soaked.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    What a weekend. No pig roast due to rain. Still had plenty of guests show up just to hang with us on the deck. We put up two canopies to give us more dry space. Rain started Friday night and it was still raining when we left at 4pm today. Lots of wet tents and bedding but spirits were not dampened. We actually only went inside to cook or go to sleep. We had good music and a fun bunch of kids. Girls aged 10 and 11, plus my DILs niece who is 3 and nephew who is 6 kept us entertained with their song and dance moves. the 3 y/o sang "You are So Beautiful" and I about lost my mind she was so stinking cute. Cooked up lots of good healthy food but guests brought tons of chips and dips......aaaaaarg!!!!!!
    We are expecting flooding in the next few days. Supposed to get high enough to get into the yard but not the cabin.
    Edd bought me a new upholstery machine! It has a true mechanical walking foot. It will make the rest of the boat upholstery so much easier. He had an ulterior motive, he has several motorcycle seats that need recovered. He is sly!
    Diane, how sweet is that Elise! So special for you to be there. I do hope the Social Worker is able to help out and give your mom a bit more time in acute rehab.

    Sounds like everyone is moving along and trying to stay dry. Keep it up, lol

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Yesterday's church service was good. Our minister is on vacation, and our guest speaker did a fabulous job. He's young and really got delivered his message well. I'm very proud of him. Today is my annual trip to the dermatologist for a routine check up. I made an appointment for Mike, too, so we are going together.

    We are thinking of closing the pool this weekend. The leaves will be starting to fall soon, so we want to get it closed before that starts. We usually close it around this time anyway.

    Patti: Enjoy your new machine.

    Janet: My eating hasn't been great either. I'm trying to be more focused this week and drink more water. I did better with the water intake yesterday.

    Waving hi to Diane, Cindy, and Karla. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good late night check in. Great first day at the new store. We were not busy and I had time to learn the layout. The other workers were new, so I may not have known the store but I knew my job. Love that it is so much smaller. My feet only hurt a little, lol.
    My new machine will be delivered tomorrow. Can't wait to give it a run. It will have to be after TRX.

    Bert, hope all went well at the derm office. Closing the pool has to be bitter sweet. Doesn't seem like you got much time in it this year with our crazy weather.

    Need to get up early and get groceries for Mom and then spend some time with her. We are both anxiously awaiting the return of Superstore and Poldark. How's that for diversity in programming

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. I’m back st tracking my food and weighing myself. Yeaaa! I’m joining a ladies bible study group this morning with one of the ladies from our supper club. Very excited.

    Bert- We are having two more pool parties before we close our pool as we are still pretty hot down here. Good luck to you and Mike at the Dermatologist.

    Patti- Congrats on the new machine! What brand is it?

    Diane- The pictures of Elise in her Tutu were adorable for her birthday. How is your mother? Did she get the extra week? How is your sister faring mentally with her damages? Your family has really had its challenges. Diane to the rescue!

    I better jump into the shower.

    Have a great day.
